Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Sunday, February 28, 2021


Imagination.  Dreams.  Daydreaming.  Real dreams.  Dreams that are not real but feel it.  

Imagination and dreams can come about and through us in so many ways.  There is no right or wrong.  There is just you.  There is just me.  There is just Us.  There are dreams filled with imagination, reality, love, fear and everything in between.

I'd like to offer to let fear go through you when it shows up.  Let yourself walk towards, into and through fear.  Realize and know that, mostly, fear only knocks.  Know the old saying that when fear is knocking, open the door and nothing or no one is there.  Fear is made up by us.  From our experiences; our thoughts.  Fear awakens us to new levels and consciousness; next chapters.  

May you walk through any and all fear knowing that on the other side of it are only possibilities, dreams and more awesome and inspiring imagination.

Dream whatever, however you want to dream.    It’s your dream, go for it!

Dream a wonderful dream of You.   

It’s a new day, a new dawn... May you be feeling good.  

Saturday, February 27, 2021

True Dat

May you connect to, know and live You — the You that knows it is easier to just be yourself than to be any thing or any one else.  True dat. 

Here I am.  The dead of winter, almost 4 years ago and it was close to 0 degrees F.  All dressed up to go to a wedding.  And, in the cold, I ended up putting on UGGs, a sweater, sweat pants and covered the glam with winter protection gear!  Ha.  

“Just 9Be U” “Grow Yourself Complete” again and again and again.

I had wanted to share this picture many different times and I have not learned comfort yet in doing so.  I want to learn it and have it always going forward, so here I am.  Being true to my moment, my experience, my situation, my struggle in the cold and my love of getting to be around people that I adore.

So, whatever your moment looks like, feels like, is like, presents itself as - may you bring your truest of true into it with You.  

May you step into the ‘true dat’ of You. !!

Embrace yourself.   Love yourself.   Do your best.  Be raw.  Be vulnerable.   Love out.

Full Moon Magic

Full moon magic around the world...  May we all get us some.  !!   

When you look up at the moon, may you send and receive the blessings to and from all of us here, together, on planet earth looking up at the same moon.

We all want connection.  We all want love.  We all want to matter.  We all want to make a difference.  We all care in our own way to the best of our ability.  We all have a story.  We are all here, now, living our lives, at this time; individually, together.

The power of knowing, believing, loving, sending and receiving...

May we all open our hearts and let only love flow through; to the best of our ability in each and every moment.

May this love heal our way forward into synergy and lifting each other's dreams and purposes - for the greatest of all - up.

I wish you your own good vibes flowing through You

Night Moves

In the still(ness) of the night...   I think it is not really ‘still’.  It is beautiful.  It can be calm. It sure can be amazing.  It can be serene.  I can feel and hear the silence.  

Some sleep less these days.  Some feel dark in the daylight in moments and situations.   

May you trust that in the beautiful silence within You, while not always still, there is always a way to connect to and know thyself; to find direction.   

There is always help and support out there and within yourself to connect, reconnect and stay connected to your WOW and your FLOW that is meant for You.

I wish for You what You are wishing for; as it is for your highest good and, in turn, good for your world, our world, the world. 

May you always remember the good that is You any and every time you may find yourself forgetting...  

You are always connected to light within and outside of You.  You can choose the colors, the depth, the brightness, the serene, the calm, the beautiful, the chaos, the 'un-still'.   

May you be aware of what you are choosing and land and flow above the clouds, through the clouds, into the earth, on the earth; within and without.  You know.  May you remember that and of which you know.

Your connection to You is the best connection you can feed, so to speak.

Just now, in this moment, may you be aware of your reaction.  Do you love it or something else...

Is there a better choice to be made or are you living through the beautiful and the openness to your best reaction available to You now...

