Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Super Power

I believe within us is everything we need for this lifetime.  Perhaps, our uniqueness (and it is sometimes something about our self that we have been resisting or were/are uncomfortable with) is what we are here to share. 

When your uniqueness connects with others, it fulfills something inside of them that they do not have or know. 

Just what if each of our most unique trait was like a puzzle piece and when these puzzle pieces interconnect we have a complete puzzle.  The 'puzzle' of what life is about; what we are here to do; and what we can bring to the world to know completeness, fulfillment and contentment.

May you reach into your super power and let light, love and truth shine on it and share your super power from love.

You are beautiful.  You are enough.  You matter.  You have a super power that no one else anywhere, ever has held.

I say bring forth your loving super power...    or at least, for now, look at it in different ways to explore and connect to who and what you really are about...   Oh, we are having fun now!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ohhh Baby!

Well, I brought my true self into the dentist consultation with me today and it was da bomb!  He heard me, he listened to me, he believed me and he participated and shared his true self with me!  Now, these are the types of relationships, communication and life that I wish to participate in.

I think that I know it won't always be such a happy and truly connected outcome, but, it will be an honest outcome on my part.   And, this is what I wish for myself and for everyone.

I truly believe with our deepest of truth (and validation of same) and supporting each other in this feat, we will all be creating and walking in our best light and life and this is what we are here on earth to learn how to do.  Just be our true self.  "JUST BE U"!

To conquer every untruth and let the truth of our deepest wisdom light up the world is being, living, doing, breathing and sharing the person that our Creator 'built' us to be...

May you Just Be U!

always [or as often as possible] from the loving, open, understanding, compassionate place within you (for yourself and for others)

Let truth be...   no drama, no questioning -  if it comes up for you, there is a reason and it is your truth...

Whoa Boy

I'm very achy as I awake this morning.  My body is heavy and my mind is tired.  I have dental appointments beginning this week and I allow them to stress me out big time.

I am having a consultation today with the dentist before the work begins on Friday.  There are many areas of my mouth that hurt and I need a 'game plan' in my head that we will both be on the same page and I can prepare myself mentally for it.  Get my mental strength on - so to speak.

The dentist needs to do the same somewhat as my mouth is a great challenge to achieve any dental work. 


I'm also wanting to bring and stay in my own 'rhythm' throughout the day and not be pulled out of my own when I surround myself with other people and other situations.  I seem to still, at times, lose what feels pleasant to me when this happens.

I find that when I'm alone I feel a certain way and it is me.  And, when I connect outwardly, I can easily be pulled into something more challenging or frustrating and lose myself.  I want to keep myself as much as possible in whatever I encounter.

I've been saying for some time now to bring my true self into any and all situations. 

I saw a woodpecker yesterday while on a walk and I looked it up in Ted Andrew's book 'Animal Speak'.  It said that woodpecker relates to "Do what works best for you in the manner best for you.  When woodpecker comes into your life, it indicates that the foundation is there.  It is now safe to follow your own rhythms." 

I know this to be true for me.  And, yet, I see myself being quiet or falling out of where I was and who I am when encountered with certain situations...   I do not want to do this ever again...  I want to stay true to me always and not be afraid to share my truth....

While talking to someone yesterday and sharing this, my whole body and scalp started sweating like everything that keeps me stuck in this was oozing out of my pores.   I sure hope so.  

I only want to be me; always. 

May you be true to you as often as possible and whenever; wherever; however; and with whomever you find yourself.

Be like the woodpecker - stay in your own rhythm. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day in the United States.  It is a holiday that is taken to commemorate our 'fallen' soldiers and it also is a day that we welcome in the summer.

I'm having a bit of a struggle with the words 'fallen' soldiers.  They have fallen and I do honor them and thank them in the name of service and 'fight' for freedom.

The truth for me is that they are not 'fallen'; they were killed in combat; hurt in hatred; and wounded forever.  Themselves, their families and all who have been touched by this; which are most.

