Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Trust. Embrace.

May you trust and embrace that what you are feeling is real It is present for a reason.  May you let yourself feel whatever shows up for you from a place of love, openness, trust and allowance.

Just what if your feels were present to create and open you up to a direction that is currently unbeknownst to you.  What if what you feel allows, enables and invites new paths and energies to build an awesome you through these feelings and processing these feelings.

Just what if...

May you trust and embrace what you are feeling, process it, walk through it, send love to it and open yourself to the changes/decisions/paths that these current feelings lead you into.

Ya Mon!

Hugs and Love


It feels like there is a dense-ness in the air for me just now.  A dense-ness that feels heavy and makesd it hard to for me to breathe.  I have the pain management office tomorrow and it is most likely because of how I feel about this and the experiences I have witnessed, endured and transmuted through.  I don't do a very good job with peace even thinking about this.  It is all about the drugs.  I'm not sure any one of the several people that I see know much of my story.  It is more about signing forms that I'm not distributing or getting narcotics from/to any other source.  It is about them counting what I have currently in my possession and me initialing my agreement to this count.  It is not fun for me.  It is quite the opposite. My blood pressure rises and I feel like something is on my back as opposed to some one having my back.  A big fat UGH.  Note:  There are nice people at this office.  It is the circumstances, the laws and the way of life here just now.  

I hear myself saying that if this doesn't heal me because I dislike it so, then I'm not sure anything will.  And, I've always believed that I can be healed of this.  I have had moments, days, weeks and even months where my body is not attacking itself.  For this reason, I believe if I just find the right niche, my body will choose to stay this supportive way.   When I was pregnant is the best time for this remission.  I felt great.  And, I took the best, most loving care of myself because I was growing a wee little human inside of me.  What a miracle.

How do I change what I don't like...  I think the better, more productive, question could be how can I accept what I cannot change...   Another Ugh.  I don't want to have to deal with pain management.  I'd like to go back to my rheumatologist who did it all for me.  Administered pain medicine, took my vitals, listened to my heart, listened to all my 'crazy' and interesting experiments for healing and sent me for blood tests.   Pain management that I go to now offers the drugs, takes my blood pressure.  A blood pressure that has been high on enough occasions only to offer nothing to help it.

Yes, it is up to me.  If I know it has been high, it is best if I make the appointment and do what needs to be done.   I am tired.   I am so tired.  I am being stubborn as my treatment is not the way I want it to be.  This tiredness and stubbornness is not helping me.

May you realize what you are doing that is not helping you and may you open to a new way of 'doing' so that what you do does help, support and gives you the feeling of loving yourself.

"Don't do as I do, do as I say" comes to mind.  saying unknown

I want to tap in and have the strength, courage and knowledge to do; to perform, in my best interest.

May you let go of any dense-ness that is weighing you down and tap into Your strength, courage and knowledge to do; to perform, in Your best interest.  

Oh yeah.

Breathe and take a really good step to stand up for yourself.  In this, perhaps, we can all share empowerment.  Booyah.

May we change our brick walls into strong brick houses that protect us and stand for us!   Ha.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Portals are windows, doors, openings, paths that take us into a different place; a different feeling; a different energy; a different way, perhaps, anew.

If you see an open portal and it feels right or calls to you, may you walk through no matter how fearful, how scary, how unsure or uncertain, how skeptical or how difficult.  If it causes no one harm, it just may be presenting a gift to you.  Bask away.  Spread your wings and fly.

Perhaps, it is there inviting you to a better way.  Perhaps, it brings you closer to your soul's purpose through some sort of divine intervention.  A life plan that is uniquely for You.  If it feels right for you deep down in your being; in every cell, then it most likely is.

New is here; for all of us.

May you be open to inviting the new and experiencing the best of you forward.

Let love permeate your open heart and your open mind.

Walk through and live 'anewed'.

Happy Spring!  Happy Equinox!  Happy Supermoon!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


There are many times throughout our lives that clarity is not so clear.  We can feel in between, lost, confused.  We can be walking a path where uncertainty is present.  We can be living with many unknowns.  This can often feel scary to some of us.

