Praying for peace to be a part of each of us.
May we know our blessings and be open to being guided.
What we can do and be best is Love.
Send love not worry. Think love first. Feel your own love. Let your love. Speak from love. Walk in love. Open to love. Trust your love. Let love.
Perhaps, when you don’t like what You are feeling, feel love. Choose love.
When you can. What you can. How you can. For whom you can. Always include yourself. Your love.
May you know You(r) blessings and be open to being guided from within.
Life is a real thing and some say we sign up for it to learn certain lessons, participate as only we can.
Maybe, that is why we know and see life as only we do; as only we can. There is no one else like You.. Anywhere. Ever.
To be able to love through and in everything you witness, experience, participate in and learn is the greatest win of all.
Love uplifts. Let us raise up to Love.
Thank You.
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