Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Uh Oh

I just purchased a new computer and to transfer everything that I work with from the old one to the new one is quite the endeavor.

One step at a time.  One program at a time.  One keystroke at a time.

It, perhaps, can be related to our new thoughts in our minds to our old thoughts.  We have to cross out the old thoughts that are hurtful and unhelpful and enhance the new thoughts; create them and learn to let them become habit.  The new thoughts that bring us peace and bring our life into the best it can be.

It is not easy.   It is not impossible.  It is one thought; one program; one subject at a time.

And, both are so worth it.  Everything eventually starts working more smoothly and more powerfully.  It creates an easier world for us to get our stuff done; to enjoy/to be/to do. 

There are glitches in between.   There is some downtime that we have to allow for and there is a learning curve and process to live our best from where we are in each moment.

May you allow whatever and however it takes to change from the old way of being to the new way of doing.

You are worth it.   You are possible.  You matter.  You can meet yourself where you are at and allow the flutter, the thrill, the challenges to work and process through what it is that you know and that you are.

May you be open to your best self.  I'm cheering you on.


I do not have my pictures downloaded yet so this post will go without a photo as I meet my life where I am at...   Ha!

Thursday, October 27, 2016


When a baby is born, there are so many firsts.  First time they smile, first time they laugh, first time they crawl, first time they speak, first time they walk and so on.   A world full of firsts.  Having firsts can be pretty exciting.

I am pretty excited.   I have my first paying client with Just 9Be U, LLP!!!  Yippee.   I am thrilled.   She is perfect.   She is so ready to learn and to become and to open up to her best and to her most real worlds for herself. 

I am so excited to have the honor of sharing this journey into herself with her.  I am beyond elated that she has been sent to me and I know, believe and want to help her succeed into a happy, fulfilled, true and easy life that comes from deep within her; her own innate knowing. 

Oh, this is going to be fun.  It won't be easy work all the time.  Most of the time, it will be hard.  It can be hard to take a true look at our own self.  It can be the most fulfilling thing we do.  And then to share this self... oh it is what we humans are here to do! 

So, she is my first.  Oh la la; it is a day of celebration!

May I get sent many that I can be of great help to and may I know and show them the best of their self by just being open to all that I know, am and here to be.

Woo Hoo.  !!

May you have firsts and may you enjoy them tremendously.  Be open to your first(s) and may it happen through you as you are being the truest, deepest, most loving of self you can be in each present moment

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Own Hands

I'm taking my healthcare back into my own hands as best I can.  When I came to my new home, location, life, I was taking little medicine and my weight was decent.  I wasn't perfect, but I wasn't as 'uncalm' as I am now. 

With all the stress of seeing different doctors, being sent new directions, finding my new way, I have gained weight and I am on different medicines and I have lost connection to my own needs vs. what the doctors tell me my needs are.

It is important to listen and learn from our doctors, healthcare providers.  It is important to listen and believe what we know is true for ourselves.

So, as I find my voice, speak up and share my truth, my experience(s), my own knowledge with these doctors, I am open to having it my way to comfort, healing, better health and peace.

I am ready.  I believe it can happen.   It will happen.  It is happening.

It isn't the easiest way to go but, for me, it is my best way.

I must even get the pharmacists involved; the insurance company involved.

But, I am worth it.  And, so are you.

May you let yourself be worth fighting for and/or speaking of your truth, your experiences, and your needs to get what feels best on, in and around you.   Only YOU know best after gathering all the facts, information, options and connections.

May you live your best through your own inner knowing, your own inner being.  May you live your best through your own outer doing.  May you live your best you.

Perhaps, the time is now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Where I'm At

I am on the verge; the fence; the precipice; the edge of what I was doing to what I am going to be doing. 

I've been teaching, sharing, learning about life.  I've been called on by friends and random people to speak of life; to help with life; to hear others' stories and to comment.

I am going to be doing the same thing, but, it is my biggest and greatest desire right now (other than staying in a decent state of health), to instead of calling these 'connections' friends and random people to call them 'clients'.   I want to work.  I want to work so badly.  

