Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Cat and the Christmas Tree

Animals live in the moment.  Each moment, as it happens, animals live in.  They can teach me a lot about being in each moment.  Staying aware of what is in front of me and bringing my truth to it.  Allowing my mind to 'be here now' and not on thoughts of what has happened or what 'may' happen.

A lot of the time, what I 'think' will happen never does.  How I'd much rather enjoy and/or participate in this moment instead of thoughts of what will never be so. 

To trust myself that whatever comes my way, I will respond as best, from my loving truth, as I am able.  To trust in the process of life and live in this process as it happens is a present for sure.  This is why, just maybe, it is called the present.

Living each moment being fully present and completely one's self is very merry indeed.

The cat doesn’t fall far from the Christmas Tree!   The picture below is my daughter's cat 'Maui' being in the moment free to participate fully.  I was amazed and smiled when I saw this picture.  Grabbing life by the Christmas ornament...  

May you live as life happens.  Your life.  You.  Be open.  Be true.  Participate as You.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Moonshadow - to engage in 'moonshadowing' is to clear emotions of sorrow and pain by opening to them, honoring them, feeling them and letting them out in whatever loving means feels best and right for you.

We often hold these feelings inside our body; often without knowing it.  We can bury them deep from childhood.  We can hold them in as we don't feel safe to express them.  We can hold onto them as we are too afraid and/or uncomfortable to be vulnerable at a time when these feelings show up.

I find myself very quiet.  Enjoying a newfound stillness.  Sitting with myself and who I am and who I want to be; what I want to add to my life - what I want to let go of  'what is' for me just now.

Introspection comes to mind.  Contemplation.  Reflection.  Searching my Heart.  Connecting to my Soul.

It's a lovely place to be especially when I completely allow myself to go inward when something within myself is requesting same.  

It is a lovely feeling to love deeply all that I am.  

It is a lovely feeling to honor my hurts, pain, idiosyncrasies and unique ways.  

May you choose to honor what is being requested of You by feeling it, hearing it; instinctually or just 'what is' going on with You.  May you be open to your own 'moonshadows'.  Open to, honor, feel and allow whatever comes up to flow within, through and out.

Gentle love works really well here.  Truth.  Trust.  Flow.  Ownership.  Great kindness.  

There is such a depth in you that goes on and on and on.  So many beautiful colors and facets.  So much dimension and so many possible expansions.  

Let you Be You.  Get good with Yourself.  

This is how we uplift our own lives and uplift others and uplift the world.

Let's.  !  I am with You.  I care.  You matter.  You are so Enough.  

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Last Full Moon of the Year

The end of 2021 is coming through.  We just had the last full moon of the year.  Each and every one of us lived under this same beautiful moon.   It touched you.  It touched me.

I'd like to honor it and thank it for its light, its magic and its energy.  I like thinking that this same moon I was able to enjoy was in your 'world' too.  Whether you saw it or not.  Whether you enjoyed it or not.  Whether you care or not.  Whether we let it honor us and/or touch us, its presence was/is real.

 And, for me, it was a good one!

There is so much light, magic and energy within us and around us; for us.  Some we can touch, feel, know, fully experience.   Some we have no conscious awareness of.

However, whatever, whenever, with whomever you witness your experiences is exactly how it is meant to be or it wouldn't be so; just maybe.

How we open up consciously and with purpose -- how we see and feel things -- how we explore or ignore what we see and feel -- this, now, is your life experience.

I have read where we cannot 'fix' a problem with the same mindset we walked into it with.  We can change the way we think.  We can change the way we talk.  We can change the way we experience life.

There are many, many paths to do so.  And, we can just be or we can participate more fully.

You.  Your choice.. Your way.. Your awe.. Your pain.. Your experiences.. Your life.  You.

May you be aware of your thoughts, self-talk, experiences.  May you let your own light into your loving truth walk with you. 

You matter.  You are enough.  May you own this and live as such.

Like the moon, your light, magic and energy cycles and sets and rises. 

May you cycle and rise on.  

Friday, December 17, 2021

Christmas - Your Way is The Way

When we open ourselves up to what Christmas Spirit is to ourselves, we open up to the Christmas that is best experienced for You.

Perhaps, like we are taught to look a certain way, be a certain way; anti-aging is a hugely used word, inflammation and microbiome is very popular; hustle and bustle and wanting everything 'right' can be a goal of many... Perhaps, we live in/through much of what we learn and are taught instead of through instinct and wisdom.  

May you ask yourself what is the Spirit of Christmas for You; are you living it; presenting it; being it...

What you are doing.., is it enjoyable, fun, self-loving and kind.  Are you doing things because you want to or because you have to...

Is there one or a few things that may be on your 'have to' list that you can put on your 'want to' list... Are there 'have to' items that can be crossed off.  Is there something that you've always wanted to add to your 'want to' list but just never have...

To me, the Christmas Spirit is my open heart, my truth of where I find myself/how I find myself each year and letting my love, light, joy, peace and truth create the Christmas that I most enjoy.

Peace. Coziness. Dress in what feels good to me.  Gratitude of all that I am blessed with.  A desire to share in the blessings that touch each person's life and hearts that I encounter and connect to.  Oh what fun is is to experience.  

With young kids, I did it one way.  With grown kids, I do it another.  Love is all ways, always.  Open to love living through the wisdom of our truth -- oh what a merry Christmas it makes.  

May you let your open heart and truth, of where you see yourself and how you know yourself this season, create the very merriest of Christmas's from the beloved beingness that is you(rs).

Wishing you crystal clarity as to what is your best nature to support this season.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

U are the Star of Ur Life

We live.  If you are reading this, you are alive and living your life.  This is the life, now and in each moment forward, you are living in and that is living through you.

In the light of the darkness; the stillness of your body; the quiet of your mind; the breath of your being… You will become aware of the ultimate truth of you living you.  

We all have stories.  Stories of our past, stories of our experiences, stories about our relationships and stories of what brought us to being here now and feeling what we feel now and who we are now.

We sometimes go on automatic to tell some of the stories that we have told time and time again.  Sometimes we tell ourselves stores of untruths, whether we know it or not, because truth feels too hurtful, unimaginable or really can mess with our brains.  They can put us in dis-ease.  They can put us in ease.

