Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, September 30, 2019

This Way or That

I am open for trying new ways to accomplish health, healing, steadfast joy and the best versions of me.  

I realized this morning that instead of trying to fix or heal myself, it feels better to focus on what it is that makes me happy and brings me joy.  This is the route I wish to go just now.  Concentrating, learning and open to doing, thinking, being and sharing things that make me happy, joyful, elated and the way I live that makes me feel like "I is 'da bomb'".

Concentrating on what makes me feel happy, good, fulfilled, content and true to my nature.  Not to concentrate on what hurts, aggravates, any aches and pains; any discomfort and/or things I wish to change.

Perhaps, this is a better way, going forward, to live and experience life.

May you open up and pay attention to what makes you happy, feel good; feel fulfilled, content and true to your nature.

Just maybe this is exactly what fixes, encourages and sustains health.

This way or that way or whatever way shows up for you that feels best within yourself...  This is what I wish for You.

"Just 9Be U"  Be You to Completion again and again and again.  "Grow Yourself Complete"  9 is the number for completion.  

Breathe.  Stretch.  Smile.  This is how I end every one of my emails.

"Be good to You" is something I wish to say, offer and share as often as possible.  "Be good to You" is something I, just now, have decided is what I also want to keep for myself in/through as many situations, thoughts and feelings as possible.

May You be good to You.  BAM

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Candid Moment(s) in Time

I do not know why I took this picture.   I was sitting there just hanging and being me and I was comfortable, grateful and content.  What was in front of me made me feel fortunate and happy and, well, me.

A moment in time just being me.

May you have many moments in time just being You.   May you be aware, present and participate in same.

Open up to your happy feelings of gratitude, contentment, joy, love, etc. in as many moments throughout each day (and night) as possible.

May you realize and experience your 'simple' moments in time that make you feel like and experience the You that you are and wish to be.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

May I Offer

May you take care of You.

You are allowed to enjoy all there is to enjoy.  You are allowed to invite ease and know that ease is possible and available to you.  Relax your shoulders and neck.  Relax your face and head.  Relax you body.

Breathe into any discomfort you may be feeling.  Breathe into all the comfort that is there for you to experience.  Breathe deeply; as best you can.

May you meet yourself where you are at.  Ask God, the Universe, your angels, etc. for support and help.  You are love(d).

Breathe deep and let go.  Thank your body.  Thank your mind.  Thank yourself for paying attention to your own needs and trusting in the process of your life and trusting yourself to live your life and, to often, thrive.

You matter.   I care.

May you be true to your life.  In this, perhaps, all life will matter.

May You become everything awesome inside of You to become.

Bloom.  Explode.  Become.  Unique.

Oh, beautiful You.  Honored.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


It is very windy and 'alive' out here on the deck of the 21st floor high above the earth and the water.  Swirls of whitecaps; calls of birds and boats rocking.  There is a weird feeling in the air.  There is a haze everywhere.

Sometimes, life can feel 'swirly' and hazy.  It can feel weird.

It is in the uncommon-ness that can rock our world; in both good ways and not so easy ways.

This is life.  Everyone's life.  There are some things we feel natural with and there are some things we may find ourselves feeling uncomfortable or challenged by.  The calling of a new way; a new path; a new beginning shows up for us all at different and certain times in our lives.

May you accept your life as it is and bring into it the truth of who you are and the truth of what you feel and experience. 

   ...and watch and feel the wind of magic swirl around you and through you...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Time (Your Time)

With being diagnosed and living with a dis-ease the medical world has labeled scleroderma, it takes me 1/2 hour to eat a slice of margherita pizza because my mouth is very tiny and my gums are very hard but sensitive.

It takes me time to open things, if I can make it happen at all.

When I drop something on the floor, it may take me 30 seconds or so to be able to grasp it and pick it up as my fingers are not flexible or long.  The pads of my fingertips are pretty much gone.

I take more time than I used to to get things done.

This has taught me a very good lesson of living in the moment.

I need my attention to be on what I am doing to get it done.

May you be aware of everything that you are doing...  Is it easy, is it hard, is it frustrating, is it joyful.  Will you accept whatever 'it' is in the moment...  Can you...  Are you open to...  Do you want to...

