Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, April 30, 2018

All or Nothing and Everything in Between

Sometimes, life seems to be going really well.  Sometimes, it feels like everything is going wrong.  Some things are black.   Others are white.

And there is a whole broad spectrum of colors and 'things' that can be going on and balancing out and taking us exactly down the road that it is best for us to travel.

Lately, I've been in 'Funkytown'.   My energy level is low.  My desire to do anything is close to non-existent.  I am tired of my routine life day in and day out.

I had a wonderful birthday with so many people reaching out and showing me love.  I was overwhelmed with it.  I am so grateful for each and everyone that stopped to say hello or offer me a 'date' or send me a gift or a phone call, facetime, text, and/or email.  My social media 'blew up' and I have been greatly honored.

There are many more people that are caring and loving than that are not.  Our world has so much to offer and the people in it are a joy to experience; especially as they come from their authentic, true, open to the be the best of themselves; caring; empathetic; and just wanting connection with other people.  I think connection with people is probably a number one thing that lifts us up; me anyway.  

I'd like to take us back to the beginning sentences that discuss the grey areas and all the colors on the spectrum.  There are even several colors of each color of the rainbow (or the chakras) that are possibilities to 'journey' through.

Life is not just black and white; good or bad; easy or hard; for fun or for working.   Life just is.

So, while a 'funk' is hovering within my energy field (ha), I choose to accept it.  I choose to think that with my feeling the funk, it will change my every day routine.  My daily routine that I'm just not feeling currently.  The one that I want a break from just now.

I want to turn my funkytown doldrums into a funkytown dance opportunity.  Perhaps, I first have to feel the 'funk' in order to allow/make/create something different/more/better to happen.

Feelings, people, experiences come into our lives just as they are supposed to for reasons that we may not know or understand.  As we 'funk out' with each endeavor with an open mind, open heart and open spirit, we just may find the next beautiful step into our best version of ourselves.

Life is a journey and I choose to live in the full spectrum without beating myself [or any color that may arise] up because it doesn't feel like I am on the easiest route.  It just may be the best route to the magic within.

This is where I want to live.   From the magic, truth, love, trust, openness and innate knowing within myself.

I am going to trust the process, trust myself and trust my journey.

May you trust the process, trust yourself and trust your journey.  Live it.  Admire it.  Believe it.  Know it.  Be it.  Walk it.  and, May you love yourself through.

I bow my head in honor of honoring what is.  There is a reason for it and all I need do is believe, experience, bend, flow and stay open.

I expand.  I choose not to contract any more.

I live who, what, where and from the me as I am now.

May you live who, what, where and from the you that you are now.

Namaste.  Blessed be.  Blessings.  Blessed.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Birth Day

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I was feeling a bit uncomfortable about it not wanting attention on me; hoping my energy level would withstand the 'happy' day that I have learned it could be.

I used to buy a new outfit.  I used to book back to back plans.  I used to be ready for anything and I was my biggest cheerleader knowing that my intent was to shine and share my own happiness and love.

Now, I'm quieter.  I'm less confident in my 'party' abilities.  I am unsure how I will handle being acknowledged...

Until it started...   Ha!

I started getting cards in the mail.  I started getting people reminding me what day it was.  I received a wonderful, unexpected and magical gift from my sister through Federal Express.  My 'friends' on social media have been starting to wish me beautiful birthday wishes.  The cards I have received have been so full of love, cheers and really deep and kind words.

How really important and special connection with people is to me.  !!  
I am so grateful for each and every connection.

I started to think what would be a good post to post out into our world on my own birthday.  What I came up with is this...

"It is always a good day to toot your own horn; in such a way where you are empowering, giving and sharing the best of who you are and what makes you You.  Honk Toot Toot!"

May you know that it is always a good day to toot your own horn in a way where your intent is to be  empowering, giving and sharing the best of who you are and what makes you You!  Honk in kindness.  Toot through love.  Toot Toot in joy.  !!

