Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Adventure On

I am getting ready for an adventure to the west coast of the USA.  I live on the east coast.  It has been a while since I traveled this many miles and for this time period.

I am not allowing my mind and thoughts to not be chaotic.  The chaos within me, that I am creating, is prevalent and loud.  It is uncomfortable and I know that within me is the ability to stop it and, yet, I have not done so.

I know once I leave the house I will be good.  It is in leaving the house, my animals; it is packing everything that I may need; it is in not forgetting anything that I need; it is the unknown with many things already scheduled that has me a bit freaked.

I say as long as I have my identification and a credit card, I can make it through.  And, yet, this time, I am not allowing this to bring me much comfort.

I haven't dressed for so many functions in such a short time period and I'm letting this freak me out.  It is traveling with medical marijuana as it is illegal to do so that has me freaked.  I haven't decided if I will be bringing it with me or leaving it home.  The two states I will be in it is legal.  But, nationally, it is not.  

I only use it at night as it hasn't become my friend or much help or support yet.

My head spins with all the possibilities.   I find myself thinking of the worst case scenarios instead of being excited about the best case scenarios.

I leave here without my computer and this site is not working on my phone or Ipad just now as google has to update it to run with the lastest OIS systems.  I am uncertain if google is going to or not.  I don't know when I will be able to post again.

I come here to let you know that I will be away from my computer.   Although, I haven't been posting much anyway, I still don't want to go without saying goodbye.

We are all on an adventure.  Every day is an adventure.

May we tap into the excitement of and contemplate the best outcome of everywhere we find our self and each situation we find our self in.

Adventure on!

May we open to all the great possibilities.  May we be open to the love in each moment.  May we be open to a calming breath in each moment.  May we be open.

I wish you glorious adventures.  I wish you the best of You.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Grateful. Thankful. Honored.

In America it will soon be Thanksgiving Day.  It is a day where we can take extra time to be aware of all that we have to be grateful for.  It is a day of feasting.  It is a day of being with those that we love.  
I am grateful for my loved ones; my animals; my comfort; ease; support and help; supporting and helping; beautiful nature; the awareness of my breath; clothes to wear; food to eat; uplifting movies and TV shows; entertainment like Cirque De Soleil; music to dance to and move to; my own ability to move; and, while it is even hard to write—I am thankful to have known scleroderma in the way that it has brought me to my knees and sent me to the depth of myself.   

It has given me awareness of the tiniest things that I have learned that deserve my greatest appreciation.  My husband asking me what I need.  My experience that I can be in pain and still choose love.  Someone smiling at me.  My heart connecting with another’s heart.  How one breath can change tension in my body.  How one thought either can ease the way I feel or destroy a most blessed moment.  My ability to look for the blessing in what feels challenging.  The choice and energy to do what one wants to.    

It is said that we may not remember a conversation or a reason for a connection with someone but we do remember how being with a person makes us feel.   

On my deathbed, I do not think that I will say I wish I had more or wish I worked more.  On our deathbeds, perhaps, we are grateful for the love we have shared.  It is the only thing we can take with us; just maybe.   

So, Happy Thanksgiving to you if you celebrate it.   

Anyone of us can choose gratitude and thankfulness at any time.  

May you know what you feel gratitude for.  May you even thank the person(s) or the situation(s) that has(have) honored you.   

May you be sure to include yourself; as you and what you do is what helps create your life experience.  May you be sure to honor yourself. 

May you even, just maybe, make a pact that you are and will be kind, available, truthful and honorable to yourself and as many people and situations as possible.   And, it is always possible if you just give yourself the permission that this is who you want to be and are.  Give thanks.  It amazes me how blessed we are when we open up to the endless possibilities.   

Even in darkness there are blessings.  May you look for them as often as feels best to you.  

Thankfulness on...

"The Spiritual Healer"

As I am here at my computer, I look down and see a place setting card that says "The Spiritual Healer"...

This makes me very happy.  I want to be a healer.  I want to touch other's spirits.  I want to empower you to be all that you can be.

