What I am about:
I love the idea of supporting your unique essence to live out loud.
I am a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Personal Trainer. I work with and offer multiple healing modalities.
This blog, which now shares the same posts that I post on lisaungerer.com offers a more in-depth and honest look at subjects that I share on my social media platforms.
Through Email, text, phone, virtual conversations, I so want to help and support you to ‘Just 9Be U’. To ‘Grow Yourself Complete’ again and again and again. I want to help and support you to live your soul’s truth. Bam! Yay! Yes! You can and are so able to. You are enough. You matter.
You know You better than anyone. I offer new paths to bring you ‘home’ to You through your needs/desires/struggles/joy/fun/innate knowing and actions. Trust what you feel.
I get so excited when you do You good!
Loving one's self feels so good! It puts us on our best path and creates our best situations to uplift and support our self which, in turn, will uplift and support all others that we love and connect with.
The best part just may be that all you need do is learn and choose to live your life through your deepest, loving truth(s). You already were born with and have everything you need to do this inside of You.
Sounds wonderful, yes? Oh it is. It is not always easy, yet, you are always worth it.
May you take the journey of You into You.
Are you ready to go deep into who you are and want to be? I was born to walk with you and have your back.
My own struggle and lessons through the chronic disease of scleroderma has been my greatest informal teachings; along with decades of formal lessons, classes, work, research and training.
May you start opening up to the best of you by being as kind, true, gentle and good to yourself; as much and as often as possible. May you always be 'of service' to You.
You know what you like and you know what brings out the best in/of you. Paying attention to, being aware of and living from these parts of yourself invites healing and wholeness. You are born with the ability to be your own healer.
Thank you for visiting me. Thank you for taking great care of You. 'You've had the power all along.'
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