I am honored and so happy to be connected to all the fabulous people I am connected to.  I am blessed by your presence.  I am pleased if I could empower, give and/or share any positivity to your own way of Being You.

And so it is...

Cheers!  Salute!  Hurrah!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Nothing But Blue Skies...

It is 8:11 p.m. on Wednesday evening and I was blessed with the most beautiful blue sky, the moon, beautiful colors, a lovely breeze and happy dogs as the sun went down tonight.

The days seem to be zooming by.  The hours, at times, feel like mere moments.  My sleep has been sporadic but relaxed and enjoyable.  I seem to wake up often, read a few pages of a book and fall right back to sleep.  I find myself not struggling with it.  I find myself accepting it as so and believing that it is part of the process; my healing process and my growth into a deeper wholeness.  I may be nuts but that is what I am telling myself.  I feel my fingers flexing and my body relaxing deeply into the mattress. I hear myself ask for healing and wholeness; ease and the best version of myself possible.

I believe.  I believe in the possibility of it.  I believe in the possibilities of me.

I find myself alone as my husband is traveling for business.  I have my trusting and devoted animals.  My Little Bear, Tiffany (dogs) and Kali (the cat).  They keep me company and are so used to me being around.

Today, I found myself enjoying my alone time and embracing it.  I found myself sad and down. When I mentioned to a girlfriend this and commented on what a RIDE life is, she came back with 'It sure is.  Some days we ride on yachts and other days we ride on dinghies.  LOL.  That surely was funny to me.  What a hoot.  And, it isn't a stretch to experience both ends of the feelings spectrum in one day; in one hour; even in one moment.  It is the process of life, at times.

So, when you are 'riding' the yacht version, may you know great gratitude and great joy.  When you are on the dinghy version, I'd like to think that we can know great gratitude and great joy also.  It may be a bit more uncomfortable or challenging, yet, we are still living and experiencing; growing and becoming.

May you believe in the possibility of your dreams within.  May you believe in the possibilities of you.

May you be in joy as much as possible and as often as possible as you ride through your journey of living your life.

There won't be 'nothing but blue skies' for the rest of your days.  However, you can open up to the full experience of whatever is going on in the 'sky'.


May you let ease, love, gratitude and trust ride with you...  May you be open to experiencing it all.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


In this moment...

When we open up to 'this moment' and enter into it through all our senses, we see it for what it is.  We don't get stuck on only the emotional, only the feeling, only the seeing, only the knowing, only the flavor, or only just the scent.  When we pull it all together and look, see, feel, know and experience the reality of it, we are bringing the wholeness of ourselves into it.  We are bringing our own, at the very least, 'OKayness' into it.

There are moments that certainly pull us away from our OKayness.  If we react from a habitual response and it doesn't feel positive...  If we react from a difficult emotional feeling...  If we react from 'well, this never happened before' or 'I always have done it this way my whole life' point of view... we get away from our OKayness within our whole self.  We may be expecting or wanting to experience this moment differently.  We are not being in this moment and experiencing and seeing it as a whole, legitimate, now and new moment.  We can easily tie it in with our ways from our past or images of what could be untruths about our future.

Just because it never happened before or we always did it a certain way does not mean that any current moment will coincide and cooperate with these stagnant thoughts or way of thinking.  We just might find ourselves challenged because of this way of thinking.

Life is always new.  Life is always changing.  Who we are is always evolving; always experiencing anew.

When we bring the truth of what we are experiencing and look at it with our whole self (all our senses), we can often and practically choose the experience we are going to have.  It is almost like stepping back or out of the experience to see it and decide from the learned and evolved being that we are in this moment, more than one way to choose to experience it.

I choose as best I can to experience each moment from peace, openness, awareness and OKayness. If I am not feeling okay, I can stop and see it from a different perspective and open up to my okayness with the experience -- trusting and believing in the process of life AND trusting and believing in the process of me and my capabilities.

If you don't like the way you are feeling, may you stop, look and listen and choose your reaction knowing that you are okay even though you may not like the situation.  You are okay in your oneness with this moment.

