Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, June 30, 2014


As I start my Monday morning, glorious weather, water in the lake very high from all the massive but safe storms, I feel challenged as I move my mind from this apartment to that house. 

Here I go, in between again.  I have been in between so many times, I'm too tired to count just now.  Do I eat here or there..  Do I bring the dogs with me or leave them here..  I bring some paper products, trash bags and water and I continue to get my mail here where there is a place to go through it and keep it.

Many contractors will be contacted for inside of my house.  (Using the word "My" is a stepping stone for me!).   It is my house and it is now up to me to make it feel so, embrace it and make it HOME.  Home.   I do love this word! 

So, as I live in upheaval, I remind myself that my home truly is inside of myself.  As I feel strong, safe, loved, and matter inside of myself, anything is possible.  I know I can do, be and live as I feel from deep within.

I still forget this from time to time.  My human takes over my soul and it's not always a pretty sight!  lol 

So, as I am in disarray, the twinkle of light that I know is always lit inside of me is pulsing to grow and shine, live and share laughter.

One step at a time.   One day at a time.  Heck, one breath at a time is sometimes all I know.  AND, IT IS OKAY.

We are here to be challenged.   We can fight the challenge or we can 'embrace' the challenge knowing that we are home inside of who we are and when we trust and love ourselves, Home is what matters most.

May you be 'home' inside of yourself and with yourself.


Saturday, June 28, 2014


Every breath we take is a miracle.  Some are easier to take than others.  Some are more shallow; some have more depth.  I'm working on even and steady breathing as much as possible. I do believe it is within my power.  Our bodies have a way of persevering and protecting us with each breath; moreso, if we allow and believe. 

I do believe I have 'habitual breaths' that are run through and created by past experiences and just the way our bodies are built.  I find it amazing that we do not have to do anything at all and breath comes. 

When we are relaxed and life feels easy - we tend to breath deep, long breaths.  When we are stressed and life feels threatening, our breath may be shallow, fast and, possibly, even sporadic.

What is your breath like now...  Do you know that you are breathing...  Are you breathing deeply into your center...   Are you breathing shallow, shorter breaths...

What kind of breath feels 'good on you'.....

May you breathe today and be one with your breath.  May you stay aware of your breathing if this is something that feels right to you now. 

May you honor how you feel, how you breathe, what feels best on you.  Honor You.  You are the only person that you spend your entire lifetime with.  Be your miraculous self. 

May you "Be your own best friend."  Debbie Hershey McMahon

                                                                    "HGTV" Channel

Friday, June 27, 2014


I'm making settlement on a new home today!  It is a good day.  I will have a place to call 'home'.  I am so grateful.

I'm nervous and excited.

I will choose excitement knowing that no matter what happens or has to be done, it will get done just as it is supposed to and in the time it is supposed to.

How lucky I am to have a husband that is so brilliant in contracts, math, and sharing his brilliance.

May you know what you are good at or with and share this.  Share the things that make you happy that make you you. 

It is important.  You are important.  What makes you happy is important.  Live importantly and may we all support each other in their own importance.

Now, that's what I'm 'talking' about!  lol

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Loving One's Self

I believe when we truly love ourselves; when we come from love within; then, perhaps, all we have to offer is love.

Love starts from within. "Love is an inside job."  Unknown

When I am cranky and irritable, I am not as open as when I feel happy and good about myself.  When I feel devoid of love and/or unloved, I do not have love to give as freely.

When I don't feel good about myself, I have less 'good' to share with others.

When I have love for myself and I think I'm 'it' and connected beautifully to peace and wholeness within --  woo hoo - I'm awesome to be around!  lol 

"When you love yourself, there is no need to find fault in others to make you feel good.  Every person has good in them and they all need to be loved."  'Big Gram' from "InPower Sisterhood"

May you learn to look in the mirror and tell the person looking back how much you love them.  May you allow love in every cell, nook and cranny of your being.  Come from love as often as possible. 

When we come from love, all we can offer is love.   Love on, within, through and without!


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

To Protect or Is it...

