Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Saturday, December 24, 2022


Merry You.  Merry Me.  Merry Us.

Merry because we believe in something larger than our self.

Merry because we have a choice to believe.

Merry because we have things that are enjoyable in our life to be grateful for.

Merry because we love.

Merry because we are loved.

There is one person (or more) in your world that You are important to.

There is one person (or more) in your world that they are important to You.

You can be everything to You.

Merry, like happy is a choice.

Merry, like happy is an 'inside job'.

Merry is the honor to honor and be honored.

May you choose merry as much and as often as possible.

When merry seems out of reach there are things one can do and be.

Just be and breathe.  Trust the process of life.  Trust yourself.  Trust divine timing and that when there is something for you to do, you will know what it is and will be able to do it.  Learn what you want for yourself and believe it to be possible in whatever amount is available to you just now.   It is a start.   

Do something kind for yourself.

Do something kind for another.  This is a gift for both the person you are kind to and yourself.

Call someone.  Reach out to someone.  Write down five things you are grateful for.

It is part of life to not be merry or happy all the time.  Life is filled with moments that represent many emotions.  

Trust that what you feel is real and there is a purpose to feeling so.

Let love; your love, lead You.

Relax into what You are feeling.  Everything changes. 

You.  Me.  Us.

We are here to learn, grow, be, do and serve.

There can be 'merry' in all of what we are.

Choosing not to label what is and just allow life to flow through You can be a good way to invite, let in, let go and let life be so.  Let you and your life happen.  

What if there was no good or bad, merry or sad, wrong or right...  What if this is life as it is and to let it all flow through You and walk into, out of and let your love be present for You and for your life experiences. One can always choose love.  It helps to believe that every one and every thing is doing their very best and it is the very best road for growing, becoming and letting the uniqueness of what is You thrive through your very own love being present.

Perhaps, it is the merriest of ways.  

I see a pattern happening with these current posts.  

Honor thyself.  Honor what is.  Honor others.  Honor each breath as your body breathes through and on.

My love to you.  From my heart to yours.  Let us honor this moment and fill up with honor and go forward with honor, love and who/what/where we are.  As often and as much as possible.

What is the merry that is present for you just now...  May you open to the merriment of You.  It can be what you are used to.  It can be a whole new kind.  It may be a whole new way.  Believe it is there and present for You.  Amen.

Friday, December 23, 2022


Perhaps, to enjoy what one is doing is one of the greatest successes we can achieve.    

We are here to rejoice from within ourselves out.

Honor what you are feeling.  Honor your own needs.  Honor your life by letting the truth of who you are and what you feel meet life as it shows itself to You.

Let life flow through You.

Your life.  Your way.  Your beingness.

Sometimes we feel happy and elated.  We sometimes make this a goal, maybe the most important goal, because it feels so good.

What if we decide to have the goal of being everything that we are.

What we feel.

What we experience.

What we wish for.

What we know with an option and openness that maybe there is more and/or different.

What we are.  What we want to be.  

How we treat others.  How we can be of service to others.

Being honest to ourselves and bring this honesty into and through every breath.

Fill ourselves up with love and let this love spill out and over everything we do and are; everything we experience and share.

Even if we are not enjoying or liking what is - if it feels real and honest to us, honor it.

Live in our truth of life out loud.  What is, whether we ignore it, bury it, numb it from our being, it still is so.

Honor it by living and participating with it.   

What if this is what we choose to rejoice in and support others to do the same…

We could then be rejoicing in every breath we take because we are being true and honoring ourselves, our Creator, what is and each other.

Rejoice means to “take delight; gladden” in the dictionary.

May you rejoice in living in the truth of the existence of what is.  Invite adapting into living this way.

Just maybe, this will change existing and living like never before.

A rejoiced world of peace, harmony, truth and trust awaits.

May you get rejoicing.  This is the power of Just Being You.

“Just 9Be U, llp.  Grow Yourself Complete.”   Live in the completeness of each experience by participating and allowing your reaction, sparked by your way and desire; your love and compassion; your openness and care to stand down/up/in/out from the truth with trust in every breath you take.

Empowering Yourself empowers others.  Empowering each other empowers our world.  Empowering the world is a vibe of highest assurance.  When we live in our highest honor and truest declaration, this is rejoicing in life and living.

May You Rejoice.

Thursday, December 22, 2022


There is a nothingness; a knowing of very little; a quiet and silence that I am experiencing just now.

No words, thoughts, ideas come to mind or are flowing through me.

