Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Settling In

With each new day comes the opportunity to settle into one's self.  Where I am at; what I am feeling; what I desire; what I need; where I want to go; what I can do today to bring myself contentment, wholeness, comfort and fulfillment.

The good news is I am the one that can prepare myself and give myself these things.

The not so good news is that I am the only one that can prepare myself and give myself these things.

It is so nice when I meet myself where I am at; through love and support.  It is so nice when I show myself kindness.   It is so nice when I do not allow harsh judgment into my being.  It is so nice when I know that I am enough and that I can love.  I can always choose love.

May you let it be 'so nice' for yourself.

In settling in and accepting what is just now, in this moment, and bringing myself and my truth into what is presenting itself to me as my life, I allow and invite wholeness, comfort and fulfillment in.

Oh do I like the peace that enters and opens up from my soul when I allow myself to be, need, desire and do exactly what makes me me.  When I live from the truth of me, I live wholly.

There is no better gift that we can give to ourselves and each other.

May we settle into living the greatness, the challenge, the vulnerability, and the vibration of the energy that makes us us.

In this, just maybe, we create a world of wholeness, comfort and fulfillment.

Free to be who we are from a place of openness, love and compassion...

May you get your You on!

May it 'go down'!!!  Hoot.  

May you give the spirit of you - your authenticity - freedom and flight...

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Queen of Vessels

I used to 'play' with Tarot Cards often.  I do not know how to 'read' them.  I would just pick 1 to 3 of them at a time and see what they say.

I came across my deck last night and decided to pick one card.  I'd like to share.

Queen of Vessels
"Tarot Wisdom - You have a mystery to ponder.  The unconscious may be trying to present you with something that is yet beyond your grasp.  Or perhaps you are only supposed to ponder the mystery.  Sometimes to explain the mysteries of life is to diminish them.  When a seed is planted in the ground it mush remain unseen for a time while it germinates. If we expose it prematurely to the light it will not sprout."   "The Alchemical Tarot" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Robert M. Place

May you believe that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.  Be true to this present moment.  Be authentic.  Breathe.  Believe that right where you are, you are supposed to be.  You are gathering wisdom that is meant for just you.  You matter.

Thank you.

May you choose content/fulfilled/trust now, in this moment.  Invite ease and permission to be exactly what you feel, are, know and am.


I wake up in gratitude today.

I am grateful for

the sun
the blue sky
the comfortable temperatures
my animals
the people that love me
the people that I get to love
You - because you give me purpose in my mind and in my heart
my computer
the chair that I sit on
and the food that is currently in the oven.

There are so many things to be grateful for.

May you notice, recognize, enjoy and be grateful for the things that show up in your life that bring you peace, harmony, joy, challenge, etc.  

Whatever you enjoy, may you be aware of and know gratitude for...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Trust Yourself

You can always choose love.

Don't give you up.   Don't give in on yourself.  Don't take you away.  Don't let what matters to you not matter.

Trust yourself.

Trust that the way you feel is for you to feel; to process through it and become...

Trust that what you feel is a reward or a lesson that is meant for you.

Trust that you are doing the best that you know how.

Trust that you can always choose love.  Love is a part of you being human.

There are many parts of our humanness.  There are many parts of and parts to our 'being'.  There are many parts that are always available to you.

May you choose the 'part' that gives you the most comfort within; that part that imbibes truth, happiness, excitement and inner knowing.  The part that shows up.  The part that carries you forward.  The part that allows the spark within you to release the beauty that is you.

Trust yourself.

In every challenge, there is a lesson.  In every lesson, there is a choice.  In every choice, there is a response.  In every response, there is a consequence.  In every consequence, there is a situation that arises.  In every situation, it is ours to lean into, away from and/or, sometimes, to just ignore.

However, I believe these situations (lessons) will arise again and again and again until we grab onto the intended growth that we are supposed to invoke to become the best version of ourselves.

Learn your lessons.  Enjoy your joys.  Walk through what there is in front of you to walk through.  Be true.  Become.  Be You.

My mind swims in the intolerant just now.  My heart propels love inward and outward.  My beingness - my whole self - is on standby.  I sense it.  I feel it.  I believe it.  I know it.  Perhaps, we are all being created/recreated to better live, create and announce the new and better way of life and living; from who, what, where and how we are today.

I trust that what I feel is supposed to be what I am feeling.  I trust and do, as often as possible, choose love.

I stand in love for the world.  I stand in love for the situations that really need it.  I kneel in love for peace and harmony and God's love to show us the way.

May we each be shown [and ready to be shown] our best way for the entire well-being of our world and the people in it.