Friday, February 26, 2021

Accepting and Expressing

"For this reason, each moment offers us an opportunity to accept what we feel, think, want and need without allowing our fears to result in more self-rejection and thus more suffering.  The majority of our self-criticism actually results from denying our true self, because in doing so we are lying to ourselves and to others.  Then, we give ourselves a hard time for doing so.  This is why finding the courage to speak and act based on our true feelings now is the most practical expression of accepting all of who we are as well as the most direct path to enjoying our life."

 From the book  “You Were Not Born to Suffer” by Bale Bauer

What a beautiful excerpt and well written offering in expression and acceptance.  !!


May you be open to new ways, new understandings; a new always evolving You.

What is meant for you will always reach You.  What is not to be, will never happen no matter what.  

May you always talk yourself out of self-rejection.  Express and accept You as you are.  

May you relax into the lightness and truth of being You.  May you respond and offer love to yourself and loving ways to all that enter your life and your orbit.  

Did you know you have your own orbit?   A path, a way, a direction, flow, track, range, trail.  All Uniquely You(rs).  This is how awesome You are...  May you honor it and honor each others’ orbits. 

As you create and accept you as you are now and live thusly, your best trajectory, expression and transformation becomes apparent and lights up.  You grow into your best ability to express and respond in your most masterful way.  Yours. 

Hang loose.  Have faith.  Live true.  Be your light.  Follow your path.  Innately.  

May we stop the suffering by living in the acceptance of self ; now and forever.

Offer your love to all that you love and all that you do not.  Let love be the present and present in your orbit always.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Glory. Grace. Good.

The day is done.  The night is young. 

Reach up high into the sky. 

Reach down deep into the ground. 

Stand firm and balanced in between. 

It is who you are  It is meant to be. 

You are You.  I am Me. 

We were born to be free. 

Live from within out in truth with trust. 

Simplicity and love are yours to ‘fall’ into. 

Reflection and believe in yourself.  

As above.  So below.

Let the life within you encourage you to flow, hang loose, be colorful and breathe.

However you are in this moment, may you love yourself through.  Let love.

May you invite simplicity.  May you let your love be/breathe through You.

Monday, February 22, 2021


“Every picture tells a story.”

May you look gently, easily and lovingly upon your life and yourself just now (if now is the time for you to do so), in this moment; these times.  Are you liking the story and what you see depicted that is you just now? 

Hang loose.  Go easy on yourself.  Reflect. Shine. Be.

How close to the ‘picture’ of what you want to experience, that is in your control, are you...  Perhaps, just observe and be mindful.  

What is working for You?  What are you ready to let go of or change up?  What do you want to bring in and/or start anew?   What has always worked for you but, for whatever reason, is no longer optimal? 

You have the power to create the picture you feel from deep inside of you out; the picture you want to see for yourself of you and your life now. 

Be kind.  Be true.  Be You.

Sunday, February 21, 2021


"Returning to SELF is the return to the kaleidoscope of colors withIN"  (Sharnie aka Energetic DNA Healer)

Oh, I love the sound of this; the feel of this; the truth of this; the thought of this; the goal of this; the destination of this...  

May you keep the vibrations of You On.

Each one of us is unique.  Each one of us is special.  Each one of us is beautiful.  Each one of us is awesome.  Each one of us is here for a totally unique and precious experience filled with lessons, teachings, goals and amazingness.  

Perhaps, imagine what a kaleidoscope of colors would represent You and what yours would look like.  

May you be very kind and open, imaginative and creative with yourself. !!  Whoop.   

I imagine my kaleidoscope view being white, gold, black, red, turquoise and teal.

Just 9Be U

May you breathe.  May you be.   May you be aware that you are.  !   Ha!  

“Just 9Be U”.    May you “Grow Yourself Complete”...  again and again and again.

Life is all about You.  Life is all about Me.  Life is all about each one of us.

What we experience.  What we put forth.  How we react.  Who we connect to.   How we respond.

Life.  This is what creates who we are and the life we live and experience.

