Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


I can handle being hurt.  I can trust myself in all situations; through all things.

Feeling my hurt and exploring it is more beneficial than freaking out.

We all get/feel hurt.  

May you not hurt yourself.  Act in the way(s) that feel(s) right from within You.  Be true to the love that is You(rs).

Breathe and know thyself.

Monday, November 27, 2023


I’m feeling anger come up.  The pissed off-ness. The resentment.  The ‘ugly’; as I always referred to these feelings as.  Noooo.  These feelings do not have to be ugly.  They surely can be hurtful when not processed in a safe/mindful way.  They can look ugly.  They have felt ugly.   

Today, I choose to let them be beautiful.  Beautifully real.  I invite my anger to come up.  I sit with it.  I move with it.  I release it by hitting a pillow, screaming in my car, or going for a run.  I run into it. I run with it. I bow to it.  I own it as I delve into it.  I stand for me.   

It can be invigorating.  Freeing to release the tension within me.   I need not share it with anyone else to allow it, feel it, know it and let it go.  I thank it as it (and I) are sticking up for me.

What I have felt and buried.  What I have witnessed and took on.  What I have experienced that was a complete ‘UnFun’.   I let it all go.  I release it.  I release me.  I am free.  From my past and going forward.

May you release your ‘beautiful’ anger and be free.   

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


The picture in this post is what life feels like to me currently.

I feel I am losing my marbles and new ones await.

I feel so blessed.  I feel often stressed.  So much to learn.  So much information to imbibe.  So much change. 

War and chaos.  Great beauty and love.  

It is all loud and present around me and within me.  I am experiencing so much new that my brain doesn't seem to want to process as such.  I don't want to hold on to the old that does not work for me anymore.  I want to create myself going forward into moments of bliss and peace.   I have had these moments.  I know they are real.  I had moments of war between my own heart and my own head.  

It is not a quiet storm that I am experiencing.  It can be beautiful.  

May you let what is happening inside of You to be true, real and present.  Let You happen.

May you love through; as often and as best as You can.

May we all bow our heads and honor the massive shift(s) that most of us are feeling, perhaps, within and around ourselves. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023


It feels stormy to me.  All kinds of storms.  Many storms.  All around and throughout.  

Change is happening within and around most of us.

Just maybe, if you are feeling the storm(s), is it possible they are outside of you and you are letting them in.   

Perhaps, ask yourself if the way you are reacting is helpful and uplifting.   Or something else.. 

We do get to choose the way we react.   We can choose different/more suitable as we become aware - the watcher - of our own reactions.   

Are you of service to You…

Are you your worst enemy…

Where are You in the way you are reacting; hence it creates how we feel.   

Breathe deep.  Relax your shoulders.  Take a break.  Take a moment.  Reset.. and continue on.   

May you be your own best friend.   Let gentleness, kindness and a no judgement zone be where You choose to reside; as often as possible.  

Be possible.   May you have You and honor thyself.   

Choose what you can to uplift you.  Choose to let go of what feels hurtful.   

Free yourself.  

‘Well’ thoughts are as free as unwell thoughts.  

May you choose You.. Well.    

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Fun You

Observe.  Feel.  Be.  Do.  

Observe within yourself.. Feel what you feel. Be with your breath.  Do what comes to you to do.  

Invite your fun self forward.

Let nothing bother you. Especially yourself.   

Oh these extremely interesting times.  Intensity can be high.  All around us, multiple changes can be happening.  Inside of us, self-changes can be requested and necessary.  Matters can appear to touch our hearts and spirits deeply.  Relationships can be challenged with all or any one of these things.  Our relationship with self may be curious and trippy.   

Stoicism, or being stoic, may show up with the feeling of a need to protect.  This may be a way of turning down or off the truth of what is presenting itself to us.  It is through strength that we feel.  

Perhaps, some of the most productive ways forward are in and through.   “The only way out is through.”  Robert Frost

As you are happy and thriving just now, may you share your joy.    Don’t hold back.  Share the fun.  Feel your gratefulness and abundance.  

As you are challenged and/frustrated, may you invite your fun side to get on board and participate.  Feel it.  Honor it.  Live through it.  

There are devastating and mind-blowing things going on.   It is ok to look for a joyous connection [even a joyous thought] as we live through the truth of these things.  The angst connection can come up easy peasy during these times.  

May you open up to Fun You and feel the uplifting difference it can make. 


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Hot Mess

Our world can feel overwhelming in many different ways and places just now.  There is pain.  There is upheaval.  There is hate. There is a closed-off-ness.   There may be a wedge of forced openness happening.  

I believe some of this is from ‘tradition’ and learned ways.  I believe some is through lack of knowledge and/or vision; ignorance.   It can be because we have not learned a new, better way yet.  

I read something the other day about we humans tell ourselves things and then we believe them. 

May you ask yourself if you are believing in things or in something that does not feel good within yourself.  Truly and fully good.

May we let go of anything and everything that does not uplift us.  

If something does not feel comfortable, perhaps, examine it and ask yourself why.  What do You need… What can You do…

Listen to your body. Watch your thoughts.  Feel your way.  Without judgement or self-name calling.  Just awareness, mindfulness.  Open heart   Open mind.

Feel it and know our feelings are always changing.  Emotions are always emoting   Or wanting to and willing us to let them.   

Let love.  

May you often ask yourself how do you feel right now..  totally feel it; as much and as lovingly as possible.    

This is processing and letting go of what doesn't serve us to be the most true, whole human (through our own soul) we can be.  

May you let go of anything and everything that does not uplift You and let your spirit be free and soar beautifully.   

Let’s take any and all ‘hot mess’ and turn it into unity, support, care and lifting each other up.  

Amen. May it be so.  It is so.   

May you choose unity, support, care and uplifting all life including Mother Earth.  

May you experience your own uplifted-ness by choosing this.   

May drama and chaos be replaced by peace, wholeness and excitement. 

Perhaps, look at wholeness as your heart, soul, mind and body in unison with the unique loving truth that is You(rs); totally You(rs).  Innately You.   

Thank You.