Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, July 31, 2017


Perhaps, there is an 'un-doing' that is going on within many of us; an un-being.

We are opening up to the truth and depth of ourselves.  We have no where to hide.  We must become, be and share who we are.  It is my hope and intention to support this sharing through love above all else.

Perhaps, we are living more from the heart side of ourselves and not the mind self.  We are feeling things that we haven't allowed our self or have even known how to feel.  I know I am anyway.

I am not trying to change where I am.  I am not judging [as good or bad] where I'm at.  I am responding to what I feel with love; through love.

I am being.  I am being in this moment, this breath, these challenges and these triumphs that are currently present in my life just now.

It seems my health 'sits on the fence' and I am growing into the woman that I want to be for my next chapter/portion of my life.

I am experiencing change with awareness.  I know and feel what I am experiencing.  My heart is open.  My soul vibrates.

If you are feeling challenged just now, may you just feel it, breathe and love through it just now.  Connect to the quiet inside of you.  Connect to the part of you that has always survived and bring all of you into one place - into this place.  Let it grow and expand.  Let it empower you.    

If you are living in joy just now, breathe into it, feel grateful and let it light up each cell and send this light out into our world for others to connect to it.

May we all be here for one another by loving ourselves and knowing when to hold on to this love for our own healing and when to let it shine out into the darkness of our world so that, soon, our whole world will be able to carry, hold and shine this light.

It is the dark that allows us to see the light.  It is the light that allows us to see the true nature of our self and each other.

Love in.  Love out.  Shine on.

Sunday, July 30, 2017


I am not even sure what 'gnarly' means but I think it is how I am currently feeling.

I have an uselessness about me.  I ache in places I haven't known one could ache.  I am not allowing peace to be with myself just now.

We have been having numerous, heavy rain storms.  The thunder and lightning has put on its own show and the humidity and mosquito sighting and biting has been numerous.

My mind is in a dark place as it doesn't really feel like being involved in every day in and day out life.  It doesn't want mundane.  It doesn't want the same way of doing things.  It doesn't want abundance or to do better.  I want to sit in the darkness of the storm and just enjoy it.  I don't want to tell myself that it is not okay to be here.  I don't want to fight.  I don't want to think badly of myself.  I don't want to hear that I am a failure or I am failing.  I don't want to push to get beyond this.

I want to sit in this and love myself through.  It truly is all that I feel like doing.

I feel sad and sorry for people around me as I am sure it is not easy for them to see me like this and they want me to feel different.  As they feel good, they feel life and they want to bathe in the light.  They want to bring me along with them.

Perhaps, as you do you and they do them and I do me, we can still stay connected and loving.  We can all experience what life is showing us to experience.  Just maybe we are exactly where we are supposed to be.

What if life is not so much about constant thriving and pursuing.  Perhaps, it is more about fulfillment and truth.  I think life is whatever is inside of one's self and whatever we can relate our inner world to our outer world as.

I loved hiking, helicopter rides and great hotels once upon a time.  I loved the adventure of the adventure.  This is a different kind of adventure life is showing me now and I can easily see where I could choose shame and unworthiness.  But why...   Why can I not choose to love my all-ness anyway even if this type of me is what I have been running from for a long time...  The type that enjoys the solitude and the un-doing of one's self...

May you not run from anything that is yours to feel.  May you feel through everything that shows itself to you and be true and whole in and during it all.  

Perhaps, this is what fulfilling is.  It is taking the feel good with the feel yucky with the feeling of neutrality.

We humans embody it all.  Get on with your human self and embody and embrace the awesome and the gnarly that is you and that is your life.  Touche and I honor the paradox of your life and mine.

Namaste and Blessings.

Dance and know stillness.

Live and experience life as it is.  It is everything, anything and nothing...  just maybe.

I trust the process of life and I trust myself to know what to do when it is the time for me to do and to be.

Our breath is what carries our life.  It is natural.  It is innate.  It is supportive.

Gnarly - "Slang.  distasteful, distressing; offensive"   (
      Thesaurus - cool, individual, offbeat, peculiar, separate, diagnostic

May you listen to what is inside of you and feel the experience of living from the greatest place of love inside of yourself.  

If you don't like the way you feel, wait just a bit, it will change...  We always change.  Life is ever changing.

What a journey we are all participating in and learning from and bearing witness to...

May you feel your breath, heart and innate knowing as fully as possible.  Let the uniqueness of YOU be, do, grow and live on.  

Monday, July 24, 2017


There is a deepness inside all of us that is connected to all that is and knows everything that is needed for one's lifetime.

Some say that we are shedding what we are not.  We are expelling things from our life that are not us.  We are opening to new endeavors and ways that our consciousness doesn't always or fully understand.  We are experiencing things in the openness of our lives.