May you be open to experience life from the inside out often.  As long as you feel good about you living your truth, and loving and sharing your best self with the world, may you let no one lead you astray from this.

You being You --  Golden.

May you allow the catalysts that are in your path support you to evolve, live and grow the You that You want to be.  Allow any motivation and any agitation to support you to know what is and what isn't for You.

The sky is not the limit.  You are your only limiting factor.  Live all that you are out loud with honesty, love and trust.  Fly free.  Fly high.  Fly.  

Sky, Water, You, Signs

“Sign.  Sign.   Everywhere a sign.”  

" Fire in the Sky"

"Smoke on the Water"

Just Be Who U Are 

Signs.  They are everywhere for all of us.  

All you need to is looksee and believe.  

Signs to teach us.  Signs to guide us.  Signs to redirect us.  Signs of love, trust, and truth.  Signs for our body, mind, spirt, and soul.  Signs for encouragement.  Signs to play with.  

May you seek them; if you choose.    Perhaps, all you need do is ask.  

Ask for signs to guide you.  Open your heart.  

Look for the signs.  Open your mind.  

May you follow your heart being mindful and aware.   

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Magic in the Air

Beautiful pink line in the sky. 

There are lines everywhere.  Many are necessary.  Many are drawn for us.  Many are created as we are experiencing experiences.  Many are broken.  Many we create for and to ourselves.   Most lines that are drawn are limiting.  

However, the one line [of divine energy] that comes up from the earth into our bodies and down from the universe into and through the top of our heads is a line that is limitless.  This is the ‘line, that when you are connected to and embrace and open to it, our lives flow, transcend, encompass and connect us to all that is available for each of us.  And it is abundant and endless energy.  It is truly the entire universe.   Unlimited possibilities. 

The magic that is in the air, in a sunrise, in a sunset, is also within You.

May you let your magic happen. . . Just by Being true to You.  

Connecting to and living the truth of who You really are is magic.  

The way you breathe.  The way you encourage yourself.  The views that you point out to yourself and tell yourself about.  The steps you take.  Your divinity.  Your process.   Your trust.  Your truth.

All of these things together create a limitless you.  You have the universe inside of You.  All you need do is ask for the magic that is meant for you.  Ask for the magic that you can create.  Ask for the magic that you can step into.  Ask for the magic that you can share.

There is always magical empowerment to innately know and live the life that is inside of you out.

You can connect to it at anytime.  You can ask for guidance at any time.  You can live in it and share it at anytime.  

All you need do is believe, ask, feel, allow, listen, respond and open to any and all magic that is within you and around you.

You are magic...  Just by Being Authentically You.

"Just 9Be U"   "Grow Yourself Complete"   Right here.   This is the magic in and of You.

No blurred lines, only You being true, open, limitless, magical You.

Keep Going

Do you know how much awesome is inside of You?

We all have our challenges.  We all have our wins.  We all live in and through 'storms'.  We all live in and through what life shows us and how we respond.

This is life.  This is me living my life fully as best as I can in this moment.  This is you living your life fully as best as You can in this moment.

Keep going.   Keeping on.  Being open.  Open and true.  Being You.  You have so much awesome in You.  

It is a positive thing to get in some quiet time, to get in some fun time and to be aware and mindful of what feels happiest, uplifting, loving and fulfilling.  What makes you feel most like You.

Encourage that.  Invite that.  Allow that.   

Encourage, invite and allow You being You.   You living You.  You there for You.  You in the flow of You.  

When we are in our flow and happy, we best share with others flow and happy.

When we are challenged and out of sorts, it is less easy to share flow and happy.

I wish you flow and happy; as often and as much as possible.

Even in the dark times, there is light, flow and happy available and within your reach.

With your mindful, knowing way of what allows You to most be You, the availability of same comes easiest.   