I wish for a day that Memorial Day is a celebration of ONLY the memory of war; the honor of human life and a celebration that as we remember; we do better.

Killing doesn't bring about a good, warm feeling to me.  It doesn't bring peace and harmony.  It can bring pain and anguish for all involved. 

Yes, humans like the win.  Humans like outdoing.  Humans like knowing about their strength through another being weaker.  It is what most were taught. 

I say look in the mirror and, perhaps, we are our ONLY competition.  Our fight within.  When we learn to flow, accept, allow and speak nothing but truth from a place of lifting one another up and winning this way, there will be no 'fallen' soldiers from war.

Perhaps, it is the war within that creates the war without...

I surely do not know.  I only know how I feel.  I feel better in peace and harmony than pain and anguish.

It is my biggest, longest dream that we all find life and living in peace and harmony a happier, calmer... -well- the only way to live...

I can do my part and speak my truth and share my inner knowing and love.  Our beliefs, inner knowing, experiences and thoughts are the only real thing we have some power over.

May you create memories of peace and harmony within [and without] as much as possible.

Happy Memorial Day to all those who celebrate it.  Is it our freedom that we fight for; or is it just a fight...  Can freedom come from not fighting back....   I do not know...    Are we free now...  I do not know...   It is something that I would love to experience connected to one another through the bond (love and trust in) of what gives us breath... Our universal system as One...

Friday, May 22, 2015


I have been chewing on all the chocolate chip cookies that my neighbor so graciously and kindly made for me.  They are very tasty.  I taste the granules of sweetness with a pop of a chocolate burst and my brain tells my mouth that they are mmmmgood. 

I have a small war within because my brain also has been taught that sugar is not at all good for me.  I've experienced too much sugar's ability to make me sick.  I have also experienced a little sugar can be blissful and make me happy and I do not feel the 'bad' from it.

Everything balanced and in moderation and when I eat the sugar, I hope to enjoy it and feel good or choose not to eat it and feel good because of this choice.

It is a choice.  Yes, we can overeat and eat the wrong things and be highly negatively affected by doing so.  I also believe that I can 'treat' myself to things that my brain tell me taste good if I'm aware of the bites I take and a balanced diet.  If I enjoy it completely my body responds to it differently than if I eat it with guilt. 

Some days I do pretty good.   There are days - like these last cookie days - that I have not done as well as my body and brain are telling me I could have.  They are large cookies and I have had 1 to 1.5 cookies each day.   By large - I mean the size of a medium pancake.  Oh my!    I break them and eat pieces throughout the day.  I enjoy most of them.  However, as the second and third day came, there has been a piece or two that did not taste as good because I overate them.

LOL - 'interesting' topic...

So, as I sit here chewing on my first few pieces of chocolate chip cookies today, even these are not tasting good because I've had too many...  So, after this piece I will stop and give myself a break.  That is my plan anyway!! 

But there are just two teeny tiny pieces that sit next to my keyboard on a napkin.  I know I will eat them!?!?!?  And, after them, I believe I am able to wait until they taste yummy again...   Time will tell!

Time tells us a lot.  Hoot.  We do not know until we know.  May we let this time of not knowing be what it is.

May you be aware of everything you are doing lovingly and hurtfully to yourself.  May you keep the loving things and let go of the hurtful things.  Let's start the differentiation, awareness and doing this now

May you love yourself on...

Our kitchen getting backsplash done.
  I decided not to eat the last piece.  It would not make me feel good!  I will save it for later when it will taste much better!  I've eaten a lot of cookies...  Egad

Thursday, May 21, 2015


I am feeling discouraged as an electrician just left and my kitchen high hat lights are flashing when set on low dim.  It is like a disco up in here.  Perhaps, for a short time, it can be fun and exiting.  After this short time, it is annoying and discouraging. 

He was also here to fix my fan that is outside and this was not something that was able to be done either. 

So, while I have light in my kitchen (as the switch blew); the flashing light look was not what I was going for.  On high/bright, the lights are a steady glow.  They will stay on high until the problem gets fixed...

