Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

How You Doin’

“The struggle is real.”  And we can so support ourselves. 

Pain is our bodies way of telling us something is wrong or we are not in full alignment or can be something that demands our attention to lead us in another direction.  

We are living in a world, today, that is not fully and easily conducive to easy living.  Many of the every day things we do just now end up being harder, bigger, more frustrating because most of us are feeling the strain, chaos, untruths, and the nonsensical that is alive and being shown to us as a whole.  

Stores, restaurants, doctors, pharmacies, banks, and people, etc. are all on overload and transforming/evolving since the corona virus, and probably before.  However, it is my perception that we are more consciously aware now as we had to sit, live, stay and be in a very different and unique way.     

What is one thing you can do just now that makes You happy/content.   Do that. 

What is one thought you can think right now that can brings you peace.  Think that.    

What is one thing you can honor, through your own love, that feels difficult and/or painful.  One thing at a time and always let love.

What is one thing you are grateful for - give thanks.  

I find myself  breathing deep and slow.  Telling myself that I am safe.  I can choose how I spend and ‘see’ my day.  I honor what is and my reaction to what is and do my best to react through my own love.  

I am open to my wisdom and outside knowledge.  I invite in the beauty that is available to me.  I request for help and guidance; signs and pathways to show themselves   I feel my way.

Hold on.  Let go.  Do.  Do not.  Trust yourself that You know when to do which.   

Whatever feels the best for you to do…. Talk to a professional.  Relax.   Do a project.  Do an errand.   Hug yourself.  Spend time with someone you enjoy greatly.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself how much you love yourself.  Talk to yourself with so much love and kindness.

There is opportunity for both calm and uncalm in many, if not most things.  I'm so going back and forth between the two; rapidly and often just now.   

Moving my body is such a great gift to myself.   Eating and feeling good about it is another.  Connecting to people and sharing each other’s life in openness to understanding is another.   

Whatever feels like a gift to yourself, create that.   

Feel.  It is ok to feel everything inside of You as it shows up.  Talk about a gift.  Resisting it no longer works so well.  Probably, never did.  But it could be done.  Now, when I resist, the energy it takes is just too high a price for me to pay.   

No one knows You like You do.  

May you check in with yourself.  See how You are doin’.   May you respond with love accordingly.  

Dear God,

Please show us our best and most true, enjoyable, uplifting way through You.  Amen.  

Thank You.


As I accept what is I realize my strength and feel my truth.  It is through acceptance and calm that I am most able to take my next [best] step forward through my own peace and love.  

The power of acceptance and being real in 'what is' will bring us ‘home’ to our best and whole self.  

Honoring ourselves wholly is a great big win every time we do.  

Most of us were never taught our own body’s abilities to heal itself.   It's what the body does when we get out of its way.   Relax into it.  Love it.  Be one with it without judgment or fear; as best and as often as You can.   

Our mind keeps us safe.  It is its job.  Sometimes, it tells us things thinking its protecting us from danger.   When it feels like a warning of danger is occurring within, it is often a good time to ask how real is this perceived danger.  Notice, know and follow through with your mind, body, gut/instinct, heart and soul all working as one.  All working together.    

You know what feels most true, safe, loving and best for You. 

May you breathe and walk the path(s) of the ones available to you now that you feel You are called to do.  The ones that pull [out and together] the wholeness of You. 

May you live in and be wholly You.    You are truly magnificence, uniqueness and there is not and never will be anyone like You.  How amazing and wondrous is that. 

May you relax into and honor You.  As you honor You, you honor God, your creator of everything You.   He knew earth needed You exactly as You are, here now, to be part of this amazing life that is being challenged, reordered and laid out for us all to participate as ourselves and to live and give with grace, honor, truth and trust.   

just what if... The wholeness lived from within each of us out creates the wholeness of our Universe living in harmony.  Let love.  One Love.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

(k)New Growth

I find myself in quite a different place lately.  I do not have a lot to say and feel the desire to surround myself with and allow and invite in quietude.

