Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, September 26, 2022


There is a lot of talk about 'clean' energy; 'green' energy.  There is a lot of focus on the world's energy.  The energy of emotions.  The energy of life.  Our own life energy.

Green is the color of healing and good health.  Green is what we want for our planet.

The unfolding of new energies are being studied, created, experimented with and stabilized.

Healing for our world and healing for ourselves seems to be a great desire for many of us.  

I choose to believe in a healing, triumphant world and I choose to live through my own healing mode.

Healing that is focused on a harmonious life and a genuine, caring, humane population.

A world where humanity and all living things thrive within and without.  A balance of on and off and every stage in between.

It is my inner knowing and belief that as we heal ourselves and support the world around us and within us, we heal all; where healing as One breathes.  

When we share our truth, we open up for others to share their own.

When I am fulfilled, it is much easier for me to share happiness and fulfillment with others.  

May you 'go green' in as many possibilities, aptitudes and attitudes as possible.

May you feel the energies in and around you 'fill up' with your own pulsing love and 'plug in' to your own best clean/green energy 'outlets/inlets' as possible.


Saturday, September 24, 2022

Trust, Truth and Love


We are living our lives; right here, right now.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  Our lives are now.

It is a compilation of all the feels, situations, relationships and, perhaps, the most important relationship is the one we have with our self.

I am the only one that I will spend my entire life with.

You are the only one that You will spend your entire life with.

As we let life flow through us, the flow is the total experience.

We may 'stop' at a certain thought, a certain situation or experience.  We may pick and choose what we pay attention to; what we give our attention to.  We may stay longer in one emotion and skip over others.  This is not the flow of life.  This is our [trained] brain telling us to dwell here.  It is okay to be aware of and ask ourselves if we really and truly want to.  It is okay to be mindful if it uplifts and creates the experience of life we desire.  

It is okay to pick your happiest possible You in all that shows up.

We create our experience through our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and feelings.

May you let your thoughts, emotions and feelings come and go.  Do not land in or hold on to any.  Let them happen.  Let them be so.  

Do your best to not judge and to experience without judgment.  And let life flow through You.  

May you let You happen in this way of truth, trust and experiencing all that comes and all that goes.

May you let yourself flow with the flow of living; the flow of life.

As we trust the process of life and as we trust ourselves to know and be able to walk in and through anything and everything that comes our way, the wonder of life stays as our situations, experiences and feelings come and go.

It is supposed to be this way.  We are here to experience life on earth through our very own unique beingness.  This is the human experience.  

Through the depth of ourselves, we rise up, breathe, be, do and live.

We are all having quite the journey just now.  Just now, just maybe, the greatest possibilities come through the flow of us living our loving truth out loud.

It is what it is and it is okay.  

When we look at our track record of 100% survival rate up to now, may we realize the most full journey of You is meant to be so.  

As our hearts and minds flow through our soul, we know that trust, truth and love are what will bring us the best life flow as possible.

May you flow in, through and on in your trust, truth and love.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

You Living You

Every day is a new day.  Every moment a new moment.  In every relationship, there are new ways to connect.  Within the relationship with yourself, there are always lessons and opportunities.  Through awareness, there are always new possibilities to think, do and live differently if warranted and/or wanted.

There is a statistic from a study by Dr. Fred Luskin of Stanford University that our human brain thinks approximately 60,000 thoughts per day and 90% of these thoughts are repetitive.

Woah.  That's a whole lot of noise inside of my brain..  Maybe yours too.

When I choose to be aware of my thoughts and be the 'watcher' of my thoughts, there is a mindfulness that allows me to 'play' and 'work' with my thoughts.  I can ask myself Do I like it?  It is helpful?  Do I wish to keep it?  Do I wish to change it and/or discard it?  

Oh yes, I am grateful that I have been listening a long time and transformation and evolution of my thinking has been recognized.  I am a work in progress and I am grateful and joyful that I choose to pay attention and, as much and as often as possible, to 'think', 'be', and live the best version of Me.

May you be the 'watcher' of your thoughts; your life and be open to exclude, include and change to support the best version of You; as much and as often as possible.

It is quite often that what we think, we become.

May you think in a way that supports the life that You want to live; the life that is inside of You yet to live.

Just flow with what is and be mindful of what you wish/feel/know creates the best version of You.