I am learning that sometimes (if not most) when I 'protect' my loved ones that I am going against the flow of what is.  I am disregarding, hiding, pretending the truth of what is.  I feel I have done this to children more than any one.  I know there is a responsibility to be the adult, to take care of the children and I am learning there are fine lines that work good and ones that don't work out so well.

Our children can feel tension.  Our children can see discomfort and/or know when we are challenged.  Perhaps, telling them 'everything is alright' when it is not, is a disservice more than a protection.

Truth eventually comes out.  It may not be today; it may not be 10 years from now.  However, truth always comes to the forefront eventually and we have to look at it, process it, face it and be with it at some point during our lives.  Living and even dying with untruths, whether they come from love or other reasons, is (perhaps) not allowing our wholeness.

Writing to a beautiful human being this morning about just this, I found myself sharing these words:

"Keep it about you;  Your needs,  What you feel,  What you think,  How you feel,  What you need. 

Breathe.  I wish peace in all of our hearts.

I can see what me 'protecting' others can do.  Not always good.  I am learning that truth always comes out.  It's better for it to come out as it comes out.  Otherwise, many get confused and our 'life' gets stuck.  Therefore, we are not truly participating in the flow or process of life as it shows itself to us.

Because, 'life'  is happening.  I didn't always participate in it.  I ran from it and/or shut it off.  It seems to have hurt my loved ones the most.  With my truth that I share, they all know how and what and who they are.  With my untruth, they can, most likely, find themselves lost. 

I'm doing my best to not be afraid of my truth and to be, breathe and speak it.

"Truth shall set you free." Unknown

It does set us all free of the chains that come about because of our ignorance and non-declaration of true self.

I am learning that life flows better when I participate from deep inside of myself out into our world.

I love you."

May you participate and live your life as you are today, in this moment, in this situation, with each person and with your 'wholeness' intact.

Photo from Sociedad Argentina De Horticultura, FB          

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Inner Peace

I am realizing more and more the best way through turmoil is to connect to it and speak from our truth of it, lovingly.

I am finding that to share this truth, as kindly and openly as possible, with the people that are in it, is to connect to (possibly) the most reachable point of peace possible.

Know and be true to yourself about what you are feeling and share this with the person(s) that you are correlating this truth from or to.

May you speak your truth, lovingly, to the people that are in it and may this connect you to your deepest depth of inner peace.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Taurus Horoscopes

Below are the past day or two Taurus horoscopes.  I am sharing them here as they feel very much as to what I am experiencing in my life and, more importantly, what I have been sharing here with you.

"It's always like this at first with you, Taurus.  You know something is happening but have no idea what.  It's as if electricity flows through you.  You're practically vibrating with emotion.  You can feel other people's emotions, too.  Begin by listening to your heart and feeling the sensation in your body.  Only then will you be able to judge the intensity of your feelings.  Could this be desire - or love?"

"You're the type of person who loves meeting a lot of people, Taurus.  You feel that you must bring your friends together so that they have a forum in which to express themselves.  You're good at bringing out the best in others and helping them find a solid footing in the present, despite your love of the past.  Go with the flow."

May you listen with your mind to your heart and your body; may you find solid footing; and may you go with what is.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Number 12

After writing about learning to be a mom of a young child to an adult child, I saw the number 12...  I was interested to see what would come up.  I looked on the internet and found the below.  

From "Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers":   

"Number 12 represents cycles of experience and regeneration towards a higher consciousness, knowledge and higher wisdom, sensitivity, education and the intellect.  The ‘go-getting’ number 1 blended with the ‘sensitive’ number 2 makes the number 12 a very balanced number.

Angel Number 12 is a message from your angels not to be hindered by old habits that need to be changed.  It tells you to look to new experiences with optimism as they will bring about favourable and positive effects and opportunities.  This helps with achieving goals and aspirations, and allows for the 'old' to be replaced with the 'new'.

May you allow what was before to turn into what works best now.



I am uncertain where I am this morning.  I wake up to bright sunshine, high humidity and everything is still very wet from all the powerful storms we have been having daily at 4 pm(ish) here in South Florida, USA. 