We just had a thunderstorm and it is dark and wet; hot and humid.  It is like I am looking out with sunglasses on as I look out the window here.  It is an eerie glow.  It has turned into a quiet, happy storm for the vegetation.

I am home alone this week and I have taken complete advantage of it.  Right now, in this minute, the quiet is so loud and the aloneness is a bit lonely.  I know it will change.  I embrace it as I can.

My dogs will want to walk (or at least the wee one will) and we will wait until the rain passes.  I'm still eating chocolate chip cookies from my neighbor and oh my my my my - I can feel the sugar.  It is not a calming feeling.  Ha.

So, as I walk on; sit tight; get the bills paid and take care of what needs to be done, I keep hearing myself saying 'I am love.'   'I walk in love.'  'I bring my true self and love to each situation.'

I'm addicted to Facebook.  I go on it everyday.  I am starting to see familiar names and even know the owner's post before reading their name on it. 

There are many of us who want to help the world.   There are many of us wanting to grow into the best we can be.  There are many of us struggling.  There are many of us living in our truth.  There are many of us finding this exciting and not simple at the same time.

My cat jumps up and wants attention as I sit here typing.  She is adorable and she is annoying.

I am feeling annoyed today and annoyance is not one of my usual emotions.  It feels discouraging and uncomfortable.  

I honor my feeling of annoyance.  I tell myself if I wasn't feeling annoyed, I would not create change.  I'm knowing that I want less to do with house and home 'stuff' and want more to do with people and growth situations.

I think this is where the annoyance comes in.  I didn't just decide or tell myself to feel this way.  I feel this way for a real reason.  So, as I am uncertain of exactly what is going on, I am certain that this annoyance is here to talk to me, teach me and propel me into a new circumstance.  How encouraging is this...  !

May you let your discouragement encourage you!  Ha! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I wake up to homemade chocolate chip cookies this morning!  Oh my!  They are delicious, tempting and I'm in trouble!  Ha!

My neighbor brought them over to me yesterday to welcome us to the neighborhood.  How kind, generous and tasty!  

They are not easy for me to resist.

So, as I eat them (hopefully not all of them), I will enjoy each bite.  Taste the burst of chocolate; taste the sweetness of the mix and enjoy the crunch and the smell.   As I'm deciding to eat them, I'm deciding to taste and enjoy them as well.   Every savory bite!  Hoot.

Life can be like this.  There can be moments all around us that are pleasantly bursting with sweetness and because we are unaware or focused on other things, we can miss the temptation of the joy.

Flowers, people, animals, natural beauty are all around us in our world. 

May you 'stop to smell the roses' and taste the chocolate chip cookies from time to time.   May you be aware that joy is available to you.  Perhaps, all we have to do is be open to it and/or look for it...    I wish you joy.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


I know I am 'just being'.  I'm wanting to do very little and rest; even nap.  For more than a week now (if I were being honest, probably at least three weeks) I have been more or less doing this, yet, there has been some guilt and fear about it.  Doing what feels good to/for me - oh my!?!?! 

Today, as I awake from a 1/2 hour nap, I'm feeling good.  Calm, enriched, fulfilled.

I realize and feel that this is what I used to do when I worked full time at the electric company many decades ago.   I would work and play very hard and every so often, on a regular basis, I would need to take down time and just rest, hang, eat and be. 

Since having a child, over 20 years ago, I did not allow myself to do this.  Now, that she is becoming her own woman and I have complete certainty that she can handle and take care of herself (yet, I will always be here cheering for her), I am letting go of my need to always be on; always be at the ready in case she needs me.

She now needs me much less.  In reality, it has been this way for some time; yet, I wasn't ready to let go.   I am now.  A whole lot of feelings, emotions, love, strength, weakness comes with this letting go.  And, just now, I'm allowing my whole self to let go.  Let down my guard; let go of the responsibility of; and to take some time off and recharge who and what I am.