'Nothingness' feels like the right title just now.

It has been said that "we are all just walking each other home".  Ram Dass

It seems to me, after being out and about all day today, that many (maybe most of us) do not understand this 'walk' or know the true reality of it.  In our current situation of life as it is, many of us are uncertain of walking through each day.  

Nothing is 'normal'.  'Normal' has left our world.  What we once knew to be normal is being questioned, challenged, rearranged and, perhaps, we are being invited to let go of 'normal' and welcome 'what is'.

May you let 'what is' through what is love, trust and truth to You.  Walk with the feeling of being You inviting your easiest, most authentic and kindest parts of You to come forth the loudest and lead your way.

From your honest deduction of what is not You, You are home.

From your most fulfilled way of participating, You are home.

You are home when what is going on within You is invited and given your permission and help to live outside of You.

This is You being Home, here and now.

The 'home' Ram Dass talked about is - I always thought and felt from within myself  - home where our soul and spirit fly and our body and mind rests and our heart beats no more but, spiritually, holds this and, perhaps, many life times near to us and eternal.  The soul is the wisdom.  The spirit is the passion.  This is our ultimate home where we roam free anywhere and everywhere without any confines.  

Note:  After typing this, I googled Ram Dass and it is said that he was referring to home as our true essence as well.   Hoot    

May you connect to and live from your own deeply embedded wisdom and your most joyful, fully encompassed and ingrained passions.  

May you live in this world; as much and as often as possible, from your unique home where You are simply and epically living You.

Our true essence is our purpose for being.   Own it precious and unique One.  Own everything You.  

Perhaps, nothingness is also everything...   


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Breaking Forward Together

“Why is the world in chaos?  The world has to collapse. The world has to fall apart; breaking the structure is necessary to build a new system.” Bruce Lipton

As we step into the truth, trust and freedom of living in and through our uniqueness, there may be storms spinning and simmering - often erupting - all around us, between us and within us. 

There are walls [of different heights and strengths, broken and being built] to support us, evolve us, free us and strengthen us.  There is a growing resolve to live the life that resides within us - each of us - each unique, individual life that [miraculously] comes from the same divine source. 

I do not know if, since the beginning of human life, we have ‘decided’ (been asked/forced), collectively, to live outside of our patterns, traditions, genetics, and environments ever before like we are being asked/forced to now.  To let what is inside of us out to create ‘one world’/‘a new world’/a solidified world of kindness, respect, compassion, understanding and openness together.  To open to unlimited individual truths and ever growing love-ability.

These are history making times experiencing her story, his story, new stories, hidden stories, genuine stories rising up to be united stories harmonized.  We are being led to honor the reality of everyone’s true journey as we figure out and enter into what our own true journey is. 

I don’t know the way.  I have not read a guide book or a school book.  I have no knowledge of biographies or autobiographies of people that have sure-footed, studied or established ways that may guide us.  

We are all doing this in blind faith as we choose and/or find ourselves in new and never experienced before situations, observations and, maybe, more curious, open and in need of living a peaceful, in our truth existence.   

I don't know how many are ‘on board’.  I don't know how many are aware or believe.   

I do know this is what feels true/real and is what is being asked of - and I need to - participate in.     

For me, there is no better way forward to live united in our differences.  To let love carry us into the best understanding as possible.  To let kindness offer great support and care for every living thing that is here now.  To create an unity to unite all living creatures through and into a harmonized vibe that, just maybe, every one that is here now for the reason of this creation/formation. 

As more and more gets realized, uncovered and known - as each of us live from our loving truth and supporting each other to do the same - each one of us holds on to one of the biggest matters at hand… that..  All life matters.  Love heals.  Kindness uplifts.  United, we are our individual best.

We are breaking together, learning individually.  Most of us feel a desire to make a positive difference in our world, in lives and in living.

May you being true to You - honoring, trusting and open - allow you to feel the significance and purpose that You are here to serve.

I have witnessed when one is true to one's own soul, it opens and invites others to live the same.  In this living from our loving truth, miracles burst forth, break open, ignite and happen.

May we all create and witness the miraculousness of life breaking open and coming together in a way that peace, love and harmony is finally the mainstream and most common, easily lived way of life; naturally, effectively and beautifullyThank You.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Being You

When you think of happy, what comes to mind… do that. 

When you think of kindness, what comes to mind... do that.

When you think of accomplishment, what comes to mind... do that. 

When you think of relaxing, what comes to mind...  do that.

