Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Good Friends Last Forever

My good friend, that I have known since ninth grade, is coming to visit me for a week!  I am so happy, excited and grateful. 

She is bringing her two teenage boys and her daughter in her early 20's and the daughter's boyfriend.

We will have a wide range of ages and this will be the first time that they have come to my home here; since I only have been at this house for one year.

It is smaller than what I am used to when having guests (and what they are used to when being with me); yet, last year, when I was in the apartment this same dear woman came with her daughter and her girlfriend and we found a way to make it work and have a blast.  I'm believing that it will be just as easy and wonderful this year.  And, last year, my daughter was home too. 

This is rainy season in southern Florida.  This makes it a bit more interesting. 

So, I'm planning a few back-up meals; recording a few movies; writing a list in my head about possibilities of things to do.  I am very excited.   If I were to be completely true, there is a part of me nervous about my energy or lack thereof.  My goal is for them to have a fabulous, relaxing, energizing and loving time.

People need people.  I need people.  I love the camaraderie and the discussions; the laughter and spontaneity.

It is my goal to do way less with the computer, social sites and even this blog -- although, me posting on this blog has seemed to slow down vastly since I started posting on Facebook, Twitter,  Instagram and my webpage.    I'm doing my best to keep up with the times.  It is my goal to reach out and support others' journeys while discovering and living my complete self. 

My goal is to embrace this visit.  To just be love.  To just be true.  To just be open. 

This, I believe, is what brings my greatest ease and it even allows/empowers others to do the same.  And, better yet, to live their life from what comes within themselves and what shows up and confronts them head on.

People need people.  I need people.   I am so grateful for you, the reader; the visitor.  Thank you.  You help me to make myself feel like I matter.  I sure hope I do the same for you.

May you enjoy the people in your life and may you embrace what is true for you; within and without.

Namaste'  (I honor you from the depth of myself into the depth of who you are.)


Thursday, July 30, 2015


I think it just may a good idea for us to make a spiritual pact to look at all the wonderful things we see when we look at ourselves in the mirror instead of the 3 or 4 or 5 things that we always look at that are less desirable.

Let's look at what we like about ourselves instead of what we do not like.

Let's be grateful for the things that bring us peace and happiness.

Let's be open to good things coming our way.

Let's believe that things can change from bad to good.

Let's think the thoughts that bring us closer to who we want to be.

Let's love ourselves through and support each other to do the same.

May we let the 'good' in us drive our life and not things we wish were different.  Let us embrace the things that really rock and let them grow.

May you grow the You that you want to be; think to be; feel to be -- May you turn you ON....

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Oo Oo Oo Feelings

Some of us think our way through our feelings...

 Examples would be:

  Well, I don't have time to cry just now, I better wait.

   I can't possibly be feeling this way.

   I don't understand why I feel this way.

   People would think I'm crazy if they knew I felt this way.

   I so don't want to feel this.

   Something is wrong with me.

We sometimes do everything in our power to not feel. 

 Such as with:






and a whole bunch of other options.   We humans are pretty good at this.

I'd like to offer to feel your way through your feelings and not think your way through them...

Just give yourself permission to feel.  One can ask/pray to be shown and/or feel the feelings to/through them as gently as possible. 

I find myself saying...  "God, I am ready to feel everything that I need to... Please be gentle with me." 

May you let your feelings bring you home to your whole self.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Embrace What Is

I embrace today as it is...  (There still seem to be some 'cells' in my body that won't get on board with this.)

I embrace today as it is...

I embrace today as it is...

This, today, is living.   This is life.  There is nothing more; nothing less.

Right now, with this very breath, we are all living.  May we STOP for a few breaths and feel 'life'.

It may not feel full of ease.  It may feel wonderful.   It may be horrible.  It may feel like heaven.  It may feel like nothing at all.

Whatever you are involved in; whatever you are doing; whatever you are feeling... May you embrace your life.

As we embrace our lives, we know acceptance.  We may know forgiveness.  We may know fear.  We may know nothing.  Some of us may think we know it all.  Ha!

