Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Peace and Calm

Meet Peace and Calm...  Two pelicans floating to the flow of the current.  

Peace and Calm are in your breath.  They are in the things you love.  They are in the connection of the people that are easy to be around.  They are in your joy.  They are in your non-resistance.

Calm happens when you are in the zone connected to that thing(s) that make(s) you feel most like you.  The thing that shows you your purpose because you feel it from deep within yourself.  It is in being where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing - and knowing it.  Calm is trusting the process of life and trusting yourself that you will be okay; that you are okay.  It is in your belief and innate knowing that you will always know best how to handle anything that shows up.  

Peace happens when you relax into yourself and offer your body freedom to be and process without your own thoughts that could sway it in any direction.  It is in the feelings that you allow, permit and invite up from within.  Peace is loving and being loved.   It is in being present to the moment and bringing your truest of self into the experience of what is.  Peace is in the acceptance of what is.   

I wish you a calm and peaceful mind, body and spirit.

May you be open to always inviting your body to breathe into its own relaxed flow through a loving and supportive mindset.    

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Master Fall

The terrain we are treading on may feel rocky, wavy and bumpy.  We can still choose to 'kiss the ground' with our feet as we walk forward. 

Honor Mother Earth.  Honor Father Land.  Honor Sister Water.  Honor Brother Tree.  Honor ourselves.  Honor each other.  Honor life.

May you own your life.  May you know where, how and that you belong.  If your are breathing (and you most likely are), you belong.  May you step into your true and 'loveful' uniqueness.   

When we own everything that creates who we are and live through our masterful uniqueness, our deepest sense of belonging happens.   May you ‘fall’ in!  Ha!  

Life is not always clear.  Our minds are not always clear.  Our hearts are not always clear.  Our communication is not always clear.

Our souls are always open to support us to connect to our purpose of who we are.

Perhaps, we do not have to have clarity to bring our truest, most loving part of ourselves into everything we are, know, do and say.  We only need to be open, courageous and true.

Live on the edge.  Let adventure, excitement and You happen.  You will either fly or something or someone will catch you.  You may even fly and catch what you desire.  

May you fall into the truth and vulnerability of You.

Communities of Tranquility

Tranquility.  Go there.  In your mind, heart, spirit.. led by your soul - open up to the tranquility within you that fortifies, heals and uplifts You.

May you trust any 'blues' you may have and/or feel.  Accept them.  Stand in them.  Let them guide You to a better, happier version of You.

The color of the water outside of my window has been some of the most beautiful colors I have ever seen.  Oh, I get so much enjoyment looking out.  I enjoy it so much that it opens me up to my own peace and tranquility; the hope and gentle strength within myself.  

I am so grateful that I can share it with You.  It makes it that much more enjoyable for me.

When we sit in our feelings; stand in what we feel; share how we are feeling; and walk in and through our feelings with open hearts, vulnerability, trust and love - there just may be nothing better than when someone responds in a way that we feel heard and acknowledged exactly how we are.  One of the most beautiful things is to feel heard and acknowledged.  This is honor.  

This honor and acknowledgment so easily helps to empower us.  Sure, we can choose to empower ourselves by honoring ourselves and, yet, there is something so positive when honor/acknowledgement is offered to us and through us all.

May you come from the place of acknowledgement and honor.  Honor one another.  Honor thyself.

We can still be, think, do and react differently.  Yet, we can still honor each other.  It is in this honor that our souls are most free to shine tranquility into all of our hearts, minds and spirits; therefore, communities.  

Oh what a beautiful picture we all can choose to paint.

Through the guidance of our souls uplifted, we create an earth, an universe, a community, a foundation, a paradise of empowerment, positivity, wholeness, oneness and the ultimate beauty of living individually, together in same.

Amen.  May it be so.  

Colorful Love

May we all tune in to the luminosity of each other.  

We all have a brightness that burns from within.  A brilliant light that fades and strengthens.  Sometimes enlightenment comes from a mere spark.  Sometimes it is the torch within us that lights our way.

In a flame, we can see a spectrum of color.   Enlightenment is a broad mindedness through education, information, instruction, knowledge, and learning.  Enlightenment happens best when we open our minds to all of these things.  

The skies above us are full of color.  The leaves as they slowly trickle off of the trees during Fall are colorful.  Our thoughts can be colorful.  Love can be colorful.  

No matter what color — may we love.  

“Love the One You’re With” Stephen Stills

May you also never forget that you are always, always with yourself.