I just realized that this is what I am doing. It is taking longer than a day or two because it has been 20 years of me not allowing myself to let go except in extremely small and rare circumstances--me always being, working, and playing (sometimes) hard.   I now give myself permission to recharge and this feels awesome to my soul.

May you do what feels awesome to your soul. 

Same flower - different lighting.

Same soul - different allowances

May you be the difference you want to experience in your life.


Sometimes I just feel demented.  Unable to stand up for myself and speak my truth....

My truth Matters.

MY TRUTH Matters.



May you let yourself matter.  We honor the universal connection when we let ourselves matter.

Your truth is a part of this puzzle called human life.  As you live and speak your truth, you are available to be a part of the puzzle of life and without you, this puzzle cannot be completed.

You are here for this reason.    Just what if.....

'I will be the truest me that I know how and I will continue to strive to always give myself permission to lovingly share what is inside of me outside of myself.'

I am still seeing myself quiet at times when I really do want to speak and have a need to be heard... I still don't want to create hardship/anger in another.  I (even) do know that the hardship and anger is already there.  I don't have the power to create it.  And, yet, I still see myself holding myself responsible for same in another. 

Old habits are hard to break.  They are not impossible.

Break into and live your total truth of who and what you are as best you can; again and again and again until it becomes second nature; auto-piloted.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Just Going With It

I sit here uncertain as to the subject or words that will come out of my fingers from my brain onto the page.  Hoot!

It is a warm, with a wee bit of a humid breeze and white cloudy sky to the left and dark blue sky to the right.  Clashing of the clouds! 

I sit here at the desk looking at the fountain and the orchids outside of my window in my 'secret garden'.  I look at the beautiful paintings here in the office with palm trees, pelican, cockatoo and ocean.  My Little Bear lays at my feet.  I am thankful for the air conditioner.  I decided on orange curtains (what?!) on the window as to frame my secret garden.

We painted, and cleaned, and put this new house together pretty fast.  It still really doesn't feel like home.  I am grateful to have a place to call home and to continue the concept of starting to grow roots here.  I have had very little stability as I haven't stay in just one home for a very long time.  I am ready.  Yet, as I believe I won't be here too long as my dream to watch the sun come up over the ocean and set over the intracoastal waterway of Florida; I cannot do it here.   It is my plan to stay here until my daughter graduates college and then it is my hope to live on the beach; probably in a high rise as there is not much land here on the beach that has single family homes.

Only God/Universe knows for sure where I will end up.  I trust the process as I bring my true nature and thoughts into it.

I'm really dealing with unease with doctors and medicine and wanting a professional place whether it be in my home or outside of my home to share all I have learned and to help others who are looking for help to live and breathe their most fullest and best life possible; the life that is inside of them to live.  This will happen.  I am open to creating it with what shows itself to me for the greatest good of all.  It is my wish.

I feel very quiet lately and just wanting silence and 'being' in my own presence.   I hear myself saying that in silence we can hear our self the loudest.

So, as I go to the PhD woman who specializes in addiction; as I deal with my mouth messing with me for unknown reasons and as I try to acclimate and build a relationship with the Florida rheumatologist, I have no idea what truly comes next for me.

Will I stop the medicine...   Will I find my place in the professional world of life coaching/spiritual advisors...  Will I be strong enough to put in hours...  Will I be pain-free enough to share myself...

I know that I have great, valuable, helpful, loving information inside of me that touches people right where they want to be touched to grow into their best self.   I know that I care with great depth.   I know that through my experiences, lessons, classes and innate knowing I am meant to do this. 

So, as the sun sets tonight...  As the breeze picks up; as I call it a day because we got a lot of work done with backsplash in the kitchen, I know I want it all.   As 'all' as I can possibly achieve.   I know I want you to have your all.   I know that there are miracles happening everyday.  I know there are challenges everyday.  I know that our world is in the greatest spot it has ever been to grow in a unified, worldly way.  I know I want to be part of this growth and support it with everything in me.

