Tranquility. Go there. In your mind, heart, spirit.. led by your soul - open up to the tranquility within you that fortifies, heals and uplifts You.
May you trust any 'blues' you may have and/or feel. Accept them. Stand in them. Let them guide You to a better, happier version of You.
The color of the water outside of my window has been some of the most beautiful colors I have ever seen. Oh, I get so much enjoyment looking out. I enjoy it so much that it opens me up to my own peace and tranquility; the hope and gentle strength within myself.
I am so grateful that I can share it with You. It makes it that much more enjoyable for me.
When we sit in our feelings; stand in what we feel; share how we are feeling; and walk in and through our feelings with open hearts, vulnerability, trust and love - there just may be nothing better than when someone responds in a way that we feel heard and acknowledged exactly how we are. One of the most beautiful things is to feel heard and acknowledged. This is honor.
This honor and acknowledgment so easily helps to empower us. Sure, we can choose to empower ourselves by honoring ourselves and, yet, there is something so positive when honor/acknowledgement is offered to us and through us all.
May you come from the place of acknowledgement and honor. Honor one another. Honor thyself.
We can still be, think, do and react differently. Yet, we can still honor each other. It is in this honor that our souls are most free to shine tranquility into all of our hearts, minds and spirits; therefore, communities.
Oh what a beautiful picture we all can choose to paint.
Through the guidance of our souls uplifted, we create an earth, an universe, a community, a foundation, a paradise of empowerment, positivity, wholeness, oneness and the ultimate beauty of living individually, together in same.
Amen. May it be so.

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