Yes, you are having a panic attack.  Yes, you are experiencing fear.  Yes, you are experiencing pain.  Yes, you are experiencing a huge desire to want things to be different.  Yes, you are experiencing wanting to know something that you don't know... Yet, through it all... [or is it underneath it all or above it all] you can still 'look' at yourself and see that you are OK.  You can choose to live in this part of you which is OK anytime you choose it to be so.

May you choose your OKayness as often and as much as possible.

If you are not okay, what are you resisting...  what are you holding on to...  what are you telling yourself that keeps you from connecting to your OKayness.

May you connect to your OKayness.

With this breath you take just now, there is an okayness present.  You only need to allow it to be so.

May you allow your OKayness to be so.

Monday, April 23, 2018

A New Day Always

Today is April 23, 2018.  Today, on April 23, 1991, I married my best friend; in Kauai, at sunset.  There was a double rainbow in the sky.  We were on a beautiful green lawn that sat at the edge of the ocean.

Today, 27 years later, we are celebrating our married life together.  There has been magical and fabulous times; breathtaking and beyond my wildest dreams experiences.  We have also known great challenges. Through it all, the love never ceased.

The most miraculous thing was creating a human being; a baby; a child; a girl; a daughter that came from our love.  She grew from our bond.  She blessed us and has been our greatest teacher.

I believe we made a pact before coming to Earth that we would teach each other what we came to Earth to learn and we would challenge, engage and support each other and our daughter as only our bond could produce.  It has been the journey of my lifetime.

We have been so blessed.  I have been so blessed.  We have been dating each other, 'soully' (solely),  since 1985.  I like to say that our relationship is as 'hard as a rock'.

My dear husband - Thank you for being my 'one' and traveling this journey with me.  I believe many of our best days and times are still ahead of us.

May you believe that there are plenty of your best days and times ahead of you.

As I think about 27 years, my mind goes to our 10th wedding anniversary that we celebrated by going back to Hawaii with our daughter and had such joy and fun sharing this place and our oh so happy memories with her.  It truly blows my mind that that trip was 17 years ago.

Time waits for no one.  Today is the only day that we can truly live in.

May you give yourself the present of being present to today; this moment; this breath.  May you know that you are living and that this is life.  You are experiencing life and living.  Do your life as only you can from the truth of who you are and through the experiences that show themselves to you.  May you live with your heart and mind open and free.  

Booyah!  May you be uniquely you and celebrate same.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Got to Move It Move It

I learned today, in this moment, that 'antsy' for me means stuck energy.  Energy that is flowing through my body sporadically, chaotically, and pent up and trying to find its place.

I got to the point where I was feeling so 'antsy' that I had to move it, move it.  It was the only thing to do.

So, I put on music and moved.   I danced, I exercised, I squatted and I reached.  Man, did it feel good.

I got the energy moving and I am more relaxed within myself.  

May you always be open to an answer and let the answer(s) flow through you.  Perhaps, no words are necessary.  Perhaps, all that is necessary is an inner knowing; an inner connection.

May you move it move it anytime you feel the need, get a chance or just know it is the right thing for you to do.  Move it; in whatever way that works for You.


It is an 'antsy' day for me today.  My husband missed his flight and had to book another flight for a later landing.  It is wonderful he can still get in today.   It is only 7 hours difference than when he was originally supposed to land.

And, yet, I feel discombobulated.  The way I thought my day was going to 'play out' is not the way it is playing out.

I am grateful he is safe.   I am grateful we can still do the day.  I am grateful how it is all working out... And, still, I sit with my insides feeling chaotic.

How interesting and how 'unfun'.

I'm breathing.   I'm walking the dogs.   I'm enjoying the warm temperatures.  I'm talking to friends.  And, I still sit in discombobulation...

What is a woman to do....   !

We are having crabs that were sent in from Maryland tonight.  I have them on ice and I can smell the bay seasoning.  My daughter and her boyfriend are coming to enjoy them with us.  I won't eat so many because of my hands.   I will enjoy some.