Do you know how much awesome is inside of You?   To infinity and beyond. !!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Endless Possibilities

We are in a time of great change.  We are in a time period of great lessons and learning.  We are in a space of amazing creativity and new ways.  

Just on the other side (and part of you is already there) - magical and endless possibilities await You.   

Keep going.

Trust the kind, empowering voice that comes from inside of you.  Trust your gut.  Feel your dreams.  Imagine them.   Believe in them. 

Allow your feelings.  Process them and nurture them.

Bring your love in this and every moment and situation. 

Gather information.  Live in this present moment open to your very next step.

May you connect to your magical possibilities that await You.   

Monday, February 15, 2021

Cloud Nine

There is always more than one way to look at the same thing.

We can choose the way that makes us uncomfortable.  We can choose the way that invites fear.  We can choose the way that creates the most peace.  We can choose love over worry.   Trust over confusion.  We can choose the way that incites the better feelings rather than our least favorites.

We can take big steps.  We can take small steps.  We can look at the big picture.  We can look at what is just right in front of us now.  We can look, see, think and react in a chosen way any time we wish to.

May you choose to looksee from the most loving and open places inside of You. 

May you believe and know that you can create your very own heaven; here, now.

Let the spectacular.  Let the amazing.  Let love.  Be mindful.  Invite joy.  Allow happiness.  Create the wonderland from the wonder and awe inside of You.  

May you WOW yourself; as often and as much as possible.  

May you jump into and get on Cloud Nine; from time to time. !! Ha! 

Sunday, February 14, 2021


Happy Valentine’s Day to You!  Happy celebrate Love Day!

I have here a compilation of thoughts I have posted over the years on Valentine's Day.  I feel the urge to share with You as I wish you your kind of  Love... in everything you do; every relationship you have and through everything that you experience and create.  Life really does respond and exhibits that it is created through who, what, where, and how You are.  

May you let love lead.  

 Put your love everywhere!  Remember your heart beats inside of You.  May you leave plenty of love there.  !!  It’s a Love Thing!  

You are Love(d).   Pass it on.   Breathe it in.  Breathe it out.  Your love matters so.  Just love.

As you celebrate love, may you remember to celebrate the love within and for yourself.  May you always be your own Valentine.  Many thanks and much appreciation for sharing your love with me.  I have been completely touched and highly honored by so many of you; again and again and again.  Your love is beautiful to me.  Love never gives up.  Be love.

May you create each day with love.

May you be the love you want in your relationship(s).

May you allow only love in your heart because you are worth it.

May you love the one your with -- YOU... and send out your love each and every day.  May your heart be open; as often as possible.

Love on.  May you let the door to your heart swing both ways.

Let yourself be open and on to giving and receiving love. 

Be love.  Know love.  Share love.

Love feels best when shared.  May you feel your best; as often and as much as possible.  Always.  All ways.

Love empowers.  May we empower ourselves and one another.

You are love(d).

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Stepping on Anyway

These times are unlike any other times I/many have lived through.  These times are about reckoning, creating and becoming.  These times can feel chaotic and non-sensical.  These times are 'these times' and we are all here together navigating, living, weaving and learning how to live in and go forward through and from these times.

Creativity is at its highest during times of deconstruction, reconstruction and restructuring.  The awesome and beautiful, high imagination and low clarity I have experienced, during these times, have been off the chain; off the charts.  

We are all being asked to live differently, yet--to carry on; move forward; live through; find our [new] way.  Who are we?  How do we do this?  What is happening?  What is my next step?  These are just a small amount of questions that are being questioned by many of us just now.  

It is okay if we/you do not know the answer(s) just now to the question(s) you hear yourself asking.  It is okay.  

May you be in the okay-ness of not knowing.  

Sometimes we do not need 100% clarity to take our next step.  We only need to trust ourselves and the process of our journey.

May I offer to...

Step anyway... if it is in you to do so.  May you let your loving truth walk with and guide You.

To not 'step' is a step.  

