Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Be U

"In order to secure our future, we must empower ourselves with the knowledge of who we truly are."

"Ironically, some of the new insights offered by science are so far outside of what we've accepted as conventional wisdom that science itself is having a hard time coming to grips with the implications.  In other words, if you suspect that reality isn't what it used to be, you're in good company.  So strap yourself in, keep your eyes open, and hold on tight because we are about to experience the adventure of a lifetime.  When we realize our role as awakened and aware cells in the body of humanity, when we all participate in and fully experience what may be the most profound and pivotal moment in the history of the planet, then we will witness a new order spontaneously emerge out of chaos.  How do we know?  The science tells us so."

From the book "Spontaneous Evolution:  Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here) by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman

May you believe you are here on this Earth at this time for a fabulous reason.  May you let your true self be seen.

 Eggs have been associated with the earth's rebirth and ancient Pagan times during Spring Festivals.  Melisa Mann Burke


"New scientific insights reveal that evolution actually consists of long periods of stasis, interrupted by sudden, dramatic upheavals.  The upheavals are punctuations that change the course of evolution and lead to whole new forms of life."

"For millennia, our spiritual teachers have been pointing us in the direction of love.  Now science is confirming that ancient wisdom.  We are each and all cells in the body of an evolving giant super-organism we call humanity."

"Whether you call this Light love or knowledge, its flame grows brighter each day.  The Light reveals that civilization is in a birthing process as the old way of life falls away and a new one emerges."

"Chances are you are among the evolutionary imaginal cells who are contributing to the birth of this new version of humanity.  Although it may not seem evident now, the future is in our hands.  To secure that future, we must first empower ourselves with the knowledge of who we truly are.  With a firm understanding of how our programming shapes our lives and the knowledge necessary to change that programming, we can rewrite our destiny."

"When a critical mass of people truly own this belief in their hearts and minds and actually begin living from this truth, our world will emerge from the darkness in what will amount to a spontaneous evolution."

From the book "Spontaneous Evolution:  Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here)" by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman

This is what I've known most of my life.  This is what I've been feeling for the past several years. This is what I've been starting to say recently.   I am grateful to have the above words to put in my mouth!  Ha.  I surely couldn't have said it better.

May you know who you truly are!   Be You

Post on FB

There was a post on "Facebook" that had me sitting at my computer and writing a public comment and scared to send it off.  I ended up being too chicken to send it although I did send it to the person who posted same.

The post read:

"Doesn't make much sense, does it??:  Homeless go without eating.  Elderly go without much needed medicines.  Mentally ill go without treatment.  Troops go without proper equipment.  Veterans go without benefits that were promised.  Yet we donate billions to other countries, and excessive immigration before helping our own first.  1% will repost and 99% won't.  Have the guts to re-post this.  I KNOW I'm in the 1%.

My response was:
"My wish is that there were no homeless; elderly didn't need medicine; that there be no cause for troops or veterans; and mental illness was a thing of our past.    Just what if everyone was true to themself and who they are and treated themselves and owned that they are completely lovable and loving and matter- that there would be no need for a post as powerful to me as this one is.  I can wish, yes?  Ha." 

May you always come from a place of love and hope whenever, wherever, however possible.

I feel so strongly that this could be a wonderful answer to many issues that are hard to cope with and seemingly, undying.   I have great fear of the darkness that surrounds same. 

May you choose to be open. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013


"Tough experiences certainly aren't fun to go through, but if you can ride them out and learn something, they're often worth the journey."

From the book, "Eat, Drink and Be Gorgeous" by Esther Blum

May you be open and embrace learning always. 

 Some believe our best lessons are in our struggles.

Being Healthy

*"Being healthy means taking responsibility for yourself while making peace with the day-to-day realities in life."

*"Last but not least, remember that vitamins alone will not keep you healthy; pleasure and laughter are the greatest nutrients of all.  Only these can free your soul and nourish your spirit!  Health plus a negative mind-set equals baditude; health plus a positive outlook equals gratitude!"

*From the book "Eat, Drink and Be Gorgeous" by Esther Blum

Well said, Esther Blum, Well said! 

Friday, March 29, 2013


"Let your smile change the world; do not let the world change your smile."  Anonymous

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Have so Much

I have so much going on that if feels like I have no clarity...  Mmmmm

Home, Professional, Horses, Children, Houses, Family members - it's all in the unsettled state.  It is kinda like the twilight zone.  There is good news and bad news to this.