The truth that we are living, when we bring it into our consciousness and awareness and live in thru these present times is, perhaps, one of the very best ways to take us to our ultimate destinations of the best human life we can experience, live, witness and create.

We are living our truth whether we open to it through our mind, body and soul or not.  The truth is the truth whether we face it or not.

I once had repeated often to myself that if I speak my truth, it will make it so.  Ha.  Silly me.  Whether I spoke it or not, it was, in fact, my truth.

I am learning that living in my truth by owning it with and through my open heart, mind, spirit and way, the truth shows up, teaches me, perhaps, changes my path or adds to it, lets go of something or someone, changes or engages in different thoughts, patterns and my experiences and then moves through me and picks me up and places me and the beautiful life yet inside of me to live right where I'm suppose to venture next.  And, there is nothing wrong with this and there is so much awe in this.

May you let your light, stillness, quietude, truthfulness breathe into your knowingness and depth of your own unique and whole truth of everything You.  

Monday, December 13, 2021


Dreams come true.  Miracles happen.  Love expands.  Our own views build our experiences.  Truth creates.  Life lives.  Light shines.  Spirit lifts.  Soul connects.   

Nature and humans ebb and flow.   There is only One You.  

There is only one Univers(e)-ity that can truly teach us to be and do our best in every aspect of our lives…  'JBU'…   'Just Be U'.. 

In everything you do and are, bring your own whole true self with you and into it.  

There is a whole universe inside of you and there within is everything you need for this lifetime.  

May you refer to it (to you) again and again and again.    

May you let your YOUness be your brightest guide.    

Stay ‘9’.  Know And Be in ‘complete’ U mode in each moment and every experience you find yourself in.    

May you check in with yourself often.  How you feel; what you are thinking; what is your goal in this moment.  Do a body scan... what's going on where.  Are there parts of you that are requesting your attention or 'talking' louder than other parts...  Are there parts of you that you can relax some... Is your attention where You feel best, in fact, in attendance...  Are you being the most kind, true, gentlest and loving you can be to yourself and others just now.  Are you being the You that you want to be... 

May you notice and take a full breath or two and consciously be aware of what you are connecting to and bringing forth from within You.

Friday, December 10, 2021


"When people give you advice, they're basing it on what they would do, what they can perceive, on what they think you can do.  But the bottom line is, while yes, it is true that we are all subject to a series of universal laws, patterns, tides, and currents--all of which are somewhat predictable--you are the first time you've ever happened.  YOU and NOW are a unique occurrence, of which you are the most reliable measure of all the possibilities."  From the book "Will", by Will Smith & Mark Manson

YOU NOW is the You living, alive, wise, knowing, feeling, breathing, being and doing.  YOU NOW is the best place for you to live from and through.

You now are the most magical, fruitful; the full essence of what is for You.

May you live through You Now.  Listen, Hear, Feel, Respond to/through and Love the You that is Now.

Let it be your 'will' to accept, open up to, throw down, lift up, rock out, be silly, go crazy, be true, Be You, now.

Peacock can support us to look at things differently.  Peacock medicine is upbeat and asks us to laugh and rejoice in the wonder of life and living. 

                                                         picture unknown

Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Other Way

There has been a quietness in my life.  It just happened.  I wasn't looking for it.  I wasn't consciously creating it.  Change just happened.

My friends and family that texted me regularly - most of them became so busy and 'caught up' in their own life, that daily morning and evening texts and connections changed/slowed way down over the last several months.

At first, I felt lonely/different.  I also felt that I wanted to honor their time and lives, so I would say to them that we will talk when we are supposed to.  We will connect when we are supposed to.  I didn't reach out too often on my end either as I told myself that I didn't want to pull them away from what they were doing.  They had some life changing things going on and they were/are learning how to create the way to open to it, enjoy it, become it, be it and live it.  I want to always honor and/or hold space for my loved ones to be/do the best that they can be/do and not pressure them or add pressure into their lives to be/do anything but that.

It wasn't just one or two, it was the majority of my 'inner circle'.  

I know they love me greatly.  They know I love them always.  We know this because we speak it regularly and we have showed up for each other when showing up was what was most helpful and supportive; as we were available and able to in the way(s) we were available and able to do so.

I sat with this information and change for a while.  I felt it.  I shared my feelings.  I asked it I was handling it correctly in their eyes.  Was I making it up or was it really happening...  It was confirmed by each one of them.  They were glad that I noticed and grateful for the way I reacted.  They still felt supported each of them told me.  

I sat a bit longer with this.  I felt it.  I asked for wisdom.  I went deeper.  I expanded into myself.  I asked for guidance, reasons, inner wisdom and knowledge.

What has finally worked itself through me is that as I stand in my truth, feel my own needs, strengthen my own wisdom and self-care, I became fulfilled into and through my own beingness.

I have realized and hear myself saying that there is no need to share or talk about any and all things I am experiencing and feeling with anyone.  I can process and live me.  Create the me that is coming forth and honor and hold space for myself also.  This, in fact, is where the most magic is.

There is no need to talk to anyone but the person I'm feeling a certain way about.. The experience I am experiencing needs only to be addressed in the present experience of it.. The questions, if there are any, need only be addressed to the thing or person I find myself questioning.

No one or no thing can give me the answer but with the what is of what is happening.  Go to the source.  Open to the source.  Dive into the source.  Be the source.  Live in my truth with the source.

Again, more magic.  

And, the very best that comes from this, for me, is to be one with, flow on, live in, follow through, create inward, open outward through each source that shows itself my truth of me.

This is where the answers lie.  This is where life lives.  This is where I grow as me.  This is where fulfillment happens.  This is It.  

Address what is with who and/or what is.  

Where I find myself - open to it fully.  Who I find myself with - follow through with love and truth.  What I am becoming, bring my faith, knowledge, wisdom and tools to.  My open heart awaits.  

This is me and my life.

Where you find yourself - open to it fully.  Who you find yourself with - follow through with love and truth.  What you are becoming, bring your faith, knowledge, wisdom and tools to.  Await with your open heart.  

This is You and Your life.

Live it  or don't.  Know and own that you are the common denominator.  You are connected to the source of the highest wisdom and so is every body and every thing.

Theirs.  Yours.  Mine.  Ours.  

Connect where the connection is the most plausible and creates and lives in the truth of the reality that is fulfilling, true, real, raw, open, vulnerable and dang right happening.