May you let your truth, trust and love always be present in You living You.

Open up to the awesome uniqueness that is You(rs).

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Overwhelm to Love

Hello World

There are more frequent times, as a whole world and the world itself, than ever before that overwhelm; non-sense and instability is prevalent to us mere humans.

This is a world that we live in that can be trying and insecure, unsatisfactory and frustrating.  

Our whole developed world had shut down.  People were sick and dying.  Their were humans being asked to be heroes.  And they stepped up and into this position.

Now.  Here we are.  The after affect of that and, perhaps, so much more.  Decades and centuries of doing the same things over and over because it is what we knew and what we, collectively, decided to abide by. 

Questions and questioning.  There is a lot of that going on.  This just may be one of the greatest times to happy, positive and inclusive change. I so want it to be.  

The world I'm experiencing now is not the world I am staying in.   The world I wish to live my life in is a world that we are all uplifting, encouraging and creating that we are all free to live our own internal life out loud - all of it - from love/through love.  That each one of us thrive, feel safe and know each and every one of us brings something wonderful to the synergy of our world.   

The world outside of us is loud and demanding a new way.  Whether it is quiet touches or loud outbursts and everything in between, much of this is being experienced by the majority of us.  

I would like to offer what is in our world is reflected everywhere, in everyone and everything.   

The only place it is not is deep inside of us.  There's a whole true loving story in each of us to capture and to write.  To grow and to expand upon.  Allow it to breathe.  Become One with it.  

There is no better time.

May you become One with the life that lives inside of You.  Through your soul, your inner knowing, your innate knowing, your love, your wisdom, your experiences, your birthright.

May you become One with the life that lives inside of You where there is calm, knowledge, trust, truth and the unconditional love that is so wanted, needed and destined.

You.  You are the One to give it to yourself.  

May you love in, on, through and out.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Im Possible Dream

"To Dream the Impossible Dream (The Quest)" written by Joe Darion and composed by Mitch Leigh.

I seem to be about quotes this week.  Exploring and sharing them.  They just seem to be popping into my thoughts and requesting me to do so..

What a beautiful song.  It has been sung by many.  The Broadway Musical, "Man of La Mancha" did its part to make it very popular.  

When I was researching this information to share, the full lyrics came up and I cannot deny to put them here in print.  I wish you (your own great) love and (your own gentle and amazing) strength.

"To dream the impossible dream

To fight the unbeatable foe

To bear with unbearable sorrow

And to run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong

And to love pure and chaste from afar

To try when your arms are too weary

To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest

To follow that star

No matter how hopeless

No matter how far

To fight for the right

Without question or pause

To be willing to march into Hell

For that Heavenly cause

And I now if I'll only be true 

To this glorious quest

That my heart will lie peaceful and calm

When I'm laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this

That one man, scorned and covered with scars

Still strove with his last ounce of courage

To reach the unreachable

The unreachable star

And I'll always dream the impossible dream

Yes, and I'll reach the unreachable star"

I have named the work/play that I do with a person, their 'work', a "Sacred Quest".  I have given myself the labels of "True Essence Life Coach" and "Freedom Facilitator".  [It is deep and evolving 'work' and there can be fun involved.]  

Dream.  If it is in You to dream it, it is in You to make it happen.

May you open to any and all dreams within You, no matter how impossible we tell ourselves they are.

May you dream your dreams and label them "Im Possible".  Yes.  You can.  Yes.  You so are.  

In this great world of unknowing times and much unsettledness is the very best time to let our dreams out and be free.

Fire them up with your love.  Breathe your life into them.  You are so possible.  

If a 'star' is meant for you to reach it, there is nothing and no one that will stop it from happening.

May you reach for your 'stars'.

Monday, September 19, 2022


When we change the way we look at many things, we see many things change.   

May you change the way you look at things that You wish to see differently.

We are the common denominator of everything we see, think, do and are.  Our experiences often happen the way we 'see' them happening.  

Open to the warrior inside of you; the goddess inside of You; the rock star inside of You; the most true You inside of You.  If you feel high vibes, happy vibes, fulfilling vibes, it is You being You.  You are 'on it'; in the flow of living your life.

When we trust the process of life and trust ourselves to be okay and to know what to do whatever comes our way, we are 'on it' and in the flow.