The bad news is that it feels and is very unsettling; scary; unknown and uncomfortable.

The good news is that with it all being so 'up in the air', I am in the position to, excitedly, create anew; create a new life for myself within and along all of these avenues.

So; while uncertainty is rampant, envisioning and believing is also.

I may not know much today; and I do believe with each passing day and each lesson that I survive; creation of of my next level/chapter of myself and my world is sure to happen.

While my life is mostly in a state of flux, I can apply myself, my knowledge, my dreams and my interests to build a better me. 

If everything was working, constant and certain, I would be right where I wanted to be.  However, this is not the case for me today; the unworkable, inconsistentency and uncertainty is what allows me to create anew.

How brilliant life is!  Embrace what is as you process it through you and envision a different and better path to fit who you are today.

If you are right where you want to be - Enjoy it.  Relish it.  Be grateful and present for as much of it as possible.

Very little stays the same.

May you be embracing what is to the best of your ability even if you judge it good or bad.....  You are right where you need to be today or, most likely, one would not be right where one is.....  Mmmmm

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


My emotions are out the window, off the charts, over the top, etc.  There is much change going on in and around my life. 

Now, that I have written, "I am whole", I guess God, the universe, the greatest of powers is showing me more than I believe I'm ready to handle. 

Emotions are meant to emote.  Well, emoting I am.  I know that many of these emotions are not mine to own.  I am taking on others' feelings.  They throw it to me, I catch it.  I don't want to do this anymore.  I want to care, be helpful and compassionate and I do not want to feel like it's my stuff to fix.  It's especially true with a family member because it became a habit of mine to do so a long time ago.  My head/brain knows the difference of what is mine and what is not, my heart/body isn't completely certain.  I have to get my brain to tell my body to let go of what is not mine to own and to know the difference.  This is a work in progress.

So, I go to the tarot cards (because I enjoy 'the game'), "The Alchemical Tarot" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Robert M. Place and I pick two cards.   I have one other card already sitting in the book from a previous pick.  Below are the cards that I am 'playing' with today.

Knight of Vessels
"The message here speaks of the attainment of emotional satisfaction.  But, when questing into emotions and the unconscious, do not go off foolishly into the depths.  Also, you may be getting a message 'out of the blue', perhaps in the form of a synchronicity.  It is an unexpected emotional satisfaction.  Maybe you have already received it and, like the knight, need to take notice.  Open your eyes to what is around you."

King of Vessels
"To rule your emotions means to let them alone.  They are a force of Nature.  You are the source of your own satisfaction; do not look to others to provide that for you.  Do not allow others to take away your happiness.  It is only necessary for you to control your own behaviour, which is independent from the emotions."

Ace of Staffs
"You are experiencing the beginning or birth of something that will require a lot of energy, like a new job, a new project or a new relationship.  Even though it requires energy, it gives energy back to you in reward."

May you allow your emotions to emote while knowing which ones are yours and letting go of the ones you are creating because of others' needs/beliefs that you maybe buying into. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


"What screws us up most in our life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be."  Anonymous

Benefit of Pain

"...pain was an efficient way to bring clarity and focus back into your life."*

I've often heard people saying that they are grateful for the bout with a certain dis-ease.  It brought them to a whole new appreciation of life.  I'm hoping we will choose appreciation of life without knowing dis-ease in the days to come. 

May you allow clarity and focus in as many situations as possible.

*From the Harlen Coben book "Six Years"


"Life is a smorgasbord and most people are starving.  Mame" 

"In my experience, people eat the way they live and live the way they eat.  So, my little vixen--have a sensual experience every time you pop a piece of food in your mouth.  Savor the flavor, love each luscious bite, and be present in the moment."

From the book "Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous" by Esther Blum


Pi 2

More excerpts from the "Life of Pi" written by Yann Martel.

"To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation."

"He was a man whose profession it was to love, and he would offer comfort and guidance to the best of his ability."

...."world soul cannot die,..." 

May you love, move, believe and comfort to the best of your ability. 


"The reward for the watching eye and the listening ear is great."  From the book "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel


We are the only ones (as adults) that can give or take away permission to ourselves.  As children, many of us cannot wait to grow up to be adults then, presto, we are adults and some of us want to go back to being children!  Yikes!