When you think of 








               what comes to mind...  do that.

When you think of what makes you You - be, do and breathe what is present for You to be now.

May you just always be You; as much and as often as possible.

Just 9Be U -  Grow Yourself Complete; again and again and again.

May you live from, through and in your innate knowing of You.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Let There Be Light and Lightness

Life can feel heavy just now.  In moments, in situations, in relationships, in ourselves.  

Change is abundant.  Confusion is possible.  Flow is being disturbed.  

We are g(r)o(w)ing from what we thought was 'normal' to what we may be realizing there isn't a normal.  There is uniqueness.  There is love.  

May you live in and through any uniqueness and everything love.

How you may ask...   I'd like to offer this:

Perhaps, if possible.. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be.  For the lessons and life you are supposed to live.  Do your best - if you want to - to not fight it and flow with it.   

There is much that is truly and totally out of your control.  [What is in your control is to] Open to the best of it; the truth of You.   Trust that God/the Universe has You right where You are best to be just now.    

Breathe.  Live in and on the good side of your experiences.   If there is one.  Sometimes we may have to look harder, closer and deeper than other times.  

We truly can do what we want.  It is the self permission to do so that can mess with many of us.  

Breathe in. Out. In. Out. Deep into your belly.  Slooowly.  Deeeply.  Relax and let go on each exhale.   Let what is underneath you support you fully.  Just be and breathe for now. 

May you give yourself a reprieve; a respite; a break; a breather.    

Know that there is always love, always peace inside of You.  Be true to how you are experiencing life and flow with what is through your loving truth and open mind, heart and spirit.  Trusting in yourself is really helpful too.  

Are you living from a habit that was created once upon a time to survive and/or are you here now more equipped than before...

Permission to let go of what does not feel good.  Permission to live in what feels best in this moment from moment to moment.  The rest will take care of itself.  It always works out when we live from our truth, through our trust; open anew.  

Relax into ourselves and the current situation /experience and let love - our love - walk with us and in us.  

You being YOU is the gift.  Be present.   

May you love yourself through.
Let there be Light and Lightness.  Open to it.  Invite it up.  

You are so Love(d).

Relax your shoulders.  Relax your whole body.  Feel yourself drop down into You.

May you be the light and the lightness of everything You.  

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Just Being Me

I have been looking at where I am in my life and I find myself grateful and in awe. I feel the need to thank each and every one of You for being a part of my life’s journey in whatever capacity You are present which helps me to feel a feeling of connection.   Thank You.  

I've recently hit 725 ‘followers’ on Instagram.  I have a few thousand friends on my FB page and a few thousand ‘followers' on my FB ‘Just 9Be U, llp’ page.  I have 100 Twitter people and my blog gets 100 a month and my '9BeU' blog gets 400 a month.   I know this can be considered small in the social media arena.  To me it is huge and I am grateful for You.  Really truly grateful.   I always send love when a connection is made.  I always care about our world; the way we live it; and You.  I am present to support feeling good and to show and share kindness.  

Just Be You came about because I so strongly wanted to Just Be Me.  

I have been blogging since 2010.  I never advertised it as I was raw and vulnerable and knew that I did not want to (have to) deal with anything outside of myself then.  Blogging taught me a lot about me and I stand stronger in myself now than ever before.  I have gone through so many classes and seminars, retreats and alternative therapies.   

I've been certified in Reiki, Life Coaching, Personal Training and online Ministry.  

I love to see, witness and uplift people to feeling whole and living the best of themselves their way. 

I was ‘hit’ with a painful, life altering, life threatening dis-ease at 17.  I explored, researched, read, met with, tried, experimented with any thing that came up that may have been helpful.  Having scleroderma was never fun.  It was a ‘cause’ that taught me what life can really be about.  To me it is about connection, love, being true to one’s self and caring about others.  In these things, what was taught that I am able to offer out is incredible wisdom, knowledge, strength, gentleness, and love.  For this, my gratitude is off the charts.  I feel right where I belong (most of the time).     

In seeing the big picture, life/universe/God gives us balance, lessons and as good as we can be/know is as low as we can be/go.   The opposing factor is currently real.

I believe the chaos, change and the 'new becoming' we are living through now is changing that.   We will know life more as 'heaven on earth' than experiencing the gambit that has been a broad scale of suffering to great joy.  

Things we have done, learned, collected all tie together to build the way of who we are and what we do.