I have learned a lot through my own pain and experiences.  I have been classed in many modalities in the name of healing and connecting to one's deepest source.

I understand and know many possibilities of seeing, living and being in this human form.  I know triumphs and challenges.

This does not mean that I am perfect.  This does not mean that I'm a know-it-all.  This does not mean that I don't get stuck and have my own 'stuff' to work on and through.

It does mean I care.  It does mean I want to help.  It does mean that I listen and am open to what I hear.  It does mean that just maybe I can give some insight into an easier, more valuable and helpful way to see and do things.

I've been having somewhat of a hard time with this blog posting site.  It doesn't seem to work on the new OIS system on my phone or my Ipad.  It seems to get stuck more often than not just now on my computer.   I've had some frustrating and slow times with it.  I find the screen freezing from time to time.  I find it less inviting to come here because of that.

Interesting, how I am also finding myself freezing, slow and stuck throughout the days.

And, because of that and my own stuckness and experiences that I am currently living in, I've hidden from myself and from you.  I've sat in my truth not knowing how to share it.  Probably not wanting to share it and look at it through the eyes of seeing it written out.

I am still between the medical marijuana and the hydrocodone for pain management with scleroderma.  My skin feels very tight.  It is like I have a 'spanx' on without having a spanx on.  That can't be all that bad, right...  Ha!

I wake up not wanting to wake up [get up]; not wanting to do the day.  My hands feel swollen and like catcher's mitts.  I am nauseous, tired, and my screaming body can not find relief. The ringing in my head is loud.  The fearfulness that I am experiencing inside of myself [just because] is an unwelcomed 'guest'.   My mind feels discombobulated and uncertain.  My body doesn't know what to do with the mixture and the lower dose of pain medicine as I have cut back approx. 50% while adding the cannabis. My hands turn purple and hurt when I am stressed or in cold conditions.  I am realizing how a spoon doesn't fit in my mouth.  I am very aware my breathing and heartbeat are more labored.  Chemical withdrawal -- I think so.

I look up the medical marijuana reviews.  It says 'happy', 'calm', 'creative', 'energy'.  I have not experienced much of any of these lately.

My body's chemistry is unstable and revamping.  I'm staying in the truth and flow of this as much as I am able.  I find myself wanting to not just sit in silence but lay in silence.  I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to do so.  I can easily beat myself up here and I have learned that beating myself up helps no one and not a thing.

So, I love myself through.  I love my spirit.  I love my soul.  I love.

Even through pain, challenge and the unknown, I can still choose love.

May you choose love through any pain, challenges and/or the unknown; to the best of your ability.  
You are worth it.

Flow with the current and currency of your life.  Let ease, truth, love and hope carry you when life doesn't feel so grand.  Hug yourself.

When life feels grand, enjoy it and be grateful for it and pat yourself on the back.  Yay you!

Until we meet again...  I care.  I send you love.  I send you hope.  I know that you matter.  You matter because you 'are'...  I have no doubt of this.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Under Construction

Our world and much in it feels like it is under construction.

Many people's lives are topsy turvy, upside down, changing, challenging, freeing and just plain different.

There are many disasters, danger zones and powerful energies to process, change, grow, do better and create anew through.

Many of us are feeling overwhelmed, at times.

It is, perhaps, in this 'overwhelmness' that the greatest possibilities show themselves.

I know my stress level is not pointing to calm.   I know that I feel in disarray and sometimes blind to any good answers.  I know I walk forward merely by questioning my goal in the moment; relying on my faith and trust that I am where I am supposed to be; and knowing for sure that what is being created through me is what is supposed to be created for me and for our world.

May you walk forward knowing your goal in the moment of feeling overwhelmed.  May you rely on your faith and trust that you are where you are supposed to be.  May you know for sure that what is being created through you is the best possible for mankind and for mother nature.  When we create with an open heart and mind, miracles and ease show up.  

We are a work in progress.  We are here to tap into and 'grow' our own light.  We are here to participate in shining a light on our own experiences, situations, innate knowing and the oneness that is connected from the depth of who we are.

