Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Think. Rethink

Lighten up!  Shake your body.  Muss your hair...  If a thought you are thinking doesn't feel good on/in/or to you, let it go...  It is this easy and this complex.

Oh, the colors of each of us.  We are gold.  We are silver.   We are black.  We are white.  We are multiple colors.  We are shades of one color.  

I love me a light show of colors.  The beams, the twirls, the dots, the open spaces, the light and the dark.

Our true essence is unique to each one of us.  There are no two of us alike.  

To be who we are and live as we are meant to is freedom like nothing else; like no one else.  

May You free your mind, body and spirit and feel your true essence rise up from the depth of yourself into the space that is You(rs).

May You get out of your own way.  Hang loose.  Lighten up.  Let it go.  Be.  

Let the complexity of You be easy.

You were born empowered.  You were born free. 

You were born with awareness and mindfulness built in.  

Tap in and Be who You were born to Be.  Be who You are.  

Encourage, allow, open up to, light up, feel, be, do, become, and live all the colors that you are and that you feel to, want to, know to and can.

Color (y)our world and express yourself.  

Free the thoughts that light you up, charge you up and come through your soul.

Monday, March 29, 2021


May you open your heart to the peaceful, exciting, beautiful love living deep within.

Oh it is there...   right where You last left it...

You were born with amazing grace.  You have inside of you the universe.  You have support, wisdom, signs, love and caring all around you.  

You and You and You and You, et al were born this way.

Our paths have been different.  Our lessons unique.  Our progress just ours.  Our wins one of a kind.

Through our choices, our truth, our gifts and the way we see things, we are encouraged, empowered and always individually, together.  

May you live in the vibrancy of yourself.   May you let the good vibes excite and be peaceful.

May each sunset let you settle into the embrace of your own life knowing that 'remarkable' is happening one way or another and ..

May we all share our love and kindness first and foremost.

This is the promise that happens when the hurting stop hurting and the empowered power up through love.  We take turns between hurting and empowered.  Perhaps, we are both at the same time as well.  

May we all invite, be, live, gather, share, open to, become, feel and let love.  

A new day.   A new dawn.  A new life of LOVE is growing, becoming and knocking. 

Check In

How You doin’?.?

Vibes.  We all vibe differently for different reasons at different times.  Most of us enjoy the high full of luster vibes.  Most of us have experienced low lack of luster vibes from time to time.  Maybe more so now during these ever-changing times, growth, so much unknown and the fear of all of this.  We can stay in our high vibin' state by choice by opening up our awareness; being mindful; choosing what we offer to our self.  We can settle into it and open up to it - invite and create it.

It is, perhaps, a good idea to check in with ourselves and be the observer of what is going on with ourselves.  How are we feeling...  What are we thinking... How are we treating our self... What are we telling our self.

Awareness comes first.  Once we are aware of what is going on with/within us, we can step out or away from it, and regroup/reset and invite and create different and anew or we can bask in the awesome and the favorable that is already present.  We also have the choice of allowing and embracing exactly where we are and filling ourselves up with love, self-kindness and genuine compassion.  

May You check in with yourself often... and from a favorable point of view; an honest point of view; an awareness of mindfulness that we are not our thoughts and reactions.  We can choose to be the observer of our thoughts and reactions.  

You are this empowered.  Use it awesome one. !!  The Power of YOU.  

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Windows and Doors

The world...  Our world...

Your part; your energy; your offering; your being; your doing; you are becoming. 

Everything that you are and everything that is meant for You will come.  Nothing will or can stop it from being so.  Also, what is not for You, will not be so no matter what happens or what you bring yourself to or what you open yourself up to.  This is the way it is supposed to be.  And, it just may be brilliant.  

The saying that when one door closes, a window opens, etc. etc. happens all the time.

In divine timing, within the divine plan, through divine guidance, wisdom, separation and togetherness... Life - your life is happening now.  

As your day and the time and moments in your day click by - you and your life are happening.  

May you participate from the best and most favorite parts of yourself; as often and as much as possible.