Seeing and open to the ‘power of now’ (living moment to moment)  is meditation, fulfillment and the conscious state of knowing I am okay.  I usually say we can feel and know this okayness above it all or is it below it all..  I am now called to say through it all.  

As I realize all of our survival rates, thus far, has been 100% so this tells me we do have great odds at being okay through our entire lives.  Experiencing and witnessing the ups, downs and everything in between has been the way of life.   

Perhaps, we can learn and/or look at life as ‘just is’.  Our experiences are experiences.  How would it feel not to judge and/or label them good or bad but to experience them as human sensations that are…

Perhaps, that is for another day, time or blogpost.

Again, thank You for showing up, being here, offering me a connection and for You being You and experiencing You in truth, trust, honor and love.  Bring You on home to You...  Yay!   

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Glory Glory

So much going on in the sky and on the earth and everywhere in between, underneath, around and above.

From chaos to pleasure, calm to oh my, stillness to movement, excitement to misunderstanding, joy to sadness.  And this is all within many of our own minds.

As we grow in being mindful of our own thoughts and reactions, it becomes easier to choose where we want to participate from and live in.

What gives your spirit pleasure...  What brings you to experiencing chaos...  How do you react to not knowing...  In your stillness there are many answers.  In your doing, are you allowing yourself to bring your best thoughts of this very doing into it...

Synonyms for Glory are "grandeur, greatness, honor, splendor, magnificence, praise".

May you bask in the glory of the goodness and the beautiful that comes from inside of yourself and processes through your thoughts, your stillness and everything you do.

Play with this glory of You for a time.  See, feel, experience and create glory in as many moments as possible; as much as often.

Things don't have to be Big.  Things can be (simply) in line with what feels most like You.  Your glory lives here.  

Think yourself into your best life.  Sit in your life and yourself as it is now and honor and know/speak the truth of it.  Move forward, through your intuition, instinct and inner wisdom out into your living; your life.

There is glory available in every atom/molecule/cell, breath, situation and moment.  May the glory of being You shine and light up your life and everything in and around it.  

Let's sprinkle this gratification and contentment in as many places as possible; individually, together.  May we all tap in and connect through.  

Sunday, December 11, 2022


There is more dis-ease in our world today and with many of us.  Some say because of the food we eat.  Some say it is because of the lack of movement.  Some say sunshine helps.  Some say medicine. 

I have read if one finds themselves depressed, ask when did you stop doing what you love..  When did you stop having fun.. 

Louise Hay has written and corresponded dis-eases with different emotional states in her book “You Can Heal Your Life”.  I find the information brilliant.  

Louise is the one that I first read about trusting the process of life.  The ability to open up to moving forward with ease.  

May you look in the mirror and tell yourself how much you love yourself.

May we all trust the process of life and trust that as we live in our truth, respond to it and show ourselves great love, we will create and step forward the best way(s) possible.  

I care greatly.  I have always cared greatly.  When I bring this great caring into myself for myself, it is a wonderful feeling.  It offers ease and peace.  It uplifts and strengthens me.

May you care greatly for You.  Allow your caring to grow and be shared.

Trust your own wisdom.  Speak your truth.  Believe what you feel and experience.   Be open to receive the best guidance through these things.   Amen.  May it be so.  It is so.  

Healing can always be an ‘inside job’.  When I listen and respond to what is going on inside of me, miracles and knowledge through my innate wisdom and respect show up to guide me.    

May you let your innate wisdom show you miracles and bring forth knowledge.  Respect where You are.  

We are each uniquely affected and our experience and dis-ease, while can be similar, is greatly individual.     

Through your own love and your courageous self-exploration and open response to same, You can become empowered to turn your dis-ease into ease. 

May you let your own light burn away hurt, suffering, any fear of the future, any sadness of the past and let it and You shine; now in this moment through being everything that You are from love and everything that You want to be through innate wisdom.

Most of us were not taught the amazing ability of our bodies’ ability and desire to heal, thrive and adjust.  May we get out of our own way, breathe deep, relax into and allow it to work its magic   

I wish You ease, flow and your own utmost love.   

Much love always.   

Friday, December 9, 2022


Most of us have some kind of preserving, covering up, hiding certain feelings and/or thoughts to the 'outside' world.  Most of us have learned to create this 'armor' because once upon a time, we were laughed at, ridiculed, or hurt because of showing this part of ourselves.

It feels to me like society still does this to one another and it is my experience that we are learning that our uniqueness is, perhaps, the main reason we are here living now.

Many of us are more tolerant, open and willing to try to understand another's point of view.