I wish you your most glorious and joyful of paths to open up and for you to have the gentle strength, the powerful courage and the trust in yourself and in the process of life to step out, show up and be all that makes up You.

You are here right now, today, for true meaning in the shifting, preparing, allowing, creating and participating in the 'better world' that is on standby.  All we need do is believe and reach for it; individually, together.

 Go for it.  Go for you.  Go for each other.  Go for our world.  Go for whatever you can to add a sprinkle of betterment.

I wish you the best of You; the betterment of your life; and the most beautiful and gorgeous part of your life.

In the chaos is, perhaps, the grandest time to create anew.  Whatever is inside of you to create from a place of love, may now be the time to start (or continue on) with the process of same.

Let's do this.  Leave behind what doesn't work and what feels heavy.  Start with what does work and feels beautiful and light.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Exciting, Challenging Times

I still have a resistance to type here; to see what it is I am going to say.  I feel an inner resistance to same.

Times are loud.  Days are teaching.  Lives are being touched.  Moments are being scarred.  People are being challenged.

Ease abounds in some things.  So much information - anything we could possibly want to know about - is at our fingertips.

Everyone's, that chooses to participate and even some that don't, lives are open to dissection and dissemination; and in real time...

I feel bombarded with hospital stays, dis-eases, deaths, struggles, riffs, etc.  One video is one too many videos that share violence, destruction, harm and/or torture.

People are in pain.  More than I would have ever imagined...  deep, unbridled pain.

What is painful to one person holds all levels of 'considered' pain for each of us.

Pained situations seem to be so in my face just now.  Painful moments are shared and written about.

What once was private and/or kept secret is (more and more) being shared, shown, addressed; front and center.

While I think this just may be a good thing because I was taught (and believe) awareness comes before change and/or healing, it is also a difficult thing because so many of us are tired; exhausted even.  Tired and exhausted to the point that sleep won't come.  Tired and exhausted from information overload.

We enter into each day not knowing what the day holds.  I enter into each day looking forward to what the day will show me knowing that it will be a good day.  I know there are still many good days, moments, times and people in our world.

It is my hope that there will be more and more good and less and less pain.  Yes, pain can be a roadmap to a better way which may be a real positive, but, pain still hurts.

Self-inflicted pain is more rampant than I want it to be also.  Drugs, alcohol, cruelty, anger, revenge  -- all can be considered self-inflicted pain.

OK, WE ARE BECOMING AWARE.  WE ARE AWARE.  We feel it, see it, know it.

May we let the awareness of pain and conflict help us to create ease and compassion.  

I still say and believe that acceptance of what is, while we bring our true and loving self with us wherever we are and wherever we go, creates the greatest peace available to us.

When we fight war with war or anger with anger or unforgiving with unforgiving, we keep these things alive.

Letting love lead us into, on and through is the answer.   Love one another.  Respond with tenderness and gentleness.  Forgive each other and our own selves believing that we are all doing the best we can with where we've been, what we know, who we are and where we are going.

Hurt people hurt people.  I am much more fun to be around when I am happy and my life feels easy.  When you feel happy, loved and just know that 'you are enough', it is very close to impossible to open up to hurt or hurting.

When you feel hurt or hurting, it is harder to be kind, open and loving.

We have to start with self-love.  When you love yourself and feel good about yourself -- truly good and clean from the inside out -- it is much easier to share this good feeling.

We live what we know.  We live what we experience.  We live what we were taught.  We live what is 'normal' for us.

We are creating a new normal.  A new normal is being true to our own hearts and minds; not judging and, also, doing no harm.

Kindness will win.  I believe this because deep down (and not usually having to go so deep), kindness feels better to everyone.  Good health responds to kindness.  Our hearts respond better to kindness.  Our ability to succeed responds easier to kindness.  Our minds are more in active harmony with kindness.  Kindness supports the epitome of our best and most beautiful selves.

So, yes, when the news is on, when gossip is happening, when cruelty is spewed, we are not in peace and harmony.  I function better in peace and harmony.

I choose peace and harmony.

May you bring all the peace and harmony you have and share it with our world.  It does make a difference.  What you do matters.  

Peace and harmony are more empowering and powerful than anything ugly or hurtful.

May we allow these exciting and challenging times to encourage us all to touch the on button [that we all have] to our own peace and harmony 'ableness'.  Ableness on...

Turn your ability to love [button] on the highest position possible.

Love on...

                                                               picture unknown

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Thank you. Honored

Country Group Hug

I want to thank You from the following countries for stopping in to visit.  I am greatly honored and thankful for YOU.