May you breathe deep, relax into yourself and trust yourself exactly where you find yourself just now.  You can and you will make it through exactly as you are supposed to.  With what you know, who you are, what you are shown and what you create, there are amazing and wonderful moments being set up just for You for when you know it is time to step up, in, on, out, there and forward. !  

All you need do is live from and in your loving, trusting, truthful open mind and heart and spirit.

You have everything it takes to Just Be U.  

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Kaleidoscope Sky

As dusk settles upon the land/water, I look at and am blessed with the beautiful colors of sunset.  It feels so promising and inviting.   

It invites peace, calm, beauty, love, wonder and awe.

The evening sky!  Promise.  Hope.  Rainbow.  Gift.   

The promise of happy moments.  The hope of beautiful life experiences always rising.   A kaleidoscope of color that brings joy.   The gift of love..  for me, of me and from me.  The gift of love.. for you, of you and from you.    

May you see, feel, know, be, do and live the best of what is inside of You.    

The evening sky.  !!    You.  !!    Me.  !!    Us.  !!

The magic and beauty still abounds everywhere; within us and around us.


May you see and feel what amazes You.   May it often be You(rself).  

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Fractured...  broken, cracked, damaged (thesaurus)  

Many of us have, at one time or another, felt fractured in our lives.  Plenty of us are, perhaps, feeling fractured in one way or another now.  Shattering of dreams.  Broken relationships.  Broken relationship with self.  Challenging times.   Great changes to adapt to.  Feelings hurt.  Pain shows up.   Fear enters.   

For many reasons, we can allow or not know anything other than a feeling of being fractured. 

Yet, even in these 'feeling fractured' moments, we are whole as is best for us now.  Within the fracturing, we can build through and fill ourselves up anew.   We can create new ways.   We can weave through the fractured-ness of our self and design a newly transformed self.   It just may bring us closer, in the shortest amount of time, to connect to who you are now in the difficult 'gift' of feeling fractured.  

You are still beautiful.  Your beauty is still who you are.  Your love can still lead.  Your innate acceptance and truth can create miracles of what is ready to be birthed from inside of you and through this fractured feeling.  

Sometimes, we have to trust ourselves 'cracking open' to explore and become the You that is next in line; so to speak.  

Fractured is not a demolition so much as it is an opportunity for tuning in and creating out the amazing You that kisses the sky and stands firmly on and with the earth.  

May you open yourself way up to be able to imagine kissing the sky and standing firmly on and with the earth.  "Grow Yourself Complete"; now.   

Monday, February 8, 2021


 Soothe ... 'to tranquilize or calm; to relieve, comfort or refresh (dictionary)

I looked outside today and there were soft gray and white clouds in front of a light blue sky.  The water was green, blue, navy and probably colors like seafoam, spearmint and jade too.  It was quiet and serene.  It was silent and still.  It was flowing and comforting.  It felt very soothing.  

There was a light drizzle and the sound of light rain.  I could see pretty far yet the distance was blanketed by the earth and sky.  The temperature was perfect (for me) at 73 deg. F.  The feeling was that of a pleasurable hug.  

I felt great gratitude for the feeling.  I knew it was soothing my soul.

A yacht was coming south out of the blanketed water and a sailboat was going north into it.  They met up and passed each other in the quiet and serene beauty of nature.

The waters created their own boundaries of color.  Some very defined.  Some intertwined and moving.  What a gift nature can be when we choose to connect through our own silent, intermittent, gracious, loving, peaceful, thrilling and passionate essence. 

May you connect (from time to time) with what soothes your soul through what touches you deeply and beautifully through your own natural essence.    

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Show Yourself

In the unknown darkness, there is light that lingers.  There is light that shows up anew.   It is present.  It can be felt.  Flickers of light can be seen.  Growth is happening.  Perhaps, redirection for our greatest good is happening.  New ways are being created.  Just because we did something in life one way, forever and so far, does not mean that it is the best way for us now.   