I miss my daughter greatly.  It is very different from having my awesome child in my life almost everyday for close to 20 years and then poof, she is out in the world, doing her thing, living her life and here I am left to construe and reconstruct my own life in this new way of having a relationship with one's adult child.  It's huge.  It was so much more fun when I was the one leaving the nest!

I trust that she has all the tools she needs to be her best self.  I trust that, when she does get challenged, she will know what to do and/or who to turn to. 

Her happiness is what a mother (me) wants most.  When our children thrive, oh life is good.  When they do not, while life may still be good, it surely doesn't feel the same as when our loved ones are fulfilled.

Just now, she is 'flying' without me.  She wants and needs to.  She is ready to become her own self and live her own life.  She has a way, yet, as, she is not completely independent.  And, I know she will get there and she will do fabulously. 

I am sad and I understand.   I am experiencing discomfort and I honor her way.  It is not my way, but it is her way and this is what I've spent the last 20 years doing...  Teaching her to know and live her way.  I never thought it would include her not wanting to share her life with me.  Alas, this is not completely true.   I do know that in order for a child to be able to leave the nest, they must put differences and discomfort here.   If everything was peachy dory here - they could not be as easily there.

I trust she will come back to me as a grown young woman when she is ready.   I trust/hope that she will always find her way because she has been taught well enough.  I hope she knows she is always welcomed home. 

I trust that she will want me in her life again.  I surely hope so.

But, for now, it is my time to consider me and who and what I am as a lone woman with a grown child. 

What a cross to bear....  Noone teaches us this.  No manual for this.  I do know that this is life - the process of life and I trust the process of life.   Feeling it isn't as pleasant as trusting it.   My heart aches for my daughter's presence in my life.   I stand strong (albeit a wee weary and a bit sad) as she stabilizes herself and creates, grows and walks the paths that are in her being to walk.  I know pride, hope, awe and love. 

I love you with all that I am my lovely and brilliant daughter.  You are my heart.  You will always be my heart and wherever you are, you are still in my heart; way up high on top of my priority list.   It's just the way this mom's heart is.

May you allow your heart to be shared, honored and truthful.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Getting It Done

There are many bells to ring, whistles to blow, hoops to jump through and sprints and marathons to run before getting approval for mortgages these days. 

Gone are the days of ease; in this 'department' anyway.

Wow.  I almost feel like a criminal the way everything is pried open, turned over and searched into with a magnifying glass.   They don't just give mortgages easily anymore.   Banks have learned and we all pay the price and share the consequences I suppose.

What ripples over there eventually comes here and vice versa.

There are wonderful changes and growth of many things going on that are implemented that make our lives easier.  For instance, these keys under my fingers - they give me information to anything that I want to know.  They give us a quick connection to each other.  How easy this is!  How overwhelming it can feel and be at times too.

While we are creating anew more together than ever, many of us are flabbergasted by our daily interactions, things that test our patience and lessons that teach us that there are, indeed, new paths being laid.  It can be a brilliantly exciting time if we allow it and it can be a brilliantly trying time as well. 

May you choose to lovingly participate in what feels right to you.  May you choose to send love to what you cannot control or do not know how to be involved in and may you know your truth first before deciding what is best for the situation that arises in any given moment.


Friday, June 20, 2014


I have had a mockingbird visit me outside of my screened-in patio.  Perhaps, it is visiting my cockatiel.  It sits on a branch and looks in.  It is quite attractive.

I looked up 'mockingbird' in the "Animal Speak" book by Ted Andrews.  Below is some of what it says.

"Keynote:  Finding Your Sacred Song (Soul Purpose) and Recognition of Your Innate Abilities"

"The mockingbird can teach you about the power of song and voice."

"Anytime the mockingbird shows up as a totem, it is a time to learn to sing out your talents.  Regardless how others may see you, expect people to notice your actions - not your appearance. The mockingbird can help you to realize your inner talents and sing them forth.  It can help you to find your own sacred song.  By singing that sacred song, you will find your life more rewarding and more significant.  Most people, even if they know their inner sacred song (life purpose), are afraid to act upon it.  The mockingbird can assist with this.