This is where we are the phoenix coming out of the ashes.  Our true self coming out through our truest of self.

The greatest of the great life available to You.


Honor yourself.  Honor others.  Honor life.  Honor the source of everything You.  Honor the source of everything that shows up for you to experience.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

You Are

Many of us are not where we were and also not where we are going.  We may (as a whole more than ever) be in an in-between place of what was and what will be.

The more we open to our 'now' and breathe, be and bring our truth and love in, we create the best path(s) forward.

It seems to me that it surely feels like this (as I am) is a great path for me to be on.  'Things' that I don't love or enjoy much are still popping up and coming in strong.  As I give myself a new kind of gentleness and understanding, many more paths are opening up.  It feels like instead of one or two paths to my own freedom to be me, there are multiple, numerous paths [new paths] and I can pick and choose from my brightest light available to me in each moment.

There is a knowing inside of You.  There are answers inside of You.  There are questions coming up for You, maybe, that are opening you up to new paths, journeys, and ways.  Meandering through your  own extra self-kindness and gentleness will uplift and empower you to trust, be, breathe, know and live the you that is available from the brightest light available to you just now.

No matter how it looks, feels, or shows itself, yours is the light that is needed in your life deeply and fully just now.

No matter how it looks, feels, or shows itself, you are the light that is needed in the world now; unique and authentic You.    

May You rise and shine.  May you reach your mastered and sacred self connected through each breath.

May you empower and be empowered by your raw, authentic and unique self; in truth, trust and knowing, through your gentlest, most kind, believe in yourself self.

May you "just 9be u".  May you "grow yourself complete".  

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Vigil Light

Namaste.  The light in me sees the light in you.  Honored by the light.

It was a festival of light out on the water this weekend with the annual Christmas Boat Show and people showed up and lights were shining.

It was joyful for me to experience the colors, light and activity out on the water after dark.  Joy was created as I was seeing in through my own 'lens'.  

How we see things and how we perceive things is what creates our experience.

If, for some reason you are not loving your experience in a present moment, perhaps, there is a new way to see, look, think while opening to your truth of said experience.

The more joy I open up to, the more joy I see.

Whatever you open yourself up to will be the experience that becomes yours.

We are all here, at this time, to bring who we are into and through society as it is.

Perhaps, each one of us has a pivotal role/reason for being here now exactly as we are.

When we uplift ourselves, perhaps, we uplift each other through our role(s)/reason(s).

Let your light shine into and on everything that opens to you as your experience.  

May you be conscious to choose the best version of each experience available to you now.

Just maybe, we are all where we are supposed to be doing what we are supposed to be doing.

And, we have the ability to search our own database and tools to create the best in and of 'what is'.

Put your most beautiful light--your heart light on.  Let your heart/mind consciousness pair with your inner beingness and inner wisdom to create your best experience.  

Oh wow, the awesome in You...   Get to know it, believe in it, support it and live through it.

Light yourself up.  

Breathe and be.

Rise and shine.

Accept and empower.

Learn and grow.


Everything that You are...  what is and what is yet inside of you to be.

Thank You.

Saturday, December 4, 2021


"The biggest embrace of love you'll ever make is to embrace yourself completely.  Then you'll realize you've just embraced the whole universe, and everything and everybody in it."  Adyashanti

One.  The source that has created the universe (water, land, sky, space) and all living creatures and things is the source that created you; created me.

We are all connected by this source.  

There has been many different thoughts, opinions, ideas, research throughout time.  The purpose of life has been studied, dissected, played with, worked with, honored, dishonored, questioned, thought about, etc.

Perhaps, the most important thing it has been is experienced.

What you experience, what I experience, what they experience, what we experience is never ever duplicated 100% exactly the same.  

Your experience is yours.  Your experience matters.  You matter.  You are enough.

Just maybe, each experience as it has been, as it is now and as it will be is exactly the experience that was 'written'.  

To embrace the best of or the lesson of each experience is a goal, to me, that seems very worthwhile. 

To consciously do so, is to consciously invite in and connect to the wisdom of you being You.

The joy of being You.  The exquisiteness of You.  The authenticity of You.  The raw, real, whole of You.

Perhaps, The universal 'request' just now is to become just this.  Come home to yourself and let home be the rock solid, flow of the river, bending tree, full breath of air, open, expanded, glorious self.

Invite it in.  Invite yourself home.  Believe.  Be.

May we embrace the idea, the possibility and the truth of our own knowledge, wisdom, feelings, and beingness.

You being You.  Rock on. !!

As we travel inward and 'home', we meet each other where the light and love within each of us shines with every beat of our heart and sparkle of our soul.  Here we know each other.  We connect to each other.  We are one another.  

May you embrace thyself and free your love to create your life in the essence of which you were/are created.

Friday, December 3, 2021


Wrap, cloak, blanket and cover yourself with the best forever love possible; the truest power and guidance available to you; your own.  

May you know what its like to deeply love yourself.  Start where you are; as you are, how you are, who you are.  Feel it. Be it. See it. Hear it. Taste it. Know it. Live it.   

For me, self-soothing is so important just now.  There is a heaviness within myself that I am creating or that I have had and it's coming at me full force, full throttle, fully loaded with so much awesome information for me to process.

It doesn't feel like fun.  I have a knowing that if I allow it, welcome it, listen to it, respond to it and breathe in and through it...  magic awaits.  'I' await.  

If you have a heaviness or feel wounded or troubled in any way, may you be so self-soothing to yourself that you don't even recognize yourself.  Ha.  

It is, perhaps, time to unwrap our own inner wisdom and let our hearts, minds and souls live through and from what is within us.  

Settle into You.  All of You.  Everything You.    

Life… Invite the vital (well-being), viable (real, stimulating) and victorious (blessed) in.    

Empower the vibrancy (power) of You.  

Just maybe, We walk together, individually just now.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


May you be extra kind, gentle and loving to yourself; just now and always.   

As we expand and open ourselves up to as much kindness, gentleness and love as possible, we open to and create miracles and magic for all.  May it be so.  It is so.  

As we believe that we feel certain ways for real reasons and when we feel things that we would rather not feel, love ourselves deeper.

Times are heavy for many just now.  And, in this heaviness we can learn what feels most light to ourselves.

