Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


May you go deep, wide, low, high, through the beauty that is You(rs).    

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”  Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

Can I get a witness?

Ha!  Hoot!  

Beauty.  Beautiful.  Beautified.  BeaUtiful.  Boom.

We all enjoy beautiful things.  What is beautiful to me may not be beautiful to You.  What is beautiful to You is what matters most to you in your life.

I know there is beautiful in everything; everyone, everywhere.

It stands out stark and easy.  It hides within some very rough moments.  It drifts through.  It slithers past.  It emits from.  It vibes with us.

When we look for beautiful things, we see them.  

If you want to see what is beautiful to you, all you need do is look and be open to it.

I'm believing that you create beauty as well.  I believe you are it too.

Beauty.  It is in the eye of the beholder.  Can I get a witness?

May you be a witness to what is beautiful in your life.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Love, Don't Be a Stranger

"Love After Love" by Derek Walcott

"The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other's welcome, and say, sit here.  Eat.  You will love again the stranger who was your self.  Give wine.  Give bread.  Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart.  Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror.  Sit.  Feast on your life."

May you not be a stranger to the person in the mirror.  May you love the person looking back at You.

Hydrate, nourish and welcome your self.

Give your own heart to You.

Cherish your self, your life, your dreams.

Talk to your self in your most beautiful of ways.

Sit in your own quietude and admiration.

This, here...  is what I wish for You.


The love and approval we seek is inside of us.   Once we have this….  Bam.   Complete.  

The love and approval you seek is inside of You.    

Go within.  This is where your love is and grows.  Love lives into all that you do and are when you choose it to be so.

May you choose it to be so - love; your love.      

Picture Unknown

Night Moves

Starry Starry night.  

Star Light. Star Bright.  

When you wish upon a star.   

In the still of the night.  

Night moves.  



Let there be light.

Oh, what a beautiful night it was.  After taking this picture and seeing the stars, the moon, reflections, colors and lights, I realized that there are many little miracles in our every day lives.  When we start looking for them, we start seeing them.  When we are open to them, we experience them.  When we experience them, we open up to the joy within us.  

And, presently, the noise and scary, hurtful things in and around the the world can be more 'in our face' for us to process as well.  

Lately, joy has not come easily or as often as I would prefer.  The noise in our world is overpowering my brain and pushing back my joy.  I believe that our brains were not made to jump from some information to information overload immediately.  We are sitting, walking, living and building in a time unlike any we have experienced before.  The whole world is connected And we can see, feel, know and experience it in immediacy and with great speed and volume.

Yes, in the past, hurtful things have happened.  However, it may have felt like a lot of these hurtful things were not 'on top' of us; did not always have to do with what was going on in my life.  They were 'over there'.  It felt like we were unaffected.  What was going on 'here' asked for my attention moreso than what was going on 'over there'.  

Today, I'm feeling like we were affected, yet, I was blind to it.  Now we know for sure that what affects over there surely and eventually touches us in ways we may still be unaware of.  However, we can feel the effect almost instantaneously in one way or another.  

The same happens when 'over there' good things happen, the good wavelengths, vibrations and feelings can almost simultaneously affect us over here...  connect us to our joy; bring about joy through every day miracles.  

We are being asked to learn how to process information at great speeds and high volumes.  

I know there is not one path.  There is your path.  There is my path.  There is our path.  

There are always different paths to choose; to walk, to pay attention to.  

May you breathe, connect within and choose well.    

Choose with kindness, compassion, openness, willing to understand and grow with gentle strength.  

I wish good for You, for Me, for All. 

Saturday, September 25, 2021


Wonderment is in everything.   If you wish to feel it, you can.  If you wish to be it, you will.  If you create for it to happen, it will.  If you wish to experience it, it’s there.   Your life is filled with wonderment when you believe and invite it in.  

Other words for wonderment are amazement; awe, curiosity; fascination; stunner.  

I find wonder in adventure; whether it is an outside adventure or going deep within myself.  To journey with another, through their eyes, is a marvelous adventure for me too.  