May you be aware of the 'power of now' in as many moments as possible.  May you be grateful for the situation in the moment; as much as possible.  It will either be joyful and easy or, possibly, a moment to learn a new and better way.  A possibility to learn to be only love; invite acceptance.

At this time, exactly where you are, may you meet yourself where you are at.  May you be okay with where you are at.  May you embrace where you are at.  May you be true to where you are at.  Trust in the moments that arise.  Trust in yourself to rise in each moment.

The time is now to accept your life, your self and who you are and what you feel.  When we move on from here, in the state of and openness to love, miracles appear.  We see signs.  We allow ease.  We grow.  We become.

This all takes time.  May you do it all in your own time.  

Let love not worry.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Open to Love

I am realizing more and more that the more I stay away from struggling, fighting, or wishing things in my life to be different, the more I open to love.

When I can keep my thoughts and judgments of what it is I am feeling; what it is I am experiencing and how it may be different from how I think I'd rather feel and experience life, I am more open to love, peace and harmony within myself and outside of myself.

When I allow what is to be present; when I allow what I feel to be felt, there is an openness that allows for loving acceptance to flow in and create life from a place of love.

When I don't allow myself to gently let what I don't like to feel be felt, I constrict myself and I shut myself down from loving acceptance and its ability to flow through me.

May you stay open to accepting everything as it is; to allow yourself to feel what shows up as your own feelings and allow unease and discomfort to be present when it is.

One can be aware of what one feels and can even say I feel this discomfort, what is it trying to tell me.  I feel unease, it is okay.  I walk through these feelings instead of immediately wanting to try to fix or change or run.

May you stay with all that you are and feel and let yourself evolve out through love.

Perhaps, in this way, life will flow through us and there will be no war inside of us.

No war inside of ourselves just may create less war outside of ourselves.

Oh, peace.   I so invite you within me, around me and throughout others and our entire world.

To create and allow peace within creates and allows peace without.

Oh, the freedom of peace.  Let freedom ring.  Let us live in peace.

Peace dudes and dudettes.

May you be open to allow love, feel love, share love and be love(d).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Antsy, Anxious and Awesome

Breathe self, breathe.  Deeply.  Evenly.  Lovingly.  Feel your own love permeate each and every cell in your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.  Breathe.  Feel your whole body relax and let go.  Enter into the wholeness of your breath.


Thanks.  I needed that!  lol

I have been feeling antsy, anxious and awesome.  How quickly I can go from one to another is amazing.  I have a feeling of not being settled and an unknowing of what I want to do next.  I'm awesome because I am telling myself that it is okay; I am okay and I will know when I am supposed to know.

If you shared kindness today, you done good.

If you shared love today, you done good.

If you were aware of yourself paying attention to what you were feeling, you done good.

If you were gentle to your own self, you done good.

It is, perhaps, in these moments that we are living life fully.  It, perhaps, doesn't have to be a big production, it can be a small act that we live our purpose and allow fulfillment.

It is in being fulfilled that we live our awesome.

We are not always going to be happy.  We can be fulfilled by opening to all that we are in every breath.  

Fulfilled in the fact that you know you are living your true self into each and every situation you come across and/or create.

May you fill yourself up by being true to who you are, what you feel and what you desire. 

Believing doesn't always make it real.  Ignoring what is doesn't make it go away or not there.

May you let being aware of your truth in every breath, fill you up to awesome.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Break Free

Break Free.   I keep hearing myself saying let the painful things go.  Let things that have happened a long time ago, go. Things that are happening now that I am accepting without speaking, feeling, allowing, sharing and living my truth.  I know better than this.  I've worked very hard to know better than this.  What does holding on benefit me...

It is very loud inside of me - like a broken record - of things that keep me from allowing me to break free; live free; thrive like I know I can because I have done so and enjoyed it.

I so enjoy being true to me.  If I so love it, then, why don't I give myself permission to do this... Always...

Do I have to relearn, regroup, become anew...   Yes, apparently, yes I do.

Today is Friday the 13th - Full Moon day.   A day that I am told allows for just this thing to become a reality.   I want myself to let go, break free, become the best of me.  Open to the ease of living through the truth of me.

I don't know if I will.  Perhaps, this is a great place to start believing; trusting; wanting and willing to do just this.   Break free of my self-made beliefs that feel like chains that bind me.