United States                              Egypt

Germany                                     Indonesia

Brazil                                          France

Portugal                                       Ireland

Vietnam                                       Cambodia

Canada                                         Singapore

Australia                                      Nigeria

Russia                                          Estonia

United Arab Emirates                   United Kingdom

Chile                                             India

Argentina                                      Thailand

May you do your own group hug with the people in your life.  May we all lead and live through love.  In the greatest of challenges, there is always the hug... !

May you hug and be hugged.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


You are being touched by the divine.   The divine is within you.  You were born out of the Divine.

I was just out walking the dogs and I was noticing how awesome, spacious, open, beautiful and divine the sky is.  The word divine just kept coming in my head; and my heart.

I felt great gratitude for this expansive sky above my head and I was considering how it is above each of us walking on this earth.

This same sky is over your head and your head and your head.  All you need do is look up, breathe and feel the experience that you are supposed to feel.

It is my hope that we all take time to experience what is here for us to experience and process it with open hearts and minds.  Each experience is only fully experienced when we let it be so.  Perhaps, until we get the message that is meant for us - that we need to know - 'like' experiences keep occurring.

It sometimes feels easier to not let certain experiences in...  but is it...   Is anger better than the experience of pain and/or hurt...  Does putting our mind elsewhere stop the experience from happening...  Does closing our heart to the feelings that come up enable us to live on our truest of paths...

It is in the experiences that are meant for us that we grow, become, and get to know the depth of ourselves.

"Know Thyself"...   "To Thine Own Self be True"...

There is only one you under this expansive sky.  May you dive into and live the truth of You as best you can.

In this, you are participating as you were born to.  In this, the best and most true for you paths will be shown and open for you to be all that you are and can be.

May you trust the process of life.  May you walk the truth of you.  May you experience this moment from peace and openness as much as possible.  May you experience this moment as only you can.  Experience this moment in the most mindful and loving way that is possible to you.

Oh, the beauty of the divine.

Divine... (
- of or relating to a god, especially the Supreme Being
- proceeding from God
- extremely good; unusually lovely
- of superhuman or surpassing excellence
- to perceive by intuition or insight

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What's Happening

Hello to You.

Thank you for welcoming me into your computer.  Ha!   May this post find you breathing in and out; deeply and mindfully.  Perhaps, take a moment or two to just be one with your breath...  Notice your body.  Notice what you are feeling.  Take a moment to be with your whole self from time to time.

Some of us do not do this enough; if at all.  When we get silent within ourselves, we invite peace and inner knowing to show up.  From this place of peace and inner knowing, we, perhaps, live our best selves forward.

This is my wish for you today.

Tired.  I feel tired.  Others are feeling tired too; from time to time.  Are we in information overload and just doing our job of processing it all and putting it where it belongs...

Let stay what is helpful.  Let stay what you are able to help.  Let go of what is hurtful.

May you let your breath, peace and inner knowing carry you where it is best for you to be.

Everything seems to be 'touching' us differently; more realistically, than ever before.  What touches one nation, seems to touch all.  What touches one individual, seems to touch a majority of people; if not all.

Consciously, we may not always know this (and some surely do).  I think our subconscious just may be on overdrive.  Mine anyway.

And, it is all okay.  Even when I feel tired, scared, confused or frustrated, I am not my feelings.  I am behind (or is it above or below) these feelings.  I am the one who can know them and decide how to treat and process them.

May you be aware of your own feelings and step back and decide what feels best and is your best way to process through them.

There is no other way to where we are going than through.  We live through this moment to get to future moments.  It is in this moment where choice and living live.  This moment is yours, may you participate in it the way that brings you the most content and happy.

May you live lovingly through the moments of your life.  Live YOU on.

Let YOU happen.  Let you happen as the best possibility of YOU.

Thank you.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Full Moon Magic

Currently, we have full moon magic!  This full moon is about healing, change and support.  Most full moons are said to represent letting go of what no longer works for you.  This full moon is about helping you to get on your best path and move forward in the best version of yourself.

May you feel its healing light and let it surround you and go through you.   May you be open to feeling and walking forward into what you favor and what favors your life.  Open your heart and know what you want and believe in it.

Let your imagination wake up and soar with this moon.

Dancing in the moonlight always sounds like fun to me.  Join in the 'dance' that is best for you and believe in it and let You happen.

Wish you gratitude and graciousness for what is coming your way.  May it lift you up and place you down, gently, right where you are supposed to be.

Trust your feelings.  Trust your instinct.  Trust your truth.

Walk into every situation as the 'truest you' available to you in each moment.

Healing isn't ever about feeling good all of the time.  Healing, sometimes, just may be about not feeling good and still knowing that you can love and choose kindness and peace over war within and without.


Happy Full Moon to You.