What if we decide to look at these times in such a way that we believe anything is possible.  These are the times where we can turn uncertainty, confusion and the feeling of being lost into 'wow, anything can become or show up just now because it is like I have a clean slate in front of me'.  Possibilities are endless.

What if we just feel what we feel, embrace who we are and dig deep and create from the depth of ourselves...

Trust that even though the picture of what is in front of us is foggy, hazy or unclear, we can trust and believe that what is meant for us will come and what is not meant for us will never happen.

And, this is just fine.

May you open up to any confusion or uncertainty you may be feeling or experiencing knowing that what is meant for you will show up in the exact time it is meant to.

Just hang loose; hold on; let go; breathe and be.

Trust, invite and believe that everything will work out for your highest good and really good things are coming at you.  The more true you are to who you are and what you feel, the more you will benefit from same.

This is the process of life.  You were born with everything that you need to live this life that is yours.  Your uniqueness is your superpower.   And even when what you are looking at and experiencing is unclear, there are really great and beautiful things going on.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Middle of the Night

I remember when I was running “Beachin Bodies”,  I would wake up in the middle of the night and come up with some amazing ideas and thoughts.  Often in the morning they still felt like good ideas.  Sometimes, however, upon morning, I would think to myself ‘what the heck was I thinking’.   The thought or idea would be outlandish within the light of day.  Hoot!

Now, with social media, blog posts, video posts, texting, we are ‘open’ 24/7.   This is good news.   This is not so good news maybe.

Many share whatever is on their mind at whatever time of day (or night) it is.  I'm writing this during the wee hour of 3 a.m.

Will I feel my thoughts and words are ok in the light...

Lately, my sleep has been interrupted.  I wake up a little spooked.  I'm not even sure of what.  It feels like I was dreaming dreams that I’d rather not dream.  It is a feeling.  I have no recollection of a dream of any kind.  Yet I wake up uncomfortable.   I wake up grabbing my Ipad looking out into our world.  It just may be a stimulation that would be better not to reach for.  Sometimes, I choose to go right to the book I am reading and stay present to my inner world.  Today I chose to head directly into the outer world.

There is a difference between the energies of these two worlds.

May you choose your own world when over-stimulation is not what you need.  May you choose your own world when it is better for you.  May you choose you often.  May you know and be aware of your choices.  Choose being the you that is most beneficial to your health and well being. 

Everything in our world in now at our fingertips.

May you give your fingertips (you) the love, awareness and ability to give yourself what is best for you in each and every moment.

Be aware of what you are reading, seeing, eating, sharing, doing and experiencing.  May you choose what gives you the best and greatest version of you; who you want to be and who you are.  Only you have the choice to experience your life in your way.

May you use this superpower in the best ways possible for you.  When you feel your best, your best is what is available to share.

May we all share our best as much and as often as possible.

Creating ‘ best’ on!


There is a big ‘something’ inside of myself telling me that it is time to fly.  It is time to be all that I am out in the world.  The world needs all of us living our truth and experiences out loud; individually, united.  All the hardship within and the hardship in our world will be greatly conquered through each of us living our truth out loud.  Sharing; shining; believing and vunerable.

I sit on the couch with the sliding doors open and a beautiful salt water breeze gently crossing over me.  I breathe it in.  I feel gratitude for it.  I feel my own hesitance but also my own desire wanting to share life with real people like I have in the past as I greatly enjoy connection; with coworkers, friends, family and clients.

I remember ‘flying’ as a professional and I do want to ‘taste’ that again.

And just what if these past several years that were unlike I have ever experienced before being more alone; more inside of myself; learning what is deep within me is also away of flying.  Just what if I never would’ve experienced this ‘growth’ and these lessons if I was out in the world.  What if me being out in the world would have stopped me from sharing all that I’ve shared for fear of reprisal. Maybe many of us are learning more who we are because we can choose to do it from the safe place of no outside judgment that needs to be responded to as we are no longer always face to face to have a connection.

May you just share all that you are freely without fear of reprisal.

Perhaps, this is the goal of being human; of having a human experience.

Maybe this is what real flying high is.