Oh, I so prefer freedom over being bound.  Flying over crawling.  Awesome over mediocre.  Fulfilment over a void.

If there are thoughts and feelings taking up space inside of you that you no longer want there; that you don't enjoy or that hold you back...

May you Break Free...

Let's do this.  Let's get it done.  Let's unite in breaking free to 'Just Be U'...  Let love.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


I have found myself in self-'prescribed', self-'medicating' stillness.

The world has become overwhelming to my senses and I find myself shaken, grasping (I don't know for what), breathing in/thinking thoughts of calm and safety and an underlying feeling of jumpy and irritable throughout my arms, legs, stomach and skull which is creating my need for stillness.  How weird this sounds to me and how true it feels.

I am reminded of human nature.  I am thinking and feeling that through my self-induced stillness I can connect to my innate nature in the best and deepest ways possible.

It is not through chaos that I know myself.  It is through calm, feelings, openness, allowance, acceptance and breath.  This is the place I know myself and am myself.  I get to sit with the whole of who I am and what I am about.  It can feel challenging.  It can feel wonderful.  It can feel soothing.  It can feel uncomfortable.  It is what I need/want to live through just now to grow, become, introduce and live my best life and path(s) forward.

May you find your own inner human nature through allowing yourself to be with, know and experience your own stillness.

These last several months I have found myself running, hiding, closing down and not wanting to write through my stillness.  It is a place that I feel I have never touched on so deeply.  Certainly not in this world that I/we are living in today.  I have yet to allow 'me' to happen enough to want to experience the wholeness that is sitting so close to the surface of letting myself free to do just this.

A road never travelled.  

How exciting!  How scary.  How unknown.  How to...

I invite myself to walk through, forward and past this holding back.

If you find yourself holding back, may you invite and allow yourself to walk through, forward and past whatever it is you are holding back.

Allow your love.  Allow your breath.  Allow your knowledge.  Allow your awesomeness.  Allow your light.  Allow yourself to 'Just Be U'. 

You can always pull back if you choose to.  And, just maybe, you won't choose to because You are the greatest gift that You can give Yourself and our world.  Your innate knowing.  Your innate love.  Your innate wisdom.

May you let the stillness of you to become. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Waiting for the Storm or Dancing

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.  It is about learning to dance in the rain."  unknown

Well, today for me and my neighbors in South Florida, we have been waiting on the storm to see what Hurricane Dorian decided to do.  The answer, thus far for us, has been nothing.  It is my understanding that it is all over the Bahamas and staying there; not moving at all.  Hurting and damaging the beautiful islands.  I pray and send out love to all those that are in the storm.

I have had a dark weather day of hanging, eating, watching TV, being with loved ones and playing with the animals.  I have felt such gratitude knowing that for today, no hurricane speed winds touched land here.  The awesomeness and power of Mother Nature was felt and it was wind and active water swells.  The sky was completely gray and sullen.  The air was full of eeriness.   It was a one of a kind day.   It was nice to be in a sort of limbo space opening myself up to what is, what will be; acceptance; different and easy.

Threat of a storm imposing shut downs, stillness, awareness, mindfulness, and watching what is in front of me and around me.

It was a gift.

Anything could still happen.  I am praying that the storm moves north out to sea dissolving itself of harm and further injury.

It has been a good five days that there has been non-stop news on this storm and the possibilities and the harm and the 'worst ever' scenarios and the necessary recommended preparations and attention requested.

I am feeling blessed and proud of myself for believing and trusting that in each moment leading up to this moment now that I loved; I have remained aware; and I have stayed true to me and stayed peaceful (in pretty good doses) in the chaos.  It was like I have been dancing in the unknown knowing mostly love, peace, trust and togetherness.  That is what I am here on this planet to create, experience, be, share, know, desire, learn and become.

May you connect to what feels best in/on you and may you 'dance' your way into why, who and what you want to be and experience and your innate reason(s) for being.


Boom. Bam. Bing.  Bada Bing.   It is like the part of you that is the Big Kahuna surfing the biggest waves that come your way knowing that no matter what, you are okay, you will be okay and even when you don't feel okay, you can choose to open up to the peace, trust, and love that is you(rs).

I wish you the you that you want to be; know that you are and feel best being.