However, to be with the flow instead of against it.   To go with the grain instead of against the grain.  To embrace our lives instead of not accepting it as is....   it just may be easier.   It just may allow for the truth of what is and everything that life is offering us and presenting to us will be seen...  It just may be for our highest good to do so.  It just may be in perfect timing.  It just may be a part of the beautiful tapestry that is our overall life. 

I have heard it be said that life is like a tapestry.  On this side we see the knots, the loose strings, the unevenness, the unclear picture.  However, after we die, we see the beautiful picture that was our human life.

May you embrace your tapestry being created just as it is presented to you and in the truth of what you know, feel and are.  May you believe that you are in the midst of a most magical, miraculous; most awesome picture making moment of your life.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Just Sayin'

How does one go from feeling sick and tired to feeling well and energized...

I've been hearing myself, at night, saying 'My body produces just the right amount of collagen.' over and over again.

I have been hearing myself for most of my life say 'My body produces too much collagen.' as this is what I was told and I believed it.   I had no reason not to was my belief.

Could this simple sentence and belief change how much collagen my body produces...   It doesn't hurt to experience it, go with it and find out.

May you change something that doesn't feel 'well and energized' on/in you to something that does.  (of course, if this feels 'right' to you)

Friday, July 24, 2015


May you believe in yourself and 'just be' the person that you are.

Acceptance of what you feel.

Forgiveness for any 'wrongdoing'.

Love for all that you were made to be.

Hope for all that is yet to come.

Intelligence (mind and innate) to know your best way.

Awareness to see what you are doing.

Sight to follow your way.

Wholeness to allow acceptance.

I write these things as I am struggling to be productive and do some errands.  The 9 days of antibiotics that I am experiencing has helped me greatly with the pain, infection and inflammation.

It has my stomach somewhat in turmoil.  I am taking probiotics.

The best thing for me is rest and I've done a fairly good job at it this week.  My body has been well rested.  I have not been so kind to my mind. 

Being 'hooked' to the outside world so easily and not wanting to miss anything makes it somewhat difficult for me to put down the phone, computer, ipad, and/or social media sites.

I think, perhaps, going back to at least one day a week (Sundays many moons ago) where we did just rest.  We embraced a quiet day more as a collective 'system' then we do now.  This 24/7 is taking too much energy and offsetting most of our energies as we don't want to miss anything and want to be productive.  Is it a human need to be connected....  Well, we are that; connected.

I say disconnect and believe that what you are supposed to know you will; what you are supposed to do you can, and what you are supposed to see you do.

Everything that is supposed to be in your life is, was, will be experienced.

May you take some downtime to just relax in your body, mind, soul and spirit.  Deep breath in.  Deep breath out. 


Monday, July 20, 2015

What's Happening

There is change.  There is big change in the way of living and the things people are doing....   Yes, there is 'sameness'; we can find it and hold onto it.  And, there is change.

If you are 'going through difficulty' or feel that you are or think that you are.... My hope is that it turns out to be good change.  While it may not feel good today, my hope is tomorrow that you will see and discover that what you are feeling today is driving you forward to create a better tomorrow.  Your better tomorrow. 

What you feel today you feel for real reason(s).  It is your self responding to what it knows, what it sees and how it responds to same. 

Maybe, just maybe, you can try embracing these 'difficult' feelings and allowing them to process through you.  Perhaps, these feelings are gifts to put you on the most positive path - your most positive path - going forward.

You are not choosing to feel these feelings 'just because'.  You are feeling these feelings in response to who you are, what you know and what is going on in your immediate life. 

"Sometimes when it feels like our world is falling apart, it really is falling into place."  Unknown

Just maybe this is what is happening to you. 

Go with the flow of what you feel and know.   Allow the timing of what shows itself to you to be okay.  Accept the timing; the flow; the feelings; the change; the unknown.   Accept it all knowing that you will respond in your best light and truth and you will be and are okay through it all.