When we hurt, we can feel what feels good.  When we acknowledge and open to learning, we see new and different ways.

Gentleness and compassion.  Love and trust.  Openness and expansion.  What a gift that each one is and what gifts that open up through them.

Open up to the most gentle of you and get to know the strongest of you.  

Let the depth of yourself soar…. 

Be excited.  Be calm.  Create anew.  Live inward out.  

Free yourself of what you don't want to be and let what you want to be happen.

My wish.  

Whatever is your wish, may you know it, nurture it, believe in it, be true to it.

You can do it.  You will do it.  Perhaps, you already have it and/or are it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Loving One’s Self


What does love feel like to You...  What kind of love do you wish to feel...  

How deep does love go...

When you love someone, what do you feel; what do you feel for that someone...

Feel it.  Open to it.  Grow it.  

May you love yourself with this feeling; this intent; this amount; and your most favorite way to love.

Loving one's self is what expands and opens us up to the same love in the world.  Loving yourself connects you to this love in others.  Maybe, in everything we do.  

Loving one's self brightens the world; raises the love vibration and lifts you, along with everything you touch, up in love.


Love deeply and far.

Thank You.

Monday, November 22, 2021


The moon just does its thing in its flow in the cycle of life.

The sun just does its thing in its flow in the cycle of universal law.

Both the moon and the sun shine bright and clear And as they flow as their true self, they also have off and down days.  They are hidden.  They are dim.  They are dark.  They are light.

I never tell them to be anything different from what they are.  Why have I found myself wanting to be different from what I am...

From this day forward, it is my intent to flow and to shine, to rest and to recharge.

Whatever it is I am feeling, it is my intention to allow it, embrace it, let it be so and fill myself up with love.

I realized today (with the help of a fabulous Life Coach) that I was so focused on loving outside of myself, I paid less attention to loving my whole self.

What I've been preaching is what I needed to hear, listen to and respond favorably to.

Be kind to yourself.  When you have (what you would consider) a down or off day, love yourself even more.  Fill yourself up with your own awesome love.  Love every part of You.  

Love the part(s) of You that you are not too fond of.  Love yourself whole.

As you love yourself whole, you, perhaps, find and live fully in your whole self.  Your wholeness is love.

Don’t hold back your shine.   Don't hold back your recharging and off times.

Feel it.  Do it.  Be it.  Allow it.  Love through it.  Outside of yourself And also (deep) within yourself.  


Radiance.  Shimmer.  Sparkle.  

The whole of You.  Perhaps, even what may feel like a hole in You.  Are you being loving to yourself now...    

May you fill every cell up with your love.  May you be especially conscious of doing so when you are feeling 'less than' you wish to.

We are all whole as we are...  When we love ourselves whole, everything that we are ignites into our best way of being, living, doing, knowing.

Shine on with self-love and expand open to the wholeness of You.

Allow the divine flow of You to live the way your life was born to 'cycle'.  As it is, it's supposed to be; just maybe.  

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Love.   Open to it.   Be it.  Live it.  Share it.  Carry it.   Fill yourself up with it.   Let it lead you.  Know it.   Grow it.   

What does love mean to You...

To me, it means lifting another up, supporting another, listening and hearing another and believing in their dreams and their way of being the best of who and what they are.  Supporting what they know is best for themselves.  

I am learning that I love best when I live from my own truth with every breath I take and honoring.  Honoring myself, life, living, the moment, You.  

May love be the next sweeping, extensive, worldwide phenomenon that touches, reaches and modifies our way of living in our world in loving togetherness.     

Saturday, November 20, 2021


I sit down at my computer and go to blogpost and open myself to what comes up for me.

I hear myself saying it's a good time to share a bit about me here.  So, let's see what comes up -- shall we...

What would come up if you were to share a bit about You just now…

Apparently, I am not as openly ‘free running' about myself as other things about life, living and being true to ourselves.

I live in South Florida, USA.  I used to live north of here (approximately 2,000 miles) for the earlier parts of my life.  When I was 17, I came up with wanting to live in 'West Palm Beach, Florida' without ever being there or knowing much about it other than it had the ocean, warm weather and palm trees.   I just liked the sound of the name West Palm Beach.  

Yeppers.. I am living in the area of West Palm Beach now.  My mailing addresses down here have been Boca Raton, Riviera Beach; Singer Island, Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach and now I am back in Riviera Beach.

When I was in my early 20s or so, I took a program/test on 'what I want to be when I grow up' and it was Fitness Instructor.  I did become a Personal Trainer and had my own Fitness Company called "Beachin Bodies" and my tagline was "Make Yourself a Beachin Body".  

I am a mom of a wonderful, brilliant young woman that I cherish with all that I am.

I have been married for 30 years and with this man for 36 years.  I got married when I was 31.  Had my daughter when I was 34.  We got married in Hawaii and spent 3 glorious weeks there.  We went back for another 3 weeks for our 15th anniversary and brought our daughter.  Aloha.  

I've always loved the beach as far back as I can remember.  I lived in Margate, New Jersey, USA very close to the beach and this is where I did personal training for individuals and I taught water aerobics, weight training and worked in the high rises and casinos in Atlantic City doing group classes too.  I worked 7 days a week and for however many hours it took to meet my clients' needs.  Some days it would be 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.  I worked for the Jewish Community Center there and the school board for adult classes doing country, hip hop, big band, workstations and all kinds of fun classes.   'Firm It Up'; 'Burn It Up" "Stretch It Out" with visual meditations and conscious breathing at the end of every class.  I was in Heaven.  It was my Heaven on Earth as I was by the beach and exercising.  Heaven.  Two things that I loved that were a part of me and seemed to be invited by and created through listening to my soul.

I eventually realized that stretching, exercise and connecting to just the body was not the complete 'everything' of being human.

I learned that I knew the body, along with the mind, soul and spirit was the 'complete everything' of being me; being human.

Because of the dis-ease, Scleroderma, that I was diagnosed with at the age of 21 (had it since 17) and telling myself it was an 'inside job' - my own - to heal because no doctors, alternative healers and/or other routines and regimens were, alone, able to heal me.  I found myself learning, investigating, researching, feeling, listening to, open to and living through my own inner wisdom with all the knowledge that I gathered.  I started transforming and evolving living from the deepest truth of myself.