This is when the depth of ourselves become uncovered.  This is where trust in ourselves to connect to what is needed; what is best, is being unmuted and devised.  May you ask yourself what is your best next step in this moment for you to take.  Trust what you hear/feel within yourself.  Love yourself fully.  Embrace your inner guidance, inner knowing and seek and become what is inside of you to be, to do.   Ask for it to be shown through the universal light.  

What is meant for You will happen.  Nothing can stop it from being so.  Allow divine timing.  Invite your heart and your mind to open and know the exchange of giving and receiving through peace, love, harmony, respect, truth and trust.  

When breathing through the truth of You [through love and trust] and bringing this You into every situation, relationship, circumstance and place, you connect to and live through what is most meant for You.  

There is beauty. There is strength. There is gentleness.  There is what is [most] meant for You.

Let the empowerment of this; knowing that everything you need for this lifetime dwells inside of you, be lit and ready to answer your calling.   

This is available.  This is happening.  

All we need do is be true to who and what and where we are.  All we need do is live the life within us and given us.  All we need do is to be who we are.  

All you need do is to “Just 9Be U”.  

May you let yourself....  “Grow Yourself Complete” just as you are now.   You are enough.   You are complete in this moment.   You are an astounding human having a (oh boy) spiritual journey.  This is us living us.  Me living me.  You living You.   

Choose love.   

This is where the flow, acceptance and best and most true path(s) occur and happen; through the divinity, glory and rawness of it all.    

May wherever you are, wherever you go, whatever you do...  Show up as You.   

Saturday, February 6, 2021


I believe there is way more ‘good’ in our world than ‘bad’.  I believe most people want to support one another.  I believe when you look for ‘beautiful’, it is always there.  I know wishes and dreams do come true.   I believe gratitude uplifts our lives. I believe love is way more fun and empowering than hate.  I think a smile looks good on every one.  I know colors are a joy to see and play with.  I know the thoughts we think create our experiences.  I know the sun always sets.  I know the sun always rises. 

And, perhaps, in truth, I know nothing at all.  Who knows what we know 100% without a doubt, unequivocally, know.  Some things I 'knew' in the past, I later found out that I didn't know.  Some things I believed before, I no longer believe now.

The best we can do is be true to ourselves and bring this truth with us into everything we do and are with an open mind and an open heart.  Things change.  Knowings change.  Beliefs change.  We change.

It is okay.  It is alright.  

Five of us can look at the same thing and it just may be interpreted in five different ways.  How amazing.  How interesting.  How what we know is from who we are and the experiences and stories we have told [and tell] ourselves.

May you choose what makes you feel brightest and let go of what weighs you down; as much and as often as possible.   

May you believe in yourself living the best version of You.  

You so can.  And, I so hope that You do...

Your life and style depends on and lives through the things you think, feel, say, do and are.  Bring You Out.  Let You happen.  You were born to be You.  Ha.  

Friday, February 5, 2021


The answers, my friend, are blowing through the winds of your emotions...  

There is much going on in the 'mainstream' of life.  There is much going on from the depth of many of us.  There is much going on.

There are many feelings, relationships, situations, circumstances and moments that create old and new feelings for each of us.  There is much to emote.  There is much to feel.  There is much to process.  There is much to clean up.  There are new paths and ways to create.

Most likely, whether we are fully and/or somewhat or not aware of it all, it is happening within and around You too.

May you trust what you feel.  May you allow what you feel.  May you honor what you feel.  May you feel what you feel and may you love yourself through.

You are beautiful.  You feel what you feel for real reasons.  When you feel through your own love, even things (maybe especially things) that you do not like or enjoy, the 'best of' shows up, continues on, is created and we live and witness our best of process(es).

With love, with silence, with going inward and connecting to what shows up for You, there are answers to be had.

