Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Friday, July 31, 2020


We all get the blues now and then.   With 2020 being a very outstanding, unique, trying, challenging, coaxing and giving year, some of us are feeling the blues a bit deeper and/or more frequent.   

I would like to offer to, maybe, allow, embrace, sit with and lovingly acknowledge your blues.  What if they show up to support us in sorting things through.   What if we feel this often uncomfortable because it can be the most effective way for positive change. What if we allow and acknowledge - without judging - all that we feel and allow the glorious knowledge of 'our blues' to lead us forward.  

What if by embracing our blues, they turn into the light, passageway and information we need to support, enable and encourage healing, self-discovery and new and better ways of being, knowing and stepping into our deeper, truer, most innate self possible.   How truly glorious this would really be. 

May you feel the guidance of your blues; the beauty that comprises the gentle strength of the flow and the wholeness of You.    

Monday, July 27, 2020


There are many things some of us have 'chased' in our lifetime.

I have chased the sun, the beaches, goals of fitness, better health, family, comfort, peace, living, life, friendship, connection, growth, love, and probably other things as well.  I am sure I 'chased' a few drinks down with a chaser in my early years as well.

To chase is not a bad thing, perhaps it isn't a good thing either.  It just is.

When the chase is fun, fulfilling and joyful - keep chasing or to better say it, keep going for it.

When the chase is tiresome, frustrating and/or discouraging, perhaps, it is time to stop, take a break or do it differently.  

What if we all believed that what was meant for us will happen and come to us no matter what.  What is not meant for us, will never ever, ever happen no matter what. 

What if just being and living in our truth and meeting our lives and ourselves where we are at is the best 'game to play'...

What if our energy could be love and as we let love lead us, life, and an awesome life at that, just happens because we are living from the truth and the love of who we are.  We share this truth and love.  We aspire to inspire what we dream about by following the instinctual process that lies deep within us.  When we bring these instincts to the surface and listen and follow them, 'joy' just happens.

Joy, perhaps, is living our true selves from the most compassionate, loving connections that we can create from deep within to the far reaches of what is 'out there'.

May you open up, connect, be and follow your fullest truth(s) with love, aspiration, inspiration, creation, donation and, yes, domination.  Not in the sense that we crazily chase what we want down.  But, in the sense that we allow what we want to happen because we believe in the believability and the ability of it being able to be so.  Follow this 'sense' through all of our own senses with the most vibrant, vital and encouraging self we are able to tap into.  Let divine drive put us in our best place possible to do what best uplifts everything and anything that is meant for us to be so; as much and as often as possible.

To be yourself fully, truthfully, vulnerably, lovingly and openly is to open up to what is and let what is meant for us to come forth in the best possible way.  

May you live in this moment wholly and watch the magic of You be supported into the best of what is possible; for you, for one another.

Friday, July 24, 2020

World Within

World.  Universe. Earth.  Neighbors.  

These words surely represent and feel differently to me than ever before.  

Our world and universe used to feel so big, foreign and outside of my reach.  Watching this virus touch us all and knowing that I am connecting to someone across this world/universe, with only a few clicks on the computer, sure makes things more personal and I am touched deeper and everything feels more realistic through this realization.  

I am reminded of walking the beach one day, a long time ago, and looking at the horizon asking for the answers 'out there' to come to me here.  Later in my life, walking on a different beach, I realized that the best answers for me are within me and not out there.  

Don’t look ‘out there’ to know what you want and who you are.  Look within.  Anything that truly matters, belongs, and is destined to be for you starts in the world that is birthed, uniquely, within us all.   
With the world around us upset, changing, and regrouping anew, 

May you get connecting to your own inner world.   Let love illuminate everything.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Flow Through

Oh, these days, nights, weeks, months and moments are all very interesting to us all.  I believe I keep reiterating how we are being asked to grow; to change; to become; to know; to let go; to do anew.

It feels to me that we have a choice to either flow with what is or fight it and, of course, versions of these two opposites.    

Someone said to me today, "It is hard."  My reply was --Yes.  It certainly can feel very, very hard.  When we accept and still love, 'hard' goes away some.  And, I understand that there are many things looming that are not even close to being easy to accept just now.  