May you participate from the most true and honest parts of yourself; as often and as much as possible.

Oh the windows and doors that are going to be opening up for You. !!  Get ready cause here they come. !!

Let the door(s) that close(s) and the window(s) that open(s) [and vice versa] happen.   Let life, opportunity and possibilities happen for You not to You.  Participate in the life that is Yours.   Participate in the life that is You.

Amen.  And so it shall be.  And so it is.  Always.  


Thursday, March 25, 2021

This Moment

One doesn’t have to know exactly where they are going to enjoy Yourself now.  !!

One can be aware.  One can be mindful.  One can have doubt.  One can have uncertainty.  

Humans emote.  We were built to emote.  When we hold back and/or hide our emotions, they build up and can create dis-ease.  When we pretend or disguise our emotions, we are not living authentically and this can create paths and openings that are not for our highest good.

When we live authentically and share our emotions as they show up from within us, we create the best opportunities for the grandest and best people, paths and things to show up in our life that can support our highest good.

When we let love lead us through our emotions, magic happens; life flows.  

May You open up to the love of the moment.   

What, in this very moment, can you open yourself up to enjoy now?   Let your love breathe.    

When we live in this empowering way, it empowers others and life around us as well.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 You.  Me.  Us.   We make up the globe.  We, each one of us, emits energies, frequencies and vibes that wrap around, involve, float, surface, bury and become the world, the globe, exclusively.

I want to thank the following people, through giving a shout out to your country, for being here with us.  I wish you all the best energy, frequency, and vibes that create the best world from you, for you, around you, within you and as a whole system/container that your role is fully carried out and forth.

May we tap in, connect to and learn and live through the magic, love, kindness and uniqueness that is in each one of us.  Let's give the land, water, earth, air, sky, et al - along any and all latitudes and longitudes - openness, belief and ability to create 'Namaste' and 'Shambala' for us all.

A place of peace and harmony to all living creatures from the deepest and most valuable parts of ourselves;  individually, together; honor.

Thank you for showing up for yourself; for (y)our world.  It is my hope that you can find/feel yourself exploring, adventuring, open, soulful, mindful, heartfelt, growing, evolving, and transforming in and from the most authentic parts of being You; even if it could happen from/through a very wee part of your visit here.  

I totally appreciate You.  I send you love.  I imagine protection around you.  I wish for you the best life that is yet inside of you to live - to happen.  I see you being kinder, more true, more courageous to explore and open to the best version of You learning and allowing You to be You.  Oh your light is beautiful...  !!

May You always let You happen.   Own the awesome that is You(rs).  Thank You.

United States



United Kingdom













United Arab Emirates








Monday, March 22, 2021

Funny Meme


Come on in with your 'issues'.  Open them up to yourself.  Be true with yourself.  Feel your truth.  Breathe in and breathe out.  No judgment allowed in these moments.  Just feel.  Just be.  

Stay as long as you like.  Feel the love, safety and nonjudgment that is here always for You.

Believe in yourself.  Believe your experiences.  Process them.  

May You love yourself through knowing that you are love(d) and lov(e)able.

Thank you Lori Angel for the funny meme.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


There are so many ways, paths, options and experiences to create and live through to open ourselves up to the life that is inside of us; the life we have yet to live.

Spring up, branch out, walk through, bloom, grow, share, be, root, reflect, bend, flow, stand tall, design and let merge and own all that You are and all that You want to be; all that You are meant to do..  

Holla!  You are the only one that you can create from within; share without and respond to accordingly.  You are the only one that truly experiences every thing You.  You are the only one that You spend your entire life with.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  May You be your own best friend.

'Holla' yourself into your own Paradise.  



“The color pink represents compassion, nurturing and love.  It relates to unconditional love and understanding, and the giving and receiving of nurturing.  Pink is feminine and romantic, affectionate and intimate, thoughtful and caring. It tones down the physical passion of red replacing it with a gentle loving energy.” google

Perhaps, you may want some ‘pink’ in your life.     

Wear it.  Surround yourself with it.  Color with it.  Imagine it where you’d like it the most.   Fill yourself up with it.   Think Pink.  Be compassionate, nurturing and loving.  