I find myself going way back with thoughts popping up of people, times, songs, encounters and emotions of days - decades really - gone by.  

Conversations I do have are sharing past experiences and learning very simple but new things I never knew about long time dear friends.  

I am reminded of great joy, fun and some wild times through my youth where my brain wasn’t fully developed yet and I lived in the moment without any concern or constrain.  Just now, my mind shares with me a thing I would tell myself..  “Don’t ruin tonight worrying about tomorrow.”  It worked for me every time.   Mostly with great outcomes.  Ha.

How I would love to spend some time with my young brain and not this brain of mine now that has developed and has so much recollection of so many decades of living.   I'm thinking this is a request for me to 'change my brain'; again.  

Being myself is a process and I'm open to trusting it, participating in it, honoring it and stepping on.

I still think it would be cool to experience my youthful, self-given freedom to maybe remember and bring it forth into everything I do and am now; with the knowledge, lessons and life that is me now.

May you not ruin these moments now worrying about the future.  Live everything that You are now and know that the future (and You) will take care of whatever comes.  Grab the good fully now.  This day and way of living will change and never come again.  

Live in the lightness of just this moment letting go of what may happen.  Because if you have lived long enough and stayed somewhat aware, just maybe, you do realize that the 'what ifs' do not come often to the reality of our experiences.  And, the few that do come through, up until this point, you have survived every one.  Deal with 'what is'.  

May you moment by moment choose the 'cool' side of You.  Let go of anything that is not the person you wish to become and know that You are becoming.  

What you know now to what you knew then...

Let the new You be open to new ways, opportunities, outcomes and paths.  Let go of "I've always done it this way" and bring in "What is the best way for me to experience 'what is' now with what I know, what I knew then and the growth that I want to 'play' with today".  

Live your life, your way, your road, your path anew each and every time.  In many ways, we are not the complete person we were yesterday and we can choose the person that we want to experience life as now and going forward.

Get it.  Hold on.  Let go.  May you Just 9Be U; complete in this moment in alignment with honoring who You are.  

May you be your own love of your life.

Saturday, January 21, 2023


Imagine this…

YOU doing what feels happiest, most joyful, fun and balanced to You.

Just what if when we are feeling ‘ugh’ or ‘yikes’ or ‘blah’ we look at it as we are not doing what aligns with our soul.   

We are doing more from our minds - through our thoughts that were created with knowledge that came from outside of ourselves -  than from the wisdom that is inside each of us.   

Knowledge is wonderful.  Learning is exciting. And to use only knowledge leaves out a lot of who we are and what we were created to do.  

For one week, one day, one hour just, maybe, be aware of when you get cranky or feeling less than good - what is going on around you and what are the thoughts that you are thinking.   

Are you in alignment with what you think you ‘should’ be doing or are you in alignment with what feels like You.  

What is one thing you can do and/or think in a moment of ‘ugh’ that brings you into the alignment of what feels best to You.   

Maybe we cannot always do things that are more joyous or fun to ourselves.   We can always change the thought of what our reaction to an experience is.   

Simple.   Idk.   I will consciously participate and try it for myself.  

I do know I can change the way I feel by changing the way I experience something by changing the thought and my reaction of/to it.  

‘Play’ with this a bit if it feels like something You want to do.   We can always go back to just letting ourselves be miserable when we are.   

In this world of great upheaval and change, we can create the world within us to experience life in a way that allows us to be more self- aware and to create better options for ourselves in how we react.   

Let’s get it on.   

May you honor the honor that is the right fit and feel of who You are.  

Welcome simplicity through awareness, thoughts, love, wisdom and beliefs.   

May you ‘simply’ “Just 9Be U”.   

Know thyself.  Love thyself.  Be thyself.  Thy whole self.  Put this awesome that is You(rs) into our world.   

May this be our ongoing and forward way of living.  