As we go through the oh so many 'construction zones', may we add/extend/offer the light.  It is our job to follow and create the best lit paths.  It is our job to connect to our own peace, love and joy.  It is our job to live in the light.  It is our job to be the light.  It is our job to let the light win over the darkness.  It is our job to create, participate and live in the best version of our self.  It is our job to say what our job is...

It is not so much our surroundings.  It is more how we reply to our surroundings.  This is where peace can be destroyed or lived.

May we walk through, survive and do the work that has to be done in the construction zones and may we find ourselves 'in the zone' of positivity more and more and more.

Get in your most brilliant zone.  Let the best, happiest and most fulfilling energies win.

Let what is 'light' to your being win.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Hold Each Other's Hearts

The bombardment of tragedy in our every day world is loud.  Both natural and man-made disasters and strikes have hit many of us in one way or another.

My heart goes out to those suffering.  I go to sleep sending out love and prayer.  I hold a space of belief in my heart that we, as humans, will do better.

We will know kindness and support for one another and that each one of us matters.  We will reach out for help.  We will help.

It is my wish, just now, that we will hold each other's hearts.  Wherever you are, in your mind, you can hold the heart of another.

May we feel the beat of life within each other.  May we respect it.  May we cherish it.  May we support and believe that we can hold each other's hearts and in doing so, we can connect in love; in the desire to create and live with ourselves being loving, healthy and whole.  

There are many, many, many more people who care and want to help than are lost and only know hurt.

May we let our hearts shine light to dim the hurt [way down].  

May we hold each other's hearts with the greatest of compassion...

As you love yourself and live from the beauty of your own heart, you are/offer love.

As we hold each other's hearts, we connect in the way we were meant to connect.  Love not War.  Acceptance not Judgment.  Openness not closed ignorance.

As we bring our most open and loving heart into each situation, we create a space for others to do the same.  The best we can do is live with an open and loving heart.  As we connect to this deep yearning for easy connections, may they happen and be so.  

May our hearts be/grow strong and loving together.

I know there can be fear in opening up our own heart.  Pain can be so great when our hearts hurt.  May we trust ourselves that we will be there for our own self no matter what and as we stand strong in our own loving truth, we can get through anything because we choose to 'love through'.  In loving through, perhaps, we create the most loving option(s) forward.  

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


What we believe, we see life from these beliefs.  We experience life from these beliefs.  We live from these beliefs.

If you have a belief in you that hurts; makes you worry and/or uncomfortable, you can question this belief.

Question it in a way to ask yourself if this belief is 100% without any doubt true.  Do I know this to be carved in stone and can't do anything about...

Usually there is something we can do to challenge the belief, change up the belief and, maybe, even see it in a whole new, more productive and empowering light.

When feeling confused, uncertain or overwhelmed, we can ask ourselves what is our goal in this very moment.  Focus on this moment's goal.  It brings more depth and calm into our minds so that we can focus to accomplish this current goal.  It gives us a focus to let everything else alone but this current goal.  It can take away the mind's chatter.

When we are caught in a battle that stresses us or throws us off our game, we can choose to not battle.  We can choose to breathe and be in the moment.  We can be open to see as many sides of this battle as possible.  You are the one responsible to choose to battle or not.  Is your goal peace and calm or is it something else...  Is it love that you want to experience or something else... Again, what are your goals and beliefs...

What we have experienced are what brings on our beliefs.  What we were told can be our beliefs.  The more dramatic experience or statement can be the more tightly we hold on to the belief about it.

When someone speaks on a subject that we already have insecurities about, it can open up and emblazon the insecurity deeper into our being.  Or we can question the truth of what is being offered and what we are connecting to and know that there is a lot of opportunity between white and black and all or nothing.  Perhaps, the peace that will come to us is in the middle somewhere between the most dramatic and our firm or set belief(s).

So much of these kind of things are happening within and around many of us.  What once worked easily, no longer works.  What once was challenging can become easy.  What once wrecked us can strengthen us.  What once gave us contentment needs a new way.  What once was thought as success can look and feel different than before.  Where once there was a place to hide, ignore, sweep under the rug, ignore the elephant in the room are often not options in today's world.