You matter.  Your choices.  Give yourself permission to give yourself what you want.   If you believe it, it feels true to You.

May you believe in the beliefs that benefit You and feel good to You.

You can even imagine breathing in and out the color of Pink.

I wish you what you are wishing for.   If it is meant to be, nothing will stop it from being so.

Show yourself some affection...  See how wonderful you can allow yourself to feel; free through your own encouragement, perspective, gifts and beliefs.  Oh the power within You...

Friday, March 19, 2021


Love.  We use the word often.  We may say it.  We may feel it.  We may think it, want it, offer it.

Do we ever talk or share what we believe the meaning of love actually is...

To me, love is uplifting and supporting another to be the best version of their self.  To support another to be who and what they want to be.  To sit with another in silence.  To hold another in presence (presents).  To hold space for another when they feel hurt, abandoned, lost and/or confused until they are ready to stand on their own again.  Love is about letting another live through what they love; what they desire; what they create -- through their own love.   

Love can be any where.  Any time.  Any place.  Any moment.  For any reason. 

Where will You be offering your love today... May you always save a little love for yourself... 

Every time you offer love out, send a bit of it deep into yourself.

Let us put love all over our world; in the nooks and crannies; in the open spaces.   In and through all living creatures and things.  

Within yourself.  Share love out.  

Love is within and around us all. 

Love of self is where life begins and grows the grandest.  Love to fill up our world comes from the grand love within each of us.  With(in) You.  With(in) Me.  With(in) Us.  

Love.  Let love.   Offer love.  Be love.  Know love - your love - well; very very well.  Always keep it g(r)o(w)ing.  


Nowhere left to hide.  

Breathe. Reflect. Reassure your truth.  Reassure yourself.  

Live gently amongst the darkness opening up to light. 

Be the you that you know you are and want to be.  Let love lead you.  Let the beauty of your internal knowing be shared.  

Just what if each of our lives is exactly where it is so that, together, we can bring the world to a place of more peace, love and joy than ever before. 

All we need do is bring our loving truth and open heart into each situation. 

May we meet each other where we are at through our own desire of peace, tenderness, joy and love.

No one knows you and your life like you do.  Come into the best version of you as you study, learn about and get to know yourself from the depth of yourself.   Love yourself first.  

This is the most joyful, deeply-rooted and joyful love to share.                              Namaste.

Let your love represent and be represented.  !!

Display from your heart into y(our) world the love, joy, fun, sparkle, sick, rad, cool of  You just by being totally open to everything You; piece by piece, whole - through love.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Heal Yourself Wonderment

“Heal yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall.  With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds.  Heal yourself with mint, neem, and eucalyptus. Sweeten with  lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. 

Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a hint of cinnamon.  Put love in tea instead of sugar and drink it looking at the stars.  Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. 

Stand strong with your bare feet on the ground and with everything that comes from it. 

Be smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with your forehead.  Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier.  Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember... You Are the medicine.”

by María Sabin,, a Mexican healer and poet.

How beautiful! What a journey!

Divine.   Lovely.  

Live in your interpretation of it; beautifully inspired, open and empowered.

 This is how it 'touches' me.  

Feel the sun on your face and dance in the moonlight.  Listen to the sound of the wild stream and feel the power of the waterfall.  Ebb and flow like the ocean and soar and fly like the birds.  Smell and discover the natural herbs and plants that are a gift from Mother Nature.  

Love is the sweetest gift of all and the stars are magic.  The wind carries answers and to dance in the rain is like a kiss from the sky.

Stand strong like a warrior gathering up energy from the earth and feeling solidly grounded to it.

Follow your intuition and see with your third eye and believe what You know.

Jump, dance, sing - whatever opens You up to your happy hormones.

Heal yourself.  It is an inside job.  You loving You.  You loving the life you allow yourself to create and live...

This is the magical answer to and of the human journey.

It is yours; always in all ways at all times. 

May you just claim it; the You that knows who You are and that knows how to celebrate LIFE.