I can give myself permission to do ANYTHING at all.   I am also the one that denies myself permission to do many things.  I stop myself.  Only me. 

I wonder why one would choose to not enjoy things that are right in front of them or even within reach or even that may take some doing to achieve. 

Why would one not go for the gusto.  Why wouldn't I.....

I want to go for the gusto of life.  The smiles, the laughter, the crazy, the helpful.  I want to feel alive more and not just be alive less. 

For me, connection to people is what does this.  For me, connection to others is such a joyous thing.  Why would I deny myself something that is so joyous.  Why does it feel full of fear, at times, even....

I look forward to walking through this fear and being out and about; with and within; following joy instead of just responsibility. 

Sure, we all have our things to do; get done, achieve.  I'd like us all to have a list of things to do that we just enjoy; love; that make us laugh; that gives us contentment of the ultimate kind -- knowing what we love and doing it.

I want us to feel satiated in our lives and not just living them.  Movement does this for me.  So, why do I not move more..... 

Move more with my whole self..... this is my goal going forward.   Not today (ha) but going forward.  Does dis-ease stop me...  Most likely.  Can I get through it - I think so.   Do I want to - Heck yes.   Will I - ....  I see myself whole and moving.   I hope this is a great first step.

I have been told awareness comes first. 

May you allow awareness in.  Perhaps, even in a dark area where you may be fearful of going.  I believe -- once walked through -- letting go is a beautiful thing.

The Beatles knew things way ahead --  "Let It Be" -- wherever you are; whatever you feel --  "Let It Be". 

Let's all stop the fight and process through.  Have you been complaining, talking or worried about the same thing for more than a year or longer that sits uncomfortably within.... Mmmmm   Go here -- Dare to GO HERE.....  What is your truth about same... YOU CAN CHANGE YOURSELF AND THE WAY YOU THINK.... what's one thing you can change today or even become aware of to change.......

May you take it on as easily as possible because you know you are worth it.

Who would you be/how would you feel if this 'thought' was not a part of your life?  Give yourself permission to change it in whatever capacity you can just now.  It will be a step in the right direction.

Sermon Sunday over --  (sorry)  Mmmmmmm 

Wishing you great joy in creating new thoughts that pick you up rather than the old ones wearing you down.

You have this!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Dare to Live

I'm daring to live all of me.  Daring to live through my fear and live me once again.  I'm living the me that is here for my family and I'm getting ready to live the me that is here for me.  To be the sole person; the individual; the human being that I am as I stand strong and independent.  I have been a mom and a wife for a long time.  I will always be lucky/blessed/fortunate for the ability to know what this is.  I will never stop being a mom and a wife.   

However, love of myself has to come in full force just now.  I'm afraid of this.  I'm not sure I feel entitled to this.  If I'm out doing my thing and my family needs me and I am not present for them - am I a bad mom/wife.........

I think this is my belief -- this 'feeling' of reverse abandonment.  Leaving my dogs is tough for me.  I feel like I am abandoning them.  I know there is a better way to think.  I'm onto it.  Look out.  Ha. 

Oh, abandonment issues run deep from childhood into adulthood for me. 