"Whenever the mockingbird arrives, look for opportunities to sing forth your own song. Follow your own path.  Learn to take what you can and apply your own creative imagination and intuition to it so that you sing it forth in the manner and tone that is most harmonious for you and your life.

May you follow your own path and create your most harmonious life through all that you are.

"Grow Yourself Complete"

Thursday, June 19, 2014


There have been many people talking about just not understanding many situations, moments, feelings, conversations that are occurring throughout their day.  Most of us are walking in uncharted, without a manual, lives.  We are possibly in such a state of flux that what was is no longer possible or acceptable and what will be is not yet to full fruition.

Perhaps, we are becoming more open minded and aware of our own 'dealings' with each other and most situations.  Perhaps, we are shocked at where we find our self.   Perhaps, we are ready to be more fulfilled. 

No matter what is going on around you, believe in yourself and the way that you feel.

May you allow what you feel to lead you to your truest of self.


Business Card

I have completed the drawing, compilation and building of a business card!  Yay!

I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going with it and I'm doing and going with great confidence, openness and hope!  My hope is to help as many people as possible to go as deeply as possible and to support everyone I encounter to live their ultimate happiest of self. 

To "Just 9Be U".   To BE U to completion.  9 is the number for 'completion'.

"Grow Yourself Complete"   I believe this is our reason for being here on Earth in our human form.  To grow into our best and truest and most loving of self; and sharing and supporting same with everyone we encounter. 

We are shifting from male brain energy to female heart energy.  We are shifting from pretense to our truest deepest being/living.

We are shifting from blaming others to taking responsibility for our own life.   We are shifting loving outward from our heart to loving inward also.

Huge changing times.  Great things are happening.

It is not easy.  It is not impossible.

You are always possible.  You can always choose to be, live, and breathe you.  You have you.  The more you come from the truth of you, the truth of your life will be lived strongly, firmly and knowingly.

May you stand strong in who you are while supporting others to do the same.  "Grow Yourself Complete"


I feel a resistance to coming here as I feel discomfort in where I stand.  I am in between starting a business, getting ready for a settlement on a new house, dealing with issues of my big Pennsylvania house; my husband traveling a lot and my daughter away all summer.

So, as I find myself alone and somewhat 'free' - right where I want and need to be to have time to start up a business, I find myself in discomfort not knowing the path that will be my tomorrow.

It is such an exciting and wonderfully awesome time as I can see light at the end of this transition period that I have been living.  I see myself opening up to live through who I am and not as a mother and a wife only (although I am so grateful to be able to call myself same).  It is huge, huge 'stuff' I am 'growing' into and processing -- moving away from and walking towards.   Huge stuff.

I am strongly walking an unknown path and, yet, I know with everything that I am, who I am.  Good, great stuff.   Good, great challenges.  Huge, great excitement.  Huge; no words necessary.


May you move away from the life that is changing from what it was and move toward the life you have, yet, inside of you to live.  Woo Hoo!  Yikes!  lol

Like the old Nike ad said - "just do it".  Just

Monday, June 16, 2014


How do I transition from a blogger to a professional life coach....  Am I ready...  Am I qualified....  How do I stay true to me and stay true to what I believe is professional. 

I am 'stuck' in 'this' a bit.  I am stuck as to what is the apropos way; the correct way.

I am living the truth of what is.   I have been sharing the truth of what is for me.  I am branching out into a partnership and opening a professional business that will cross (I pray) peoples' path and provide a relationship with my company that would offer them great personal growth and benefits that will branch out positively to all aspects of their lives.

Yikes.  Times are so very different as to how to do this compared to how it was done 20 years ago.  I know only to do it through who I am, what I know, what I believe, what I have learned and what I have encountered.  I know to do it with an open heart and an open mind. 

I have been a professional before.  I have learned much about training, teaching, health, wellness, and well-being.  I have been working with 'energy' for about 25 years.  I believe this is my calling for my next chapter of my life.