Out of sorts.   Uncalm.  Uncool.  NOT as cool as a cucumber.

This is where I find myself.  I don't like it.  I'm not being very good at accepting it.  I am open to flowing with it and allowing whatever is going on with me to process, feel, be and let happen.  I love myself through.

Every day can't be easy.  Every moment can't be fun.  I can't always be cool (lol).  I can always be open to the flow and the trusting of the process of life.

This human experience is quite the ride.   May you ride it out as only you do.

May you be open to acceptance, flow, allowance and self-love.  

May you breathe and know that you are.

May you be as cool as you can be as often as possible.  Ha.!

Life is an adventure.  May we all open up to it...

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Allowance and Appreciation

I find myself in allowing what is to pass through me.  I am finding myself more relaxed and free to just 'let it be'.  I am more peaceful with what is going on inside of myself and having faith that it is okay to share same outside of myself, with others.

I find myself appreciating moments.  Hugging my dog, stepping outside to beautiful weather, having something to eat, feeling how good it feels to be clean, enjoying a conversation with another, having this desk, chair and computer to connect to you.

I find myself with greater allowance and appreciation in many moments today.  There is a great peace that comes with this to me.

May you allow yourself allowance and appreciation in many of the moments that show up and/or occur in your daily life.

May there be great peace in this for you.

You are allowed to be you.   You do your best when you are you.  You are created to be who you are.  Being who you are is your super power.

May you stay in this 'lane' and live from this lane and share this lane with as much allowance, appreciation and affection as possible.

Bam.  You win!   I really want you to win You for yourself. !!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Happy Spark

Lately, I have been feeling a ' happy spark' within myself.  It feels like I know and sense that I am okay; I am enough; I will create my own happy; I am capable of creating my own happy; and a new me, new day, a new dawn, a new life is about to begin.  I am ready for my next chapter.

I am the only one that truly knows my happy.

This spark is sparking and I'm feeling good about it.  Excited.  Hopeful.  Joyous.

I also sense the wholeness of the world has never experienced the wholeness of our world as we are experiencing it now.  This, perhaps, is the challenge and the 'fix'.

Without awareness or feeling challenged, change does not come as passionately.  With awareness and passion about something, change can come just through our intent, our desire, our willing it.

This is what seems to be happening on a large scale.  With the great awareness and the unlimited about of information in o u r  f a c e, just putting an intention on something changes it.  We bring a different kind of energy to it.

Energy is what we all are.  Matter is what we all are.  Living is what we all are doing.

As we mix each other's energy, mattering and lives, we are mixing a whole new recipe for life; for living.

I hope you, too, feel a happy spark or even fire within.  I hope you can live from this place inside of you.  I hope you can create from this place inside of you.  I hope that you can pull the complete You together and know life in a satisfying, exciting and open way.

May you get your satisfaction, excitement and expand, express and employ the You that drives you to be and share the best of You.

May our happy sparks unite and let's start living a more cohesive, caring and complete life that can touch everyone's happy.   

It has to start with our self.  If we are not happy, it is hard to share happy.  When we are happy, all we have to do is be so and the energy we emit grows and ignites same in others.

I want to be a catalyst for your own satisfaction, contentment and happiness.   Nothing would please me more.

May you get your best you on just by showing up as your true self caring for humanity.  There is so much magic that comes from within you.  It may just be waiting for permission from you to be free.

May you give yourself permission to be free to be true to all that you are from the most loving, happy, authentic 'sparks' that make up you.

Spark You Up...   Ha!

Blue Skies

"Blue Skies...  Nothing but blue skies from now on..."

I believe there will be plenty of days with 'blue skies'.  And, there will be blue skies even amidst clouds.  Storms do come.  Blue skies never disappear forever.

Life.  This is how we experience life.

Bright and happy moments -  Dark and unclear moments -  And everything in between.

How we are currently and have always experienced life is exactly what was meant for us.  If something is meant for us, no matter what we do, it will happen.  Just as if something is not meant for us, it surely, no matter what we do, will not happen.