Abandonment - (
1. to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert: to abandon one's farm; to abandon a child; to abandon a sinking ship. 
2. to give up; discontinue; withdraw from: to abandon a research project; to abandon hopes for a stage career. 
3. to give up the control of: to abandon a city to an enemy army. 
4. to yield (oneself) without restraint or moderation; give (oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control: to abandon oneself to grief.
So, as I can see with the definition of abandonment...  Abandonment is leaving and never coming back for the most part.  I do not do this to my dogs.  I do not do this to my family.  I will not.
In fact, with this definition; my father did not abandon me completely.  He came back.  He came back when I was an adult.  So, yes, I was abandoned as a child.  However, when I was an adult, my father played a very small role in my life.  I suppose I'd call it a friendship on his terms.  It was a choice for me to accept or decline this offered relationship with him.  I could not decline.  It is not who I am. 
I have this belief that we all do the best we can with what we know and where we've been and who we are.  I believe my father did the best he could.  It certainly was not what I needed (or thought I needed) and, yet, do I know this for sure...   Who would I have been if he would have stayed...  Certainly not the person I am today. 
HOW DID I GET HERE????   Yikes
So, as I continue forward to find the life and person I am here to be in the present; with my innate knowing; my inner beliefs and thoughts being the same as the person I show to the world, the person that is connected to the body I reside in....I am whole as best as I know how to be in the moment.  I am whole.  I am on the outside the same as I am on the inside for the first time in a very, very, very long time.  I am in sync and aware of this completed task that was so important for me to achieve.  Woo Hoo
Can't wait to see where I go next!!!!!!  This is huge for me.   HUGE!
As a good friend and peer, in wanting the world to be all that it can be, reminds me ...  LIVE LIFE ALIVE, I say LIVE LIFE ALIVE AS YOUR TRUE SELF..... with all the imperfections, all the insecurities, all the beauty, all the truth of who we are...  LIVE LIFE ALIVE AND AWARE OF WHO YOU ARE. 
If we do this; we have everything we need already to create, be and live the life we were meant to live.  We know how.  The instructions are in us.  We only need to pay attention; listen, hear and respond accordingly. 
LIVE ON.   May you live on as YOU -  in all your glory...... SHINE YOUR LIGHT.
a bit dramatic and it comes from my heart.   lol/yikes/look out/DO YOU!



"Do not mimic what you see; see how you feel."  Lisa Ungerer

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Being present in the moment is a gift to myself.  Being me in the moment is a gift to myself and to others.  We empower each other when we are our true selves.  When I know you are being true; it helps me to feel less vulnerable and to share my true self more easily.  GIFT; perhaps, the truest of gifts is being oneself.

We all have this gift to give.....

May you get on giving.


Wow.   My head is on overload and there are many people I know and see, each with their own challenge and life problems and solutions.

How do I sit in my own 'stuff' and not take on others and not give up my own?  How do I stay focused on my needs, important things and just things I want to enjoy and stay centered and balance.

I hear others' needs, problems, wants, desires, challenges, wins....  Abundance is in all our lives.  Perhaps, even over-abundance.

We all walk forward; we all move forward.

We laugh; we cry; we share; we close down.  It's human nature.

We all have it; we all know it; we all can choose to see it or not to see it.

May you choose what makes you YOU in the moment of what is.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Finding Fun

I'm here with an apartment full of people finding new fun things to do.  Walking on the beach; taking a drive; laughing at what we share and find out about each other; talking about finding fun new things.... this is what I'm doing today.  ........Watch.....wait for it comes...... What FUN!   lol

Finding fun things is fun.

May you find fun things today and have fun.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I am processing much through my mind, body, soul that, perhaps, is my being.  I am processing much.  My life is intertwined with many and I am extremely grateful to know this experience.  It gives me many perspectives and allows me much love and knowledge.  It creates constant connection and wonder.

I have one of my longest, dearest friends coming to visit me from from out-of-state this week.  She comes with her truth and desire to create anew and better.  She complements the real me.  I feel the real her.  I was 14 when we met and we have been constant friends of truth ever since.  We have known the beauty of life and the devastation of life.  We have come through much.

I look forward to my week with her as I am already in the process of so much change, truth, hope, loss, along with processing old love becoming anew again.  My heart beats with anticipation of the future.  My body shivers with anticipation of the unknown.  My mind is ready for anything as I know I am a survivor.  All of us humans are survivors.  We have all survived at one time or another; perhaps, more than once.

We survive. 

Along with this survival, there is great opportunity to see beauty, to know happiness and to also feel defeat.  We live.  Together, we live better; stronger.  I live better; stronger being connected to others. 

May you process what is inside of you and allow whatever to come forth and live through the strength of you.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I am so fortunate to see 'truth' unraveling all around me.  Instead of coming up with 'lame' excuses, people are telling me their truth of what is...  'having a bad day' - 'I'm sad' - 'feeling really sure' - 'conflict is prevalent' - 'I am just tired and cannot take anymore on just now'.........  I love that people are living and feeling who, what and where they are.   I am honored for them to be confident and comfortable enough to state who and what they truly feel.   It's heartwarming, enlightening and I want to do a happy dance!

I do believe that some of us are just so 'lost' or 'at a loss' that there is no other direction to go.  This, too, is okay.  Living our truth; who we were born to be and sharing same is the ultimate human experience in my mind and for me.  WooHoo!