To be open to explore, to feel, to learn, to be and to journey forth creates wondrous moments with every breath.  

It is all in the way I look, see, perceive and respond.

Your experiences are through the way you look, see, perceive and respond.

I wish you marvelous moments of wonder and awe.

I wish you marvelous moments of stillness and calm.

I wish you marvelous moments of joy and movement.

I wish you marvelous moments realizing how wonderful you can be to You.

May you know what is wonderful for You and in You.   



We all receive and share love in different ways.  We can desire love.  We can create love.  We can limit love.  We can run from love.  We can offer love.  We can let love.  We can open to love.  And, so much more.  

Love, to me, is about supporting each other to be the best that we can be.  Lift each other up.  Sit with each other.  Let one another.  Laugh with one another.  Share ourselves with one another.  Let the depth of each of us unite from the place within that we are all connected.  The place that creates our breath and our beating heart.

The art of the HeArt flows through us.  Circumstances change us.  Situations touch us.  Experiences support us in expansion and produces in us contraction.

It is what You perceive that ignites love… 

May you be aware of what you are choosing to perceive and let your love be true to You through the way You love. 

Let not your love change from outside of yourself as best as possible.  Let your love breathe as it needs to be true and loving to You.

In this, perhaps, we all can allow love to flow on and beautifully.  

Today is National Daughter's Day.  I was blessed with a precious, superb, brilliant, beautiful, lovely, kind, awesome girl who is now a woman.  I have been telling her since I can remember 'Thank You for choosing me.'

So, today, here and now, I'd like to Thank You Jess for choosing me as your mom.  I have been beyond blessed.  Always and forever.  To infinity and beyond.  I love you more. 

Friday, September 24, 2021


Between the earth and the sky, north and south, east and west, light and dark, water and land, reality and dreams Stand I… Stands U.. Stands living.. Stands choice.   

In all that is, stillness and breath aligns us with our soul’s knowledge.  This, just may be where guidance to 'Just Being You' is the loudest.  

We each have many aspects, many feelings, many desires and hopes that create the person we are in this world.  We have similarities.  We have unique traits.  Individually, together the creation of life and living is full of stories and scenarios.  

We stand.  And we also sit, run, crawl, walk, lie, fly.  We dream.  We connect.  We disconnect.  We know much.  We know nothing.  

Life, as it is right now, has many of us questioning, going deeper than ever and on an edge, perhaps, that we have never been on.

I write with confusion and silence; chaos and openness.

I trust that I am right where I am supposed to be living and learning exactly what I am supposed to live as and learn of.

May you stand in your loving self with ease, direction, trust, and innate wisdom.  Let what is peaceful, true, kind, uplifting and powerful get you to your goals and let you live your purpose.   Let what is uncalm, chaotic, unknown and on edge flow through you knowing that you are okay and what is being created with you, from you and through you is part of your life's plan.

Wherever you find yourself, be fully present.   Search and feel for the knowledge that you are where you belong doing what you are supposed to be doing….  Adjust as necessary.   Let the awesome in you free in all stages of your life.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


The other day after taking a walk, I sat outside waiting for my husband.  A dragonfly stopped in front of me.  By the time I got my camera ready, it had flown away.  I mentally asked it to come back.  It did several times and I still was not fast enough to capture a shot.  I, quietly in my own mind, asked it to come back so I could take a picture of it.  As I was sitting there wondering if 'magic' would occur, I noticed how beautiful the sky was.  I took a picture of this sky and, lo and behold, there was a dragonfly in the shot.  Hoot.  I giggled and thanked it and had myself a 'fun' moment of gratefulness.

“The dragonfly and damselfly reflect and work with the sun and light. The light changes throughout the day. The dragonfly and damselfly undergo their own transformations. If they have shown up, look for change to occur. Are you resisting change when you shouldn’t? Dragonflies remind us that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. “Let there be light” is the divine prompting to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. This is part of what dragonflies and damselflies teach us.

Life is never quite the way it appears, but it is always filled with light and color. Dragonfly can help you to see through your illusions and thus allow your own light to shine forth. Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colorful new vision.”  From the book "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews

I have been feeling myself standing between the light and the dark.  I have been looking for beauty and enjoying color.  I have reflected on what, I think, is present in most of our lives.  