I know the time has come for all of us here on earth now [at this time] to be true to what is because there is nowhere to hide; pretend, ignore or bend in truth...   We are all here Now to walk this walk together and build a new and better tomorrow.   How exciting!

The challenges are going to come.  He/She who brings their truest of self to them will be the ones that can permeate the old way to create the most loving way.

The time is now.

May you be open to participate by being the unique person, spirit, being that you are.  Bring you out to 'play'.  May you let your heart, your innate knowing and your energy live through you and out into this world.  Your 'part' matters or you wouldn't be here now. 

Interesting.   and I so believe this.


I haven't been posting much as my feelings run tense and my emotions are emoting.  I'm feeling and creating struggle in my own head and body.  I think that I did not want to explore this and that is why I found myself not posting. 

It is change of everything new that has me unable to do very much without being present in the part of the doing...  As my doing is new with new surroundings, new circumstances, new doctors, new home, new state, new possibilities, new lifestyle and new awareness, it is quite the challenge and the awesomeness of a lot of things new.

With every step, every breath, every action, every non-action, I am present and while this was my goal, I know tension in my human presence and I know peace underneath it all (or is it above it all...).

It feels like an I don't care attitude.  One I am not comfortable with.  However, learning to be.  Because while I say that it feels like I do not care, this is not my truth.  I find myself still caring...  (make sense out of this one!)

I hear myself saying let it be.  I see myself letting 'work' lie dormant for a bit.  I feel myself relaxing into what is and not fighting it (too much) and I walk with myself carrying and exuding love.   I say mantras - 'I don't know much else, but I know that I am love.'  'I offer my love.'  'If I have nothing else, I have love.'

I am a walking love bomb.   Ha. 

Love is powerful.  It is much more fun to focus on love than it is fear, low self image, inabilities or pain in self or others.  Love really is the answer...

May you be a walking love bomb and let love within and without be your answer (to the best of your ability in each present moment).


Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Another interesting route that my 'scleroderma life' has encountered recently was that I went in to pick up a Norco prescription.  This has to be picked up monthly now as 'the law' says there cannot be refills on a narcotic drug.  They had me take a 'random urine test'.  Wow.  Yes, I felt like a criminal once again.  I do understand that they are not making me feel this way, I am creating this from my own thoughts and experiences.  They would not give me the prescription unless I adhered to their request.  I did so without incident. 

I dropped off this prescripton at the pharmacy on Friday.  I was called Monday morning saying that it will not be ready until Tuesday afternoon.  I'm grateful that I have enough in my possession or this would reek havoc with my body as I am certainly dependant on this drug. 

I am feeling more and more like 'they' have control over me and my life and I am feeling more and more that I do not like it... at all.

Upon leaving the doctor office with the prescription in hand, I heard myself saying...  'this is not for me'  'I no longer want to play this game'  'this is another reason for me to no longer be 'sick''.  Please God, help me to let go and not need this drug (or any medicine) any more.  Let my body heal itself and love itself fully. 

This may not be an easy plight I am choosing (really wanting to choose).  It is better than having 'them' control who and what I need and am from a drug and health perspective.  Huge.

Just more and more information is being given to me (shown to me) to want to live easier, different, fuller and MY WAY.

It has been a long time.  I know I can be me.  I fought long and hard to be me.  I don't know how strong the hold of the drug is on me.  I know it is strong.  I'm praying I am stronger.

Whew...  what a ride I have created and have allowed to be created for myself.  It worked for a long time; it has not worked for a fairly long time as well.

Huge.  Truly huge.

If what is prescribed for you truly works for you - go for it.   If what is prescribed for you and you are questioning it, perhaps, it is a good time to really question, feel, know and participate in what feels most truthful and loving to you.

May you write the prescription of your own life; with help as needed and wanted from outside sources.  Amen

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to Moms everywhere. I wish you honor, respect, love and always to remember to 'get your groove on'! Thank you for all that you are.