Friday, March 12, 2021


May you capture your true essence and grow, sparkle and shine from this...  you are made to live fully and all that You are. 

YOU.  ‘Just 9Be U’.  “Grow Yourself Complete” again and again and again.   You are the only You!  Very cool indeed. !! You know You like no one else can. 

May you be extra kind and loving to You.  Which, in turn, supports extra kindness and loving to (y)our world.

You know what you love - surround yourself with more of this.

You know what you don't like - surround yourself with less of this.

Within the truth of You, may you live from trust that your instinct; the gifts your were born with are your greatest gifts.  Your uniqueness is your superpower.

Stand grand and tall up into the sky and let your roots and foundation that is your story and your life grow deep from the center of the Earth.

Your core knowing, your instinct, your gut, your innate knowing is where and when magic happens loudest when you own the core of everything that you are.  Let the essence of You be deeply grounded and reach beyond and past infinity.

Your true essence is meant to be lived, shared, owned and bright.  Let it be so.  


 Nine.    '9'

Nine has always been my favorite number since grade school.  When I went to turn my idea of "Just Be You" into a tax abiding, law abiding company, there were not many choices available to legally use.  

Hence, along with me so badly wanting to be me and my love for and the meaning of the number 9 is what brought about my company's name of "Just 9Be U, llp".

When I'm asked what is the 9 in Just 9Be U, my answer always seems to be '9' is the number for completion'.  "Grow Yourself Complete" easily and organically [just like the company's name happened organically through myself and the law] was born.  Just happened.  Felt exciting and right.   I embrace it.   I can understand totally why no one else would know this unless I shared my truth and experience about it.

So, the other day, when someone special to me that is supporting my business to come into real existence with real professionalism and clients, suggested I lose the nine, this was something I understood and yet knew I needed to explore within myself the truth of what to do.   What to do...

I looked up the spiritual meaning of the number nine.  Some would say 'angel number' wisdom.  I have looked it up many times before but not in this light and for the full reason I was checking into it now.

I am more sure than ever, that for me and for my clients, this is the 'umbrella' best for us to work, play, grow, become, learn and experience life from, under and through.

'9' can also mean 'spirituality, universal, awakening, enlightenment, lightworker, soul purpose, inner wisdom and empathy'.

My company's mission is to support You in being your true self in every aspect, every situation, circumstance, opportunity, conversation, relationship and moment of your every day life.  For you to grow yourself complete [and keep doing so] as I believe the journey of life is all about being who you are in every chapter of your life and as every version of yourself.

We notice, create and grow comprehension of your culminations to create unity, truth and oneness.   And this is just with US getting started.

Hail to the '9'!  Hail to You.  "recognize, acclaim, cheer, praise and glorify' because you are uniquely born, become and grow just as life evolves from you and through You.  

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Create Happy

Happiness comes from within.  It is what inside of us that creates happy out.  Yes, sunshine feels good to many.  Nature is a blessing to many.  Playing a sport or doing a 'thing' opens us up to our happy place.

And, have you ever been in the sun and not feel good.  Have you ever been in nature and felt cranky?  Have you ever been doing something that you love and not feel loving or lovable?  All these things come from within first.

It is our thoughts, our reactions and our connection to things that determine our experience(s).  

May you realize when you are not feeling what you enjoy feeling.  I'm pretty sure there will be reason for it; a thought connected to it; a scenario we are creating in our mind that stops and/or blocks the happy.

May you create to enjoy what connects you to You... When you are happy and you know it and you really want to share it, create what connects you to the depth of YOUrself.

Create, spread and share your happy into every situation, experience, relationship, and all throughout your home; as often and as much as possible. 

Humans are not supposed to be happy are the time.  We are 'blessed' with many feelings and emotions.  There are real reasons to experience what we are experiencing.  Sometimes, we feel a certain way to step into change.  Sometimes, we feel a certain way to let go of something.  Sometimes, we feel a certain way to know a different perspective.

May you trust how you feel, embrace it and open up to the lesson(s).

And, as often and as much as possible...