Most of us are kind, caring and want to support one another.

Is it, perhaps, true that some of us have learned a better way of creating a more united world...

Is it, perhaps, true that most of us want to.  We want to know the peace and harmony that has been in songs forever.  We want to create a world where our children are safe; our loved ones are safe; we are safe.  

We want to experience more love and rid the world of deep hatred.

The best way that I can see this working is me living the way I'd like the world to be; in love, peace, harmony and kindness.

Do you, maybe, find yourself more aware when you are enjoying life and not enjoying life nowadays.  Perhaps, can you find yourself being the watcher of what energy You are putting into our world.  Perhaps, ask yourself if the energy that You are putting out is the type of energy you want coming at You.

Just maybe, it is time to begin, allow, let go of the armor you built around yourself to protect You from being laughed at, ridiculed or hurt.  Perhaps, we can now stand stronger in who we are knowing that 'what people say about us is none of our business'.  And, how people act, speak or think about others is more about who and where they are in life and not about the 'others' they speak of.

Is it time to let the unique, awesome and loving parts of ourselves live out loud; take a chance and stand strong in who we are from the most loving, authentic places within each of us.  

What if we all could fly..  Most of us do not want to fly in the same exact way of another anyway.  There is room and a course for each of us.  

When you feel ready, may you take your armor off and show yourself how strong You are.   I know, it is extremely likely, that you are way stronger than you think yourself to be.  Our bodies and souls are way more powerful and supportive of our individual lives than we were ever taught so.    

Like the Phoenix, it is time to rise from the untruths and into the ultimate beingness through our innate and divine connection.  In our own innate and divine connection is where we will meet the best of each other and the greatest possibilities to create, know and live.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Do You

I know I'm worthy (most of the time).  I know how much I gave, give, did and do.  This is what matters most.

Me knowing this is where I want to stand strong and with love and honor.

No one need know this as much and in the same way as I do.  The way I think about myself is what my life responds and reacts to most.   

I teach the world how to treat me and what I am willing to do.     

I'm learning to teach and be willing anew.  To match who I am now in my truth and my love; as this is what I am comprised of now.  In this world that is almost totally new and different as well.  

I will not leave myself.  I will always be here for me.  My best self is not going to work anyhow, anyway, anymore, anytime in anything unless I am true and loving in everything me.    Goal!

This is the change that, perhaps, many of us can learn and choose.  

Just maybe, in this we all win.  

We are living life as we are whether we speak of it or not.  Participating fully as our true authentic self allows participation fully in every experience, situation, moment and relationship. 

In this we honor our Creator, ourselves, life, each other and the wholeness of what is.   This is where and how we all thrive.  

Love is the conductor.  The conducive connection.   Truth in our experience and/or desire for love.  Loving truth is the highest expression when we share it through our open heart and open mind open to understand and accept one another as we are; through honor, grace and doing no harm.

May You do You.  With an open heart, open mind open to understanding and accepting a different way of life; through honor, grace and doing no harm.  May you know your highest worth.  If you are breathing, you are here now for a one of a  kind reason.   You are highly worthy.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Light Rising

I took this picture of the moon early last night.  I created this meme in the middle of the night.  I researched the spiritual meaning of 'yellow gold'.  I had a lot of fun with it.  I am drawn to share it here with You.  Thank You for being here.  

May you always be true to You.

Go easy.  Be open.  What calls to You and/or gets your attention is what is always for You guiding You; as you believe and as you consciously open to this being so.    

May you let what you are drawn to be signs of the life to follow and live..  You, your way..

What came up was the color could be about the highest stage of spiritual development.  It could represent divine connection.  Be about and support the divine self.

'Self realization' and 'being comfortable with yourself' also showed up during my research.

What I found interesting and 'fun' was this paragraph below by 'The Spiritual Centre'.

"Archangel Metratron is associated with the seat of the soul chakra, the colour gold, sacred geometry and the Merkaba.  He is here to help you ascend to the highest possible version of you A direct connection to your soul.  A doorway to the stars, the planets and the universe.  He will reveal the truth to you when the timing is right.  Know that you hold all the seeds within you, they just lie dormant until you are ready to germinate them and bring them into manifestation.  Metraton has love for all things, for all creatures and for our planet and universe.  An unconditional love that is beyond human understanding."

I am not familiar with Archangel Metratron and the Merkaba.  I do believe in divine timing, truth, love and manifestation.

I do believe in You being You through as much love and openness as possible.  This is the 'magic' that is in us all.  