Love.  Honor.  Follow your bliss in the most beautiful, helpful, uplifting and productive ways.   

When you are feeling cranky or feeling less than You - may you be aware of what is going on around you and what are the thoughts that you are thinking.   

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Speak Your Truth

I often say ‘speak your truth’.  ‘This is my truth.’  We are so living in our truth whether we acknowledge the fullness of it or not.  I so believe it is best to live it out loud through as much trust and love as possible.  

When I say to speak your truth, it is not a truth of another or outside of You.  It is the truth within You that is about You.  What you are feeling inside of You and regarding Your life.   

This is the truth I speak of to speak about.  

It is a ‘me’ thing.  It is an ‘I am’ thing.   

It is not what is a truth of another in a situation or experience.   It is the truth that rises up within You in a situation or experience.  The truth that shows up about how You feel.   It is a truth about being You in each moment.   

At times, my own truth, I don’t always know 100% for sure; for certain.   

How could I possibly speak the whole truth of another or about another..   

It is my truth that defines me.  How we see people and situations is through our truth.   We do not live inside another so how could we possibly know their lifetime story.  

As I ‘know’ (and have lived thus far) my lifetime story, it is highly likely that my mind has made up some thoughts that had/has little to do with 100% truth of same.  

When I offer for you to speak your truth, it is my wish that you are willing to realize what You are feeling, what You are experiencing, how You are reacting.  

Are you experiencing your truth of life through love…  Owning your truth about what, why, when and/or how is taking responsibility and owning your life.  When we take ownership of our life - the result(s) could be the miracles and magic we seek and, yet, are already inside of us.  

You are the common denominator in everything and with everything that is your life. 

May you bring honor, grace, vulnerability, openness, love and trust with your truth out into everything You do and are.  This is about You.  You really are the center of your universe.  We all are.   We are mere 'specks' and yet the entire universe is within us.  We come from it.  We live through what we choose to bring into what is shown, given, changed, persevered, challenging, in front of and unique unto each of us.  

This being human can surely show as a conundrum.  Life can mystify us.  Staying in our loving truth keeps us living in and as the best of our own humanness.   

If fear, ugliness, meanness or harshness is what You are experiencing, it is highly possible there is a deeper truth asking and battling within yourself to come out.

May You let your deepest truths about You be processed through your own adult, non-judgmental self.  Let the beauty of You have the opportunity and breath to rise up and reach for the stars and unlimited, awesome, amazing, harmonious You.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Best Way

Truth.   Trust.   Love.  

Your truth.  Your trust.  Your love.  

Live in it.  Live through it.  Live it out loud. 

Carry it.  Indulge it.  Portray it.  

Perhaps, your best way is through.   

Though your truth of what you feel; what you experience; the truth of You.  

The most important trust you can carry and be in is your own.  Trust that whatever comes your way, you will know what to do when there is something to do.  Trust that your truth through your most loving and open way is what will bring you to the best of being You.  As you trust yourself, may you know your most gentle strength because you have You through anything and everything.   

As each cell, every organ, your energies, your being is filled with your own love, it creates your most loving way(s) now, through and forward.  When you are love, life is most clear with your needs, desires, wisdom, magic, and answers.    

As you love and let love, it empowers the best of.   Flow, knowing, joy, peace.  As you love and let love, it overpowers the worst of.  Fear, frustration and anger feel different through love.   

May you experiment and work/play with your own truth, trust and love.  

May you feel, experience, open to, and become best friends with the best of You. 

All you need do is live lovingly in the truth, trust and love of You.  

Everything You need for this lifetime You were born with.  By just being U, the life that calls to You and that you wish for yourself become the most available and real to You to create, design, organize; to build, cultivate and advance into.  

May you “Just 9Be U” in your complete truth, complete trust and complete love to You.  

May the ease of availability of these three things be in and through every breath you take.   