I hear it calling me.   I feel it calling me.   I am setting up a new desk area to be more private than what I have now.  I am getting fully prepared.  I see myself walking and working in beautiful homes and offices.  I envision my 'office' to be outdoors at times.  I want to work.  I am ready.  !!!

I have been watching "Super Soul Sunday" with Oprah on the OWN network and after each show - I call it 'enlightenment entertainment', I write to Oprah and tell her my feelings; the residue from the show left inside of me.  She must want to hear this, right...  She must look forward to reading this, right...  Ha!  She may not even ever see it but there is something strong inside of me that needs to do this. 

My husband and I were just having the conversation of working and being a professional and being deeply true and loving.  I think we can be all, although going back to being a professional after being away from it for 20+ years and doing only 'spiritual' (deeply loving and 'knowing' work (for free)), I am very curious to see how I will blend it all together.  I know that I will.  I believe it is supposed to be this way.

And the last "Super Soul Sunday" that I watched was with Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, and he was talking about compassion and wholeness in the workplace.  BAM.  Another show, another connection, another interesting topic, another interest to better and support our world.  I totally believe that what I'm thinking of or working on, it is a part of what I watch next on the Oprah Network.  I love the OWNers idea.  I think it means if I am an OWNer, I declare that I own my own stuff and want to learn more about sharing and living the stuff that I own.  Perhaps, you are an OWNer yourself.  I know I am not alone in loving her work. 

This is a deep, light (instead of dark) secret of mine that I'm supposed to help Oprah.  Her and I are dear friends.

She just doesn't know any of this.  My daughter calls me her 'stalker'.  I just LOVE her work and Iyanla Vanzant - well, I think I am a white Iyanla Vanzant.!...  Imagination is good.   Imagination is good.  !

So, I'm just following my inner knowing, my truth, my excitement, my 'draw' and I am open to being the best, fullest, trustworthy, open, helpful Life Coach that is possible for me to be.

The only thing holding me back is, of course, I don't have any clients (ha); and, my own fear of getting sick and being unable to thrive the way I see myself thriving.  I want to touch people at the depth and the worst and the best of themselves.  Man, I need to do this.  I was born to do this.  It is time for me to fly with 'clients'. 

May you feel deep inside of you.  May you let the inner knowing, truth, excitement and draw come forward.  May you be open to seeing this into fruition and may it be so.  I wish this for you if you wish it for yourself. 

I 100% believe in you.  I 100% believe that if one can dream it, one can become it.  If one can think it, one can create it.

May all your dreams and thoughts of positivity, fun and excitement come true.  May you be working towards them right now.  May you get a sign that, yes, this is the path for you...  May you be open to seeing this sign.  May it be and come right from where you are at.

                                 Boo!  No more skeletons in the closet.!.!  Let us free ourselves.

Monday, October 24, 2016


There are approximately (loosely so) 29,700 days in one's life. 

What do you want to do with today?

May you bring your truest -- from the true place that you are, the truth of what is inside of you, the truth of what surrounds you...  May you be the you that is, the you with what you know and the you that feels into each and every day.

Perhaps, we live our fullest of day(s) by doing just this.

May you live your days full and fulfilled by living in and carrying out loud (through awareness) your truth and your whole self. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Just maybe we are in a 'phase' of feeling and being reintroduced to some of our darkest darks.  Perhaps, we are also in the place of feeling and experiencing some of our highest highs.

With this last full moon; the 'hunter's moon', some say that we are able to move in, through and on from what we want to move in, through and on from or what we need to move in, through and on from; what we haven't been able to move.  It just may be it is time and we need to move in, through and on from some things in our life that scare us; put fear in us; things that we resist.  No more fear.   Love.  Let love and your feelings lead you. 

No more resisting.   You are ready.   You are able.  You are good to go.  If something has shown up for you, may you take it as a great opportunity to do 'it' differently, better and, perhaps, with harmony. 