May you let life as it unfolds be okay.  May you bring your truth into everything and experience 'life' as only you can.

No one, anywhere or ever, can or will experience life exactly as you do.  Perhaps, this is our reason for being.  To experience and share our experiences of life as only we can from the truth of who we are.

In this, I believe that trusting what we feel, what we know, what we experience to be true for us.  The only reason to change anything is if You are not liking the you that currently resides the most prevalent inside of your experiences.

The good news is that you have everything you need inside of you to change how you are experiencing things.  The bad news [perhaps] is that only you can change how you are experiencing experiences.

Within the truth, trust and wholeness of our self lies the ability to swim on the lake top in tranquility, inner calm, peace, strength and silence.  Even in pumped up and/or chaotic energy, these are choices that we can choose.

May you choose what feels best on you and respond accordingly; from love, care, brilliance and trust in  'know how', 'no harm' You.

No need to 'duck' if you live from the place inside of you that is so completely you.  The best way to get to this place is to let everything that is not You go...

May you let everything that is not You go; as often and as much as possible.

Friday, April 13, 2018

On Happy

'If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.  If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet.  If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it, if you are happy and you know it, shout we are'...  unknown

My goal is not to be happy all the time.  This, to me, would be an urealistic goal.  There are so many emotions to emote.  We live, in the big picture of life, more fully when we emote them all.  This is the truest experience of living, of a lifetime, of being human.  

We can choose to look for the happy in every circumstance.  We cannot live in the state of constant bliss.   

My goal is to, however, enjoy 'happy' when I know it; feel it; and am it.

Sure, feeling happy feels really good.  It does make me want to clap my hands, stomp my feet, do a happy dance.  It feels even happier when we can share our happy with others.  Smiles are contagious.  Happiness is contagious.  Our brains emit 'feel good' hormones when happiness is connected (firing through) to it.

I say... Happiness on!

May you allow yourself to feel what truly comes up for you.  May you allow yourself to speak your truth.  May you give yourself freedom to walk your unique path.

When happy does show up, and it will if you are open to it, bask in it fully, wholly and share it with whoever you can.  If no one is around, you can still have the sense of this happiness fulfilling you and traveling out of yourself into our world.  

Let's all catch the contagious condition of each other's happy and each other's smiles.

May you smile and be happy and really sit deeply in it with gratitude in your heart, 'knowing' in your soul and sharing it with everyone you come in contact with.

I wish you happy moments, as often as possible and as much as possible.

Do you know what really looks good on everyone...  Happy!

May you know the freedom of you on happy.  !  Ha.  

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


"The only way to know for sure who you are is to find out what works for you.  That is essentially the whole message of this book.  Find out who you are, feel good about who you are and be willing to act upon it.  That way you will be whole.  You will be healthy in all aspects of your life.  And you will be free."    From the book "Adult Children of Alcoholics" by Janet G. Woititz

You. You being You.  This is, perhaps, the greatest purpose of living; living wholly you.

As we hear, feel and learn who we are from the inside out and let the outside of ourselves coincide - match - with the inside of what is going on there, we are living our most honest, real, vulnerable and whole self.  We invite harmony, peace, empowerment and our own true power.

THIS is what I wish for You.  This is what your calling is connected to.  This is the gift that you are to the world.  This is the gift that you are to yourself.

There is no one anywhere, ever, that is uniquely you.  THIS is your superpower.  THIS is your prize.  THIS is how your higher power, God, the Universe wants you to be.

To live as the truest and best version of yourself is to honor life; honor living; honor God and honor others.

Let us support each other in just this.  Let's go as deep as we are able.  Let's open up to all that is who we are.  Let's live who we are from love, trust, truth and honor.  Let joy and fun participate.

May you honor your life by living in the state of YOU. 

Namaste.   The deepest, most loving part of me honors the deepest, most loving part of you.

YOU, just as you are is enough.

May you meet yourself where you are and grow and become. Listen to your mind through your soul and your heart and live as God (the Universe) intended you to live.