I currently am not pleasant to be around.  I feel like I'd rather not be around me.  I feel somewhat like a 'caged animal' today wanting freedom and not knowing, clearly, my path(s) to it.  I feel 'bottled up' some and my feeling of anger is not letting me choose differently just now.  My own flow is not flowing in this moment.  And, it does feel 'hard'.

I breathe.  I breathe again.  Deep and long.  Into my stomach and out.  Relaxing my shoulders, feeling the chair underneath me supporting me.  I am aware that 'this too shall pass' and I feel this way for real reasons.  I choose, in this moment, to honor my feeling(s).  

Is it in the feeling of this that my paths open up to me when I accept what I feel as lovingly as possible and not fight these feelings or wanting another way out instead of through...  I don't know and I am open and willing, wanting and trying it on to see where I g(r)o(w) from here.  

May you let the energy, your feelings and information flow through you; as best and as often as you can.   Process it through love and let it go.   Be here now; anew...  again and again and again.  

Sunday, July 19, 2020


There is a feeling of a peace of mind mixed with excitement when I watch the sun come up.  A friend shared that she loves the ‘feeling of a new day’ when she sees the sun shining through her window.  

The amazing ambiance of a sunrise.  The uplifting ambience of doing something one enjoys.  The uninviting ambience of doing something that does not coincide with who we are.  

The universe; the way of our Earth and how we are being asked to live just now is unlike anything we have ever experienced. We are all, perhaps, being asked to live in an ambience that many of us have never experienced.  When we do not participate and flow with what is freely, we, then most often, are harshly forced to participate anyway.  This feeling of being 'requested' to live so differently can be far from fun and can feel scary, strange, and uncomfortable.  It can feel disorienting, confusing and nonsensical.  We can feel discombobulated.  

AND, perhaps, there is no better time to build, create, love, become and live anew....

Rise Up anew...  Anew Day.  Anew Dawn.  Anew life. 

May you believe in the possibilities that are roiling up within you through your own inner wisdom; with as much of your love as you can conjure up and connect to.

Wishing you your calm and your cool.

May you believe in your ability to let go, relax into, stay in your truth and be the total badass that you are.   

Live through the truth of what is, how you feel, and carry your love into and through it all. 

We are going to experience a feeling of feeling good in ways that we have not been privy to or witnessed yet.  It will happen.  It is the cycle of life.  

There is something so fabulous g(r)o(w)ing on here and it is 'Us'.  It is You.   Individually, together like we never encountered before.   

May you open to encountering a new ease of life on earth evolving exceptionally and effervescently for everyone.  

"E is for Everyone". 

"The Letter E can be of great significance to ego, earth, eco-system, everlasting, evolution, emergency, elimination, empowerment, epiphany."  from google

May we 'E' out together as one... Egad.   Lol

    I never know what is going to come out of me...    Signs of the times....    Going with it...

Wishing you your greatest blessings sooner rather than later...

Saturday, July 18, 2020


Sunrise.  The sky awakens.  The light paints the sky.  It offers warmth.  It offers hope and promise.  It is peaceful. It is beautiful. It is a gift.  The sun rises every day.  

With each new sunrise, it is my hope that humanity will rise.  

These pictures are a ‘soulventure’ of today’s sunrise...

May you feel your own humanity rising anew.  

Humanity, change, growth, love and life...  It all matters what happens within each of us.   

Friday, July 17, 2020

‘Riders on the Storm’


Wishing good moments for You; many Doors for you to choose from.  Ha!

Are you talking to yourself with kindness and love? 

Be here now.  Right now in this moment.  Be.  We are ok.  Right here in this moment.  

We are able, living and surviving in this moment just as it is supposed to be.    

Hang loose.  You know what is best for you.  Live there.   

You are beautiful and powerful.  You know yourself more than anyone ever will.    

It is ok and, helpfully, imperative to live the wisdom and love of you.  

The song “Riders on the Storm” has been coming to my mind the past few days.   

We are all ‘riding the storm’.    

This time.  This year.  Just may be one of the biggest, affecting, interesting, challenging ‘storms’ many of us will ever ride.  

How you doin’...