So, as I hesitate and question which blog, what information, what is the smartest way to share me and still be a professional, I know the only way is to do it and walk, crawl or run through as myself and create what is inside of me to create, to share, to experience and to teach.  I know I will learn, encounter and succeed.  I know I will question, wonder and fail.  And, through it all I will be me wanting the best for you.

May you crawl, walk and/or run through your life as you are; completely, truthfully and open.  You have you.  May you believe you have you.



May you always believe that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, however you feel...  something beautiful is always inside of you and always within your reach.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Thank you to all the men who have showed children what it is like to be loved by a man; to be adored; cared for, protected and nurtured.

Thank you to all the dads that their children feel like they are one of the most important thing in the world to them.

Thank you for teaching the children 'how to fish' instead of 'fishing' for them.

Thank you to all the men who love and share their love and are open to do better.

Thank you to all the dads who laugh with, hold, and hear their children.

Thank you to all the men who respect and honor their children's mother.  If you love her, perhaps, even better. 

Thank you.  Dads are so important to our world.  They help raise our children into adulthood where they can adore, care, protect and nurture others because their dad taught them what it feels like to be given these greatest and most important of gifts.

Thank you Dads.  We honor you today.  We need you.  We appreciate you.   You matter to us.


May you thank the 'dads' in your life and let them know the extremely important role they play and what they mean in your world.

                                              "The Humpy Observer"

I know many are living without this and my hope is that you learn and keep your value, worth and love from deep within. (I was one that did not have a father's love for most of my life.)   It is NOT because of you, EVER, that you didn't have this.   Our world is learning and becoming better.  Until then, we have hurt men that hurt others.  Perhaps, speak or write your truth, your desires from the loving place inside of you.   I am sorry if you are hurting.  You deserve good men around you.  May you feel your pain (share your sadness gently if it feels best to do so) and let it go.  May you be open to good men being in your life.  And, may it be so when you are ready...   Huge.
May you learn to be a good man if you don't feel that you are. You deserve this just as much as your loved ones.   Namaste'   I believe. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

"Grow Yourself Complete" 2

My new slogan.  "Grow Yourself Complete"  It is 'growing' on me!  lol

We are in a Rose Moon.  A full moon.  A Friday the 13th full moon.  This will not happen again until late 2040's.

"May you allow the 'petals' that are of no use to you, to drop away. May you allow the 'bud' to open everything beautiful inside of you and bloom.   May you gently connect to what is going on inside of you and "Grow Yourself Complete"."  Just 9Be U, Facebook page

Today is a great day filled with extra energy.  You may be feeling intensity or surge of activity going inside of you and around you.  I believe 'truth' wants to win; wants to be honored.  I believe some of us are doing it the hard way.  I hope some of us are doing it the gentle way.  I pray that as long as we are doing it, we are moving forward into our best selves possible.  I hope you can find yourself doing it the gentle way and, perhaps, even supporting others with your own gentle truth, as you stand in your own truth, of what you are experiencing in each situation you encounter.

May you Just Be U.  May you bring your true self with you wherever you are.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Master Class

"I don't think I do one thing great so I have to do a lot of things pretty good."  Tim McGraw on Master Class on OWN

My daughter does horse back riding and she does it beautifully.  She knew at a early age she was "born to ride".  She has ridden and loves it ever since. 

I always heard myself saying that "I still don't know what I want to do" when I explained that my daughter told me when she was 8 years old that she was born to ride.  I realize this is not true.  I do know.   I have always known.  It is just that I never fell so in love with one thing and had to do just one thing like breathing.

The three things I have always loved were exercise, the beach and connecting to people.  So, when I lived in Margate, New Jersey, USA at the beach and I was exercising for a living with people.... I knew I had hit the truth of who I was.  It was a joyous, wondrous, hard working and fabulous time for me.  I knew I was 'home' inside of myself following my passion. 

Then my greatest desire was to have a baby with my husband.  Again, I was wondrously (and quickly) lucky and had a beautifully kind and brilliant little girl.  I was very happy.  I loved being pregnant.  I had her in four hours with no drugs.  LOL, I surely was shouting for some drugs during the middle of it all. 