Perhaps, this is the best time in history to gain our best of selves and follow through from truth, trust, openness, knowledge and instinct.

We are coding and recoding what is.  It can be a challenging time.  It can be a beyond exciting time.

May you trust that you are where you are supposed to be and in these moments as you are now, it is up to you to create, recreate and co-create from what has been written on your soul.

May you follow what brings you joy, lights and lifts you up and envision and create what is inside of you to envision and create from here.

Happy envisioning and creating on.  This can be your time.  You only need to believe.

I believe in you.  I believe in us.  I believe in homeostasis.

May we all choose it, believe in it and be it.

And so it is...

Thank you.

Wishing you the best you possible and may we support each other to connect to, honor, and experience and share the best of who each of us are.

Exciting times.  Own yourself...

Monday, November 6, 2017

Merry Meet

I meet you here with nothing really on my mind.  I come here wanting to offer love, peace and calm in a sometimes uncalm world.

There is mass destruction going on throughout the globe.  There is destruction going on within each of us; just maybe.

The 'old' way of doing things is changing to the new.  Communication, connection, quickness, health, wealth and creating is becoming more and more different than it was.

Questions are being asked.  Stories are being discovered.  Feelings are being dealt.  Anger/Fear is being felt.  Much will no longer be ignored.

The truth of what is is begging to be lived.

I believe that by going within, to the depth of one's self, is connecting, knowing and is, perhaps, the best way to create out and forward.

We each are here with gifts that can support the empowerment of love, togetherness and betterment.

What you have inside of you is invaluable to the world - your world, our world and my world.  You are made as you are in the exact manner that has the most significance.

When we trust ourselves, love ourselves and offer peace and acceptance, we can BE on the best, most knowing, most creative and most successful paths forward.  I do mean to accept what you don't like but only to meet it where it is to embrace it, process it and create from it.

Ignoring it or numbing from it does not change it in the manner that feeling it head on does.

What is it you love to do - may you do it.

What is it that makes you happiest - allow it.

What makes you feel whole - feel it.

As you are true to you from a loving and tender place, this is the place that you can share with others.

When you are fulfilled, you share this fulfillment with others.

May you believe that where you are is exactly where you are supposed to be for this lifetime in this moment.  As you embrace it and allow it and meet it exactly as it is shown to you from the truth of how you feel about it [and from a place of love], awesome and inspiring creation follows.

May you let the awesome creations that are within you free.  Embrace your own awesomeness and empower yourself.  In this, you empower others.  

How cool is this divine set-up of living.  Let it be.  Let you be.  Let love lead.

May you see, feel and live the masterpiece that is YOU.

                                                           'Just 9Be U'  "Grow Yourself Complete"

Sunday, November 5, 2017

New World; Shift; Ascension

New World; Shift; Ascension...

These are just some of the words I am seeing and reading quite a bit lately.

Enlightenment...   This just may be the most often used 'new' word I read on social media.

Do they mean different things for different people...  Probably.   Everyday words like 'play' and 'work' can often be deciphered differently.

Each one of us can only really know our own experience(s); our own journey(s).  As we live each day, we experience life unlike every single other person on the planet.

I experience me.  You experience you.

It is within these experiences that our lives are created.

How exciting.  How cool.  How scary.  How interesting.

This just may be that good news/bad news type of thing.  We are responsible for ourselves. 

How wonderfully unique each of us are.  How challenged we can feel.  What challenges one may be a gift to another.  What feels successful to one may feel less than to another.

People make the world go 'round. As we each 'play' our own unique part, we come together as a whole.  We make up the whole.

May you let it all flow through you just as it is now.

Perhaps, we don't really need to know the meaning of everything to know the truth of our self.

May you be open to what you are experiencing.  May you be open to love.  May you be open to gentleness.   May you be open to your truth.  May you be open to life flowing through you as it shows itself to you.

How you respond; what you think; what you say and what you focus on is what creates your life and your experience of life.

May you respond, think, say and focus on the happiness, calm and growth that is a part of who you are.


May you live in the natural splendor of YOU.