There is a desire, a calling to be true to ourselves and let our own light shine in whatever way it does; in whatever way we truly are.

There is a huge plot twist, a 'flight' [of what was and what is becoming] happening. 

This flight can certainly feel like the flight of a dragonfly which can be twisted, turning, changing directions instantaneously, hovering, moving up and/or down and even backwards.  (per "Animal Speak")

May you be open to allowing what is inside of you and what is created through you to flow within, without and all around you.  Let your awareness of same become more conscious and learn, realize and experience meeting 'what is' with the truth of yourself, your feelings, your needs, your desires and what feels and is most true to raw You.

This is your journey; your flight.  May you have many easy take offs and many easy landings forevermore.  Ha!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Self-creation means "the act of producing or causing to exist".  

This is your life.  Add beauty.  Add color.  Add anything that you wish to. 

This is your right; your destiny; your purpose for your life.  Feel deep within and ask yourself what it is that would add something enjoyable to your life just now.

May you add to your life whatever expands you open, lifts you up and makes you smile.   

Self-creation.  May you deliver it.   As you do, this delivery multiplies out into (y)our world.      

What is one thing you can do right now for yourself that is oh so nice...  Go. For. It.   

Uniquely You.   How empowering, powerful, lovely, loving and raises the vibration of our entire universe...  

Perhaps, this is the new meaning of true love.  

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

It’s a Love Thing

Today.  Here.  Now.

Wow.  How our world has and is changing.

It is a small world after all.

The information, happenings, experiences and relationships that are now possible are the same, easy as and so apparent to be a piece of your life [at any moment] just like as if the other side of the world has become a neighbor.

This creates a lot of information, happenings, experiences and relationships that can happen and do happen within one or, at least, just a few breaths.

The information is overloading us automatically if we are open to it.  And if we are living and sharing life, we are open to hearing and feeling it all.  

Many of us are searching for a new peace and harmony through new ways of being with so much information and story after story available.  

May we be open to 'hearting' as much of it as possible.  Choose the connections that make our hearts sing as best we can.

If can feel like with so many options, our next step (option) are multi-multiplied and we are learning how to walk in this new way of life. 

I'd like to offer to go inward first, just maybe.  Check in on yourself and your own internal universe.  Meet it where you are at and be so in the truth of it to your best ability.

From this knowing of thyself, there is always a step one can take.  May you step with love; as often and as much as possible.  Step with awareness.  Step with consciousness.  Step from the truth of you through what you desire into the creation of same; as often and as much as possible.  The every day things (thoughts, feelings, nudges, signs) are what lead us forward and through best; especially if and as we engage with them.  

It’s a (self-) love thing that empowers and uplifts us all… May you let it be so.    

You have You.  I believe in You.  I'm here to support You.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Off da Chain

I wish you peace and tranquility from within.  I wish you wonder and awe. I wish you the uniqueness of You.  I wish you home runs, touchdowns, baskets, goals, high scores, medals and grand slams in living the awesome life inside of you to live.    I am seeing you do your victory dances!   

As I connect to my own peace, tranquility, wonder and awe, I see a world victory dance and it is off the chain…

I am not feeling free to come up with words just now.  Usually the words just fly off my fingers onto the keyboard through a 'knowingness' and an 'openness' that just happens.

This freedom of words is not easily happening for me just now.

I want to offer refuge.  I want to offer hope.  I want to touch inside of yourself where you have both.

There are blockages, mountains and an unwillingness and walls within me just now.  I stumble.  I fall.  I get up.  I believe.  I question.  And I do it all again.

Perhaps, this is the best time to move forward, breathe into and allow 'what is' to be.  Live in each place that shows up for me and honor the space and myself.  Is this me growing...

May you live in each place that shows up for You and honor the space and Yourself.  Perhaps, this is You growing.

May we grow.  May we create.  May we be.  May we breathe.  May we trust, honor, allow what is.  Invite what we wish it to be.