The answers, my friend, are blowing through the winds of your emotions.

I like me some Bob Dylan.  !! 

May you amaze yourself, allow your beauty to shine; look within and let it lovingly free to grow, transform and become the best version of You.

Thank You.

Inside Out

 As far back as I can remember, [feels like when I started becoming aware of life outside of myself] I have had a desire to connect to it, know it and participate with as much of it as possible.  I think this feeling and desire has stayed with me throughout most of my breaths throughout the days, years, decades of my life.  

It is just recently that instead of being encouraged, (en)lightened, (em)powered, and excited by it, I am being drained, cranky, frustrated, afraid, unsure and punctured and (un)marveled by it.  There is a new me stirring inside and I am being asked (forced) to find comfort in it and it feels of great importance to my own humanness; my own life and life in general.  There is also a 'freeing' that seems to be taking place as to not hold too tight or think too seriously about the best and most just way for me to live in society.  

I have always strived to live, ignite, bond and be true to just peace, just truth, just fairness, just cause, just everybody.

I have always wanted, tried, willed and entertained sharing on the outside what I know and who I am on the inside.  To have the inside of me and the outside of me in as best of an alignment and cohesiveness with truth, dignity and wanting good for all and feeling like it is my 'purpose for being' to abide to just this.  

May you live inside out.  Let your powerful light shine.  Be love. Know gentleness.

May you let what is inside of you freedom to JUST BE; preferably through your own love, truth, alignment with the divinity that made you real; that made you You.  Just Be.

We are talking mind, body, soul stuff here.  We are talking spiritual journey here.  We are talking about oneness, truth, empowerment, alignment, blooming, life, love and living our divine self through our human form.  We are going there.  I just went there.   

May you be exactly where you are and feel best to be.  Live from and through your 'innerstanding' and outer being together as one firm entity.  An entity of gentle strength, loving wisdom and combined past, present and future in the here and the now.

Dang, I find this way deep and am very surprised by where I find myself in this post.  My old feelings of feeling crazy and/or too much have just surfaced.

Went there.  Trust it.  

Go there.  Trust it.

We are turning inside out to create a new, a better, an accomplished and fulfilling, easy flowing You, Me, and Us.  That's what it feels like and I'm sticking to it...  Ha.

Thursday, February 4, 2021


May you believe in enchantment.  Yours.   Another's.  The world's.  Life is full of enchanting things and so are You.

First full moon of 2021.

May it bring promise, allure, happiness and beauty to You.

May you bring fun, excitement, fascination, charm, magic to your life.

May many things in life captivate your wow-ness.

It is so possible.  You are so possible.  BeaUtiful awareness brings beaUtiful moments.

Send it.  Get it.  Dig it.  Be it.  Allow it.  Embrace it.  Offer it.  Invite it.  Share it.  Live it.  Do it.  Let it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


May you, perhaps, ask yourself what light of yours can you bring into each of your relationships to create the relationship(s) that you wish to experience...

When we are aware, mindful and conscious of what we are bringing into each situation, circumstance and relationship, we are more able to choose our actions, reactions, judgments and even the 'picture' of how we wish 'things' could be. 

When we reflect on our actions, reactions, judgments and desires, we are more able to bring with us the reality, vulnerability, honesty, love and truth of owning who we are, what we do and how we act/react.  We are in a better place of 'getting it right'; of being in the flow; of bringing the best of us forward and into every piece of what we are experiencing.  Another way of saying it, feeling it and experiencing it is letting the loving part of us lead.  Oh, how the outcome most often does and can change and benefit when we come from and through our own loving light.  It can so benefit us, others, the room and the world.  

Your light is not little.  It is everything that creates, connects and calls.  Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. !!

May you experience your light shining into a place that can often be experienced as darkness to you.  Live this 'darkness' from and through your loving light; gentle, vulnerable, true and filled with integrity You. 

I believe in you and your beautiful light.