There is no where left to hide.  The truth of who we are wants to breathe and be shared.  The challenges are present for this reason.  The paths of our lives may be altering.  We are becoming.

One thing; one breath; one person at a time, together, we are evolving our world from what it was to what it is going to be and many are doing it with great awareness like never before.

Technology has forever changed the way we live and can live.  Communication and truth is surfacing in ways that we couldn't have foreseen.  Politics is living in a role that has never been lived.  

Our hearts are being asked to open and the world and its people want(need) our vulnerability.

We crave it in each other.

Of course, not everyone feels this way.  Of course the path doesn't show itself to each of us at the same time or in the same way.  I'm with Shakespeare - "to thine own self be true".  I'd like to add with open heart, open mind, and open spirit.

We each have our own path to realize and live.

In this, as we support each other along our own paths, we win.

Openness, vulnerability and truth [out loud and easily] are certainly things of the future if they are not in your present.

As one door closes, another always opens in divine timing.  Being and breathing are two ways to carry ourselves through the dark times.

Being, breathing, hearing the quiet within and listening are ways that can lead us into the light.

May you "trust the process of life" (Louise Hay) and trust yourself to know that what you need to know you will know when you need to.

Let us live.  Let us be aware of how we are living; what we are 'bringing to the table' and what makes ourselves feel/be the most whole.

May we support one another in each others' wholeness.

I want to believe that this is what is and will be the goal and reason for living.  

You being whole; you being whole; you being whole and you being whole...   Ha.!

May you enter the wholeness of you.

                                                                            (photo by Jess)

Friday, July 21, 2017

Greatest Gift

It is interesting how I feel myself hesitant to come here and say, yes! I did go to the gym yesterday!

I made it.  My soul shined and did a happy dance.  My body did too.  My heart was grateful.

When we listen to our own intuition and give ourselves what we deeply (and, perhaps, not so deeply) want, we give the gift of life to our self.  We find ourselves feeling more alive.  We are in our element doing what makes our heart grateful.

With a grateful heart, we can give more, feel more, believe more and be what it is we are supposed to be.

May you shine.  May your soul shine.  May you give yourself a high five every time you experience the heart of you!

Every gift to one's self is a ripple of positivity given to our world.

The universe wants you to be you.  The universe wants you to be who you were born to be - your whole self.

From your innate knowing, may you be.

May you give the gift of you to yourself and our world.  'You' are the greatest gift we can all experience.

As I had a fortune cookie yesterday, below is my fortune from said cookie.  !

Believe in your desires as they lift you up and do no harm.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


I want to go to the gym today.  I want to do weightlifting and cardio work.

I don't want to put sneakers on (as it is hard for my hands and not too comfy for my feet) and I don't want to put exercise clothing on as the tightness of the material is hard for me to 'put in place' so to speak.  My skin already feels so tight around my own bones.

The treadmill calls me.   The weight machines call me.  Me, who lived in the gym a lot of my life is scared to enter the big room with new and unknown equipment.  What if I can't do it...  What if I get dizzy...  What if...  What if...  What if...

What if I succeed...  And, chances are pretty great that I will.

So, as my pilates instructor is on vacation today, what will I do...

I'm half dressed in workout wear and half dressed in comfort wear.  Ha.

What will I do...

I will walk through and do my best.  I will love myself through.  I will believe in myself.  I will honor where I'm at.  I will walk forward with gentle strength.

May you love yourself through.  May you believe in yourself.  May you honor where you are at.  May you walk through with gentle strength.

It is the best and most loving ['unharsh'] thing to do...

May we be our own best friends and go gently while nudging yourself and open to walking forward into what you want.  May you fly...

                                                                      Photo by Jess

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Just Be In

I just finished with the groceries and the errands that were on my list to do today.  The weather is very hot and heavy with storms threatening.   This is the usual summer weather forecast here in south Florida.

I feel myself 'uncalm'.  I feel myself rushing to get done.  I feel myself pushing to put everything in its place.

I haven't felt calm - easily calm - for a while now; or so it seems.  Many surprises and changes are in the works and it feels like I won't let calm in until these changes that I foresee happening happen.

I am not the way I want to be in this moment.  I want calm.  I want to allow calm in this and as many moments as possible.

Unless I sit back, breathe and let it happen (invite it to happen) - just now - it will not happen on its own.  This is just the way it is for me now.  This is just the way I am allowing myself to be.

So, as I consciously know this, will I consciously choose to let the calm in.  Just be in these moments with ease, trust, openness and acceptance.

This is what I choose to work on just now.  I offer the calm into my life; my being; my presence and my moments.

May you let the calm into your life; your being; your presence; and your moments...  if this is what you want for you.   Whatever it is you would choose for yourself now, may you just be in 'it', whatever 'it' is that you want during these current and going forward moments.

I wish it for you.

When our minds are in the future, we can create anxiety.  When our thoughts are in the past, we can create depression.  When we are in the now, we can just be in it.