 One idea of where the saying 'Get Your Groove On' came from vinyl records and the grooves in these records as a reminder to always be in rhythm with who you are...  

May you be blessed by 'protective care' and great love always; from others and especially from yourself as you are able. 


We are having a wonderful mother/daughter weekend - girls only!   The weather is perfect and the company with my daughter, my sister, my niece and our cousins is da bomb.  A lot of female energy and it is healing, helping and joyful as we each do what works best for ourselves - as much as possible - and support each other in doing the same.

This is the third day and it is going beautifully.   I am full of joy.  I can't keep up with the energy outside of myself and I'm meeting up with them, catching up with them and enjoying them immensely.  They are doing what makes them happy and we are all living in our truth as much as we are all able and it really is a win-win-win-win-win-win situation.   It is peaceful and laughter vibrates through me.  It is grand.

It is the last weekend my daughter will be home for three months and I am taking in her presence as much as I possibly can!  hoot!

The dogs aren't used to me being away from home so much and they are handling it beautifully. 

The universe really is on our side and to be open to this, allows me to notice it and grow from the deepest part/connection of myself more fully.

May you be open to the universe really being on your side. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Truth is Fleeting

Truth --

"1.   the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2.  conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3.  a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4.  the state or character of being true.
5.  actuality or actual existence.
6.  an obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude.
7.  honesty; integrity; truthfulness. "  (
Truth:  We all have our own version. 
Truth:  We all experience our own truth.
Truth shall set you free is a well known saying.
Truth is.. there is not any one truth that is 100% 'knowing' all that there is and/or the same truth for everybody.
We breathe.  This is true.  Yet, we breathe differently... My truth of breathing is not yours and yours is not mine.  Sometimes, we are not even aware that we ever breathe.
Truth is that it is now 11:26 a.m.  However, it is not 11:26 a.m. everywhere.
5 + 4 = 9....    seems 100% true.  Not every human knows this truth, however.  And, it is a numbers 'practice' that we are all taught (and for plenty good reason; it is very helpful). and there are always ways of playing with numbers.
We are humans.  This is a word that is a label to describe man/woman/child that breathes, may walk and talk; has inner and outer working organs (sometimes) and experiences life.  Do we know for sure; 100% for certain, we are human beings.   In our world yes (yet we all have unique characteristics)...   in another -  well, is there another world outside of being human.... I don't know 100% for sure.
All we know is our own internal truth and, often, this truth gets obscured, challenged, changed, altered, rewritten and reformatted from time to time.  It can be fleeting.
So, while today in this moment, what you know and experience is truth to you, tomorrow, it just may not be.  Truth.  It is something than can be remised.
So, does this mean that truth is very easy to live in...  does it mean that truth is very easy to share... This is not my experience.
May you live in your truth as you know it today.  Living in and owning this truth as you know it today will create, allow, grow, involve and evolve into the best love, ease and peace that you can experience if you just allow it, accept it and 'run' lovingly with it. 
Perhaps, we need to live in our truth like we need breath for our bodies.  Life would surely be a lot differently is we just claimed our truth, wholly. 
Stand strong in your truth from compassion, kindness, open-mindedness and experientialism knowing that others may feel differently and this is okay. 
Share your compassionate truth beginning with the word "I" and watch, feel, know and experience your best self living your best life.  i.e.  I feel .......  I am....  I am experiencing....  I believe....  It is my understanding... 
This is your life; this is your truth.  It matters.  You matter.  In fact, it empowers.  Who you are, in your truth today, empowers.  It empowers you.  It empowers others. It empowers living. 
Let the empowering begin all over, within and without.

Monday, May 4, 2015

"Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities"

"Embracing Your Unlimited Possibilities" by Carol A. Briney is an awesome book chockful of information, thoughts, ideas and exercises to help you get to the real you; to live your best life from a place of Divine connection and love.  Her wisdom, encouragement, experience, and self-sharing brought me to connect to my own 'fulless' through joy and happiness.  It is a great, enjoyable and easy read!  It is a very helpful read if you are searching for a more 'fulfilled you' way of life. 