May you tune into what presents itself to you through signs, lessons, feelings, connections and a willingness to learn, be and do anew.


Dream because dreams do come true.    

With our world upended, upside down, knowing upheaval, now is the time when our most creative dreams may happen.

May you open up to your dreams.   

Let them be vivid   Let them be loud.  Let them be far fetched.  Let them vibrate through you and out of you.  Let yourself dream. 

I dream of peace, fulfillment, kindness, openness, love of and respect for ourselves.   And from this, love and respect for all.   

Dream.  Feel it from within.  Invite the magic.

If a dream is meant to become a reality, there is nothing that can stop it from happening.

I hope your living one (or many) of your dreams now.  

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Of Service

What I am about:
I love the idea of supporting your unique essence to live out loud.

I am a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Personal Trainer.  I work with and offer multiple healing modalities. 

This blog, which now shares the same posts that I post on offers a more in-depth and honest look at subjects that I share on my social media platforms.  

Through Email, text, phone, virtual conversations, I so want to help and support you to ‘Just 9Be U’.  To ‘Grow Yourself Complete’ again and again and again.   I want to help and support you to live your soul’s truth.  Bam!   Yay!   Yes!    You can and are so able to.  You are enough.  You matter.  

You know You better than anyone.  I offer new paths to bring you ‘home’ to You through your needs/desires/struggles/joy/fun/innate knowing and actions.  Trust what you feel.  
I get so excited when you do You good! 

Loving one's self feels so good!  It puts us on our best path and creates our best situations to uplift and support our self which, in turn, will uplift and support all others that we love and connect with.  

The best part just may be that all you need do is learn and choose to live your life through your deepest, loving truth(s).  You already were born with and have everything you need to do this inside of You.

Sounds wonderful, yes?   Oh it is.  It is not always easy, yet, you are always worth it.  

May you take the journey of You into You.   

Are you ready to go deep into who you are and want to be?  I was born to walk with you and have your back.  

My own struggle and lessons through the chronic disease of scleroderma has been my greatest informal teachings; along with decades of formal lessons, classes, work, research and training.   

May you start opening up to the best of you by being as kind, true, gentle and good to yourself; as much and as often as possible.  May you always be 'of service' to You.  

You know what you like and you know what brings out the best in/of you.   Paying attention to, being aware of and living from these parts of yourself invites healing and wholeness.   You are born with the ability to be your own healer.   

Thank you for visiting me.   Thank you for taking great care of You.    'You've had the power all along.'  

Friday, September 18, 2020

Soul/Sole Essence

It perseveres, no matter the circumstances.  It exists without boundaries, it liberates, it embraces, it provides purpose, it is a limitless potential.  As humans, our Soul Essence is our quintessential core being.  We all have unique talents, gifts, personalities, and interests that define us at our core."  Google

I do believe in miracles.  You are one.  

May your heart flourish through your soul in your own true peaceful loving way.

Share it.  Support it. Allow it.  Live it.   

May we rise together through each other's soul/sole essence.

Let the good jivin’, vibin’ and livin’ be so.

‘Dance’ with your soul.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Range of You

Feelings.  Emotions.  Vibes.  

Yep.  We all have them.

Which expression(s) do you find yourself living in more...  You can and do choose.  

May you let your awareness be present of your choices, feelings, emotions and vibes.

May you feel your best possible with every breath you take.  May you let your emotions teach and flow through you.  May you vibe as high as possible.

May you choose the 'sunny' side of you as often as possible.  And learn from the 'stormy' side what there is to learn.

And, there is always something to learn.

The human gamut - is, perhaps, no game and, yet, we can choose the experience of all that we are through our best loving reaction(s) available to us time and time again.

Enchant Youself

When I perceive my day and experiences as good, I notice and, possibly, invite more good into my life.  When I come from my happy place, beautiful is everywhere.  When I feel as though I am thriving and 'on it' and 'owning it' and loving it, life looks, feels and is beautiful.

When you feel yourself worry, may you turn it into love.

When you feel yourself frustrated, may you turn on your compassion.

When you feel yourself agitated, may you turn on your kindness.

When you feel yourself fearful, may you turn on your gentle strength and trust in yourself.

You have the power.  You are the power that empowers your life, the way you live it and the way you experience it.  

May you look for and see what is beautiful in your life in this very moment...   There are signs, feelings, paths, openings, guidance, moments, situations, places, connections and freedom just waiting for you to own and claim yours and you.   Isn’t that, just maybe, what is truly most beautiful...  May you dig it. !!   Investigate.  Explore.  Grow.  Be.  Become.   