I wish for you to just be in it...

May you meet yourself where you are at and let love lead you. 

Breathe.  Let go.  Be.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Today, for me, was all about paperwork.  Oh, lovely paperwork!

There was mail coming in and re-certifications going out and it seems that I lost (or put in a safe place, ha) paperwork that was needed to get these things done.  I had issues logging on to my online banking.  I had holding on the phone issues for 20 minutes or more at a time.

I found myself feeling frustrated and not being so kind to myself; which only stressed me more.

When will I learn that I work better and function easier under kindness, support and love.  When will I learn that me being nice to me matters more than anything as far as supporting one's self goes.

Even if  'other's decide or are unable to treat me in ways that I prefer to be treated, when I treat myself with kindness through it all - I get through it all much easier and more smoothly.

May you find yourself being your own best friend and giving yourself kindness through it all; as best you can and as often you can.

If you hear (or feel) yourself being unkind to yourself, may you stop and do better.  Stop and be kinder.  Stop and start again in the most supportive way that you can be to yourself in each moment.

This is what I wish for you.

We are all works-in-progress.

Let kindness and love towards self and each other lead the way through it to get to it and done.

Here's putting it out there in hope that this is what we can all choose to learn; do better at; and accomplish.

We are all humans.  No one is perfect.  However, we are perfectly imperfect and we are enough.

Things that happen to us are not the end of the world even though sometimes it feels so.  Things that happen to us happen 'better' when we open our hearts, minds and patience to the moment and to each other.  Breathing and questioning the goal in each moment are always helpful too.

Let's continue on in our own best possible way.

And so it is.  Amen.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Moving It

I found myself doing both pilates and yoga today.  My body feels alive.  My body is so happy.  I feel good about it.  My heart was so happy.  I am grateful that I gave myself both these gifts.  Yay me!

We never hear ourselves saying that we are sorry we worked out.  We are never sorry that we stretched and/or participated in some form of movement to strengthen and show our body love.  We are always happy afterward of giving ourselves the gift of movement.

Movement is a gift.  Movement and exercise enhances our lives.  Of this, I have no doubt.  It releases hormones that make us feel good.  It connects us to our own bodies and minds in a way that only movement can.

May you find yourself moving your body.

May I offer that it doesn't have to hurt.  I believe it is better if it doesn't.  May I offer that it can feel good.  I believe it is better if it does.  May I offer to start and meet yourself where you are at and, lovingly, go forward in the movement that feels the best and, perhaps, the most fun for you.

It astounds me that I know I love this.  It astounds me that I know it is good for me.   What astounds me most is that I don't do it more because it makes me happy and connects me to a true happiness and helps me to be the best me available.

May you open to the best you that is available to you.

May you do some kind of movement today even if it is just marching in place for five minutes.  

If you move regularly, know how awesome you are for doing this.  You rock!

May we always find ways to love, appreciate and give our body what it needs/wants.

Our bodies do thank us for it.

Happy moving!  Yay you!

Friday, July 14, 2017


As I sit here listening to the fountain trickling, I am reminded of peace.  Peace within my body.  Peace from my soul.  Peace in my thoughts.

I come thinking about how I just don't feel in the mood to do too much.  Perhaps, it is the lazy days of summer.  Perhaps, it is just within myself.  Perhaps, there doesn't have to be a reason and I can just accept that I don't feel like doing any one thing.

I've been here before.  I've lived through it. What has to be done gets done.  What is not imperative, sits.  I know if I wait me out - allow my process and truth, that eventually I do want to do it and it gets done.

Perhaps, if you, too, wait you out, you will want to do 'it' and 'it' will get done.

Go easy.  Tread gently.  Allow tenderness.

When being empowered is just not happening, let it be so.  It mostly always does happen.

You get things done.  You reach your goals.  You achieve dreams.

What is meant for you - no matter what - will be yours.  This is how life works.

Perhaps, sometimes, it is meant for you to just be.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.   May you be your own best friend.

Tread gently.  Breathe.  Know and believe that you are okay and will be okay.

May you connect to peace.  Know peace.  Allow peace.

May you love yourself through.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017


The weather outside is bleak.  It is dark, heavy and we are having a beautiful thunderstorm.  I can say beautiful thunderstorm now as my two dogs that are here with me are not afraid and they do not hide and whimper from the storms.  Once upon a time, my Durby dog did run to the closet and shake the whole time the storm was above us.  Even when the thunder was in the distance, Durby would be unhappy.  That was not fun and I feel for you who have dogs and/or animals or who even themselves may not like storms too much.  I understand that they have vests that can now be purchased for dogs to help lessen their anxiety.  It would be wonderful if they do work.

May you give yourself what you need to weather any storm. It has been said that life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.   I wish for you to dance in the rain to the best of your ability.  I believe we are born with everything we need inside of us to walk through our life for its lifetime.