The time is now.  The time is yours.  This life is yours.  This life is You.

Ignite You on...  Turn You up.   Turn You on.  Let You live.

May you give yourself, and the ones that you are meant to touch, You.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

No Words

More often that not [lately], I have no words to share.  Nothing bubbling up inside of me that wants to come out easily and/or freely.

I am currently in the midst of a thunderstorm raining down outside of my house.  It is dark.  It is loud.  It is constant.  It is inviting me into a lull of existence.

I find irritability inside of myself.  I find unrest.  I feel frustration.   

I believe these feelings are coming from not listening to my inner self.  Not moving more.  Not eating cleaner.  Not doing what I want to do.

I want to listen to healthy me.   I am listening to unhealthy me instead.

It currently feels easier not to care what I eat.   It currently feels easier to lay around.  It currently feels easier to not come here to see and share how I am feeling.  Face my current truth... oh my... yikes.  

I guess I am not coming from pride of myself.  I am sitting in the loss of my 'who I wanna be' self.

My get up and go got up and went without me; so it seems...

I just cleaned out half of my closet and got rid of clothes that I loved; clothes that I no longer wear; clothes that are either feel inappropriate for me or are too small for me.  

I am no longer 'that' person that can wear those clothes.  It is sad.  It is also a great opportunity to get into the clothes that do fit me, that do feel appropriate for me; clothes that work for me as I am now.

Without frustration or irritability, there is no need for change.  Perhaps, frustration and irritability are precursors to change.  

Maybe, just maybe; this is a good thing.  

When we are happy doing what we are doing, 'yay' on us.  When we are not happy, it is time to do something or some things different.  Perhaps, I can look at it as exciting.  Perhaps, it does not have to be exhausting (which is the word I am currently hearing playing in my head).  I shall replace the word 'exhausting' with the word 'exciting' as often and as much as I can.  

      Here it comes again...

May we meet ourselves where we are at.  Be kind.  Be open.  Be true.  Trust the process of life.  

Change and growth are inevitable.   They are part of the process of living.  It keeps life from being boring.  It offers us adventure after adventure.

May you invite adventure into your life through what you feel, what you know and what you desire.  Thank your feelings for being a guidance system of what to do and what not to do.  

Go gentle.  Go easy.  Go strong.  Go on.

May you "grow yourself complete"; again and again and again...

Just maybe, 'it' is all good.  Live 'it'.   Whatever the 'it' is that is showing up for you.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Gratitude is in the Blog

B is for beautiful.

L is for love.

O is for only.

G is for grateful.

To be grateful is to experience love and beauty as only I can (uniquely and from the person that I am); journeying through this thing that has been named and labeled 'life'.  

Life is for growing into and experiencing (with everything that is within me) the external adventures of the everyday mundane to the extraordinary moments.

When we are thankful for what we experience; who we are and who we are not, what we know and what we do not know, what we have and what we do not have, this gratitude creates peace, fulfillment and the feeling that life is exactly as it is supposed to be right now.  As it is, so it is supposed to be.  When I ask myself how do I know this.  The answer I hear from within is 'because this is the way things are'.  

It is in changing our thoughts and the way we think that our life experiences change.  It is open to looking for the beautiful things first and more often.  It is coming into and experiencing life with an open heart and an open mind; an allowance and a flow.  

Learn and grow.  Grow and learn.  Carry gratitude while being grateful.

Life is for growing into and experiencing (with everything that is within You) the external adventures of the everyday mundane to the extraordinary moments.

May you find gratitude; know gratitude; feel gratitude and be grateful for your life as it is today.  May you connect to the parts of your life that are easy to be grateful for.

May you let your heart grow.  May you let your heart grow through the joy in your life.

You are beautiful.  You are love.  You are grateful.  You are the only one that can live it as so.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Here we are in April of 2018.  Did the first 3 months of the year go as fast to you as they did to me...