Now, my daughter is close to 'grown'.  She completed her first year of college and I am ready to get 'back on the horse' (ha!) and move my body, be near the beach and be with people.  I have learned that there is much more to our humanness than just movement.  There is a whole, complex and simple depth within that needs to be nurtured and lived.  Hence, when I first heard the two words "Life Coach" together, I knew this would be my passion to fulfill. 

Whether you love one thing like it is a part of who you are or many things that fulfill you...

May you connect to your passion(s) and do/be/live this.



The dogs and I went for our morning walk in the damp, wet, cooler, and cloudy morning.  There was a quietness about.  I saved a worm from dry land to wet grass.  We walked farther than usual.  I think the coolness of the air invigorated us all and we continued on happily. 

I found myself being amazed at how mid 60's F would feel a tad cool as if, perhaps, a sweatshirt would've been a good idea.  I strongly persevered.   lol

Wet leaves, grass, and berries and flowers from the trees were strewn all over the walkway.  The lake outback is high as the rains yesterday were heavy.  This is what the Floridians tell me is 'summer in Florida'.  I will take it over the snow and sub-freezing temperatures of the north. 

My body relaxes.  I don't hear myself fighting with the weather or temperature.  What a 'gift' I have been given.  To not fear 'hurt' from the temperature and sadness from the lack of sunshine days on end.  It is a greatest of gifts for me. 

My struggles to receive this gift have been great in some ways.  And the thought that comes to mind is "Sometimes when life feels like it's falling apart, it is actually falling together."  Unknown 

I have the sense that my life is coming together again.  Through the falling apart, my feelings were not of safety, security and settledness.  And, yet, at times, I knew 'things' were okay even when they didn't feel so. 

Yet, to have them feel 'so', is a wondrous thing and there is great peace in same.

May we all walk on and achieve the great peace inside of ourselves that is ours to claim.  Claim on!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Good Things

(More) Good Things are coming to you.   May you be open to them.  They are yours to experience.

I believe.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom."  Anais Nun

I am feeling antsy, frustrated and bored some.   I'm thinking this is me wanting to do more, be more, live more and share more.   I am ready to bloom.  To not bloom is not an option.

May you bloom right from the depth of your self and open to your place in our world and blossom into everything that you are.  

Monday, June 9, 2014

Meant to Be

We are making settlement on a house at the end of this month.  Whew!  I am ready.  It is past time and I will be challenged to make an older home mine as I've never purchased a home that wasn't in 'move right on in condition' or built from the ground up.  This will be very interesting.  'Never say never' and go with what works best for your life now.  I am responding to my truth as best I can. 

I am not buying 'my' house.   We are buying our house.

It is in the community I want and it has everything I need.  Woo Hoo.   I am blessed and I am ready.

We went shopping for a new front door.  This was very exciting for me!  It feels like the entrance to our house is being 'set'.  The door we are choosing reminds me of living 'full circle' and the 'circle of life'.  It reminds me of a 'band of love'.  It offsets the slanted ceilings that I am having a hard time embracing and the wood is warm and inviting.

It wasn't just about the 'door' yesterday.   It was about creating a door to a new life, a new beginning, a fresh start.   Leaving what 'was' behind and creating what will be going forward.

It brought joy, peace, inner knowing and hope together for a wonderful new, next chapter for my family and me. 

This time of my life does not FEEL like the most peaceful, easy time.  It does feel like the most truthful, follow one's inner knowing time; and bring everything that I am into every situation that presents itself time.

This is not being done from the mode of 'auto pilot', it is working from the mode of what is my truth and how do I truthfully and lovingly present myself; be heard and hear others.  The time is now.  Living and sharing the truth of each other is what will propel us to our best and ultimate self so our best and ultimate life will be lived.

Woo hoo; oh my; look out; yikes; and hip hip hooray. 

May you connect to your best and ultimate self from deep within and allow your best and ultimate life be created from this truth of what is you, what is your situation, who are the people in your life and how you react to all of it. 