May you recognize, accept and share your truth as much as possible today.   May a great experience come from this for all involved.  LIVE ON....truthfully.

Tiffany and I

Friday, March 15, 2013


It has been a very busy week for me and my family.  After my daughter graduated on Monday; today we went for her college interview to see about a possible scholarship having to do with a high GPA.  I was a very proud mom; I got to dress up in business attire and I got to watch my brilliant daughter socialize, engage and 'sell' herself, along with her aspirations and dreams.  Quite fascinating as a mom to watch and learn.  Ha.  Thank you daughter.  You are my biggest teacher and my greatest accomplishment.  I'll be forever grateful. 

I'm still talking with my aging aunt regularly and learning so much here as well.  Just because we always did it one way; does not mean that this one way will always be the answer for us going forward.

I have sick distant family members fighting for their lives and I am staying in touch with the people that mean so very much to me.

I had one death in the family, and although I wasn't very close to this strong woman, I feel her loved ones' pains, struggles and despair.  I share it with them as best I can and I support them in the only way I know how... through words and feeling.  They are on a challenging, yet, perhaps special/unique journey and I am so very grateful to watch what a great bonding of love can provide for people that are bonded at the heart and soul on much more than a human level.  And, the humanness of it is also awe-inspiring to witness.   The pain is so great and I am realizing that the pain is so great because the love is so great.  Amazingly beautiful and amazingly beyond difficult.

My mind, spirit, self and being are needing to relax, let go, unwind, trust, support and walk through all that is.  I walk through with love and witness of love; with trust and boundary; with owning and letting own.

Quite the new concept for me.

Our horses are still challenging and we are winning and embracing them as projects to also learn, witness, lead, follow and stay open in sharing the whole experience with very kind and like-minded people.  Again, a very tough situation and an awe-inspiring situation at the same time.  Magical and wouldn't wish for it. 

My mind just keeps repeating the word - "amazing".

May you know the amazement in all that you are and all that you do.  I believe it's quite possible that amazement is always present if we allow/look and embrace what is as best we can while we create anew going forward.

"Amazing Grace"    Wonder and Mercy

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Sad is an emotion.  Happy is an emotion.  I am supposed to emote these emotions.  Well, I am surely emoting. 

With sadness in my life, I am feeling it and trying best to process it;  Feel it and let it go.

With happiness in my life - this I find much easier to feel and process.  Feel it and it goes on.

Sadness of letting go of my beautiful resort home and everything it stands for to me; sadness of still processing pain of losing much this year.  My Durby, my Gia, my Krystal -- all beautiful animals that brought me much joy.   I lost my father.  A father I never really had in my life and, yet, he did come back to me before and as he died.

I am processing all of this this morning for some reason.  Maybe because the possibility of the future showing itself so prevalently to me in my daughter's graduation.   I am working on building a list of things I have gained this year. 

A place in Florida, a beautiful graduate, many wonderful connections with amazing women.   I have been given and shown many gifts through love, through sharing, through my truth.

Why is the sadness, which is just an emotion harder to emote than the happiness emotion?  Could it possibly have something to do with when we were happy as children, it was easier for our parents; our caregivers, to deal with our 'happy' than when we were sad.  Was it harder for our parents to know how to deal with our sadness.  Perhaps, some of us were told not to cry; to not be sad or act like a 'baby' or perhaps we were just told to "not feel that way".  Mmmmm

As many of us are growing into allowing ourselves to feel and be what we feel and be....  more realization may occur that some feelings are easier than others...

What if we looked at all of them as just emotions.  They all come up; they all pass. 

May you choose to feel what comes up from within as it does and let it go.  Feel it and let it go through you.  Holding on or burying it --  it is still present... is it not?  Many of us have gotten brilliant at ignoring the 'pink elephant' in the room of our beings.  May we see and let all our 'pink elephants' free.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


My daughter officially graduated from high school yesterday.  What a great day to be a MOM!!!!  So much pride, joy, success, hope, and love filled my soul, my heart and my being.

Thank you my beautiful, brilliant daughter for teaching me so much, giving me so much to be proud of and having great hope for the future.  My wish for you is to fly high, know yourself and go after what makes you happy with a kind and open heart.  I am so grateful, and always will be, that you are my daughter.  I'm the luckiest mom ever! 