I wish to experience - for us All to experience - our own Heaven on Earth.  Maybe that is what we are doing.  

"When life feels like it is falling apart, it may actually be falling into place."

Perhaps, just try it out.  Perhaps, be open to your life falling into place just now.

May we slide into Heaven on Earth.   “Imagine"

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Ah-mazing Layers

Everything is multi-layered.  May you choose to look to what ‘layer(s)' of yourself give you the most of what you are looking for that connects you to the part(s) of You that You enjoy the most.   (Say what.. Ha). 

We all have ease and brightness within us.  We all have dark and challenges within us.  When put together, just maybe, we can create ease within the darkness.

I find, for me, the best way to go about (live) in this ease and darkness is to bring my loving truth into it.  To walk along side it as Me.  To offer my truth.  To state my truth.  To be my truth.  To own my truth.

This creates peace within.  When I have peace within, I can offer peace without.

May You look at what connects You to [and through] your bright side of things… 

We don't have to enjoy everything about ourselves.  And, the gift of living in and through everything about ourselves is monumental.  It is uplifting.   It is satisfying (especially on the other side of same until it becomes second nature).  It is the very best opportunity and path to flow through any storm into clear, open skies.  It is always the best way to be; to show up.  

Hang loose in our truth.  Do not let judgment participate; as best we can.  The lines can be blurred and how we feel can lead us through these blurred lines.

You feeling what is present for you to feel is a choice, a reaction, an openness to all that life has to offer You.   All that You have to offer to your life.

Feelings, along with the use of our brains, is the human way of creating the 'best of' in any and all situations, experiences, relationships.

Being true and vulnerable, authentic and raw opens up every door possible within, around and throughout what is for us.

May you open as many doors as possible from living in your truth letting love and ownership of same be the key.

We are made up of unlimited layers.  Our truth in and through it all with open heart and mind is Ah-mazing.  Be Ah-mazing.  

The creation, the wherewithal, the bounty, the presence, the gifts that come with same are as limitless as the layers of just allowing ourselves to be human; just as we are.

Get on with your human self.  Fly in and through storms.  Create the clearings of your paths/roads/ways and keep g(r)o(w)ing forward.

Let your truth show up and participate as if set on 'cruise control'.  It just happens.  No hesitation.  Love. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

It is Handled

“He’s got the whole world in His hands”… 

We are One.  We are all a part of the same Universe.  We are all here now learning, teaching.  

I know I feel different from moment to moment, situation to situation.  I am the common denominator throughout my day.  

I am hearing myself say things like 'I am breathing.  I am not bad.  I am going with what is.  I feel an open vastness.  I am very present to the nothingness.  It feels light, exciting, freeing."

As I hear my thoughts and things that I am saying, I think I am a bit strange and/or weird.  Ha.  And, it is the most true of what feels real.

Perhaps, you are not recognizing yourself at times.  Perhaps, you feel different.  Perhaps, you may be uncertain of what you are feeling.

It is okay.  You are okay.  Just maybe, exactly what you feel is exactly what you need to feel.  Just maybe, by allowing and honoring what you feel through your own loving self-awareness, you bring yourself and your soul in alignment and a very new rhythm may be occurring.

Honor.   Respect.  Uplift.

May you let it be what it is.  May you find yourself in the most breathtaking of circumstances bringing yourself home to You.  Deeper.  Most true.  Authentic.  Real to You.  Raw.  Loving.  

Your rhythm and alignment are unique.  They are supposed to be.  

May you trust yourself and feel the hand of God (your Creator) on your back; so to speak.

Sunday, September 12, 2021



Wishing you the best version of You.

Self-kindness.  Self-awareness.  Self-compassion.  Self-love.

Wishing you acceptance of your truth as your life is now and bringing all that you are and feel into it.

Wishing you ease.

Wishing you self-tenderness.

Wishing you what you are wishing for.

Believing in You.

You are the hero to your own story.  Everything that you need is inside of you to grow from.

May you step outside of yourself and look in.

May you meet your life where it is at from the truth that dwells deep within.