Perhaps, instead of thinking, feel.  Just feel.  Let your body respond to what you are feeling.  Let your own love be present for yourself and to yourself. 

Let the harmony of who you are, what you know, what you feel, where you've been, where you're going and what makes you you shine. 

May you just breathe You through life.  May it feel like an easy breeze.  If there is one present, let the torrential storm pass through.  Be as kind as you can; as open as you can; as 'feeling' as you can.

"Feel your feels."  Unknown

"Pain pushes until the vision pulls."  Michael Bernard Beckwith

May you let it all just be what it is and bring your true, loving self to it and through it.  This is life.  This is living if you choose it to be so.

You have you.  You were born with you; as you.  You have everything you need to be the very best of You.  This is what I wish for you; always. 

"Just 9Be U...  Be yourself to completion"

May you allow harmony - beautiful harmony - to be.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016


The unknown can be a scary thing.  It can frighten us and we can start believing all kinds of worst case scenarios when we are in the unknown.

Just what if we could send the unknown love, trust, and live from the truth that we are aware of.  Bring all this forward with us into the unknown.

Stay in the presence (presents) of this and know peace, calm and even joy because right here; right now, in this very moment, as I write this and as you read this, we are okay.

We are surviving, we are standing (or sitting/laying) and we are okay in the presence (presents) of this moment.  Sometimes we are way more than ok.  But we are always ok if we choose to be. 

We may not like where we are or what we are dealing with, but we are okay.

We may wish it to be different than we know it to be, but we are okay.

We are okay in our okay-ed-ness.

May you know that you are okay in each present moment and as you stay in the present of the presence, the truth of the presence, your truth in the present, and the knowingness or even unknowingness of the present, you are okay.  Breathe.  Let your deep breaths matter. 

May you create your life forward from the present of the presence.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Sometimes, I can feel lonely even when people are around me. 

Why is this...  How can it be so...  Is it me and what I'm thinking/doing...

Some days, perhaps, it is just human to feel lonely.  Perhaps, I have issues/problems on my mind.  Perhaps, I am not fully open to sharing myself with others.  Perhaps, I need to feel alone.

Whatever the reason, it is how I feel.  When I accept this and be with it, 'life' feels easier than when I fight it or want it to be different.

Whenever I 'fight' life wanting it to be different than it is, I can find confusion, hurt and sometimes heartache and worry.

Life is always changing.  Life is ever-changing.  Life changes as we breathe.

Whenever I accept 'life' as it is and, maybe more importantly, myself as I am, I feel more whole, at peace and with 'it'.

I like feeling with it more than I do feeling alone.

Perhaps, we need to know what feeling alone is so we can appreciate togetherness.

Sometimes, my alone time is my most fun, relaxed and the greatest of 'me time'.

It truly is about how I see the world and all of its goings on.

It truly is about how you see the world and all of its goings on.

May you see it from your allowing, open, true and loving place more often than from a negative, sad, lonely and scary place.

I don't think it is possible to always be 'on'.  How boring would it be to never be challenged...

I bet there are many of us that would like to see what it feels like at times.   I bet there are many of us that do have moments/days where everything seems good and, just maybe, we don't even sit open in the truth of it.  Why would we 'worry' or be aware of this phase.  We don't have to 'fix' anything.  Just what if nothing ever needed to be fixed.  Hmmm.   

Life is full of phases. 

Flow; just flow.  May you flow. 

May you accept your uniqueness; know it is your greatest of superpowers; allow your growth to happen as it does; and be one with what is as best you can.


"Enlightenment", "Vibration", "Levels", "Attunement", "Windows", "Ascension"

I see these words used frequently when talking about change, the way of our world and regarding individual positions in life.

I'm not real sure what the use of them helps.  I'm not really good at using them in sentences.  They don't feel important to make sure that I do use them while having a discussion.  Perhaps, they all mean the same thing.  Living them is most important.  Experience is what I wish to convey, share and do.  And, if you like and use these words, may they bring you your best self.  That is always the goal for me.  Being our best of self. 