Pain had a way of opening me up to all of this in ways that, I believe, was meant to be.

I am realizing as I write this that I had many dreams that came true.  I still have many dreams and I certainly believe that there are ones that most definitely will show up for me.

May you realize some of the happiest times of your life.  Be grateful and feel this part of you deeply.  May you dream and know that you can achieve any dream you dream.  

May you dare to shine in and through your inner wisdom, soul and beingness.  Let your love and your knowledge guide you.  

Be extra kind to yourself.  Always self-talk nurturing yourself.  Be the You that makes you feel like you are living your Heaven on Earth.  Trust in divine timing.  Keep dreaming.  Feel these dreams in every cell of your being.  

Perhaps, There is no better time than now to 'explode forth' into the truest, most loving version of You.

Friday, November 19, 2021


This lunar eclipse is awesome as it was the longest one in approximately 580 years.  It creates a darkness that I believe can gather what is dark and no longer needed from within me. 

The heavy rains and thick grey clouds are awesome as they can carry and wash away anything that is no longer necessary or helpful in each of us and from our land and Mother Earth.

The winds that are wailing through my window panes are awesome as they can blow away everything that is hurtful and ugly.  They can also blow in everything that feels happy and uplifts.

Amethyst is about healing and energy; purifying and protection.  Letting go of negative thinking.  It is also said to sustain sobriety.  It can aid cell regeneration and improve skin.  

A crystal ball is used to invite extra good luck; live, fresh and positive energy.  Perhaps, it can help us to connect to clearer and realistic dreams to bring into our future.  

Celestite supports inner peace and connects us to understanding and higher consciousness.

You are awesome just because You Are... May you realize, own and be prosperous with your feelings.  

May you step forth, from, with and in the awesome of You. !!

This is your sacred quest.  Learn, know, own thyself through the divinity (genius; spirit) of You.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Adventure - "participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises" 

Just waking up and being open to everything and anything that is coming our way for the day with open heart and mind, with excitement and trust - through our own truth and awareness - is an adventure to me.

Life is a journey.  It is also an adventure.  There are many different types of adventures.  What may be adventurous to you may not be adventurous or something I wish to reach for to me and vice versa.

An adventure of my favorite kind is to be open, follow my instinct, be spontaneous loaded with trust and belief in if I am feeling to do, be, live, create it, it is for me.

May one of your goals be, perhaps, to adventure through all that You are.  Your connection to your breath and your beingness can make it so; can take you there.

May you invite the adventure within You out.


In any given moment on any given day, magical beautiful things can show up in your life.  

There is an exquisite, ethereal essence within you and around you always.  It is part of you.  A part of your chemistry, personality, life, vibe and you just being You.  It surrounds you through the energy, vibrations and wavelengths that are uniquely yours.  

In each one of us, we are the miracle.  When we learn and/or open up to, listen, hear and respond to the truth that makes up who we are (our own sacred quest), we invite the Wow of our life to glisten, shine, flow and be.

You being You creates the extraordinary that You come with.  !!  

May you be open to everything You...    

Monday, November 15, 2021

Supreme Beingness

The doors, windows, paths, etc. are all open.  

The light that uplifts us all is inside us all.  It is our experiences that have taught us the depth or shallowness of it, the connection or disconnection to it, the possible and what may seem impossible, the dark that allows us to see the light.

What if how we think about everything just now isn't 100% true or spot on.  What if there is more to some things or less to other things.

What if what we think about some thing feels true because we always thought a way and, in actuality, there is a better way to see, think, be, do or just be.

The doors, windows, paths, etc. are all open.

May you adventure on.  Explore within.  Research forward.   Feel.  Open yourself to exactly what is.  Be true to yourself to what you are feeling.  Allow yourself to be kind to yourself especially during times that you may not have been so kind to yourself before.

Supreme Beingness.  It's On.  On blast.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Fun Facts

Between this blogger post forum and my blog, we are currently reaching approximately 1K reads a month.

Thank You.   Thank You for You and Thank You for showing up, opening up, being up and upping your 'game' and participating in my own; ours.  

Just by You showing up, gives me pleasure that I would not have otherwise.  I am truly honored by You.

The countries currently being represented are:

United States - "The Statue of Liberty is technical in Jersey City, NJ.  It was given to USA by France in 1886.

Portugal - Portugal  is the oldest country in Europe.

Belgium - Sales of chocolate is the most in the world. 

Bulgaria - Bulgaria is one of the biggest wine exports in the world. 

France - France is the most visited place in the world.

Russia - Russia is the largest country in the world.  

Sweden - Two-thirds of Sweden's land area is forest and also one of the most 'green' countries in the world.  

Australia - 90% of Australians live on the coast; 4 out of 5.  

Hungary - Hungary has more than 1300 hot (water) springs.  

China - China is home to all pandas.  If you see a panda elsewhere, it is most likely on loan from China.  

I connected one fun fact with each country through google research; just for the fun of it.

Again, Thank You for being here and Thank You for being as true and as loving to You as possible.

Individually, together we 'play'/live the game of life.  We live on.  You matter period.  You matter to me.

May you live as You feel through the most loving ways [and fun facts] of You as possible.

Friday, November 12, 2021


I come here without a thought, a reason; maybe not even anything but a desire, a will to.

I was out on the deck, high on the 21st floor looking at the light clouds, the bright stars, the dark water and the lights illuminating their red, orange, purple, white, green and ambiance.

The 'live entertainment' never loses its charm with me.  I appreciate it as I see it.  I am enamored and my heart and being expands into and with it.

I sit here now aware of my breath.  I sit here legs crossed and feeling my shoulders relax and the city lights shining in through the window of my office.  White, red, blinking, still.  It looks like a dance of lights whispering in the night.

It is quiet but for the hum of the computer, the water flow of the fountain and the keypad being 'played' by my not so normal fingers when a thought, a word, a sentence shows up from within me to share.

I am in the dark but for the light of the computer screen.

I am thankful for the loving, appreciative, blessed, open energy I am feeling in this moment.

Oh, the world is on fire in the way of the Phoenix.  What no longer holds true is being disintegrated.  What is shows on large picture screen, perhaps, on the wings of the Phoenix.  What will be is like the Phoenix as a rocket being fueled by the energy we are putting out and associating with; individually and together.