My wish is if you find yourself not 'feeling' peaceful from within - - STOP, take a few deep breaths, refocus/ regroup by asking yourself what is your goal in this moment and move outward from this place within yourself as the person you are meant to be.  Yay.  How exciting this can be!

Friday, June 6, 2014


The truth is coming out.  There is no where to hide.  The truth is begging to be told.  The truth is strongly encouraging us to live it.


May you allow the truth of you and the truth of others lead you forward; through love from within.


Thursday, June 5, 2014


I'm going to try to allow a beautician to put permanent make up on my eyes today.  I have done this since I was 44 and never had a problem with it before.  The last time I went, I 'freaked' and just couldn't lay there to keep my eyes closed with numbing crème on them.  I felt unsafe and afraid. I knew if I opened my eyes they would burn.  I had to end the session.  I was blessed with the woman's help and understanding.

So, today, I go back.   Today, I try again.  What a silly thing to create for myself and yet, I like having that eye liner on there because I do not have to put it on and I do not have to take it off and it makes my eyes look good (I think) and it also takes away a little bit, perhaps, from my small 'scleroderma' looking tight mouth. 

Oh, the vanity of it.  Oh, the calming answer of it.  Oh, the human-ness of it.  Does it help my spirit - I am not sure.   I battle a bit with being natural and creating a look that empowers me and makes me happy. 

My spirit flies.  My human doesn't.  I think this is the way it is supposed to be.  It must be or it would be different, yes....

So, as I get my head around this appointment to know that I am safe and can stop anytime I choose, I embrace my insanity because it is not so insane as this time I know the outcome will be different because I go in with a better understanding, a more true self and a clearer goal.  ..  the finish line!  ha! 

I have been to this lady before.  Probably in 2007.   I was a different - don't show my insecure sensitivities - person then.  I was good (brilliant) at hiding my real wants, needs, desires, and, most definitely, fears.  I no longer want to hide.  I choose to live as ME. 

It is a challenging aspect at times.  It is a fully rewarding aspect at other times.  I know that if I bring me wherever I go that whatever happens, at least, it comes from my truth and my own guidance and it must be 'right' or 'so' for me.  This is totally empowering to me.

May you empower yourself by being yourself and allowing yourself to be who you are from the depth of same; out in our world. 

Just Be U

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Healing Energy

I went to a 'healing energy' class last night.  It was very enjoyable.  We all have healing energy.  We all are healing energy.   When we offer love, care, a gentle embrace, we offer healing energy.   This is my belief anyway.

We practiced 'feeling' each other's energy.  We supported each other in speaking our truth.  We shared intentions and dreams.  We ended up hugging each other; all of us. 

This is my kind of evening.  This is what, where, and how I want to live my life.  And, to get paid for it... well, that would be icing on the cake.

I dream about doing a movement class.  A movement class where each individual just moves to the music, from the feelings and the desires within.  I believe that this will allow energy to flow more quickly and easily through the body by honoring the body, mind and spirit and connecting to same.

Like transformational breathing -- moving emotionally; I believe, will create happiness, truth and connection from the inside out. 

May you let yourself feel, move, be, speak and breathe in whatever manner that feels most loving to yourself.  May you connect to your own healing energy and .....   heal the hurt that may be inside of you.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In Deep

I am in deep just now.  With houses being sold, renovated and purchased, I am in deep.   With money transactions, title companies, realtors, banks, contractors, different states, disasters, emotions, travels, great change and demands, I am in deep.

'Ouch' is all I can think.   I hope I can survive out of this --- through it and out.

It does feel like a punishment.  And, I think I believe that it is lessons and challenges that have us grow into what we are supposed to be.  I truly don't want all this 'ouch' in my system just now, however. Oh no no no no no!   lol

I see light.  I see love.  I see help.   I see care.  I see tragic.  I see challenge.  I see white.  I see black.  I see gray.

I am blinded by seeing so much.  My focus is unclear and my head spins with decisions and indecisions.

I'm reminded when my 92 year old aunt had to leave her home and have a 'trial vacation' at a 'home' how discombobulated and lost she got.  She refused and fought the change.  This created the biggest hardship; the fight and fear of the unknown and change. 