I have a feeling that most of us have not yet tapped into all of our own greatness; individually, together.

Perhaps, You are what you are looking for.


"Just 9Be U"   "Grow Yourself Complete"   again and again and again.

Hello.  Is it You that you are looking for... ?  

May you breathe and be.

May you be extra good to You.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Thought vs. Actual

 Oh my my my.  This is one lesson that keeps showing up over and over and over and over again.

The thought of doing something can be so much worse than the actual something that I do.

Clean the closet.  Go to an appointment.  Have a conversation.  The hype in my head can push me farther out of my comfort zone than the actual cleaning of the closet, the appointment or having the conversation.

How interesting and it sure can feel frustrating as I am not letting it go and watching it happen to myself again and again and again.

The thought of something can be daunting.  To actually do it is, most of the time, so much easier than the thought of doing it.  

I am open to really living in this and feeling it from start to finish.  So far, the 'doing' part has definitely been way easier and enjoyable than the thinking about it part.

The 'doing' part has definitely been way easier and more enjoyable than the thinking about it part.

I sit, breathe, feel, notice and state this as so.  I ground myself in it. I stay in the awareness of it.  I submerse myself in this truth that is realized.  I am open to letting the thinking part pass by and, perhaps, even alter and/or stop completely.  I am open to allow myself to let go until the moment comes that I am in the doing part and I find myself oh so free of this old belief, habit, way of life for me.

There is a newer me in town and I won't stop until this new belief, habit, way of life for me is my go to way of living.

May you notice and change up anything/everything/one thing that you are noticing keeps coming up for You.  

Awareness.  Realize the change you want.   Believe in it.  Practice it.  Change happens.

You are worth it.  I believe in You.  

Design your Life

We are the co-creators, co-designers of our own lives.

What we think and how we react help to design our life. 

When I think positive thoughts and/or 'see' positive outcomes that can happen, there is a feeling within me that rises up happy.  When I react with openness and love, kindness and gentleness, what arises from within me is most beautiful.

A movement is created by how I think, feel, see and carry on.  Moments happen through the energy I put into them.  The more 'oh yes' I live in through a continuous pattern, the more moments I create that bring me happiness and even celebration.  

It is like the saying 'When you think you can, you can...  When you think you can't, you can't". 

When we choose to see the positive or are open to seeing the best, most loving outcome, it has a much better chance of appearing than when we see an outcome as ugly, hurtful or negative.

May you stay open to the best possible scenarios and outlooks that are available to you.  

May you be the best ‘designer’ you can be.  !!   Go You!   

As we learn and allow ourselves to live from this 'oh, yes' place of awareness and mindfulness, we are choosing to create and invite the possibilities of what we would choose for ourselves.

Wishing you honor of and respect for yourself.  Hoping you feel encouraged and more open to better possibilities for yourself.

You are so enough and You so matter.  Just because You are...

And, I so care.   

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

It is the Journey

It is the journey that we live in.  Moment to moment.  Breath to Breath.  Situation to situation.  Relationship to relationship.

You are the common denominator to/of your journey.

May you realize how you are presenting yourself; showing up; gifting yourself through your journey.

I believe in You.  Now is the time to be extra true, gentle, tender, loving and open with yourself, your feelings.  Your darkness.  Your light.  You.  Open to the joy of your journey as best You can.  Be as true to your journey as best You can.  Show up with the wholeness of You in all that you do, think, breathe and are.

Moving through the journey that is You(rs) is the magic that is.  Your magic.  You are the magic that enables you to decide how you experience You.

Real.  Authentic.  True.  Raw. 

Dark.   Light.   Colors.  Mist.  Free.   

I wish you the best that you have to offer yourself through your journey.  You are journeying right now...  How You doin'?

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Peace Sign

If you are looking for a sign that beauty still abounds, perhaps, this picture can be it.   There is no limit to the awesome outside of ourselves.  There is also no limit of the awesome inside of ourselves; inside of You.    #limitless

Many things feels loud, in question, dynamic and ready to burst.  Life, as it is showing itself, is unlike any I have lived through before.  My brain was not made to know everything.  My brain is not made to hold so much information.  Let alone, information that my brain cannot make much, if any, sense about.