What do you want for the future...  What do you want for each 'now' moment that you find and feel yourself residing in...  What kind of breath is breathing through you...  What are your thoughts, your energy and the level of love you are thinking, feeling and vibrating at...

May you participate from the places inside of you that uplift, heighten and bring about the You that You wish to experience.  

Good new is that only You can create what you feel.  Perhaps, the not so good news is that only you can create what you feel.

How about we look at it as good news.  Breathe deep.  Open up to the feeling you wish to feel just now.

What does it feel like in your body...  What does it feel like in your mind...  What does it feel like in your being, your organs, your cells...

Is there a color you are reminded of just now...  Perhaps, you can see something that is this color or find this color and put yourself in it.

Is there a dance that you want to do or a movement your body wants to feel...  Give yourself the presence of it.

May you tell yourself all the good things about yourself.  May you show yourself something that you want to do and can do just now...  May you turn on your lovelight and let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

You are an amazing miracle.  May you treat yourself as such.


Until we meet again...   May you let your self-love grow.  

In Sync

Our world...  Yours..  Mine.. Ours...


We are living in very unique, unchartered times.  Growth, change, uniqueness, complete involvement, questions without answers, answers without questions are prevalent.  Everchanging at speeds that, just maybe, were never dealt with, in this capacity, before.

I think we are being asked to get in touch with and be real about our thoughts, feelings, vulnerabilities and wisdom.

We all have them.  We all know them.  We all experience them.  We, the human, are transforming in ways that trust and truth just may tap us in to the most peace available; individually and collectively.

Perhaps, it is time to synchronize and harmonize with ‘what is’.   

May it start with You.   Let your loving truth lead.

May you open to You trusting your truth as lovingly as possible.

It is time to align.  When we let ourselves self-align, there is a mastery there that is magical and forever intact.   

If it doesn't align with your soul..  just maybe it is Not for You. 

Get on it.  Get on aligning with your soul through living true to everything (as) You.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Soul-Filled Reality

What is a soul?  To me, my soul is my intuition, my gut feeling, my inner knowing, the 'energy' that calls me to be the real me; the me I was born to be.

I know I am living from my soul when I feel fulfilled.  I feel whole.  I feel in the flow of myself and my life.  

When I live through my soul and connect to my heart and invite my mind, I am the most Me that I can be.

As I breathe and engage with my quiet beingness and relax into what I am feeling, I create the truest, most wise, most joyful version of Me.

I connect to and walk the path that I am supposed to be walking.

Fear cannot survive here.  I thrive here.  Life and what is supposed to be for me surfaces and shows itself.  Truth guides me.  I am able to open to my own allowance of 'what is' and blend my truth, my feelings, my dreams and my beingness together creating my best way of living through all of Me.

It is my soul-filled reality that is my magic, my superpower, my loving way, my kindness, my wisdom and my unique Me-ness.

May you tap into your soul-filled reality and enjoy your magic, own your superpower, be the love that is you(rs), show kindness towards yourself and others, be wise and live deep from your unique You-ness.

Soul-filled reality always wins in the moment and grows us forward and uplifts us All.   !  

The patterns, the flow, the colors, the immenseness; the highs, the lows, the closeness, the reach -- let it all start from 'what is' and blend into 'what is' -- your truth, your feelings, your dreams through your soul-filled, heartfelt, mindful and ultra true and unique way.  Y O U

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Magical U niverse

What a magical world we live in.  You were born with magic in you.  You make this world magical.   

Let what fascinates you rise, shine and radiate through the awesomeness that is you being You; truly and lovingly.  

"Venus planet meaning is pure desire... energy of love, balance, and harmony.  It is the ability to appreciate and to value... to love and be loved."  Ian Scott 

The time for harmony is now.  

May you tap in to the magic that makes up the universe.  May you tap in to the magic that is You(rs).   

The moon, the planet Venus, the sky, clouds, dusk, land, all living creatures... Add the sun, the water, trees and mountains and mix all that is with love and harmony and believing in Heaven on Earth is magic.  

As we allow ourselves to 'just be' and from this beingness, do; we open to the magic that is...   

The cycle of life plus you and yours, empowers, encourages, allows and invites synergy.

Just imagine that there is wisdom that supports, uplifts, leads and carries us into the highest version of ourselves and it is always available.  What if...

Much love out to all that is and all that you are in everything you do.  Oh, the magical love of You.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Dare the Truth

May you live in your truth, let it pass through your heart and express it through everything you are.   

The connections, doors, windows and paths that appear will be the very best possibilities of You and for You.   

The flow of your life will have the best chance of becoming brilliant and magical. 

Daring to live from our truth.  Dare and Truth.. new game to play. 

Everyone wins letting our truth live out loud and letting our love lead the way.

Are you in?  

Monday, November 1, 2021

Inner Culture

Culture -- "the values, typical practices, and goals.." from the dictionary.

Culture - Societal, Familial, Organized, Taught, Learned, Passed down, Cultivated, Pursuits

There are many cultures in our human world.  Ways of being.  Communication.  Connection.  Tradition.  Scholar.  Belief.  Religion.  Etc,  

Most of us were raised in certain belief systems with certain expectations and we 'bought into' one or more of these 'just because'. 

What came to me today during a session with a fabulous Life Coach was "Inner Culture".  I want to connect to my inner culture.  I want to live connected and honoring my inner culture.  

To me, my inner culture knows what's up; what's true; what's best; what is love; what is not love; my values; my goals; may question my practices and habits; and, probably, so much more for Me.

To me, learning our inner culture is our 'sacred quest'. 

Living my inner culture is the very best and highest version of me I live.

Just what if it was time for many of us, if not each of us, to get to know our inner culture and decide for ourselves what is the best and most enjoyable way to live each day; each situation; each experience and in and through every relationship.

We can still honor our culture that feels true to who we are along with our inner culture that feels most real when living it - no matter how strange or 'weird' we may feel when we first get in touch with this depth within ourselves.   

May you let your inner culture tell you what's up; what's true; what's best; what is love; what is not love; your values; your goals; maybe question your practices and habits; and, most likely, so much more for You.

Friday, October 29, 2021


I sit down here at my computer wondering what words/thoughts will come.

I wrote down on a piece of paper last night, thinking I was getting interviewed, this thought that I thought up to offer in the very beginning of the interview...