Enlightenment is my favorite.   Ascension is my least favorite. I'm learning labels are less important to me than feeling what you are feeling and experiencing same.

I saw someone have a huge 'aha' moment this morning.  My whole inside and out is happy and dancing on.  I feel so happy for this person and grateful that I got the experience of their aha moment.

It was about feeling each other's feelings, needs, desires.  Getting in one another's skin and feeling.  Open to what the truth that lies right here in front of us.  Feeling this truth and responding in truth.


I believe that just maybe all of the words above are doing just this.  Sharing each other's lives in a way that we act, feel, are and know each other's magic; wonder and struggles.   Openness in its most grandest form.

May you be open to let people in under your beautiful skin and being open enough to want to know what is under another person's façade.

In this, our world is whole; just maybe this is wholeness.   This intimacy that was spoken of; perhaps, this is the way to create our best world by caring deeply about one another and sharing what is inside of ourselves through as much love as possible.

Being intimate with our own truth and others.   Man, does this make my whole being smile. 

May you find what makes your whole being smile and may you live it openly and as best you can.  Let love lead you.  Let love be you.  Let love in.  Let love out.

Compassion on; inward and outwardly.  (I write this because a psychologist had told me that they were not sure about love; but they are sure about what compassion is.  Perhaps, it is one and the same.)

Feel the whisper of love, compassion, and the true depth of you.  Green is the color for healing.  Perhaps, in the whisper is where the deepest 'knowing' is found. 

Friday, October 14, 2016


What percentage of yourself are you putting into your work today; your play; your loving ways and your positivity... 

If you are tired, you don't have to always give your all.  You can choose 70% (or another percentage) towards things that are draining you.  You can choose 100% (or another percentage) of things that give you a pick me up. 

You can pick and choose which aspect you want to put more effort into.

You can give yourself permission to choose balance.  It is up to you if You let it be so. 

May you find a balance in you; your way; your dealings; and your life.  Let yourself be balanced as often as you can and as best as you can.

YOU are the one that creates your world; your life; your way.

May you let you be your own free-to-be-you self.  Ease up on yourself and let your beautiful nature (and love) lead you.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Hello.  I haven't said much because I haven't had much to say.

I've been dealing with/struggling some with my own situation(s) and uncertain as to the cause, production and/or outcome of some of them.

Good and happy it is that I've been finding myself in the Pilates Studio on a somewhat regular basis.  Oh, does this make me happy.

Not so great news is that I'm uncertain if any of the medicine that I am taking is helping with a happy and/or causing a satisfying 'production' or outcome.

And, lastly, I also found myself at the dentist office; not my favorite place.   I have learned that I need a tooth extraction, a root canal, and a bridge which, because of the tooth extraction, needs to be severed.  And, this tooth is at the very back of my tiny mouth.  I was told that my mouth seems tinier than the last time I was there.  Only the mirror or the 'pick' can be in my mouth at one time; both can no longer fit at the same time.  I was told, pretty lovingly (ha) that I looked like I have gained weight.  (They were correct in this call.)...  I think we all know that I have been eating more than necessary. 

I was there four months ago for a cleaning.  Quadruple yikes is all I can say!   And, I do mean wowza yikes.

So, while I am processing all this information, powerfully and in depth, in the last week, I had few words to share with you, my beloveds.

It is a lot for me to process. 

I'm not sure where I will end up; how I will get to where I need to get; or how to process all of the above together.

One step at a time.  One breath at a time.  Through love; through inner knowing; through trust and through faith is the best way that I know how to process life's hardships.

So, I process.

May you know your best way in processing life's hardships and may you be as gentle and loving as possible while you process through...  Be your best and truest you.  Be your own best friend.

                                      Picture Unknown.  Shining a light in an ice cave.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I have the strong urge to surround myself with the color yellow; to be around the color yellow; to see the color yellow.

I went and searched 'the spiritual meaning of yellow' and this is what came up for me this time...