May you check in with yourself finding the place within you that tells you “YOU GOT THIS”.   

We are all ‘riders on the storm’.   May you be a light when you can.  May you step into the light whenever you are ready.   May you see yourself in the blue sky part of a cloudy day..  May you be the peace in the chaos; as in the eye of the storm when it feels possible.  

Relax into everything that is possible for you to relax into knowing that 'this too shall pass'.   

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thank You Thank You

Thank You.  Thank you for visiting.   

It is one of my greatest hopes and desires to touch, support and encourage your own enhancement and growth into the greatest, truest, most fun version of YOU. 

You living everything that is deep and sound inside of you and meant for you is a favorite thing for me to witness.     

Thank you all for being here.  You so matter and your awesomeness is your unique truth and way.   

United States




United Kingdom









United Arab Emirates






Earth, Water and Air.  So beautiful to me.  May you bring the 'Fire'.  Ha.!

Namaste.  I honor what is deep, peaceful and all-knowing inside of you from the place that is deep, peaceful and all-knowing inside of myself.  

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Energy is energy.  A situation is a situation. A thing is a thing.  A moment is a moment.   

All these things just are.  Energy.   

It is the thoughts we put to them that create our experience of each.   

My mind brings me to a time when I was in a Cranial Sacral session and I felt the need to release what felt like ugly and negative energy.  I remember sharing with  the therapist that I didn’t want to release it because I didn’t want it to land on her or anybody else.   Her answer was superb.   She told me energy is just energy. When we release energy from within our self it may feel ugly to us but it is just energy floating around.  Whoever/whatever picks it up transmutes it into their own version and experience of it depending on what is going on there.   Man; did I appreciate buying into this.     

May you be aware of your thoughts and place loving, kind and uplifting thoughts into as many ‘energies’ as possible.  

You can change a thought at any time especially when you live in awareness of them.   

My intention in this picture is to send and offer you thoughtful, open, healing, beautiful and loving energy.   

May it touch the place in you where You being the most whole, loving and fun version of yourself happens. 


“Lakota Prayer


Great Mystery,

teach me how to trust

my heart,

my mind,

my intuition,

my inner knowing,

the senses of my body,

the blessings of my spirit.

Teach me to trust these things

so that I may enter my Sacred Space

and love beyond my fear,

and thus Walk in Balance

with the passing of each glorious Sun.


According to certain tribes, the Sacred Space is the space between exhalation and inhalation. To Walk in Balance is to have Heaven (spirituality) and Earth (physicality) in Harmony.”

Copied from Nick Polizzi, The Sacred Science

I now show on the outside what is going on inside of my self through as much of my own love as possible.  I am thankful for the healing.  

May you show on the outside what is going on inside of yourself; through as much of your own love as possible.

Amen.  And so may it be.  And so it is.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


The spiritual meaning of the number 8 can tell us to have faith in our personal power.  Trust in our own abilities, creativity, and what we are good at and enjoy.  To use all our gifts for the greater good.  To open up and live from our highest potential.  

While I was meditating, breathing and just ‘being’, the number 8 showed up.  It felt like it was important for me to remember this and to look up the spiritual meaning of same.  I did this by archiving it and digging it up afterward.   

This surely is a time that, either by choice or force, we are asked to take the journey of going inward to explore, excavate, visit and experience the creaks, crevices and cells and what is held and/or, perhaps, dormant there.   

There is no one anywhere ever that is you.  There is no one anywhere ever that has lived your life and experiences.  There is no one anywhere ever that thinks, feels and ‘knows’ like you.  

How can you not be stupendous?!

May you live in trust of what you think, feel and know.   May you allow your creativity and gifts to flow through this trust.  May you embrace and have self mercy as you experience your life.   May you let you happen.  

Honor thyself.  Love thyself.  

When we honor and love ourselves, perhaps, we honor and love others naturally, just because it is what we know to do...  second nature.  

Invite the awe in awesome into every moment of your life.   

Sunday, July 12, 2020


What do You want to be when you grow up?

As I laid in bed last night reading, a question popped up about what one wants to be when grown up.   

My thoughts went to I'm still growing up.  Even at a not so young age, I know I have ‘growing’ to do.  