Perhaps, the ‘beautiful’ we see and experience starts from within.

Owning You

May you be aware of everything You; everything you are; everything you feel; everything you experience and everything that you bring into each situation .  May you relax into all this 'everything' and, perhaps, realize, believe and own that your greatest power is accepting yourself just as you are in each moment and, well, in everything You.

Move forward from this place of realization, belief and ownership of what you wish for and what you wish from yourself.

" You are learning to wield and use your darkness, your pain, and to bring your magic to the world and to others. This is the path of the wounded healer. In fact, it may be the case that your perceived and labeled “brokenness” is the exact place where your greatest and most powerful gift lies. Your emotions, your distractedness, the ways in which your soul says yes or no to different relationships and life experiences, are all reflections of your immense energetic power—a power that requires mastery to wield. Through this lens, the defining crisis point in your life is your emergence, your initiation, the beginning of your acceptance of your gift and the road toward your most embodied power. This self-discovery is the discovery of the mystery and perfection within and without, and it is only possible when you turn toward your wound and gather up your entire self."

"We all need to come together to create space for these transformations. We need to honor each other’s processes and to witness and allow rather than meddle and correct. Every time you move through your own personal fire, you make it more possible for someone else to do the same. This may be the deepest way to weave us back together into the fabric that will hold us through any and every eventuality. You have come here to work out an individual plan for your own salvation. . . . You are saving yourself from the oblivion of non-realization. You cannot lose in this battle. You cannot fail. Thus it is not a battle at all, but simply a process. Yet if you do not know this, you will see it as a constant struggle." — Neale Donald Walsch

 Excerpts from the book "Own Your Self" by Kelly Brogan

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Purple Haze


Blue representing spirituality and integrity. 

Red representing energy and strength.  

Violet has the highest vibration of all the colors of a rainbow.

“Purple haze all in my brain 

Lately things don't seem the same 

Actin' funny, but I don't know why 

'Scuse me while I kiss the sky…” Jimi Hendrix

Oh those hippee days.!.

Openness and Tolerance 

Peace and Love

Perhaps, it is time.  Time to get your blue, red, violet and hippee on as only you can.

Walk in and through the haze; home to yourself.    

Be tolerant and open to our self.  This will make it easier for you to be tolerant and open with others.

May you play the music of your soul while letting the soles of your feet gently kiss and be grateful for the ground and foundation that you walk upon every day.  

Your way.  Your journey.  Your experience.  Your life.  Your choice.  

“Just 9Be U” 

“Grow Yourself Complete” again and again and again.  


The sun has a new look.  Have you seen it...  Have you looked for it..  Do you feel connected to or enjoy and know gratitude for the sun...   Are you aware of the sun being in the sky...   

When I looked at the picture associated with my post here, I thought 'the sun has a new look'.  Ha!

It is in how I look at things that create my life experience(s).    It is in how you see things that create your life experience(s).   

There is always more than one way to look at things.

Is the way you 'see things' making you feel the way you would like to and/or choose to feel...  Are you seeing one or more thing/person/experience the same way day after day and not enjoying the thoughts or sightings in regards to how you are choosing to see them...  

Are you looking at things/people/experiences in your most enjoyable way possible...

Is there a thought/sight/self-imposed experience happening right now that you can choose to change and let your love be louder within yourself...

What comes to mind just now is my reading of a saying that went something like this... 

      If I am continuously wanting someone or something to change, then not only is this someone or something apparently not changing by my own standards and wishes, but I, too, am unchanging by holding on to my desire of wanting this change again and again.

May we choose the looksee and self-change that uplifts and supports; as often and as much as possible.    ðŸ’›

Friday, September 11, 2020

Your Way

Life.  Living.  Before.  Now.  Future.  Always.

The only place we can truly participate in and live through is this moment now.  That is why we call it the present.  

May you present your full, true and open self into each moment.  If you want, may you know your goal in this moment or may you just be open to the adventure of being you in the life that is presented to you.  The moment that is here because it is meant for you to experience.  The moment that arises now because of your openness to following the innateness of what you are feeling and/or called to be doing.

As we meet life where it is for each of us just now, we are all kind of  'swimming' in the depths of it and sometimes the current is carrying us and sometimes it feels like we are swimming against the flow and sometimes we feel like we are drowning and sometimes we get to float with ease, pleasure, leisure, intensity, joy and everything/anything that makes us most feel like ourselves. 

