My mind is kind of all muddled and my mama has no jama! See, I should have quit while I was more or less ahead and allowed myself nothing to say, perhaps.
I'm not sure who or what I am. I'm kind of in between persona/images right now.
(I definitely should have quit while I was ahead now!)
But, really. I can't seem to know one thought or feeling to grab onto and get it to stick. I'm unable to focus on where I am or what I want to be doing.
I'm just quiet and here. I don't know what to do, say, feel or be. What an odd place for me.
I AM NOT IN PAIN and I don't know where I'm heading.
I am elated I am pain-free in this moment. I feel silly/stupid that I don't have a plan. I am in limbo.
Limbo (
( often initial capital letter
) Roman Catholic Theology . a region on the border of hell or heaven,
a place or state of oblivion to which persons or things are regarded as being relegated when cast aside, forgotten, past, or out of date:
an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place.
a place or state of imprisonment or confinement
As I allow myself to be 'here', I feel guilt, peace, nothingness and great hope. Guilt that I'm not carrying my weight around the house, so to speak. Peace, that I'm allowing myself to accept what is more than ever. Nothingness that I have no agenda and Great Hope in never being 'here' before and belief that I'm on to bigger and better things and my next chapter in my life.
All I can think of is bring it - bring it on. Show me what is next!
Are U able to accept where U are today and go with it?
TO BELIEVE - that where U are is exactly where U are supposed to be...
Just Be U - it is enough.
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