One of the greatest untruths I ever taught myself as a child is that I must protect others from the way I am feeling. That the way I feel hurts others. However, I am learning that to be true to my own feelings allows others to open up to the way that they are feeling.
Feelings are merely guides; so to speak; expressions, reactions. By allowing them and expressing them through as much love as possible and ‘feeling’ our way, we open to the best path forward for ourselves and each other.
We are not so powerful that what we feel and say changes another’s path. Without our own consent and allowance, no one or anything can make us feel a certain way. It must be already inside of us to participate.
This is where the reality of our own choosing can be empowering. It can also provoke something we would rather not provoke.
Choosing mindfulness and participation [or lack thereof] are two of our best friends here.
Be mindful of your own immediate reaction(s) and choose to participate or not. Ask yourself what brings you to what you are looking for... You are this powerful that you can choose your participation in a situation. You are this powerful that you can choose your reaction.
May you choose your best self. The self you want to be and the self you want to be around.
May you always be as true and loving to yourself as possible. You are the one that lives the most; the longest; and the deepest with your responses and your beliefs.
May you choose (what you perceive) is the greatest for you. Let love vibrate and be a participating witness in all that you are, do and choose to believe.
Honor your feelings with mindfulness, loving instinct and your most favorable response.
The responses, or lack thereof, from others to your true feelings has everything to do with them and what is going on inside their self and within their lives. Others’ responses have nothing to do with you or your feelings.
This is why and how we only get triggered if it is something that we care about within ourselves; something going on with our own life that creates a ‘mood’ that touches our ‘sore spots’. Perhaps, something that just may be good for us to be willing to open up to a possible lesson that could enhance our own life a lot.
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