Maya Angelou says -- As you leave your childhood home, know that you are raised.  Do not let anyone else raise you.   You know right from wrong; do right.  You are always welcome back home.   --  Beautiful saying.   Thank you Maya Angelou.

So, as I celebrate my beautiful daughter and find such joy in watching where she is going from here, I am open to new beginnings, happy endings, successful endeavors and great togetherness and knowing/feeling connection even with separation.

We all have great possibility with any endeavor, any dream, any thought we can create.

Happy Creating and Joyous Forward Stepping.

May you choose to tell someone how wonderful you think they are.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lady of Staffs

"The Alchemical Tarot" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Robert M. Place*

*"Lady of Staffs"

"Tarot Wisdom:  You are fascinated by light and energy, and have a sense of appreciation and wonder.  You have mastered the art of graceful movement in all ways.  You are well suited to start an endeavour in a new area, to make the desert bloom."

May you go forth and allow your life to bloom.   Ha.

Mistake and Fact

When I wrote my last post "Going", I was believing that the day was Saturday and that it was the day of Daylight Savings Time.  I did admit my mental exhaustion.  Mmmmm. 

However, today is Saturday and today is the day we put the clocks ahead and we change the time of every person that does so.  Power, yes?  A collective unit ?- and it works.... Amazing.   Is this, again, proof, that all things are possible.  The power of banding together creates big change.  We change the actual time of day together.  Wow

May this be the start, time and place that we continue to change big things together as we create a world where everyone is entitled to all possibilities of good, happiness, lightness and, especially, joy of being who each and everyone of us truly are from the inside out.

Release the pain and struggle and connect to the child within that knows the truth of your wholeness and being. 

May you delight in the truest form of you from time to time until you are ready to JUST BE YOU always, if you are not already there.

What If:

What underlines anger is pain/fear.

What underlines lying is not thinking that we are good enough.

What underlines hurting one another is we are hurting within ourself.

Friday, March 8, 2013


I'm just waking up in the morning and going to sleep at night as I'm dealing with, being with and learning new situations and struggles daily.  I'm experiencing the spirit of life in many living things.

People, horses, and stories of same are very prevalent every where I turn.  Much movement; much change; much destruction and much growth.

We all are moving forward in our best way; our best light.  I believe it's time to step into the truth of all that is me and do better today than I did yesterday. 

Tonight we put the clocks ahead by one hour; Daylight Savings Time.  This has always been a happy day for me because I know that more daylight will shine longer.

May you change what you can to allow your light to shine stronger from within so it hits and changes any darkness that is within your ability to do so.   You have the power; shine on; shine longer.

p.s.   I have to admit; I am mentally tired with all the troubled situations that abound; and I have hope and I believe that this is the best opportune time to create the world that I want to live in.  I will not give up.  I let my light shine and I cheer for your light to shine as you are ready to do so.  I have many people in my life just now.  I have no answers to many things.  There is much unknown.   I embrace it as much as I possibly can.  I embrace and enjoy the life that is within and around me.   I applaud you for doing the best that you can with your unknown.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


"If you think you can, you can.   If you think you can't, you can't."  Henry Ford

May you think what you want your reality to be. 


I am finding most things 'interesting' just now.  I just hung up with a friend and I must have said interesting 10x she pointed out.

From a shortage of helium to 30% drop out rate in some American schools to just because something worked perfectly good for us 'yesterday' does not mean it still is accurate to support it in our current life today. 

Interesting.  We have much we can absorb in our brains right at our fingertips today.  Anything we have a question to, we can "google" and find an answer to.  We are connected to each other via social media and other avenues in a way that we have never been before.  People are talking about it all.  We see much.  We are more open about our struggles and secrets more than I have ever experienced before.

It is a lot to take in.  It is 'interesting'.  I'm feeling that for those that like to learn, consume and be involved - which is most of us - we have an opportunity to be on brain overload.  The youth of today do not know different.   They do not know about writing letters in the mail and waiting for a response on general communication.  They do not know that to call overseas was a big deal.  They do not know there was downtime before there was "24/7".  Even the word 'stress' has always been in their vocabulary. 

Humankind is more open that we ever were.  Babies out of wedlock; men with men; women with women; ethnicity doesn't much matter more than ever.   We are all human beings.  We all have feelings.  We all know pain.  We all know happy moments.  Love is becoming what matters most, perhaps.