Oh, it feels so good to be 'on it' and in the flow of our very own essence.  Just what if it matters more what is going on inside of you than what is going on around you.  

You were born with everything you need inside of you for your entire lifetime.  It is living from your true essence that ignites your best way now, through, onward and forward.

May you breathe deeply into yourself where you feel your true essence and let it rise up and live out loud.

There may be nothing more fun.

You can.  You will.  You do.  You only need to believe and to choose it to be so.  Let You happen.

Living in our truth (especially during these 'interesting' times), kindly, is the most empowering thing we can do.  A real 'game changer'. 

"You know you got it if it makes You feel good."  Janis Joplin   

    Truly You.  Lovingly mastering peace within You and the masterpiece that is uniquely You.

Let your heart, soul, inner knowing and truth [through love] guide You and walk with You.  Trust Yourself.  You do know...  

BadaBang.  BadaBing.  BadaBam.  BadaBoom.  BadaBloom.

Sunday, September 18, 2022


Just this moment.  Just this step.  Nothing before it.  Nothing after it.  Experience now.  Breathe now.  Heart and mind open now.  YOU now.  

Now is the only moment we can truly and fully live in.    

May you get your Now On...  

May you find the 'possible' that is meant for You in every Now.  

Be fully present.  Mindful.  Aware.  Open.  Loving.  

May you relax into your Now.

Let the fullness of this moment be experienced in your best way possible.

I believe in You.  I care.  You matter.  

I wish you as many Now moments as possible.  Fully engaged and true to yourself and true to each situation that comes to You and is created through You in the Now.

"The Power of Now" book by Eckhart Tolle comes to mind.   It is one of my favorites.

Saturday, September 17, 2022


“A loving heart is the truest wisdom."  Charles Dickens

Do not barrage your own body.  To barrage your body is to attack, bombard, storm, crossfire; a curtain of fire onto yourself.   

How do You treat your body...   With love, respect, honor and gratitude or ‘other”...

Our bodies respond to what we do to them; put into them, on them, around them.  Our bodies respond one way to the lack of movement and they respond another way to regular, ongoing movement.   

There was a book by Covert Bailey called “Fit or Fat” from many moons ago.   He said that our brains will tell our bodies not to respond immediately when talking about exercise. That we will not keep doing the same thing as in keeping an exercise program going; moving regularly.  When our brains realize we are going to keep up a repetitive stance, our bodies start getting stronger, burning fat, getting healthier and happier.  Our bodies get on board, so to speak, and respond.   

It is in the repetition that our bodies really change, adapt and/or improvise.  Our bodies are magic.  

May you love and show love to your body.  

Depending on what we do repetitively, we will be lifted up and supported through growth and healing or we could hurt and contract and even begin to shut down parts of ourselves.  Dis-ease can be created.  Our aliveness and feeling alive can be greatly affected by what we do, feel, think, be and are.    

Our living is greatly affected through the uniting of our own heart, mind, soul and body.  Our loving truth can be so empowering, becoming and sensational in creating our 'best of' things. 

We are very impacted from a continuous self-attack through division, (between our hearts and minds) untruths; unhealthy and unkind thoughts and ways.  

How are You being (to) You these days… 

May you be united within yourself …. in kindness, self-love, healing and feel-good things. 

Is there one thing you can add immediately to your life for the betterment of You...

Is there one thing you can stop now for the betterment of You...  

Take charge of how you treat You.  Perhaps, start with awareness [through your own love not through harsh judgement].  

I so wish You the best of You. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022




"honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's belief and actions;

high respect as for worth;

to treat with honor;

to show courteous regard for;

to accept and acknowledge personal responsibility for one's actions;

do honor to"


"celebration; dignity; faith; greatness; trust; consideration"


"character; honestness; trustworthiness; truthfulness"

Honor.  May you live in and through your own.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Silver and Blue

I have been looking for this Harvest Full Moon for a couple of nights now.  It has been hiding behind clouds and, perhaps, times I was unavailable to see it.

I woke up 3:30 a.m. last night and found it.  I did a little happy dance.

I stood in bright light while taking the pictures.  I believe this is why they turned out so 'unique'.  The energy from the moon was soothing and enjoyable.  I felt 'fun' going through me.

I am loving the blue ring around it.   I tried to come up with a quote about the silvery moon or the blue moon or once in a blue moon or really anything special about a full moon.  I didn't love anything that I found.