Have I achieved some of my goals and dreams...   Yes.  

Have I changed some of my goals and dreams...  Yes.  

Have I failed (learned from) some of my goals and dreams...  Yes.  

So what do I want to be next...  

What do you want to be when You grow up?   

As it is for your highest good, I so wish it for you.  If it is meant to be, nothing can stop it.

  Go for it. Go for You.  

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

My Prayer

Love opens us and expands who we are.  

Truth guides us and allows us to flourish in our most true light.  

Compassion supports us and makes us feel connected.  

Connection helps us to feel safe.  

Faith in these things allows and encourages us to thrive and live in the best version(s) of ourselves.  

May we speak our truth with as much compassion and patience as we are allotted in each moment.  Be vulnerable.  Anger shows up often to hide fear and/or pain.  Let’s care about each other’s fears and pains.  Let’s have each other’s backs.      

May we all expand open into a new, better and delightful world.  My prayer.   

Thank You.     

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Voice. Thought. Reality.

I am as I say I am...

Oh what a scary, beautiful thought..  Ha.

Scary that what I think, say and fear, I open myself up to create.

Beautiful in that what I think, say and love, I open myself up to create.

YOU are the center of your universe.

YOU are at the center of everything you do, say, think, feel, and become.

YOU are the one choosing your responses to life situations, feelings and people.

YOU are the common denominator to all that you experience and witness.


It is YOU.

YOU are this powerful, empowering and disabling.

YOU are who you are responsible for.  Your beingness.

There are things that come into our lives that we do not bring.  Some we greatly enjoy.  Some we most certainly rather skip.  Many are in between these two perceptions.  All become our human experience(s).

If it is in your life it is, maybe, supposed to be there or else why would it be so...

If it is in your life, perhaps, one of the best ways to experience said thing is to be our true, open, loving, vulnerable self.  If we resist it, it just may hurt more than necessary and for a longer period of time.  If we embrace it through our own loving truth, perhaps, we can experience it in our own best and easiest as possible way.

What is 'now', will never be this exact now again.  Whether we want to remain in this now or we wish to get through it as quick as possible, change is going to come.

You are as You say You are...

Which is true for you right now...  Are you living in fear in this moment or are you choosing love...

Is this moment scary for you or beautiful...  Just maybe it can be both.

I wish you as many beautiful moments as possible.

I wish you that through your scary moments, you will look for the beauty and love of yourself to guide you.

May you witness yourself and place yourself in a mindset that supports you.  May it be your best way [that is within your grasp] to allow as much of your own 'beautiful' as possible to fly with you.

All Kinds of Fireworks

Just because.  Just because life can be really fun when we humans respect the nature of each other and that of the universal offerings. 

Hope. Joy. Love. Trust. Truth. Light. Open. You.

Mother Nature and (hu)Man lighting up the sky.  'Fire in the sky.'

We had man made fireworks and then Mother Nature added her own.  What a show.

May you become one with nature and create and experience the life that is full of innate knowing, love, joy, awareness, mindfulness, truth and, sometimes, even fireworks.

Friday, July 3, 2020



There is a lot of 'wow' going on out in our world and inside of many of us just now.  It is not always a good 'wow'.  We are seeing things and experiencing things that feel and seem nonsensical.  It is very hard, if not impossible, to make easy sense out of much that is going on in and around our world.

I'd like to just forget about all the wow that is hard to digest, sync ourselves with and/or cannot be easily understood.

I'd like to offer that, maybe, it is a good time to get in touch, see and connect to things that feel stupendously wonderful.  Things that cause amazing and marvelous feelings within ourselves.   Things that make and support our happiness because they are things that make us feel most like ourselves; joyfully and easily.  Things that when we see them and connect to them, they help us to relax into ourselves feeling the wholeness and the happiness of who we are and who we want to be and what we want to participate in.

May you let yourself feel ‘wowed’ in the most perfect way for You.   Feel it in your whole body letting go of everything but the utmost wow-ness.!!  Let the wow touch every cell of yours; enter every cell of your being.   

Awareness mode:  Did you let yourself take a ‘wow’ breath just now...  

May you ask yourself what ‘wows’ You...