I find this all interesting, fascinating and exciting.  We are at a perfect point in our evolution to create/do/be/live different and, perhaps, better than ever.  We are at a perfect point to live our own lives, let others live theirs and live aside/within the common ground of humankind. 

May you realize what you find interesting and take it to where it best works in your life.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I have nothing.  I am present in my world.  I'd like to offer (since I have nothing!) that to be present is a gift.

May you be present in your life.  May you be healthy in your life.  May you feel happy in your life.  It is a choice.

May you choose your present and accept the gift of being you.

Look what happens when I have nothing to say.  LOL

May you do something with your 'nothing'.  Ha.  Eh gad


I feel in a whirlwind of life just now.   I feel the center of me and the whirlwind that I feel/see as people; struggle; living; togetherness; separateness; blessings; and harm.

I'm still sitting in it.  Ha. 

 "A body in motion stays in motion; A body at rest stays at rest".  Newton 

I am in Still mode, yet I'm totally immersed in life all around me.  I'm realizing that being idle and knowing/seeing struggle of a loved one is, perhaps, harder than being with them helping them with their struggle.  Please note 'perhaps'; because I know there are two sides (at least) to every story.  There is nothing easy, at times, about helping struggling people, especially when they are fighting not to be helped. 

I was calm this morning until I heard word that a loved one is struggling.  My body feels like pins and needles.  Adrenaline is most likely being made in my body responding as such that I am the one that needs it for survival because my thoughts of this struggle my body reads as my own.   MMMMMMMmmmmmmm   Very interesting information indeed.

I feel all of my senses heightened.  I have labeled this feeling "uncomfortable".  This is the feeling that makes me want to run away from my body.  I believe I've used the phrase "my body is screaming" plentiful in my head and in this forum. 

Am I taking on what is not mine to own; especially in the manner I am owning it/allowing it.  Can I be separate from the hardship of others and still care greatly.  Am I helping them by feeling what I believe they feel when it hurts me so?   I am certainly not helping myself and the people that hold me dear. 

Here I come back to owning what is mine and allowing others to own what is theirs.  Yikes.

So as I gather my wits in the whirlwind that I 'see' in my mind... I know I can do more peaceful; more realistic; anew.  I can do ME better. 

May you know that whatever you are feeling today.... May you know if it's truly yours to own or are you taking ownership away from the true entity that God/the universe/destiny/etc. has intended it to land on, perhaps, to awaken this person to a better self.

May you know in each situation, if it is truly your lesson or not; yours to own or not.  And if it is not yours, may you allow it to process in its paramount form elsewhere.

Please note:   I am coming from a place that helping is always good, owning and taking a situation on for others may be nothing but hurtful to all involved. 

We are separate identities living collectively.  Yes?  "You know you got it if it makes you feel good"  .... forever.  Janis Joplin

Monday, March 4, 2013

Do or I Do I Not.....go here

Approximately one week ago, I had a 'click' in my spine.  It reminded of the same clicks that occurred when I was on the beach in my teens and I felt something in my body shift.  I noticed it and disregarded it then.  I later came to believe that this click had something to do with scleroderma picking on me.

Is this new click a click that changes my health for the better.  Something in me is saying yes and my thinking brain is telling me I'm nuts and I have no idea and let it be.

My inner knowing is doing a happy dance.

I know that I recently posted that I AM WHOLE... I am whole with all my imperfections.  I'm feeling this.  I still am present to this.  My being believes last.

I went to a 'channeling session' at a yoga studio and the presenter/lecturer was a Psychic Medium and he had one sentence to say to me.  (He talked to everyone; all 31 of us.)  He said "Your guardian angel wants to say that she has saved you."  Mmmmmm  lol   yikes   oh my

I said please ask her to keep on saving me!

I am still uncertain as to what I believe or think about much of this kind of 'voodoo'.  I do believe that we are powerful, powerful human beings and we can tap into just about anything that we can connect to and believe in.  I do believe in miracles.  I do believe in the power of the Universe and the power of God and the power of the human race.  I believe we are all one in our deeptest of depth.  I believe in beauty and togetherness and inner innate knowing.

I believe that everything we need is available to us and unless we are open to it; nothing changes.  We become aware of nothing if we are not open to being aware.