May You look and feel the fun that supports you feeling joy-filled.  Never ever do it to yourself to expect happy on You 24/7.   Perhaps, not expecting happy all the time creates some form of happy.  

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


We all have moments.  Opposite and different moments of feelings, success and lessons.   We are human.   This is how humans experience life.   If you have a beating heart, then you are energy and this energy is your ‘shine’.   “Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine”...  in whatever kind of moment you are having.. You shine.. !!  

Even when you’re blue, You shine. 

Just because this is a pretty picture, I wanted to see what words would I come up with or words would come through me.  

May You be open to your 'shine' and see what comes to you and through You.   

Shine On!

Nature’s Art

Wishes.  Dreams.  Magic.   These are all a part of most of us and who we are.  They are all a part of our world.

"To dream it, is to become it"; it has been said.

I wish for you to dream from deep inside of you what you feel calling to You.  Perhaps, it has been something you have wished for forever or for a very long time.  Maybe it is a dream that just pops up now in your mind.  Whichever.  Whatever.  However...

Go for it.  Wish it out loud.  Dream it out loud.  Take a step into the dream.  See yourself there.  Feel what it would feel like.  What sounds can be heard.  Reach out and create it.  Take one step now.  Just one step.   Of course, you can take as many steps as you want.  Perhaps, a great step for you just now could be to envision it and believe in it or, at least, the possibility of it.

I certainly believe in You making it happen.

Make a wish!  The magic in You is waiting for You to dream it. 

May You conjure up what fascinates You and totally enchant yourself.  !!

Own your dreams.  Own your wishes.  Own how you want to feel.  Own what you want to do.  Own your belief in it.  

Oh, there is so much power in you to create anything you can dream up.  

May you let the dream inside of you run wild.  

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Hello Just 9Be U-ers!  You being You -- what a beautiful thing!  

I have been typing and sharing this 'Be U' Blog since 2010.  I started off with tons of information flying around that was so inbred in me and my fingers would just fly over the keyboard looking so forward to sharing and running free with it.  

I started off telling about myself, my day, my experiences and thoughts and it would end with an invite to connect the information with yourself and see what you come up with for you; as You.

After I had a website created in 2014, I started to slowly change to not so much as talk and share a 'Where I'm At' story to this is what comes up for me in this moment.  Yet, it was/is still very much my intent and hope that you, as the reader, would (please) feel/see/consider where You are at.  It is my hope as you read each post that you will get a connection to yourself.  One of uplifting, thought provoking, deeper understanding, encouragement, positivity and so much more.  I wish for wisdom and insight too; your own.   

You can sign up to get email notices of these newly posted posts.  I would be so happy and honored for you to let this feel like an access to your connection to your home inside of yourself; a connection to You.  This second created blog was a step towards my dream to walk into the professional life that I have wanted for so long.  The website is    Clicking on ‘Blog’ from the Menu gets you there.  If you already are more comfortable here, I invite you to follow me as I believe interaction is another step that is calling to me.  

When I started this, I so needed to do it standing alone because I knew that any kind of connection could very easily sway me to not feel as free, vulnerable, open and honest.  I have done enough 'work' now that it is my belief that I can be true to me and blessings can be created by open engagement and interaction.  You and your life matter so much to me.    Entirely up to You.  

More than anything, I wish for enjoyment in connecting with yourself and what works best in your response to this.  Thank You for visiting.  You have been a lifeline as I have watched the tally of the numbers and the vast amount of different countries recorded here.

We really are One and we really all do want the same things of sharing and feeling love(d); to matter and connection and to make a difference.  

It is my hope that You would meet You(rself) here as often as you wish and whenever you need a connection to yourself!  Come on in!  Stay awhile.  Make yourself at home.  Connect deeper to what it means and feels like to ‘Just 9Be U’.  To “Grow Yourself Complete”

The number 9 stands for magical things like completion, enlightenment, spirituality, awakening, karma, lightworker, soul purpose, mission, inner wisdom, empathy, love and light.   So many beautiful and empowering things I hope happen from our own connection to all that is into the connections between us all.  