I may be doing the same on some levels.   I welcome it on others.  It scares me some and it excites me too.

Life, in truth, is so much more fascinating than anything writers can write and writers write some pretty brilliant situations.

So, as I live through what I created and participated in creating and had no say in what has come about, I stand strong in who I am.  Not sure where to put myself, but I stand strong in who I am.  This is the peace that I need to get me through these last few months of transitioning from Pennsylvania to Florida, USA. 

Whatever you are living through; wherever you find yourself - if you bring your full self with you, then I have to believe no matter what happens, it is the truth that is best to propel you to where you are going.  All the feelings, all the emotions, all the facts as you see them and share them; this is living fully. 

May you stand strong in who you are and know that having yourself fully with you will carry you through anything.  Enjoy the fun, walk through the not so fun, and create anew through the truth of what you feel, who you are, how you act and what you do.

Just Be You.  Just Be Love.


Monday, June 2, 2014


Oh boy.  Boundaries...  Which are mine to hold on to and process and what is another's 'stuff'...   Emotions get involved and BANG, this hard line can disappear. 

When I want others to be one way and think one way (highly unadvisable!) and they do another, it is only my reaction to same that affects me AND, it can affect me good...  lol

I still feel myself struggling with another's conversation, especially if they are my loved ones, and I would/do not know how to converse as they are.  I would handle 'things' differently. 

How do I let them handle things their way and not question, feel upset and just LET IT BE when it is not mine.  How do I let/allow them image/mirror each other so that they can learn their lessons as I learn my lesson to LET IT BE.

I will have to JUST BE with these thoughts and see where they take me.  I sure could allow myself to be in dis-ease if I chose that direction.   I choose the direction of peace.

If it is not mine to handle, not my responsibility, not in my control...  I choose peace by sending the situation love and letting it be.

May you LET IT BE and send love to anything/anyone that may enter your day and that may threaten to disrupt your 'calm' within.  May you choose peace.  Ha!  Tall order and I know it is possible.

May I offer, If it is not within your power to change things, may you let it be.  You may speak your truth as you see it, feel it and how it affects you, however, if it is not in your control, let it be so.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Little Child

Today is "International Inner Child Awareness day" (as brought about by Martin Soulreader on Facebook).  What a great concept.  We all have them you know.... Our inner child...  Our 'little self'. 

No matter what age we are now, we still have the 'footprint' of our earlier selves within.  It is my belief that this is so.

We can relate back to the pain; the joy; the lessons; the fun; the habitual things; the teachings we have known from as far back as we can remember.  Perhaps, even things we do not remember are a part of us as well.

Martin Soulreader ('Marty', for this special day) suggests that we celebrate and engage our inner child today.  I say what a grand idea!  I hope he doesn't mind me writing about 'his' topic here on my blog.  It is too brilliant to resist.

He posts short videos on wonderful topics.  If you feel the 'calling', check it out if you already haven't done so.  Martin Soulreader has quite a few wonderful pages.   

Anyway, my response to his Inner Child Awareness video today was:

"I have little Lisa here on my lap and she is safe, loved, nurtured.  I have told her that I will protect her and be with her and listen to her always.  I, as an adult, have tools to handle so much more than I did as an innocent little girl.  Woo hoo.  Let's play!  Lol, yet true.

Thank you Martin.  I believe this can go a long way.  Happy day Marty!  Hope each of you, with your little ones, play just a little more today knowing you 'have' each other." 

I then wrote to a friend who was sitting in peace and silence today.  I offered to "take your young self in your mind and let her sit with you, near you or on your lap.  Talk to her.  Tell her what you now know.  Tell her whatever comes up for you to say (as to what you know and can do) as an adult that you couldn't do as a child.  Can you love and nurture your young self.....

May you hold close your 'little self' (in your mind) and nurture her/him in the way you feel she/he needs and/or wants nurturing.   Be their everything as you now have and know more ways to do so than when you were an innocent child. 

                                 International Inner Child Awareness Day, Martin Soulreader