May you light up your magic that being true You is.  May you let your 'Just 9Be U' vibe rise up.  Live in the current complete and full version of You.  Let truth, honor and love be what lifts You.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Ease Mantra

This morning, I heard myself saying "Guide my ease from within me and of me."

Feeling a lot of bombarding going on as most of us are finding our best way forward, through and onward in this quickly changing and moving world.  A day out can feel like walking in and experiencing moments that were written for a long ago television series called "The Twilight Zone'.  When I googled "Twilight Zone", the explanation of it read "a strange mix of horror, science fiction, drama, comedy and superstition".   

There are plenty of us feeling in over our heads and/or being bombarded with our computers, phones, connections and the world being open to us 24/7.  Almost constant change, obstacles, information, feedback, surprises and plenty of options are happening and available.

Have you recently went to purchase a vacuum cleaner, light bulbs or anything of the sort...  I have.     CHANGE.   

If you are enjoying the options, selections, research and the part(s) of life that is(are) extremely helpful and make(s) life easier - claim the win...  I say claim those Wins.  May they be daily and more.  

If you are sometimes feeling overwhelmed and/or uncertain about situations that have previously gone smooth and fruitful and do not feel this way now, breathe and be extra kind to yourself.  

You are not alone.  All of us are experiencing and, most likely, questioning life and what is showing up in our every day, 'regular' routines.  Unlike anything we have ever known before.

Sure, there are similarities.  And as a whole world connected through technology, living is unfamiliar, new and different.  

May you invite and allow for guidance through your calm, ease, and breath.  May we live knowing almost everyone, if not everyone, is living in this disarray.

I pray for guidance of ease that is within You and of You.  The clarity of life through an openness and calm is easier and more clear than experiencing living through anger and haste.

Soar.  Glide.  Be.  Breathe.  Then, feel and watch yourself succeeding.  Flow with it; as best and as often as You can.      

Sunday, December 4, 2022

This Moment

This moment now, as it is happening; as I am experiencing it; as I bring my full self into it with my full awareness and presence, I am okay.

I am breathing.  I am alive.  I am human.  I am participating.  I am present.  I am happening.  I am Me.

Whatever this looks like, feels like, shows up as, brings into my life and the response I am choosing, I am okay.  

Underneath it all, above it all, in it all, I can know and connect to my being okay.

I may not love the experience just now.  I may be filled with joy.  Experiences definitely feel different and, yet, at the core of my life and living - at the most basic of being alive - I am okay.

May you realize You being okay from the core of your beingness.

May you feel your life (You) underneath, or is it above, all that is happening and connect to the You that is present and okay.

Look at all you have been through and have come through.  Feel all the wonderful moments that will forever be a part of you and who you are.  

Walk in your okayness that is always with you; at the center and basis of everything You.  Let this moment and each moment going forward be lived through your unique, whole presence [of mind, body and spirit] with truth, trust, love and kindness; as much and as often as possible.

This, I wish for You.  This, I know is in You.  This, I hope brings the best possible 'gentle strength' of You forth.

Friday, December 2, 2022


Today is 12/2/22.  A lot of 2's.  Adding all the numbers together, they equal 9; my favorite number since I was a child, 100 years ago.  Hoot.  

Number 2 can symbolize peace, harmony, balance and prosperity.  It can represent service and openness; love and consideration.  Some say the number 2 can remind us to be open to the energies in the universe.  Look for signs, symbols and synchronicities to understand and connect to our innate self and our life.  

I say have fun with it.  Be lighthearted.  

Number 9 can represent completion.  It can be about endings and/or new beginnings.  It can be a highly spiritual number connecting us to our own spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, universal love, humanity and service to humanity.  It can offer connection to our own inner strength, generosity, positivity and divine wisdom.

I say trust where you are.  Be extra kind to yourself and really be open to hear, listen and respond to what is true for you in every thing, every connection, every situation and every breath you take.  Open to your own love from within out.  

We are on a cusp.  We are entering into our new way, new world.. anew.  Individually; together.    

Welcome ourselves home to us.   If we are not completely there, we certainly are on our way, definitely there at times and closer than, perhaps, we have ever been.  

May you welcome yourself home to You.   

Let peace, harmony, balance, prosperity be what you invest in; through your truth, lovingly energizing your life into what you feel is the best truth of /for You.  Think gloriously because gloriousness is.  

We have completed many lessons.  Let us begin again/anew from where we are now.  

Thank You.