Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Loving Truth

May you live in your loving truth. May you live in your truth through love.  

Go deep.  Get high.   

Know Thyself.  Honor thyself. 

Live from the depth of yourself into and through your dreams, your calling, your purpose and your lit self. 

Get. You. On.  

“Just 9Be U”.  “Grow Yourself Complete”. Again and again and again.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Peace.  I like peace that comes from a faith and trust that I can do all things that come through me and to me.  

I know that ‘Be Here Now’ brings me the most peace.  All I best can deal with and respond to is what is present now.   

When I open to love, I am uplifted.

As I focus on and am present with the ‘now’, I open to gloriousness happening and being involved and present.

Life has a great way of working things out and opening the best paths by our presence and our current vibe(s).

May there be peace on Earth and let it flow through each of us.  

Ooh la la.   Faith on. 

May you open to Fun.  

Glorious fun.   Your way.   

Friday, September 15, 2023


Stand tall. Stand up. Take a Stand.. in everything that is showing up; through your own truth and love. 

Serious times. Serious changing times are all about us.

I feel there is so much showing up for most of us - coming to light so to speak -  that it can sometimes feel dark. 

Stand in your loving truth through all that shows up; as often and as best as possible.  

Experience the present moment and open yourself to your reality.  Let your gentleness, awareness and faith stand strong.  Choose what feels best for You through your instinct and wisdom; a gut knowing.

Through your mind, heart and gut, stand, acknowledging the wholeness of your truth.  

I have often said in the past if I speak of something going on, I will make it true and have to deal with it.  I know now, whether I speak or even acknowledge what is, I am still living in the truth of what is.  By speaking and standing true to it, we put light to it so there's a much better chance of healing through.  When we avoid it, we create a stuckness in it.  

‘It’ being that thing we have run from, numbed from, ignored and avoided and it's (possibly) now in our face or showing up again and again.   

You have You.  We uplift.  We grow.  We live.

Living in our truth will give us a freedom like nothing else.  Living in our love will allow the greatest and best creations to happen and doors to open.

May you walk through as truly ['just'] You.

Friday, September 8, 2023


Pain.  What an UnFun thing.  Wouldn't recommend it.  Would hide from it if it would be helpful.  Would never seek it.   It finds me.  It finds the majority of us from time to time.  

With scleroderma, it can and has visited quite frequently. The main culprits for me are finger ulcers.  Ouch.  Lack of blood circulation and blood not reaching the end of my fingertips due to too much collagen production and tight skin with contracted blood arteries, the fingers get ulcers and the skin dies and the nerve endings can scream from a minor irritation to a full blown throbbing.   I did say ouch already.  And how I feel just now, another ouch is appropriate.  The pain keeps me from sleeping.   

Pain.  I have learned to be fearful of it and apprehensive. 

I have learned to breathe into it and relax into it as well.  

It has been several years that I have had no ulcers and this move, because of the amount of things I did with my hands, brought me them aplenty.  I really thought I was done with them.  I got my first one in 1977 at the age of 17.   I was working in the afternoons at the electric company and in my senior year of high school in the mornings.   I didn't know what it was so I went to the work doctor - at that time the big Electric Company had their own on-site doctor and he gave me black salve and it made it worse.   The pain was unbearable.  It took 5 years of different doctors’ visits and at age 22, I remember sitting in front of a huge desk with a doctor telling me that I was allergic to myself and this was an autoimmune disease that will eventually kill me and I would be on medicine for the rest of my life.  Well that was some information to walk away with and process.  

Here I am alive and have learned so much living with dis-ease. I may not be able to use my hands easily or freely, I always hear myself say that I can still love.  So, it is my goal to ‘still and always love’.   

Pain teaches. Pain can lead to self realization and transformation.   I'm grateful for how it has taught and encouraged me how to live deeply and in the moment.  I am grateful that something in me chose to love from within and beyond dis-ease.   

Fear of pain.  Pain itself can be a powerful motivator, life game changer and can teach compassion, empathy and trust.  Being one with my breath has become natural for me.  Watching my thoughts and responses in everyday life and circumstances is who I have become and what I do.   Sitting with pain and honoring it and loving myself through is what I have learned is the best way that works for me.  

I find that life and healing, thoughts and reactions; my responses and ways are an inside job.  Great to gather information and then process all through my own instinct, wisdom and love. 

When You struggle with something and/or experience pain, may you reach out for information and guidance from doctors, professionals and/or other methods.   May you always include your own wisdom, experiences and instincts along with your own loving truth and self-kindness.

To do so is like ‘the cherry on top’.  The added bonus, the magical entity, the inside job that only You know and understand because You are the only one that knows the full and most true experience of You.  This is your, perhaps, superpower(s); your best way to heal.  

Healing doesn't always mean full health .  It does mean full acceptance and living the best of You through it all.  

I wish You the deep peace of following your own wisdom. 

Let You be the answer, the way, the power to live your best life.  Amen.

Amen meaning It is so.   

Noone knows the wholeness of your life and your experiences of living like You do.  

May you always have the line open to your wisdom through your awareness, mindfulness, breath, openness, truth and your own love.  

You, with outside information gathered and processed internally by You is the ultimate and best answer for You for each situation, experience, relationship and ‘pain’ that you experience.

Heal on through the uniqueness of your truth, your love, your mind and your gut answers.  You were born with so much wisdom and ability for knowledge to heal what ails You.   

Being You. your loving way, is the miracle that you just maybe looking for outside of yourself.  What if it is there within You as You open to loving and believing in the energy, heart, soul and spirit of You.  

Letting go of habitual stress definitely dissolves some pain.     

May you get to witness, bear and dissolve pain as it asks for your attention.   

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


Breathe.  Just Breathe.  Just Be. 

May you just be in this moment and give yourself a wonderful deep, full breath.  

This is your life force, your chi, your energy, your mana.  Your breath.  For You, through You, by You. Only You(rs).

Perhaps, take a moment to become aware of it and how it flows through You.   How often are you aware of it ...  Are you grateful for it...  Do you participate with it...  Do you thank it...  Can you relax into it...  Want to experiment with it and be one with it in as many ways as possible...  What is best for You...

Maybe, breathe deep into your belly and imagine filling your belly up with air like a balloon.  Slowly release your breath and empty and pull in your belly.  Do it as many times as you wish.  Relax your shoulders.  Imagine your breath reaching every body part, every organ, every cell.  Fresh oxygen in.  Let out what was in (that you no longer want).  

Let your breath flow through you like the ocean flows through into its waves.  

Feel your body relax into whatever is underneath you and let it fully support your relaxed, weighted body.  


I wish You Ahhhhhh.