So I am creating my own.  The silvery blue moon and me.  Whatever you see through your 'happy' lens and You.  

May we make a wish and make a good one.  Believe.  Be open to it happening.

I wish You your own creations, joy, calm and fun.

May you 'dance' whenever you have the choice.

I am honored for You to be here with me.  Thank You.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


What is fortune to You?  Is it having.. being.. knowing.. giving.. receiving.. sharing.. other...

Are we fortunate when we have a fortune of what we believe to be so...

Is unfortunate always the opposite of fortunate...

What if not having, being, knowing, giving, receiving, sharing an exact certain thing that we believe will be 'good' for us - what many of us may deem unfortunate or without fortune - actually may be fortunate.

If something we wish would happen doesn't - is it possible that it can be more fortunate than unfortunate.  I believe life and life experiences (or lack thereof) certainly can work out to be this way.

May, just for today or whatever feels true to You, we not judge anything.  Not a circumstance.  Not a person.  Not ourselves.  Do not label anything good or bad.  Just be with what is as it shows up in your life, your world.

Experience through the love and openness of your heart and mind.

Let thoughts be silenced and feel and experience with everything You are.

May you realize and just watch what and how You experience life, our world.  Your life and your world.

I hope it proves to be helpful, eye opening and, perhaps, even uplifting.

May you trust the process of life.  May you trust yourself through the process of your life.

Wise.  Through your innate wisdom and complete seer of self, experience what is.

Thank You.  

Saturday, September 3, 2022


When we love ourselves just where we are, we win.  Every time.

May you love yourself just where You are; as You are.  May you win as often and as much as possible.  

Love.  Truth.  They do uplift us and set us free.  

To be who you are with awareness and gentleness towards one's self is, perhaps, the strongest strength we own and encounter.

"This above all:  To thine own self be true.  And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."  William Shakespeare

It is time.  The world and the way of the world needs us to own and portray who we really are.

Let what is inside of us to lovingly show on the outside of us.

Trust the process of life.  Trust the process of your life.  Trust the process of You.

Even if the way you are feeling is not easy or feels scary to face, live in it as much as possible with the intent to let living in it create the best way into your whole life and beingness.  Free.  With ease.  Allow gentleness.  Tolerance.  

Know that this is Your best way forward for You and all those you love and that love you and for our world ad a whole.

It is through being who we were born to be without pretense or hesitation that life fully and solidly is so.

May you open to your life being so - exactly as you are - with open mind and heart from a quietude within your being so that your soul may speak and shine through You.

How remarkable You were/are born to be.

Our uniqueness is our superpower.  In living in, through and from this uniqueness, we all win. 

May you let your love lead You.

Friday, September 2, 2022

All Shook Up

Perhaps, sometimes, we have to get all shook up for us to want to change something and/or learn and grow.  I don't think it is always the case and I do feel it often lately.

I read a beautiful passage by Mark Nepo recently and I'd like to share it here.

"As I move into the world, I live out my uniqueness.  But when love and suffering cause me to go inward, I discover the common Center where we are all the same."  Mark Nepo

What also comes up for me just now is "Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place."  J. Lynn

Oh, our crazy, interesting, very different, wonderful world.  We have never experienced life so digitally connected and divinely so deep.

We are deep in our lives and, perhaps, emotions and feelings.  We may have more questions than answers.  More change than what remains the same.  

We are connected more to the unique life that is ours by the unsettling times and waters.

We are being asked to see life different as these differences are so loud and upon us.  Every where I look, see, and am.  Every moment I experience is being challenged through my own filter.

What I see and feel is through my own lens and heart.  There seems to be a whole brokenness throughout the world.  Or would the word 'reestablishment' be better to describe what is happening...

We are establishing the way we live, share and are in new ways.  Many are unknown yet.

Oh the possibilities..

May you bring the best possibility with You into everything you experience and are.

Breathe deep.  Inside of You is everything You need to know to create the life inside of You yet to live.

Individually, together, just maybe, we can create Heaven on Earth.

What if we all just loved ourselves deeply and, in turn, just be love because it is what feels best to ourselves.

As we love ourselves deeply, perhaps, all we can share is love.

Our unique loving truth is where it is best to gather and create the best that life has to offer.

May You Love On...