We certainly do enjoy being 'high' on life and fun and fulfilled in things.  We accept them as easy.  Is it that we were taught to fight what doesn't feel wonderful, fun and/or fulfilling...  Were we sanctioned to judge it all as either good or bad. 

Just what if it was all really good and we were all just living through our experience of life that is meant for us and for no one else.   What if we believed the big picture - once all said and done - is perfectly drawn and put together with all the 'ups and downs' included in the perfect time and in the perfect way. 

Perhaps, we can just try for today to ride them all out.  One thing may feel better than another but isn't this the human having an human experience...

I don't know.  I do know that you are worth it and I am worth it and we are all worth it to try it out and learn to come from peace within no matter what life offers us.  

I know this is possible because I have experienced peace in the chaos; peace in the pain; peace in the heartache.

I have also experienced 'there is no freaking way that I can be okay with that'...   Human, yep, I am human...

So, we happen to do our best in each moment.  May I offer to have your thoughts focus on where your body is at.  Be in the now; the present.  Be as gentle and giving as possible.   Honor what you feel and your experiences.

We walk on and forward.  When we come from our truth within and bring it without to each and every experience and situation that we find ourselves in, we create the most honest experience and creation that we know how and are capable of in the moment.   This is enough.

You are enough.  You matter.  I support you in knowing and believing same.  My hope is that you will do so gently, lovingly and honestly for yourself and for others.

Changing times.  Changing places.  Changing beliefs.  Changing skies over our head and the ground under our feet.

This is what most of us are experiencing just now.  

May you let YOU happen and allow yourself to experience your life from the most loving place inside of yourself.

Then, you will really be 'happening'!   Hoot! 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Never Give Up...

I've had an interesting day that I'd like to share.

Last night I woke up in such great pain that my right side of my face was swollen.  My gums, my jaw, my neck, my right ear... swollen; and I found myself in great discomfort.  If it wasn't for pain medicine, I would've been at the hospital.

I, again, am taking this experience as another sign from the Universe to Stop being sick; stop needing medicine and to realize and to be aware of how much I depend on medicine, doctors and pharmacies to all align to keep me somewhat sane and living in a dis-eased life the best way I can with what the healthcare system can offer me (and what I have allowed for myself).  And, the need for this alignment can make me kind of--sort of insane.  This makes me want to learn a new and different way of life dealing/living with scleroderma until and when I no longer have it.

So, upon awakening this morning, after a few hours of sleep, I call the dentist and his office was closed for the day.  I dialed the emergency telephone number left on his recording and left a message.  After waiting an half hour and not receiving a return call, I then called his cell number that he had given me several months back and left the same 'emergency' message on his cell phone.  My goal was to get antibiotics because I have been here before and antibiotics were the answer.  (How nice it is for me to have an answer with a health issue!)

When the dentist didn't call me back, I called my Rheumatologist and Family Doctor and both lines had a recording that they were out for lunch - one up to a two hour lunch.   I waited and tried the Rheumatologist again at the appropriate time and told the nurse my dilemma and asked for guidance.  She said she would call me back after talking to the Specialist and told me that he suggested I call my Family Doctor.   I then called the Family Doctor and they did not have an appointment this afternoon to fit me in.   They did say they were sorry.

Meanwhile, my husband was calling his General Practitioner and they could not take me today because I was not a current patient.

So, as the last resort, my husband drove me to the "Urgent Care".   Yay for Urgent Care.  I got the prescription for an antibiotic after this Doctor agreed that I had something similar to a sinus infection and it was in my lymph nodes, glands, ear and gums.

Today, I didn't give up on myself!   I accomplished the goal that I knew had to be accomplished before the sun set and the day turned into night.

Praise the Lord!  Oh yes.

As soon as we picked up the prescription (size of a horse pill), I took my first pill.   I am still in discomfort but sitting is less painful than laying.  I believe trying to sleep and laying flat made the infection and/or inflammation pool into one area and there was nothing pleasant about it.

