Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Enhance Thyself

One of the greatest untruths I ever taught myself as a child is that I must protect others from the way I am feeling. That the way I feel hurts others. However, I am learning that to be true to my own feelings allows others to open up to the way that they are feeling.

Feelings are merely guides; so to speak; expressions, reactions.  By allowing them and expressing them through as much love as possible and ‘feeling’ our way, we open to the best path forward for ourselves and each other.

We are not so powerful that what we feel and say changes another’s path.  Without our own consent and allowance, no one or anything can make us feel a certain way.  It must be already inside of us to participate.  

This is where the reality of our own choosing can be empowering. It can also provoke something we would rather not provoke.  

Choosing mindfulness and participation [or lack thereof] are two of our best friends here.  

Be mindful of your own immediate reaction(s) and choose to participate or not.   Ask yourself what brings you to what you are looking for...   You are this powerful that you can choose your participation in a situation.   You are this powerful that you can choose your reaction.   

May you choose your best self.  The self you want to be and the self you want to be around.   

May you always be as true and loving to yourself as possible.  You are the one that lives the most; the longest; and the deepest with your responses and your beliefs.   

May you choose (what you perceive) is the greatest for you.   Let love vibrate and be a participating witness in all that you are, do and choose to believe.   

Honor your feelings with mindfulness, loving instinct and your most favorable response.    

The responses, or lack thereof, from others to your true feelings has everything to do with them and what is going on inside their self and within their lives.  Others’ responses have nothing to do with you or your feelings.  

This is why and how we only get triggered if it is something that we care about within ourselves; something going on with our own life that creates a ‘mood’ that touches our ‘sore spots’.   Perhaps, something that just may be good for us to be willing to open up to a possible lesson that could enhance our own life a lot.   

Enhance on...  

Friday, June 14, 2019

Thank You(rself)

I feel the urge to say thank you for being here.  Thank you for visiting my blog.  Thank you for reading my words. Thank you for feeling your way.

Thank you for wanting to be the best you that you can be.  Thank you for going as deep into yourself as you are able to just now. Thank you for knowing that you are enough.  Thank you for knowing that you matter.  Thank you for loving yourself.

Thank you for having these things and/or having the willingness to become these things.  Thank you for giving yourself the freedom to "Be U".  Thank you for doing your best to ‘Grow Yourself  Complete’ again and again and again.


May you thank yourself for all of these things and more.   



May you embrace what makes you you.  Embrace what makes you different; stand out; unique. Give yourself the freedom to be you just as you are.  Be the star of your own life.  May you do this through love, truth and joyfulness.    I say ease is always welcome too.   !!

I am realizing that when I disregard, turn off, not pay attention to certain parts of who I am, I am not being authentically me.  I am not shining light on my complete self.  I am holding back and not sharing or living from all that I am.  I am not the best one to judge what part of me is needed in our world.  

To live the true essence of me and all my particular and not so particular pieces of who I am is living what the Creator has created me to be.  

This is how I best honor the Creator; honor you and honor me.  And, 'honor' is what I want to do.

May you honor all of you; your particular parts and your not so particular parts.  Honor yourself and life as it is now; and in each moment going forward.

You are the star of your life and you are the common denominator in all of your relationships including the one you have with yourself.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


I am learning that it is time to let go of what was to open up to what is and what will be.  Ever since 1988, I have been a certified personal trainer through ACE. I have taken all the courses and all the CECs necessary to keep the certification current.  It is something that brought me great joy; a great professional job working in my own business; and great fulfillment in serving others.

I hear myself telling myself, that now where I am in my life, that it is no longer necessary to renew/upkeep.  It is necessary to let go of.  It is my hope that by letting go of this certification and concentrate solely on my life coaching dreams, my life coaching dreams will turn into reality.  Letting go of what I once loved will surround me by a deeper source of energy, inspiration and desire to build a renewed and new life in a new capacity.  Serving others professionally in this capacity is definitely where I am heading.

Perhaps it is time to let go of - to shatter what was - and to create an opening and a path to what has been calling me to it.

I feel the need to share that there is somewhat of a fear of letting it go because it is what I’ve known for so long and yet with every thing in me, I know it is the right thing for me today.  And today is really the only day we can fully and surely reside and live in.

Perhaps, there is a thing or things in your life that are in need of shattering in order to open yourself up and meet yourself where you are now and answer the call(s) that is(are) knocking at your door currently.

It is not always necessary to let things go to gain more.  It, perhaps, is necessary to know the best way to be all that you can be and all that you want to be, now, in the present moment of your life and do just that.

May you let 'shatter' what you have been holding on to  just out of comfort or recognition.  Just maybe it is time to create and live the new you that excitedly awaits inside of you for its turn.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

You. Everything. One.

“You are Everything and Everything is You.”  The Stylistics 

We are one.  What you put out into the world matters.   How you live matters.   The thoughts you think matter.  Your openness or being closed down matters.  How you touch our world, your world, my world and their world matters...   

Who you truly are and wish to be, from a place of love, is your greatest offering.  May you live in and offer your best of everything as often as possible.  

Let us create the world that we know our children and children’s children can most easily and genuinely thrive in.   

May you connect to everything that highlights your best.   

May your awareness and desire lead you into this being so.  

Namaste.  May we honor each other at and through the depth of our beingness.  The deep, whole place inside each of us that is connected to everything. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

When the Dog Bites

I am currently working with one hand as my other hand got in the way of a dog's mouth.  And, with the way (s..l..o..w) my body has been seen/known to heal; nine days later and I still cannot open my hand.  It is not very happy.  It is healing and changing every day.

I am learning to truly meet myself where I am at; not judge harshly and love my own awesomeness even as I am not on full speed ahead.   In truth, I have not been on full speed ahead in a very long time   Go Go Go would not be my mantra.   Perhaps, Grow Grow Grow could be.

What comes to mind is the saying 'That while it may not look like I am doing a lot or accomplishing much, on the inside I am on beast mode'.  Ha!

May you meet yourself where you are at, not judge yourself harshly and love your own awesomeness in each moment; as often and as much as possible.  

Accept thyself and let your heart and mind stay open.

If something has gone 'wrong' in your life, it just may be leading you into what is 'right' for you in the moment and going forward. 

                                                  Norton Museum of Art Stairwell