This life, as it is now, did not just happen.  Today just didn't show up from nowhere or nothingness.  It most likely has been decades, if not centuries in the making.

It is not one leadership.  It is not one country.  It is not one of anything.  To me, it can feel all inclusive and not in an inviting way and, yet, it may be the most brilliant way...

And, through all that is happening, if I breathe, feel, allow what I feel, honor what I feel and move forward through what I feel, I do invite my own peace.  

In this peace of my truth, trust and acceptance - even, or especially when there is discomfort - I can open up to my best way through, forward and onward.  And, the possibilities are limitless.

Everyday life is limitless.   You are limitless.   Bottomless.  Immense.  Unbounded.  

May you let your very next goal come from your unlimited innately created instinct.   You were born infinitely exquisite.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Key to Love

Self-love is the key to open our hearts to love.

As we love ourselves, perhaps, all we can do is love.  Live from Love.  Be love.  Let love.  Share love.  Embrace love.  Create love.  Offer love.

When I am in my happy place, whatever that feels like for me, whatever that looks like for me, I am much more joyful, fun, open, expanded and willing to share love.

When I am feeling unable or not ready to choose to love myself, I find loving outside of myself not as easy and not as available to me when I am not in my happy place.

When I love myself, it is easier to wish it for others.  When I am cranky, I still may be able to wish good for others.  However, I don't feel I am as expansive and as free to do so with great gusto.

I have the key.  You have the key...  to love.

The key is to love myself.  The key is to love yourself.

When we love ourselves, we uplift ourselves.  We support ourselves.  We raise our vibration.  We expand open to connect to the vibration of everything love.

I wish You self-love.  Let it be your key to opening your heart to love.

As I trust myself, it is easier to trust others.

As you trust yourself, it is easier for you to, perhaps, trust others.

Perhaps, there is no need to focus on a whole lot more than your own self-love and your own trust in yourself.

When we have these within our breath, experiences, situations, relationships, moments, we all win.

May we all win.

Self-love is the key to opening a life of love.  And, it feels super dope, sick and so cool.  

May you find yourself loving yourself which, in turn, will, just maybe, open you up to living all of life through love.

Now, that would be cool!  This is cool!  

May you get your 'cool' on.  

A new kind of cool where we don't have sunglasses on, but we feel 'sunglasses on cool'!  Ha!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


This.  Heavy.  It is heavy.   I can feel heavy.  I can feel a heaviness.  Life can weigh heavy.  The world is 'alive' just now and it is one of my greatest hopes that it is falling into a supporting self-love, self-awareness, self-choosing, self-opening and self-being world for us all.

What I am feeling now is, perhaps, what I am supposed to explore and experience to learn/know more exquisitely and internally the ME that I want to be from who, what, where and how I am.

What You are feeling now is, perhaps, what You are supposed to explore and experience to learn/know more exquisitely and internally the YOU that You want to be from who, what, where and how You are.

“Be Here Now”.  Open to this moment. This breath. This experience.  Open heart. Open mind. 

Over and over again - whatever it takes - invite your love, let go of your worry.  Free your love.  Dissolve your worry.  

May you check in with yourself just now.  Feel your breath.   Connect to it.   How do you feel…  Are you being as kind and loving, gentle and uplifting to yourself as possible...   

May you be present to the present and let your loving truth make it a gift.

There are so many unknowns that most of us are living through right now in our every day lives.  There are many bridges, perhaps, that have yet to be crossed.  

Trust yourself now.  Believe in yourself now.  Trust that you will know what to do when the time comes for you to do it; to cross one of these possible bridges.

Cross the ‘bridge’ that you may be thinking of when you get to it.  Do not give up any of your moments now.  Your 'now' moments could be awesome and/or really important lessons or joys.  Do not miss them.  The ‘bridge’ may never even show up.  And it could just come in a different, easier way than we are imagining it to come.  

I wish you this You; as much and as often as possible (if this is what you wish for yourself).