Saturday, January 14, 2023


“For our own success to be real, it must contribute to the success of others.”   Eleanor Roosevelt

I would like to bring this up to modern times and through my own heart and wisdom. I would like to offer “For our own success to be realized, it is best when it contributes to the success of another.”

Success can mean a lot of things.  What feels like success to me may not be what success is to You and vice versa.   

As we uplift our own way of being and doing, we uplift, period.  

I choose not to involve and put my energy into ugly, hateful, bashing or harsh matters.   This is not what success is to me.  

Success, to me, is a lot of things.  Success, to me, is placing and associating my energy with love, betterment, encouragement and kindness.  I ‘glow’ when I feel these energies.   I am so grateful for the light that I can see and feel in many situations.  

There are so many ways to look at life; at situations. 

May you let your love be present and most loud.  

Perhaps, this is the success that will create the best answers for every thing.   

May you know the goodness and the uplifting powers of your own heart and wisdom.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Interior Design

There is a new ‘Interior Design’ thing going on in our world.   Every single one of us has the capacity and ability to customize our own life and create a new and self-expressive and self-loving persona from the inside out.   Our wisdom is strongest within us in peace, love, banter and grace.  

Trauma within our bodies is damaging.   Whether we numb it, ignore it, hide it, or bury it, it can be most damaging.  

Feeling it.  Processing and letting go of it is the most loving, healthiest thing to do.   

When we go through things that traumatize us and we do not deal with the emotional side of it (i.e. ignore how it made/makes us feel), it is stored in our bodies.  It is best to deal with it, feel it, and  love ourselves through.  This is what disintegrates the affects of what hurts us.   We repair any physical trauma to the body.  We do not always examine the trauma that can stay with us long after our physical body heals.  We remember whether we bring it to the forefront or not.   We are living with it whether we acknowledge it or not.  It is a part of us whether we speak of it or not.  

To find a safe, helpful, loving way to face it head on - at your pace - is one of the greatest, most positive things you can do; for your awesome self, those you love and to even change and uplift our world.

When we live in truth, trust, reality and love, we put truth, trust, genuineness and love into the world.   

I love this.  It gets me so happy and excited.

I am reminded of  the saying that ‘children are resilient’.  Not one of my favorites because children may show resilience.   However, in an adult child of trauma is often where it shows up the loudest and harshest.  We can always do work to grow stronger and live fuller.   Live free.  Live who we were born to be and not through the trauma response of what life showed us that hurt us.   

It is life altering when it happens.  It is life altering when we feel it, process it, face it and ‘alter’ it from, through and in our cells, souls and being.

Our organs, muscles, brain, and body can store our life experiences. 

Trauma comes through us as immediate reactions; often not fun or lovingly.

May you do what makes you feel most like the You that is inside of You that can and knows how to live and smile.  

Free to be/live/do You. 

We are most often the one that stops us from our best and fulfilled life the most for so many reasons.  Most of which can be looked at, examined, processed and designed anew; from the inside out.   

May you always believe something magical is happening through the truth, trust and love that is You. 

May You accept the position to be your own interior designer through love, help, openness, truth, trust, honor, respect and the perfect lighting.  

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Greatest Win of All

Praying for peace to be a part of each of us.

May we know our blessings and be open to being guided.

What we can do and be best is Love.

Send love not worry.  Think love first.  Feel your own love.  Let your love.  Speak from love.  Walk in love.  Open to love.  Trust your love.   Let love.

Perhaps, when you don’t like what You are feeling, feel love.  Choose love.

When you can. What you can.  How you can.  For whom you can.  Always include yourself.   Your love.   


May you know You(r) blessings and be open to being guided from within. 

Life is a real thing and some say we sign up for it to learn certain lessons, participate as only we can.     

Maybe, that is why we know and see life as only we do; as only we can.  There is no one else like You.. Anywhere.  Ever.

To be able to love through and in everything you witness, experience, participate in and learn is the greatest win of all.    

Love uplifts.   Let us raise up to Love.

Thank You.