Sign up here.   Sign up there.   or Just show up as [I am eternally grateful] you have been.  Your way.  Your truth.  Your awesomeness.  Your love of self.  Your innate knowing.  Your connections.  You.  This is what matters most to me.

Let's continue to 'play' and connect and grow from the true depths of ourselves out.

THANK YOU FOR YOU.   I SO APPRECIATE YOU.  One of my greatest honors is believing that I have the possibility of supporting the best version of You that I know is so within You.  

How interesting it is that today is the 9th!!!!   Ha. !

Monday, March 8, 2021


You don't have to be anything other than YOU.  

You don’t have to feel anything other than what you feel.   

You don't have to say anything other than your truth.  

If fact, just by being and honoring the exact way of how you are - made by and through God (Your higher power) you are open to and you become the best version of You.

Go home to yourself.  Go home to You.  

You were born to be unique, wonderful, awesome, baffling, suggestive, wondrous, innate, one of a kind You.  

Come out.  Come out however, whatever, whoever, wherever You are.   

Walk in and with the exact truth of You. 

Know that You are love(d); being love, doing love, sharing love.  

Walk in the love that is You(rs).    

As your heart beats, this is the most profound thing You are and can ever do.   

And how cool is it that you were born, have and already possess everything inside of you that you need to do and be and live just this!

Totally not random.  

Sunday, March 7, 2021


I find that many things are better with a little light and color in them. 

I was going along a guided imagery meditation tonight and we were invited to walk on our path going forward.  In front of us was something for us to pick up and use as an anchor to our forward path.  A Diamond came up for me.  We were asked to let the (for me) diamond go deep into the center of the Earth and anchor there.  Allow its energy rise up into our bodies and feel it, know it, invite it and connect to it; whatever this energy felt like to us.

I noticed fractured lighting.  Faceted lighting.  Bright and brilliant lighting.  It looked and felt beautiful in my mind's eye and body.  It felt like a beautiful and welcome anchor.

We were then invited to walk further down the path and there was something else there awaiting us still having to do with our forward journey.  For me, it was a 'blue full moon'.  I was reminded of light here as well.   A mellow light.  Light that shines on dark.  A gentle light that I was enveloped and immersed by.  A comforting light.  Light that was subdued yet brilliantly bright lighting up my path inviting and protecting.  Helpful and supporting.  A light that showed up to be shared.

Interesting.  Fun.  Who knows. and I just open up and sit with it.  

I had started this post previously and open up to it now with this story.  Today, I spent hours on my Just 9Be U services and offerings.  I am so in awe and find this exciting and cool.  

I had these below sentences (thoughts) here on this post in 'wait', previously, so I share them now.  

Lighten up.  Be the light.  Sparkle.  Illuminate.  Add some color.   Lightheartedness.  Enlightenment. 

May you open yourself up to the light in your life.  Perhaps, up ahead on your forward path.  Imagine, feel, see, know, be, do You in the available light in whatever way it may be showing up for you now in your mind's eye and/or body.  If you want to get quiet, breathe and open to it and 'play' and freely experience 'light' and what it means and how it feels for You now... I invite you to give it a go.   

May you let any light of any kind in any way present itself to you and/or through you.  Shine on, shine in, shine up, shine down, shine out, shine over and/or shine through.   !!

Open to the light of Your essence; to the nature of You - Let it divinely and uniquely shine from and through Your Soul.

Bloom True

When you live from your truest of self, one can be most sure that they are living their truest of paths.

 Our truest of situations, experiences, relationships and circumstances occur, show up, grow and bloom.

May you live your truth gently. 

May you live your truth openly.

May you live your truth with love.

I wish for all your glorious moments to breathe through the truth of everything You.  

When we share our truth gently, openly and with love, we know the world as filled with wondrous and beautiful paths.  This is what glory feels like.

May our world grow in each other's glory.

May we grow a glorious world; individually, together.

Friday, March 5, 2021


Life.  Living.  Awareness of  positive, helpful and supportive things.  Awareness of negative, hurtful and unsupportive things.