This book is a feel good, real, inspirational, through-provoking book that helps you to connect to your best self.  I think you know how awesomely exciting, important and fun this is to me.   

I believe you will also enjoy this book and that is why I am highly recommending it. 

Just click on this link to check it out for yourself. 

May you check it out if you feel inclined to do so and may it help you to connect to and grow the part of you that wants to live as your greatest self.

If it is a book for you, please tell them we sent you.  Namaste'   Thank you.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


There is so much new activity going on within me and around me, I seem to be 'caught up' in this.  I seem to be mentally tired from much of it.  I find myself just wanting to be in silent and quiet space. 

Just the sound of the air around me is most pleasant to me.  Perhaps, the trickle of the water fountain; the song of the bird. 

I'm mentally on overload as I hear about the destruction; the fighting; the heartache, hardship and challenge that is touching many.

The weddings and the new births are wonderful and hopeful.  Sure signs that love and miracles are still who we are.

I think this is change.  This is growth.  This is empowerment as we set the truth of what is free.  It is also challenging, sad and impossible to have answers to a lot of it just now.

So, I sit.   I walk.  I encounter.  I embrace.  I let go.   I trust when I can.  When I can't, I send love; I connect to love.  I live in my own love.

I believe that we are on the right path or we wouldn't be on it.  I believe with so many of us questioning, feeling and not always wanting to participate in what we created...  these strong and huge feelings are what will create our best world going forward; our best self-evolving, if you will.

There is beauty in all of this.  I believe it is our stronger connections.  It is our greater awareness.  It is our desire to do better/to be more peaceful and know fulfillment. 

So, wherever we are right now in this moment.  Sit in our truth.  Feel it.  Allow it.  Know it.  Breathe it.  And, from this place right here; right now --  move forward in our brightest lit truth.  Move forward with open hearts and minds.  Move forward trusting as best we can.  Move forward and through from here to there.

We are all doing this.   We are all being touched; drained; taught and emblazed in our feelings.  If we are not, then we are stuck and just maybe suffering more than we have to.  I don't know.  Yet, wherever we are; I think it is the experience that we are here to experience.. [or we would not be].

I do know that this is the time.  The time is now.  Be true to yourself.  'Be U' more than you ever were and don't settle for anything but speaking, being, breathing, sharing and loving who you are.  Because in this, we empower our self; our situation; each other and our world.  Let us empower each other by our own truth and knowledge and compassion.

May you bring You to the situation and may the situation grow from and out of your truth with as much ease, love, openness and encouragement as the situation warrants.

You are your own light to your best way of living from what the Universe has instilled and created within you.  Believe in your own experiences, your own feelings; coming from the greatest place/thing of all.... Love.

Let the activity of who/what/where you are...  create your best, most whole and fulfilled who/what/where you are going.

Let it Be

Friday, May 1, 2015

Prayer for Just Being You

May I accept who I am knowing that I am love and loved. May I live from this place within me for the greatest of good... for...  mankind; all living creatures, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the land that we walk on, the beauty that we see and experience; the life that we feel and the food that we eat.   Amen.

  Thank you.


Right now.   Right here.  Right in this moment.

May you STOP.   May you stop everything that you are doing and just take a deep breathe in and out.  May you feel the chair and/or the ground underneath you supporting you totally.  Sink down into it. 

May you relax your shoulders and breathe out the tension from inside your body.  May you just let go.  May you just be for this moment. 

May you just notice how and what you are feeling. Just notice.

May you center yourself and 'Be Here Now'. 

Notice where you were.  Notice what you were doing.  Notice what was interrupted.  Just notice.  Send it love.  No judgment; only love.  Breathe deeply. 

Now, from this quiet and more relaxed place that is You, may you carry on with your day.

You are so special.  You have such great power.  You can come to this place of peace within you anytime you want.  You just have to notice and allow. 

May you always take the time to be and come from awesome you!