I remember giving up on myself the last massage I had and did not get my needs met.  However, today I didn't give up on myself (partial thanks to my wonderful husband) and my goal was met.

May you know when to give up and when to never give up...  May you allow this 'knowing' to come easy to you...  If you find yourself questioning anything, the answer is not ready for you to know it yet and may you sit with it, breathe, and/or walk through with love and an open heart and an open mind.

I believe we were all born 'knowing'.  Sometimes we just have to remember and/or connect to this 'knowing'. 

May you believe in your own 'knowing' and may you hover until you find yourself knowing exactly what brings you the most peace within.

  I'd like to invite you to Trust Yourself and that You Know...  Love Yourself Through

Monday, July 13, 2015

Past-Present-Current-Forward Flow

Where do I begin on this one.  My thoughts spin and I feel a resistance to be here.   I know it is important for me to give this all I have and I am an adult child wondering if this is a good time to throw a tantrum. ?

I went to the 'brain institute' today with the question of why [at nighttime] do I feel like I am going to call this person, go to this place, get done this item and do this errand; and it all sounds exciting and doable.  Then, I wake up in the morning and the excitement of same is gone and in its place is not really wanting to do anything; especially not the things that I was so excited to do upon going to sleep.

What came up was that, perhaps, I really do not truly want to do them... or better yet, I THINK I have to do them the way I used to do them -- high energy, high energy expenditure, totally on and with ease, clarity, power, joy and excitement.

In other words, my old way... 

I have been out of my old way for a very long time.  So much has changed within and without for my self and my life.  I couldn't possibly do things the way I did at 30 at 50.  And, in truth, nor do I want to.

So, to go back to the gym - I hesitate because subconsciously I think I need to go back as the personal trainer in the best of shape...  Well, that won't happen!.!  I think I have to meet up with a friend and four hours later still be with the friend laughing and having a blast.   To go out to do errands and end up on the beach instead....  This is how I used to do things - by the seat of my pants and with just me in mind.  (So, if you are in this place in your life - ENJOY your freedom! - It will change; most likely.)

It is impossible now and I don't really want that.   BUT, what do I want.

I seem to have lost the transition from motherhood to myself after motherhood.  I think me being sick and unable to do a lot of things while my daughter was transitioning through her own life and it took a lot of my energy (and I'm glad to have done it this way) to just be a mom and a wife and a housekeeper that I, the woman, was left dormant and unevolved socially. 

I also consciously (perhaps because of illness) did choose to go inward and learn all about humanness, spirituality, my mind, my body, connection to all and even disconnect of some.


I want to go to the gym and feel the best I can feel (and look) at age 55.  I want to go meet a friend and have a few laughs and share a few stories and then go home and maybe even take a nap.  I want to go out and do errands and not watch the clock on how long I am away from the house and the dogs.   I want to do this leisurely, joyfully and as powerfully as I can.

Where to begin...    One step at a time.  Take a first step..

I did do pushups and leg lifts last night.  I went out for an errand or two today.  I found myself not wanting to stay out long.   I did make a call to a friend.   I did make a lunch date with another friend. 

Baby steps are allowed.  AND, I think the most important thing of all for me is to be kind to myself.  To accept that what I feel, think, want and am is okay.   I preach 'Just Be U'.  I know it is because I so just want to be me.  I will best be able to help others as I best 'walk my talk'. 

I surely am my worst enemy many a situation when it comes to this subject of living me.  The finding (for me) feels like the easy part now.  The doing and living for me is what I want to pursue with a loving vengeance. 

They say that awareness comes first.   I've had this awareness for some time now.   I have put new words to it and highlighted specific action now.  All I can do is be open to it all; watch; participate and get 'er done!  Hoot!

May you be aware of the change you are ready to take.  May you be open to it; watch; participate and get 'er done!

                                                       Facebook picture

Sunday, July 12, 2015


I am on the verge.   I am on the verge of many things, changes, possibilities and challenges.

I do not know how to put what I am feeling/processing and where I'm at into words easily.