So, here it is.  I'm putting it out there.  I believe that suffering the way I did for 30+ years is over and I'm here to offer whoever comes my way to be the total person that they are supposed to be.  Hence, "Be U".

As I continue forward, along with all of you moving forward, we will see what we will see.  We will be what we will be and we will do what we will do.

May you see, be and do YOU whether you are off your rocker or in it!  lol

Sunday, March 3, 2013


I have been very open, honest, and clear to the best of my ability about what I know and experience even when I come from lack of clarity.  I certainly am coming from lack of clarity now.   I certainly am coming from hesitation and uncertainty.

I am 2000 miles away from a brilliant woman that is alone and sick; scared and fearful. 

I am not sure how to best help this woman.  My usual MO is to run to the needy and sit with them and try to offer peace when nothing else is available.

It does not feel right for me to do this today.  The restrictions that are in front of me to run to this woman are plentiful, real and accurate.  The thought of going to her for a few days and then leaving her side is more heart wrenching than staying here and being with her from the distance. 

My head, heart, soul, being and body spin from this knowledge.  The distance is harder on me, I believe, than sitting there in the chaos of hospital, life, doctors, fear and the unknown.  Being in the distance of this is so greatly upsetting to me.  I am more peaceful present.  Either way, my mind and thoughts are there. 

I know each one of us handles life, sadness and struggles differently.  I honor this.  Where we've been, what we know, what we believe and who we are creates/teaches us to handle things differently.  One way is not better than the other in the big picture.  One way is better than the other for our individual personalities.  There could be 10 people handling the same situation and it WILL look and feel different to each one of them.

I would like to offer to follow yourself; do not judge others and keep your heart as open as possible.  Be true to what you know and feel.  Allow others to do the same.

As I'm walking through this with great stiffness in my body and many thoughts flying around my mind; I am open to learning a new and better way that is most peaceful to me.  I believe this is the goal of living in a human form.

When I have peace; I connect to peace.

So, as I'm walking with this unknown, uncertainty, guilt and struggle, I have my muck boots on and I'm praying for clarity, strength, love, perseverance and peace for myself and for every other living creature in our big, beautiful and challenging world.

I am praying for peace for all those that are sick and alone.  I'm praying for peace for all those healthy and working.  I'm praying for peace for all human beings.

Yes, we all look and are different.  Yet, bottom line is we all know some type of suffering; we all know a form of greatness.

We all walk through whether we know we are doing so or not.  We all walk through.  We are all on this journey of living.

May you connect to your peace within in as many situations as you possibly can.  When we are all connected to peace, will peace be the abundant ingredient in our world?


Saturday, March 2, 2013


When I keep going and going; adrenaline kicks in and I keep going and going some more.  However, I eventually (and doesn't take too much) crash.

I do not want to go until I crash.  I want to go until I feel I need a break; and I want to choose to take the break.

I will achieve to create this course of action.

Is there a new action you'd like to consider trying?

May you choose to try it on for a practice run now.


My Lovely Aunt

My beautiful 92 year old, amazing aunt is having a very hard time in and out of the hospital just now.

I hold her hand and kiss her forehead in my mind.  I talk to her in my mind.  While I am not there physically for reasons I want to honor, I am there in spirit, heart and mind.

I hold her hand and kiss her forehead.

I struggle with not being their physically.  I cannot make it happen today.  I honor this as best I'm able.

I trust the people that love her wholly that are there helping her through hour by hour.

All I can think is God is with her; God knows His plans and I hold her hand and kiss her forehead.  My wish is that she knows no more suffering as she walks through His plan for one of His most intelligent and precious children.  She is a true lady. 

She has succeeded in many ways throughout her life.   She has shown me independence and great courage and strength.   She is the one that first showed me New York City; the shows, restaurants, Statue of Liberty, and the very high elevators.   I continue to learn from her.  She taught me what a skyline is.

Skylines are always changing.  However, there is always beauty in their every continuum.

I believe it's best to walk through our truth with an open heart and truth of what is.

May you hold someone's hand and kiss their forehead as you share the beauty of you.

                                                google search -

Friday, March 1, 2013

Time To Change

I declare that instead of

"I am tired."   --   "I am alive."

"I am confused."  -- "I am processing change."

"I am a mess." -- "I have it together."

May you cancel out and replace the thoughts that have no benefit to you.