"If yellow color resonates with your soul then it means that you radiate self confidence and your intellect is stimulated.  You are brimming with creative ideas which help you act upon your gut feelings.  Yellow soul color meanings also include the Teacher's soul - which means you are spiritually high up to guide other advancing souls.  Yellow soul color is also linked with sunlight, Earth, happiness, optimism, hope and femininity, etc."  from "" 

This morning I posted this:

"Mentally blow yourself up and feel, see and look at all the intricate parts that make you You. You are a miracle. You are unique. You are amazing. Just sayin'."

Again, the color yellow; I wanted to immerse myself in and share the color yellow with you.

If you find yourself desiring or thinking about a certain color, may you find it and surround yourself; immerse yourself in it and with it.   It just may be the exact something that energizes the 'all' in/out/of you.

May you color your world and not live in only black and white.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


I wish you an overabundance of love and joy.  !!

May you open up, know love and nurture yourself through everything and anything.  May you be your own best friend.  May you give yourself great compassion.   May you allow for fun and running free!  May you accept things as they are and love yourself through. 


"Your ability to connect with others will always be your greatest strength."

This is a fortune that I just got in a fortune cookie that I chew as I type this...  I like this 'fortune'.  It has always been one of my greatest desires; to feel connected to people, all people; anyone that I come in contact with.

I like people.  I like the way we are the same.   I like the way we are different.  I.m enthralled by the human being. 

And, as I type this - what I am writing comes from a place of love and a connection of love.  I'm somewhat frightened by hurtful, heart-wrenched people.  And, yet, I still, yes I do, want to connect to all.   I don't want to feel their pain or be the target of someone's abuse.  I want to feel the sorrow and help them to target on their own self-love.

It is always still in us.  We were born with love in our heart.  It is up to us, in so many ways, how much love in our heart we die with.

I want to die with plenty of love in my heart; an overabundance of the stuff.  !  I know I feel this way now. 

So, as I come to a close, because this is not what I sat down to talk about,

I wish you an overabundant amount of love; your love.

May you let the door to your heart open both ways; inward and outward; and, may you be love.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Mother Nature

Share from my Facebook Post after the hurricane went through our area.

We made it through with very little damage.   The inside of my home is more in disarray than the outside; which is good news.   We brought what was outside in and we emptied a large closet so we would have a 'safe place' to hide if it would become necessary.  Hence, the inside disarray. 

I am so grateful that there was nothing more than palm fronds all over the grounds this morning.  They are even pretty on the ground to me; although I'd rather never, ever see them splayed all over the ground again; especially from a hurricane or even a mean tropical storm.  The fronds are many feet longer than they look when they are up on the trees dancing.


"Nature offers us all kinds of things.  A beautiful gift of nature.. "  is the picture of the day.

"Mother Nature can surely be the ultimate mother.  She can nurture us like no other.  Be one with her because she rules.  She is the power that can create, damage, teach us flow and teach us strength.  She is beautiful and all powerful.  Be one with nature."

May you "let the nature of you flow; with love and with openness."  May you be one with yourself...

                                                       Pink Quill, Bromeliad

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Just in case and if it feels right to you to connect with me there.  I'd be honored. 

Thank you
'Mercedes Diamond' (pen name)

"Just 9Be U, LLP
  Grow Yourself Complete"

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hurricane "Matthew"

Hurricane "Matthew" is threatening my area of the United States.  It already has done damage in Haiti and Cuba.  Why do we label these storms with peoples' names -  it can't feel good when your name is a storm of destruction for many people.!.

The TV is being blown up with information on the storm.  It surely sounds scary and the possibility of great destruction is imminent. 

I was gathering and doing all the 'right things' and I was okay.  Then I turned on the news and I wasn't okay any more.   Yikes!

It is really important to be informed..  But couldn't we possibly hear the best case scenario with the worst case scenario?!?!

Our human minds are interesting 'things'.  We can watch them go from calm to freaked in 2.5 seconds (or less!). 