May you fly high.  Whatever it takes.  You are worth it.  

Friday, March 8, 2019

And then, It Was Time

We go on.  We wish for things, people and situations.  We dream.  We feel.  We believe.  We question.  We sit in uncertainty.  We walk in trust.

Everything we have been doing up to this point has brought us here to this moment in our lives.

It is time to be kind to one's self.  It is time to love or to learn to love one's self.  Perhaps, see if you can look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself.  If you cannot, perhaps, practice until you can.

It is time to realize that we are the only ones that we spend every moment of our life with.  It is time to have the type of self-relationship you wish to have.  One that supports you to thrive and trust in yourself always.

It is time to do that thing that you've been wanting to do.  What is one step you can do today that will bring you closer to the reality of You happening in the way You want to be happening...

It is time to decide to be, feel, live, and do what you want to be, feel, live and do.

May you open up to the possibilities of You.

It is time.

Group Hug.  We got this.  You have this.  You are awesome.

It is time to own everything that you are and be everything that you want to be.

Alright Alright Alright

What a beautiful evening it is here.   Calm.  Cool.  Peaceful.  Healing.  Comfortable.

The air feels as if it is filled with loving harmony.  I embrace my own loving harmony.   I don't always feel this way so I choose to stay outside a while longer and enjoy it.  Feeling gratitude. Breathing it in.

It has been an interesting day filled with love, despair, challenge and gifts.  They all seem to be pretty loud just now as they flow in and out of my life.  My emotions emote from a deep and true place within myself.  It is not a fun party and I welcome it all believing that it is all showing up to teach me, guide me and offer me, perhaps, a new way to experience all of this that creates my life.

What is meant for me is going to show up.   It is how I react to it all that gives me the experiences that I experience.

May you experience your experiences in the most beneficial way for you.

With all this energy (in what feels like) coming at me, I realize I want to be open to letting it flow through me.  I move my body in whatever way it feels like it wants to move.  I can find myself dancing, marching, stepping.  I find myself contorting in ways that I didn't know were possible.  I hug myself.  I lie on the bed hitting it and kicking my legs.

May you do whatever feels right for you to move the energy inside of you.  Let it flow through.

Let’s get the best of ourselves on!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy

I come here thinking I have nothing to say.   Nothing helpful.  Nothing interesting.  Pretty much nothing.

I sit and I start typing.  My fingers moving across the keypad.  It feels good to type as it feels it has been too long.

There is plenty judgment of myself going on, apparently, as I see what I am typing.

What if I just came here with ease, love and openness.  No fear.  No discomfort.

What would I type from ease and an open heart and mind...

I would type that it is very windy here today.  The palm trees are dancing mightily and the wind sings its song.  The sun is out beautifully and it is a white-blue sky...  almost a shiny, sparkling silver.

I sit on my chair and I sit tall and comfortably.

It has been an interesting time of late.  A time of unknown feelings, unknown physicality and uncertain what is going down.

It is like a whole new world has opened up and some of us are seeing life and living for what it is and it can be and feel shocking, delightful and, both, a time of togetherness and aloneness.

Auto-pilot has left the building to be replaced with awareness and questions; forward moves and a newfound inner strength just may be in the making.

It doesn't always feel good, yet, I know that it is.  It feels like it is...   I surely seem to have my judgment mind more on than off just now.

I want to just flow.  Kind of like the palm trees, but a bit less dramatic.  Flow from my inner peace.  I want to let my inner peace take over and guide me forward.  I invite my inner peace to take over and guide me forward.

If you would like...

May you invite your own inner peace to take over and guide you forward.

This is the offering I offer to you in this moment.  Deep breaths.  Feeling your body relax and let go.  If a thought has been plaguing you, let it go just now.  You can always pick it up any other time.

May you get your inner peace on and bring it to your outer excitement of what is next.  Believe in your situation.  Believe in yourself.  Believe in the goodness that is in your vicinity and our world.

Sometimes, it is easier to see/feel than other times.  Enjoy the easy moments.  Be grateful for all the moments.   They are, perhaps, all here to create you into the most innate, awesome, brilliant self that you have yet to experience.