While the weather outside is heavy, the feeling of heaviness is within me as well.  Some moments are just like this.  It is a part of this being human experience.

We could say that it is a healing time; a transition time or just that we can't always be 'up' and 'happy'.  There are times in everyone's life where bleakness occurs.  The good news is that it always does pass and the way we feel never stays 100% the same.

Opening to and being truthful in how we feel is one of the greatest paths that we can choose.  Instead of fighting what is as we accept it in this moment, it changes.  It feels easier.  It opens us up to better ways and better moments.

So, when you find yourself surrounded in bleakness, just know that 'this too shall pass'.  You are still awesome.  You are still love(d).

May you 'Just Be U' and experience what shows itself to experience.  

May you stay calm, cool and collected to the best of your ability within any and all powerful emotions. Sometimes, just stopping to breathe helps.

Emote on.  It is part of what we are here to do, perhaps...

May each of us be open to writing our own story from deep within out.  May we believe in the power of self.  May we support each other to do the same.  

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Ballad of Life

There are currently many 'things' surrounding me just now.  Knee replacements, falls that create bones to break, traveling, new jobs, new locations, births, what ifs, wishes and dreams.

This is a time that feels like it could be called the ballad of life; the ballad of living.

We are all mere mortals.  We live.  We know change.  We know surprises.  We know wonder.  We know amazement.

We are all experiencing life.

Are we becoming more aware that this is what we are doing...  Are many of us questioning if this, in fact, is the way we wish to experience life.

How can we open to each experience and be fulfilled... How can we dream and let the fun and wonderful dreams become a reality...

How do we deal with the surprises that we are not too fond of but that we know we must face in one way or another...

I think the best way is through our own truth from deep inside our own inner knowing and our own 'being'.

As we project what we feel, think, know, experience into each experience, do we open up for truth of same to fulfill us; to set us free...  Do we dare and find courage in believing this is so...

This morning I offered 'peace, love and light to you, your loved ones and our world' on my social media pages.  Peace, love and light feel good to me.  They feel like they offer me contentment; fulfillment.

Peace within, love emanating and light to light up what really is and to let things feel light (as much as possible) even at life's heaviest times.

For now, in this moment, we are all survivors.  We have survived everything that life has thrown at us and we are still experiencing life.  These are pretty great odds.  100% of everything we have experienced we have survived and, most likely, have grown from.  We survive, we thrive, we grow, we experience.  When we do it from peace, love and light it feels much better than living from fear, worry and darkness.

May you grab on to your courage, open your heart and your mind, carry your true loving self into everything that you do from here on out; as much as possible and as often as possible.

May you let peace, love and light guide you, carry you, embrace you and come through you.

You are the fulfillment you are looking for.  Let YOU be as you are while connecting to the peace, love and light within you.

Shine YOU on.

May you let the ballad of your life be true to what you feel and know from inside of you.  May you let the inside of you match what you show on the outside of you.  

                                                           picture unknown

Friday, July 7, 2017

What's Happening

I await word on new amount of medicine.  I await word on approval to try medical marijuana.  My hands and fingers are purple.  The tip of my nose is purple.  My body feels achy AND I am okay.

In this moment, with this breath - I am okay.

I don't love the current options that are being shown to me and I do my best to accept where I am at now.

I know things could be so much worse.  I also know that things could be easier and the possibility of better options always weigh possible.

The days are still filled with daylight hours and the weather is heavy, humid and hot.

It is my belief that people have it worse than me.  It is my belief that people have it better than me.  It is my belief that all of our lives are constantly changing and evolving.  We all have experiences that we enjoy and not so much.

It is my belief that as I bring my truest and best of myself to each situation, it opens the truest and best of options (and paths) available to me.

I have an ache in my right tricep as I type this and it tightens and releases on its own.  I stop to stretch it out.  I stop to acknowledge it.

I breathe in.   I breathe out.  I feel, live, be and radiate love.

I ask for guidance and help in the silence space of my thoughts.

I am open to the best of me always being a possibility.  The depth of who you are always matters.

May you be open to the best of you always being a possibility; from the depth of who you are.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I've been thinking about celebrating; celebrations; and all the different reasons and ways to celebrate.

I'm thinking that if we do not feel like we have reason to celebrate, we may just be looking in the wrong direction.

There is always something to celebrate.  Yes, sometimes, it may take longer or be harder to find the reason(s) and, yet, I do believe there is always a reason.

May you see the reason(s) to celebrate!

May you celebrate!

May you know the reason; feel the reason; be the reason to celebrate life.

I celebrate my connection to you.  In this moment, with what is in front of me,  I celebrate my breath, my mind, my animals, loving connections; the ability to care for one another and this very moment as it will never come again...

May you know how to best live it out...

Each moment on...  Your experience matters.