Wow.  Time surely seems to be going, going and going.  It seems to me that some days I get out of bed in the morning and before I know it, I am getting back into bed at night.

I used to be very good at guessing and knowing what the time was before I checked a clock.  I am not as good as I once was.  Time feels more evasive than I've known it to be.

My sleep has been disruptive, too, if only to wake up and look at the clock and fall back into a wonderful sleep.

I am often seeing the numbers 1234 in sequence in many different things including on the clock.  I find myself laughing and smiling as I notice this occurring.

If you are seeing a number or a group of numbers frequently, it just (possibly) may mean something.  Some say it is a sign from the angels.  If you look up 'spiritual meaning of ____ (said number), there just may be a message there for you.  If nothing else, it may hold some fun for you.

There are signs everywhere if we are open to see them.  One Easter a year after my mother died, I remember walking my dog, Durby, along one of our favorite paths and I remember thinking that I wished my mom was here to say Happy Easter to.  Right after the thought occurred, a man on a bike rode by and said 'Happy Easter'.   Sure it could be a coincidence, but just what if it was a gift.  I accept it as a gift.  It is much more fun for me. I like fun.

Often I would come here to the blog and I would know the amount of people that would have visited that day before seeing the actual number.  It brought me delight and I told myself that it was a sign that me doing this blog was a positive thing that fell into the realm of doing what is best for my journey and best for my vocation or calling.  Again, more fun.  

Do you ever think of someone and then find they reach out to you...  Do you ever reach out to someone and they respond they were either just thinking about you or how perfectly timed it was for them to hear from you...  that you really made their day.

May you choose to be open and aware of any such or similar signs showing up for you that you could construe as a particularly helpful, inspirational, supportive or joyful moment for you.  A sign that you are on your right path.

One of my favorite sayings is that "You know you got it if it makes you feel good." (Janis Joplin)

How true this is!  When you are feeling whole, happy, elated, content and good because what you are choosing to do is helping you to feel just this.  It feels like an extension of you.  It is who you are; in your blood; your soul purpose; your soul connection.  At the core of your being, you know what you love, what is best, what you want and what makes your whole being fulfilled.  This is what I wish for you; as often as possible and as much as possible.

I do not think we are here to feel this way all the time.  I don't think it is a goal that I can achieve to feel this way all the time.  I believe we must feel some opposition in order to really feel the 'brightness'.  How else would we know a difference...

As we stay open to time, moments, experiences, signs, people, connections and our own feelings from deep within, we experience the most fulfilling life possible as we bring our loving truth into it.

We can be angry and still be connected to love.   We can be hurt and still be connected to love.  We can feel challenged and still be connected to love.

Your love is the greatest gift you have.  May you stay in your own loving place and live out from this place every time that you find it possible to do so.  The more we practice and allow it, perhaps, the more it happens and comes naturally.

We won't know if we don't try.

May you open up to your love in your time.  The time is now for love.   It is always time to let love prelude and be carried into all circumstances, experiences, moments and connections.

I know it is what makes me feel best.  I know it is a much better time for me when I present love.

May you give yourself the present of love as often, as much, and as available to you that it is.

What time is it...   Let your love shine time.   Let it shine way out.  Let it shine way in.  Let it surround you.   Let it lead you.  Let it carry you.  Let it be so.

Love is what time it is...   Love o'clock time.   Ha.  Sometimes, I just crack myself up. !! 

Let Love

Just for today, let love.

Just for today, let leave lead you.

Just for today, let love come first.

Just for today, open your heart to love.

Let the love that is yours lead you in, through, on and forward with everything you do; every situation you encounter; every person you connect with.

Let your love.

You have a beautiful love inside of you.  Open yourself to it, let it out, share it and let it go inward as well.

Let the love that is you be dominant; first, today; in everything.

If you could let go of anticipation, worry, judging what 'should' and 'should not' be, what is 'right' or 'not right'...

If just for today you could meet your life where it is at.   If you could meet life with what it is showing you from your own open heart...

If you could open your mind and allow what is to be lived through your love...

what would your day feel like, look like, be like...