A medicine that I have been on for more than 5 years, daily, is no longer being manufactured by the manufacturer.  I was already being challenged with having to get a new and written script from the doctor on a monthly basis and physically pick it up and take it to the pharmacy.  I have been waiting two days for this medicine to be filled and today they tell me they don't know when they will be able to fill it.   I must pick the same prescription up and take it elsewhere.  Oh joy.   Not.

I have a Life Coach certification in my name now and I'm on the verge of something with this.   It is exicting, unknown and I feel a wonderful adventure coming on.

For the first time in twenty years, my husband has been home for three weeks in a row and has not had to travel.  This is wonderful having him here and knowing I have to let him go again is messing with my mind just now.

I have a very near and dear friend coming for a visit with her family in a few weeks and I look very forward to this.  To fit everyone in this house compared to my other home will be an interesting dynamic to play with.  It isn't about size, space and comfort as much as it is about sharing life and togetherness.  Or so, I keep telling myself; as I do believe it to be true.  I was just fortunate to have it all in the past.  I do know gratefulness for same as I also can find myself being fearful as my past, being a hostess, days were so comfortable and awesome.   

My momma duck that was out front had her babies and they have already left the nest and they waddled and tripped behind her; but kept up and looked adorable.  I am so grateful that I got to experience this and watch them.  What a gift!

Life is showing us new ways; better ways.  We must let go of the old way and discover and embrace these new ways to allow living to work best.   They are there.  We only need believe and tap into them.

So, being on the verge is not a negative thing.  It can feel like a scary thing.   It can feel like an exciting thing.  We get to choose.

When you find yourself on the verge of anything,
May you choose what uplifts you to carry on and walk your best self into your best situation.  My wish.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Been a Long Time

It has been over a week since I have posted here on my Just 9Be U blog.   I have been living, gathering, growing and processing information in my life.

My goal here (at this blog) is always to 'touch' you in being your best and true self and to know and live in my own truth.

I have officially become a Certified Professional Life Coach!  woo hoo   whoop!

The USA has celebrated its Independence Day. 

Canada has celebrated Canada Day.

I'm sure many/all of our countries (without my awareness) have gone through experiences and changes also.

I honor them all in hope that it is for the highest good of our world.  I look forward to the day that the highest good is most prevalent over lesser than. 

The month of June has gone and the month of July is here.

There is a time for everything.  We cannot rush things calmly.   We cannot change much.   We cannot put back time nor can we forward it.  We can always change our thinking about anything. 

If something is meant to be, no matter what - it will be...  Nothing will get in its way.  If something is not meant to be, no matter what, it will not be.

As we bring our focus on what life is showing us; presenting to us and challenging and rewarding us with -- this is where our awareness and our own truth allows us to fly, know fulfillment and create from what is.

I have been more and more aware in every aspect of my life.  There is still (or perhaps a better word is 'always') a more clear focus and acceptance to be had.  I struggle with relationship to knowing I deserve, was born for, and giving myself permission to create what makes me the most joyful in every breath I take. 

Old habits do die hard.  Yet, old habits can be changed to better and new habits.   I am working with clear, concise, and a bountiful of 'did I do that?' to myself.   What did I allow; did I create; did I buy into... [is what I've been exploring].

Yes, many of these truths are not the easiest to admit to and see....   Yet, if I don't admit that everything that I am in my life is my creation, I will not have the power to 'play' with what I really do want in my life and what I really do want to create or recreate.      Good news/Bad news -- Only I have this power.

So, as I look at relationship to everything and everyone in my life....  I'm open to exploring what is; what can be; and what will be. 

May you give yourself permission to explore your feelings, your creation of your own life and be gentle, caring and loving to yourself and to others as much as possible.

May you succeed where you just know internally that this way of life is for you...

Go for it....  Go for you...  Live the life that is inside of you to live.     My wish.

May you embrace where you are at (as much as possible) as you stay open to creating your best life path.  ! 

May you trust the timing of your life.  There just may be a reason/place/plan for all of it.