Times are loud. Days are teaching. Lives are being touched. Moments are being scarred. People are being challenged.
Ease abounds in some things. So much information - anything we could possibly want to know about - is at our fingertips.
Everyone's, that chooses to participate and even some that don't, lives are open to dissection and dissemination; and in real time...
I feel bombarded with hospital stays, dis-eases, deaths, struggles, riffs, etc. One video is one too many videos that share violence, destruction, harm and/or torture.
People are in pain. More than I would have ever imagined... deep, unbridled pain.
What is painful to one person holds all levels of 'considered' pain for each of us.
Pained situations seem to be so in my face just now. Painful moments are shared and written about.
What once was private and/or kept secret is (more and more) being shared, shown, addressed; front and center.
While I think this just may be a good thing because I was taught (and believe) awareness comes before change and/or healing, it is also a difficult thing because so many of us are tired; exhausted even. Tired and exhausted to the point that sleep won't come. Tired and exhausted from information overload.
We enter into each day not knowing what the day holds. I enter into each day looking forward to what the day will show me knowing that it will be a good day. I know there are still many good days, moments, times and people in our world.
It is my hope that there will be more and more good and less and less pain. Yes, pain can be a roadmap to a better way which may be a real positive, but, pain still hurts.
Self-inflicted pain is more rampant than I want it to be also. Drugs, alcohol, cruelty, anger, revenge -- all can be considered self-inflicted pain.
OK, WE ARE BECOMING AWARE. WE ARE AWARE. We feel it, see it, know it.
May we let the awareness of pain and conflict help us to create ease and compassion.
I still say and believe that acceptance of what is, while we bring our true and loving self with us wherever we are and wherever we go, creates the greatest peace available to us.
When we fight war with war or anger with anger or unforgiving with unforgiving, we keep these things alive.
Letting love lead us into, on and through is the answer. Love one another. Respond with tenderness and gentleness. Forgive each other and our own selves believing that we are all doing the best we can with where we've been, what we know, who we are and where we are going.
Hurt people hurt people. I am much more fun to be around when I am happy and my life feels easy. When you feel happy, loved and just know that 'you are enough', it is very close to impossible to open up to hurt or hurting.
When you feel hurt or hurting, it is harder to be kind, open and loving.
We have to start with self-love. When you love yourself and feel good about yourself -- truly good and clean from the inside out -- it is much easier to share this good feeling.
We live what we know. We live what we experience. We live what we were taught. We live what is 'normal' for us.
We are creating a new normal. A new normal is being true to our own hearts and minds; not judging and, also, doing no harm.
Kindness will win. I believe this because deep down (and not usually having to go so deep), kindness feels better to everyone. Good health responds to kindness. Our hearts respond better to kindness. Our ability to succeed responds easier to kindness. Our minds are more in active harmony with kindness. Kindness supports the epitome of our best and most beautiful selves.
So, yes, when the news is on, when gossip is happening, when cruelty is spewed, we are not in peace and harmony. I function better in peace and harmony.
I choose peace and harmony.
May you bring all the peace and harmony you have and share it with our world. It does make a difference. What you do matters.
Peace and harmony are more empowering and powerful than anything ugly or hurtful.
May we allow these exciting and challenging times to encourage us all to touch the on button [that we all have] to our own peace and harmony 'ableness'. Ableness on...
Turn your ability to love [button] on the highest position possible.
Love on...
picture unknown
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