May you open to love and let it carry you, lead you and allow you to just love...  Let your love be present above (or is it below) all else... 

      if only for today.

I wish you your greatest love available to you to live through you...  And so it is...

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Weather the Whether

The weather has been beautiful down here in South Florida, USA.  The sun is very warm and the air has a coolness to it yet.  The sky is as blue as blue can be.  It is feathered with puffy and extremely white willowy clouds.  The green large royal palms that stand tall next to the blue sky are lovely and majestic.  It is impossible for me to not stop take it in and enjoy it.  It does something very positive to me.  It always has.  I hope it always will.

I feel caressed, relaxed and loved by nature that is alive and growing.   I find myself expanding into it.  

Whether I am being challenged in my every day routine or by my health, this kind of weather helps me to stay in my joy and definite gratitude.  I am grateful that it feels somewhat easy to do.  So grateful.

So whether you are having an easy moment or a challenging moment, my wish for you is to have something that makes you stop and enjoy the preciousness of.

May you stop and enjoy something precious that is available to you in this moment.  You go human and awesome one.  You go...   !

Thank you.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Girlfriends are a Girl's Best Friend

My girlfriend, since I was 14, just left after spending 6 wonderful days here with me!  What joy.  What fun.  What connection.  What attitude.  What amazement.

How blessed are we to have friends that can help connect us to our youth...  How blessed are we to have friends that can help connect us to our most joyful parts of ourselves...

How blessed we are to love and be loved.

It is a joy being around people who are easy to be around.  It is a joy to be everything that you are without constraint of any kind.   It is a joy to be joyful.

With a forever friend, it is like an unsaid rule that you can be as crazy and open to let loose everything that you are.  What one of you doesn't think of, the other one will.  With a forever friend, one just knows that there is fun to be had.  With a forever friend, you support each other through all times, from happy to sad and back to happy again.  With a forever friend, it is forever.

It was a pleasure and joy waking up in the morning knowing that my day was going to be extra good.

I wake up every morning wondering what the day will be like knowing it will be good.

This was different knowing that there was someone here thinking, willing and free to do the same thing.  Someone here to create the day around how we felt, what the weather was like and what was shown to us.  To make joy a priority.  Being on vacation and not seeing each other for 2 years helped too!

Our intention was to just flow with the world with who we are and things went smooth, joyful, fun and easy.  Everything worked out just as it was supposed to and we didn't resist or want anything to be different.

It is in how we see things that is how things look.

May you see things in a way that is good for your soul.  If it doesn't agree with your soul and you cannot change it, may you, perhaps, change the way you are looking at it...

Whatever eases and lights up your soul, may you choose that...   as often and as much as possible.

Wake up believing in joy; or at least, wake up believing that you are free to be you.  

How Deep Do We Go...

Many of us are in deep just now.  Dealing with issues that are loud and deeply embedded in our bodies that have been with us long.   Some issues may have just showed up recently.

It is said that we are like onions, we explore and peel each piece and we just find/touch on more and more.

The Universe (higher power) is taking us deep.  No kidding around.  Nowhere left to hide.

When feelings come up that we want to bury because we do not like how they feel, these are the feelings that are coming to the surface for us to heal, to let go of and to do different with.

When we are ready and can let these feelings come from love and learning, we do.  We will.  They stay inside of us until we let them out.  It is best to embrace them than to fight them.  We do the best with them that we can in the moment they show up.

We are allowed, and even have, to feel what we feel.  These feelings are here to teach us something, perhaps.  To protect us, perhaps.

It is okay.

May you be with whatever feelings are showing up for you as best as you can; for now.

We have ourselves to the best of our ability just now.  

We are who and what we have been looking for to fulfill us and to love us.

I am open to getting rid of anything that is not here for my greatest good.  Only things that are my greatest good are welcome to move forward with me.  Amen.

May you be open to getting rid of anything that is not here for your greatest good.  Only things that are for your greatest good are welcome to move forward with you.  And so it is.

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