"I am here with open heart and mind connected to my soul and it is my wish to connect to the same place inside of You."

I wrote down my fairly new titles that feel true and, yet, quite different than other professional titles I have 'played' with or heard of in the past.  "True Essence Life Coach" and "Freedom Facilitator".  (How cool I am, ha!)

The interview did not happen, yet there were lessons learned.

The biggest most important one for me is to not get stuck in the thought of the interview from a scary, anxiety ridden, negative place questioning the outcome.  Open up to it (and all of life) working out exactly as it is supposed to because I do 'show up' as my true self with my heart and mind open to my soul ready to connect to same wherever and whenever I can.

The word quintessential came to me today when I was sharing a post on social media.  I looked up the meaning of quintessential and it is "of the pure and essential essence of something; of or relating to the most perfect embodiment of something".

May we all tap in and live quintessentially.

May you open and live through; express and share your quintessential self.

Here, this is where life abounds most.  This is where fun resides.  This is where and how we know what path to walk most easily.  This is where the 'best of' happens.  This is where the greatest of all; the greatest of ourselves and of living reside.

This is the connection that I wish to live and offer.  This is the connection that I wish to share and participate in with You.

This is where we were born to live from.  This is where love grows.  This is how our light reaches the deepest, farthest and highest.  This is You being so true to You that all you ever need do is allow what is true for you to show up, out, on and with.


May we have a world hug and jump in.

Thank You deeply for being here open to your love filling every cell of You and filling every corner and piece of the world you were born to touch.  I believe in You.  I know you can/do.  I honor the quintessential of You.

Embody your pure and essential essence.  

Hey, tap into my 'true essence' life coaching, teachings and offerings and allow the freedom of you to be so.  Fly my beautiful, free to be you You..  Fly.  

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Answer My Friend

The answer to being human, living in a most enjoyable way, is to love, respect, and care for You.  To live in, through and of the wisdom of You.  To live from and within the truth of who you are and what you feel.  

If what you are doing does not fit in these criteria, ask yourself if there is something you can change/do/think/be that will take you there; keep you there - as much and as often as possible.

I am realizing that when I plan a thing - almost anything these days, that until I am doing the thing, I find myself in discomfort, having unwanted thoughts and questioning the outcome.  This is not living through or in the above criteria for me.

As I talk to myself with the intent to open up to trusting the process of what will be and trust of myself of  all that I am and that I will know what to do when I feel it is my turn to do something, I open up and delve into my own faith and peace and I invite ease into the steps that are present and will be forthcoming.  

Simply put, trust the process of life and trust the process of Me and bring my truth into and through every breath I take.  

To be kind and courageous and to live truly and lovingly me.

For today, anyway, this is the answer to living the journey of my own 'humanism'.

As I allow myself to live this way, I am the best me that I can be for You and for others.

May you live in the truth of and through You in every moment you find yourself in.

This is, just maybe, your answer to your best life for yourself and for others.

As we all open to our truth with open hearts and minds connected to our souls, we are creating the best paths forward, honoring our Creator and respecting the absolute in every living creature.

Love.  May you find yours, be yours, live in yours and allow it to grow.

Oh, the extreme honor of our humanness through our spiritual, innate knowing and being rocks.

We become part of the flow of life that is our bestest way to journey on.

Just what if...

I wish you You, truthfully, lovingly, openly, trustingly...  You.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Roadtrip the Journey

When you read these words below, perhaps, notice what you feel (if anything) and, perhaps, even notice in what part(s) of your body you may be feeling something...

Fascination.  Gratitude.  Joy.  

These three words are synonyms for Enchantment.

We went for a drive the other day and we found ourselves driving through a tree tunnel.  When I lived in Pennsylvania, USA, the road we lived on had a tree tunnel.  I was blessed to experience it through all four seasons.  It never ceased to enchant me.  

Summer, when everything was in full bloom and it was not easy to see through the trees they were so dense, beautiful and alive.  

Fall, when the leaves were full of vibrant color and shedding so that they made the road look like a colorful kaleidoscope. 

Winter, when the tree branches where bare and the trees were asleep and dormant.

Spring, when new blossoms and new life was budding forth.

We, too, go through seasons.  We can find ourselves full of vigor and color.  We can find ourselves craving dormancy and sleep.  We find ourselves being creative through growth and ideas coming forth.  We find ourselves letting go.  We find ourselves peaking out and/or into something.  

I find the journey of living fascinating.  I feel gratitude for experiences that bring me into my happy self, and also, the experiences that bring me closer, deeper within myself.  Everything, as I open to it, brings me home to me...  into my own joy through my own fascination with deeply seeded gratitude.

Life is full of enchantment.  Tap into your soul.  Tap into your feelings.  Accept your feelings completely.  Embrace everything You.  Breathe and be.  Know and do.  Trust and process.  

May you find yourself enchanted.   Let your life enchant You.  

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Night Sky

Last night’s sky!  Beautiful!

I experienced wonderful moments of stillness.  I felt a charmed sensation.  There was a harmonious melody watching the everchanging sky in its own nature and adaptability.  The flow of the movement through a stillness and charm.   

The stillness of what is into the motion of what will be.  

May you know your own stillness and charm and open to the beautiful flow of harmony in all that you do and are.   

Be the wondrous and wanderer of/in your own life.  Find the amazing, astonishing and extraordinary as you open to the exploration of your own nature and flow.  

Let your life evolve through your own heart beating the truth of which you are.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Cotton Candy

You.  Breathing.  Being.  Inviting.  Your.  Own.  Harmony.   Peace.  You.   Ahhhh.    

Perhaps, it is a good moment/time to say, think, be and experience more of your favorite words and feelings.  To experience more thoughts and feels that make you be most like the best part(s) of You.

I have been taught that we think approximately 80,000 thoughts a day and that a good 75% of these thoughts we think each day, repeatedly, again and again.  Living in and through these thoughts; the same thoughts day in and day out.  

I am recently finding myself 'playing' with my favorite thoughts.  I am creating more fulfilling thoughts.  I dance with these thoughts that give me the happiest jive and vibe possible for me.  I am inviting and, lovingly, provoking myself to get 'my me on'.  

May you invite and, lovingly, provoke you to get 'your You on'.  

May you think, feel and breathe the loving, fun thoughts of You.   