Like having cotton candy or a caramel apple at a fair.  Like enjoying the happy people walking about.  By being one of these happy people.  By hearing people laughing with adventure on their ride(s) and even experiencing the balancing and/or high wire acts with confidence because it is something we were either meant to do or something that brings us great joy or both.  

As I really let my imagination go wild, I see a dove above heart energy in this picture that I am placing with this post.

A dove can represent, through its song, new waters of life.  That no matter what our life conditions, new waters and new life are still possible.  The dove's song is heard most distinctly at dusk and dawn.  These are the 'between times' in which there is a thinning of the veils between the physical and the spiritual, the past and the future.  The dove can help you to use these times to see the creation process active within your own life.  from the book "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews

"A heart can be the locus of physical and spiritual being and represents the 'central wisdom of feeling as opposed to the head-wisdom of reason'.  It is compassion and understanding, life-giving and complex.  It is a symbol for love."  google 

May you open up and play up to the adventure that is YOU(RS).  

May you let both your physical and spiritual parts of you work together to access, create and live the life that is YOU(RS).

Thursday, September 10, 2020


“Well we all shine on

Like the moon and the stars and the sun

Well we all shine on

Everyone come on”   John Lennon

John Lennon had it going on all those years ago.  Thank you John and, of course, his cohorts "The Beatles" that magically hooked many of us into our own magic through simple, brilliant, relatable, fun lyrics and music.  

I am reminded that one of my first 'vanity' license plates in my early 20's read "SHININ".  It came about because I felt/thought/hoped/dreamed/wanted to be a 'shinin' source of love, joy, empowerment, connection and fun.  When asked what it meant, my brain which was not yet fully developed and coming from a true, young, save the world, anything is possible mentality had me reply 'I'm a shining personality'.  I shine.  I'm shining on, through and forward in my life and in the way I live and share it.  

Oh to be young, free and naive - what a blessing and a time of wonderful experiences it was for me.  I am very happy that there were no cameras everywhere like now and there was privacy where and when I wished (and was best for me) to have it.  Ha!  

I still like sparkle.  I still like shine.  

Being true to myself; true to each moment, each experience and to others is where I ‘shine‘ best now.

Get Your ‘shine’ on...  

May we all Shine On.  !!


I just saw these words in a ‘memory’ on ‘Facebook’.  I was just writing about seeing/sight and seeing through ways other than our own eyesight. ...

Is it debris, is it nature's art, is it green leaves, is it orange flowers, is it something else...  It is what we 'see' that creates our experiences. 

May you see in a way that fulfills you, excites you and lets peace in.   It is in the individual pieces of what we see that creates the wholeness of our life experience.

We not only see with our eyes, we have many more ‘senses’ that we can choose to see with.  We can also choose to allow ‘sight’ through and with the loving wholeness of ourselves, the pieces of ourselves, the way we feel and the way we wish to feel and the goals we wish to accomplish.

Do You.  See your way.  See your experiences.  See your reactions.  See your energy.  See your feelings.

May you see in a way that colors, uplifts, encourages and supports the You that You are and wish to be.


I am amazed by the different and very new ways I am seeing things.  My resonation to things that I'm experiencing is also new.  Some things I have known, or thought I knew as true, are looking different to me.  I am waking up to more details, possibilities, new truths, new versions and new insight into [what feels like] very important roles in my life.

We are all so very different through our upbringing, experiences, lessons, beliefs and even through the totality of how we process all these things.  

We are all very much the same as we all are born and we all die.  We all want to feel we matter and feel love(d).  We all connect to our lives even if it feels like a disconnect at times.  We are all miracles and we all have desires. We all feel even as it may be in our not feeling.  This is experiencing life in our human form.  We all sense (if we go here) that there is something more; greater than what we know and see.  We all question. We all question a life that is different than the one we have; even if it's just a momentary thing.  We may wonder how our life would be ‘if...’.

This is life.  This is living.  When you have awesome going on, may you enjoy every breath.  When you have struggle going on, may you learn to accept and bring your truth (in)to it.  When you have uncertainty and/or confusion going on, may you go deep within and be true to and mindful of your thoughts, what you are telling yourself and find the knowledge within you to support yourself.  When you find yourself impatient, may you believe in divine timing and placement.  

Oh these are times unlike any other time in history.  With infinite knowledge at our fingertips, many of  us are overwhelmed, in unrest, on adrenaline highs, and unsettled.  We are also empowered and have both innate intelligence and street and/or schooled intelligence.  