I am learning that, as I am aware, my brilliant mind (and yours too)  can be told to think differently.  How wonderful a revolution!  If I am thinking thoughts that hurt me, upset me and even 'freak' me, I can change these thoughts to thoughts that calm, help and empower me.  It is that simple if I let it be.

How freaking cool is this!?

May you change your thoughts to thoughts that calm, help and empower you; as often as possible.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Breathe ... Just Be...

Breathe and just be.  Flow with life, as best you can; as often as you can.  Breathe and flow.

Simple.  Pretty.  Present.

May you be...

May you live...

May you share...

May you offer...

May you know...

Simple.  Pretty.  Present.

Breathe and just be.  Flow with life, as best you can; as often as you can. 

Breathe and flow.

It is all about the 'picture';  the picture of your life...   May you 'see' it; be aware of it, and participate.  Sometimes, just 'being' is the grandest way to participate.


Today was the lowest day for me when I went to Pilates.  I did not want to or feel like going to the Pilates session today at all.   My body was achy, tight and tense.  In my mind, I did not want to go and, also, in my mind I knew that it would be good if I did.

So I went.  Yay me! 

I still feel achy, tight and tense but I feel less of it.  I feel better than when I walked in.  

This is something that I already know.  I never, ever feel worse after a workout.

So, if there is something that you know that you never, ever feel worse after you do it, may you do it again and again and again.

May it be from your innate knowing, your loving heart and your acquired knowledge that you are carried into being and living the best of yourself; as often as possible.


                                                          picture unknown

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Here, Now

My niece is getting ready for her big day in January; her wedding day.  My daughter is going to school and preparing and doing her best for the hard work, tough schedule and tests.  My husband is traveling some; albeit, a lot less than he used to.

I'm very grateful to have him here more than he has been, on a regular basis, then for the last 18 years.  We are more together again and we are liking it. 

My new medicine is still finding its balance within my life.  I'm still searching for [close to] constant homeostasis.   My hands are softer; warmer.  My sleep is very little to a very lot.  I don't know what to expect tonight.  I'm open to continuing trying this as I do see benefit to my health regarding symptoms of scleroderma.  This is a pretty cool thing.  I am grateful to find myself here.  Not sure exactly where I will end up but for now, I am okay. I even feel excited and can't wait to run with my bad, cool healthy self. 

My hands feel like they are a part of my arms and my fingers feel more mobility and alive.  This is huge and this is exciting and this is the path I must take to see where we (my body and I) go from here.

I've taken a few pilates sessions again as the pilates instructor is back from vacation and I will be doing a few more as it is getting me to the gym and keeping my body moving on a regular basis.  I find myself lifting light weights here at home and even planking some. 

At night, after I make the mindful, silent, to myself statement that my body has just the right amount of collagen, I watch myself doing some jogging; some jumping jacks and some sit-ups in my head. Yikes.  This is where never say never comes in as I never thought I'd being doing this and, yet, it feels like the right thing to do and, if nothing else, I enjoy doing it.  It feels 'healing' to me; calming. 

May you just go with your flow.  Do what feels healing to you.  Do what feels right inside of yourself to do.  Be open to your truth no matter how silly or crazy part of you may think it is.

Honor your inner knowing and be easy, loving, gentle and stand strong and own who, what, where, how and why you are who you are.

There is no other one on earth like you.  There is no other person that knows, feels, thinks or is exactly how you do.  There is one unique you; here and now.  Honor it.  You are like you are and you are here as you are because that is the way our Creator/God/the Universe wants it to be.

Honor this as you honor you.  Why not...  Just maybe it and you are exactly what is needed for someone, something, somebody; even if it is just for YOU.   YOU matter.  YOU are the one that lives and feels and is.  So may you live and feel and be. 

Just maybe, this is your greatest win of all time - You being You.   You having You.  You knowing and believing that you matter just as you are. 

Perhaps, the best word for accepting who we are is brilliant.

May you be brilliant; here, now, just as you are.