You are the greatest gift of your entire life and beingness.  You are the only gift that you live your entire life with.

Reflect on what makes you You; naturally and through your innate wisdom.

Amaze yourself.

Like cotton candy, invite your sweet, beautiful, peaceful, light and easy feelings and thoughts.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

By the Night of the Silvery Moon

“By the light of the silvery moon”…. 

The color silver is known for supporting an open mind and lighting our way forward.  It is color that is both black and white.  It can help us reflect into and on our soul's purpose and our soul's wisdom.   

It was a vibrant, bright and playful full moon last night.  It played peek-a-boo. It shared its fullness.  It illuminated the backdrop of the sky.  It's light glistened brightly on the surface of the water.  The clouds danced around it and it seemed to enjoy their dance.

It felt like the water was reaching up to meet it and expand into its glory.  

Glory and grace were the 2G's romantically (charming, picturesque, exciting) involved.  The shape, color and depth of each cloud, along with the surface of the water's movement that reminded me of full, half and quarter circles electrified the air.  

I read where this time can be a turning point, a new loop of our own centeredness as we own what is within us and what is our life.  

May you stand up within yourself and take back your power.  Your power of owning everything that creates into and spins from the truest, most loving, fulfilling You.   

With this full moon, may you open to the wisdom of your soul and leap, jump, fly, be; whatever resonates most with the vibe of your soul.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

What Do You See

I was taking a class and it was part book writing class and part movement class (and more) by awesome Phoebe Leona.  The participants were asked to just write a brief 'story' of what they see in front of themselves just then.  This is what came to me.

"As I sit here, I notice my breath.  I notice and feel the support underneath me supporting me.  I consciously relax my body.  I feel excited and grateful for this practice to be prompted and to be a part of this group herewith.

I have a beautiful glass of water with yellow lemon pieces floating in it.  It hydrates and soothes me - the look, the taste, the promise of it.

I look up and out the window and I see dark clouds along with white, fluffy clouds.  I see the vastness of the intracoastal as my eyes reach the horizon.  I breathe it in.

I notice the blues of the water, the blues of the sky and I let these blues take away any blues that may be inside of me.  I ask for support and guidance to keep me on my best and most enjoyable and helpful to others' path.

My cat jumps up on the couch and is nudging me for attention.  While I love her so, I am not really enjoying her 'ask' just now.  I breathe and go with it.  

I stop here and am grateful for this experience.  I think to myself 'bring what is next'.!"

May you, if you wish, stop and see, experience and witness what is in front of you just now.  Explore the joy of it, the truth of it, the whole of it.

Monday, October 18, 2021


The ‘horizon’ has and is expanding… 

The horizon of You.  The horizon of Me.  The horizon of Us.  The horizon of all worldly and, perhaps, out of this world things.

Our wisdom, knowledge, process, heart, and mind are becoming and coming through in ways that, perhaps, we never could have imagined.

The catching up to technology.  The sitting with the overwhelm.  The feeling and knowing, together in unison, of when to hold on and when to let go.  The what was, what is, what will be.

We breathe.  One breath at a time.  One step at a time.  One present moment at a time.  One question of what is true at a time.  

Some or a lot of our mind(s) may be a bit cloudy now.  Many of us are reflecting and/or having strong reflections of what we are doing and who we are.  There is so much phenomenal beauty yet to see and experience even if sometimes, just now, we must go through a fog, haze or filter first.

Our horizons are expanding.   Living life now is different in many ways.  

May you choose to focus and create the best of what comes through/to You. 

New, amazing life awaits… May you be open to receive, participate, be it and live it.

Saturday, October 16, 2021


There is so much opportunity to jump forward; jump up; jump out; jump in to endless possibilities of your life - you living You.

There is so much magic always inside of you waiting to 'play' out the fullness of  You.

"You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it yourself." - Glinda, The Wizard of Oz

 May you let the magic in You out!   

We are here to be.  We are here to do.  We are here to learn.  We are here to love.

Whatever you are feeling, may you jump into the truth of it with the freedom of letting go of anything that is not You or of You.  

Sitting on the couch with a good book; climbing mountains; laughing, crying and with all of your feels - you are enough just as you are.  This is your life and your experience.  Your creativity, knowledge, wisdom, love, joy, pain - You.  

Whether you are moving forward through big jumps or jumps in your mind just now, you are moving forward.  Trust yourself, where you are and how you feel and believe that you are becoming and/or coming into the best version of yourself through every breath you take.  You are the best version of you now and you are enough.  This is the experience of Human life and living.  .  

We have highs.  We have lows.  Everything in between.  It is us living our lives and it is about the journey.  And, the journey works best for all if and when we let love lead.

May you jump with love for yourself and others and let your love lead you through and forward.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Roll With It

My beautiful sister sent me a picture of this wonderful waterfall taken in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, USA.  This is always one area where Fall happens first.  The leaves turn an orchestra of colors and they slowly float down onto the ground to create a heavy [nothing else feels like it] ground cover.  

It is their time to shed and to go dormant [rest] for the winter season until Spring comes and then they slowly become vibrant and grow again.  

Everything has its seasons.  Including us...  The many feelings, experiences, situations, relationships we encounter and g(r)o(w) through.  

I am finding, for me, it is best to just roll with what comes.

May you just roll with your feelings, experiences, situations, relationships, et al.   As we bring our loving truth into the openness and flow with what is, we create the authentic path of being in the loving truth of who we are; through all of our seasons for all of our lifetime(s).  Some are but one time.  Others are more often.  Some last a long time.  Some are so quick it can feel like it happens within one breath.  

“Roll with it, baby” (Steve Winslow) and say hello to your awesome, most raw, highest version of You.  !!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


I took this picture last night.  I am amazed at all the stars that are shining through and showing up.  I am touched by the deep beauty.  I connect to a silence that is in the air and I feel myself filling up with it.

The look, feel, sound and charm of silence.  It is yours.  It is mine.  It is ours.   All we need do is breathe and go into it.  It lies inside of us first.

May you connect to and know the silence within You.  That is You.  Unique, special, untouchable and loaded with love; you(rs).   

Our dreams may just come through a connection to our silent knowing; our breath; our innate beingness.  May you let You happen through same.  

May you wish upon a dream; your dream.     Your dream(s) are so Within your reach.   They are connected to all that shines, reflects and is infinite You.