May you trust that where you are, what you feel and the experiences going through you are exactly how your life is divinely set to learn from, build on, engage, grow and become everything that is meant for You.   As you find your loving stillness and trust in your beingness, you open your soul’s knowledge to create action to journey the oh so awesome adventure that is You(rs).   

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Snail Flower

Snails can teach us about movement; pace.  Are you moving too fast?  Are you doing enough of what makes up true You?  Are you heading in the direction you want to go?  Are you doing what your soul calls you to do? 

When we are doing things that we love, motivation just happens.  

Snails can also be about healing.  A snail can heal itself fast.  It has a slime to help move across any surface.  It has a second slime to initiate and allow for quick healing.  

Perhaps, imagine a beautiful shield around yourself that protects you.  It is your aura, your energy, your love.  Perhaps, relax into yourself and thank your body for its support and everything it does for you automatically.  Ask your body to connect to its innate knowledge to self  heal.  Feel your body’s pulse(s) beating, pumping, flowing, moving, cleansing and healing; in every cell, organ, bone, muscle, tendon, joint and everything that creates the whole of You.  

May you be open to your own growth, empowerment and blooming.  

This snail found a very nice place to rest.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

‘Just Be U’

In this very interesting and somewhat intensely complicated times lies a gift.  This gift is You.

We are being asked to change, grow, participate, sit out back from and participate in creation.

Creating a new way.  Creating better ways.  Creating more loving and compassionate relationships; with each other and within our own self.

Shift.  Awareness.  Enlightenment.  Connection.  Lift up.  Own.  Fulfill.  Delve deep.  Be different.  Act.  React.  Open.  Breathe.  Explore.  Investigate.  And do all of this through the truth of you; the experience of you; the innate knowing that is yours and realize everything anew, with new eyes, mindset, open heart and the possibility that there is a better way... for ALL as ONE.  

May you create and walk your own ‘Stairway to Heaven’.  Feel what you feel inside of yourself.  Accept where you are in this place and time.   Open up to the possibilities in each breath.  Know your goal for this moment.  Trust your own inner knowing and gut instinct.  Live from an open mind and heart.  Step in and on through your own love.  

May you shine, dazzle, sparkle and 'light up' what is the best of You; the truth of You; the essence of being uniquely You.  Illuminate the world inside of You and around You.   

You can do it.  You were made to ‘Just Be U’.   Do what YOU were made to do...

Hint:  It is what you are good at and it is what fulfills you.  

Healing Modalities

A modality is ‘an application of a therapeutic agent’.  Different words, similar meanings (synonyms) would be procedure, method, style, technique.   

Background is ‘one's origin, education, experience, etc., in relation to one's present character, status, etc.  Some synonyms are practice, actions, accomplishments, preparation.   

What comes to my mind [and what I so wish to share with you] are a lot of things I have researched.  Synonyms would be experienced, investigated, analyzed and witnessed; personally. 

Aloe Vera
Animal Guidance
Behavorial Health

Bikram Yoga 
Body Psychology
Brain Training
Breath Therapy
Burning Elbows with Moxa to open up energy flow

Chinese Herbs
Cognitive Thinking Therapy
Cold Laser Therapy
Color Therapy
Cord Cutting

Cranial Sacral Therapy
Creams (Emu Oil, PAV, Castor Oil, Hormones, Oxygen gel on skin)
Crystal/Stone Therapy
Diatomaceous Earth 
Dream Therapy
Drugs (mainstream)
Edgar Cayce Products (Castor Oil Pack, Breathing Barrel)
Emotional Meaning for Physical Limitations 
Exorcism (with a Male Catholic Nun)
Fasting with Only Green Smoothies (4 Mos.)

Flor-Essence Tea
Foot Reflexology
Guided Meditation
Hair Testing
Harp Therapy
Hormone Therapy
InfraRed Sauna

John of God Healing
Labyrinth Walking
Lourdes Water
Magnet Therapy
Massage (Shiatsu, Swedish, Lomi Lomi, Lymphatic Drainage, Feldenkrais, Myofascial Release, etc.)
Mirror Work
Muscle Testing

NET Therapy
Orenda Products
Ozone Therapy
Parasite Testing
Past Life Work
Pendulum Work
pH Testing

Pulse Reading
Qi Gong
Red Clay
Replaced Aluminum Fillings in mouth
Self-Help Books (hundreds)
Soaking Feet to take out Impurities
Sound Therapy (pitch/vibration levels)
Tai Chi
Tarot Cards
Tea Leaf Reading

Transcendental Meditation
Transformational Breathing
Visual Meditation
Vitamin Therapy
Wheat Grass
Young Living Products