“It’s a jungle out there”!  

Some terrain is beautiful and nourishing.  Some terrain is overly dry.  Some terrain is swamp or tropical.  Some terrain is unknown.  Most terrain is changing.  

May you bring your true, loving self into whatever is in front of you; which enables you to find your best terrain to walk on.   

Perhaps, there are terrains that you want to support.  Perhaps, there are terrains that feel more like home.  Perhaps, there are terrains that are uncomfortable and even a bit scary.

Wherever you find yourself just now -- be present, be aware, be open to learn, be open to support.  And, most empowering, perhaps, be open to bring your truthful wholeness into it.

Walk on presenting your empowering, vulnerable self to each situation, circumstance, relationship and endeavor.   

Bringing the truest of You into everything...  A-wimoweh  A-wimoweh   

The Mighty You.  

The mightiest of you is real, raw, vulnerable, vibin', flowing, encouraging, playful, awake, aware, gentle, strong, growing, caring and balanced.  This mightiest of you is the part of you that carries your greatest abilities, beliefs, drive to thrive, innate wisdom and surviving skills into life and living.  


Thursday, March 4, 2021


Oh, the horizon.   Oh, Your horizon.   My wish is that it looks brighter and brighter.  That You can see, feel, connect to and create more light.  It is ok to dream and believe.  It is imperative that You be true to You.  That You know the ‘Wow’ that is yours and that is You.    

Our world has not been so bright.  It has been riddled with fear, dis-ease and uncertainty.  Change was constant and unimaginable things were being shown us.  We were forced to change and to live and do things differently.

Not one of us is the same as we were a year ago.  Many of us are hugely different.  

This can be a good thing.  This can be a great thing.  Even with sadness, heartache, angst and suffering, new light and new ways - a new You can bloom.

And, as you bloom from within, in your way, your time through your own love, trust and truth - you invite your magic in and give it breath.  

It is from within Yourself that your horizon can be anything You want it to be.   It is not ‘out there’.  It is within You.    

May You get your Wow on.  !!

Walk through in whatever way is present to you and when you are ready, may you start to live from and through gratitude for the good that has happened even amongst the challenges that many and, maybe most, have felt.  

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


What I took joy in today...

Just a few palm trees along the water’s edge.  The sun as it was going down lighting up the clouds and the sky and it's reflected light on the water’s surface...  

It is the ‘little’ things in life that can bring us easy joy.  

May you be open to making it a habit, from your busy world and mind, to stop, step out and away from any internal noise, and notice the small, everyday things that bring you joy just by being so.  

May you let yourself connect to and through the simple things that bring You joy.  

May you often connect to things right in front of you that allows you to connect to the most fulfilling moments of your day.

Be grateful.  Open to the simple.  Notice how you feel when you do this.  Let it be a revelation.  Let it become a habit.

Wishing you your own noticing of the simple, joyful, every day pleasures that bring your heart and soul, being and mind joy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Love Infusion

If you are seeing this, may you feel Your love, all love, my love. 

Let everything you are and do be infused with love.

You are love(d).

May You let every cell, breath and thought be incited with Your love.  

Monday, March 1, 2021


Wishes.  Wishes seems to be a subject that keeps coming up for me.

As I open a new chapter, working with a business consultant, signed up for a 6 month course with "CEO Priestess Academy; Women of Impact", I seem to be making a lot of wishes to finally at last open up to my dream and my innate calling to work as a professional once again.  

With certifications in Life Coaching, Personal Training, Reiki, Cranial Sacral Training, and other healing modalities, I am ready to make the leap from not wanting a commitment and just enjoying this 'work' and stepping into a commitment to do this 'work' professionally.  

May you make a wish.. and jump in. !!

Wishes come true all the time.  Miracles happen all the time.

The ‘magic’ of a wish...  May you know it  !!

May you wish the wish that is the deepest one within You and be open to walking, creating and jumping into it; when you are ready.  

Be a master of what you love, know, wish for and dream.

Far out.  Groovy.  Just imagine.  Live You fully.