Epinephrine means
Biochemistry . a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla upon stimulation by the central nervous system in response to stress, as anger or fear, and acting to increase heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac output, and carbohydrate metabolism.
I think I lived a lot of my life on high adrenaline. I was always upbeat, highly alert and happy. My love of life and people and doing new things was a constant. I felt like I was always, at the very least, on the verge of fight or flight if not fully engaged. I think I believed (and part of me still does) I felt more alive and living when I was up and running; out and about; planning and building. Stillness to me was boring and not living.
What comes to my mind is a Cranial Sacral Therapist saying to me there is nothing more to life than this, than what we are doing, thinking and being. There is nothing else out there. This is life and living, right here; right now. Those words gave me a sense to stop trying so hard to achieve nothing; to stop wanting there to be more when there wasn't. To accept this as truth.
So, now it was time to come down off my almost constant adrenaline rush. It's time for me now to be with what is. To experience reality and allow valleys and peaks; laughter and quiet.
I sometimes function better in chaos. I sometimes feel more alive when I'm running around with too much to do. I almost feel proud that there is so much going on. When I tell people I'm relaxing and doing nothing - I feel less worthy. When I tell people I'm flying here or there - I feel more worthy. Sitting and doing nothing - not much to talk about it seems. Flying to see a friend or go on vacation or go to a conference - a whole lot more exciting.?
However, they are both living; are they not? Is the balancing of this like the Yin and the Yang. I remember going and going and going and then taking two days off to just lay around and sleep and eat. I did this for years. This was how I balanced it before I was a mom. After being a mom, it wasn't quite so easy to do either one. I let myself become unbalanced. I wouldn't say boredom was an option. Taking off at a whim was no longer an option for me either.
I want to accept life as it is. When my girlfriend asked me what do I want out of life not too long ago; I didn't have an immediate response. I told her I'd get back to her. I have not as of yet.
What I now know that I want out of my life is to share life. Share sitting around and doing nothing with flying to one of my favorite places. I want to do this whether I'm in pain or whether I'm feeling good. I want to let things be and do new things. I want to smile and laugh when I'm happy and cry or be down when I'm sad. I want to be honest with myself and others about who I really am. I want others to be plenty comfortable to share who they really are with me. Nothing more; nothing less. Connection to others might be the most important thing to me.
I also want to learn how doing whatever it is I want to do without turning my adrenaline so high. I can be on low adrenaline and still get the job done. I can be on low adrenaline and still be loving and lovable.
It is what it is and I accept this as life and living. Everything we need, we already have to be happy. Is it just a choice to be happy? If so, I choose happy right here, right now in this moment.
Are you with me?
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