Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I am counting down the days to head home to Pennsylvania, United States.  Guess it is about 850 miles or so north of here in FL.  I know West Palm, Florida is about 1200 miles, so I am 'guesstimating'.

I look forward to my animals.  I miss them and I know it couldn't have been smooth sailing for them.  Their schedule had to be different some and they were so used to having me around alot.  Everyone says they are fine and cute and loving.  I've learned, being away and with all these dogs here, that I want to enjoy just sitting with them and petting them and letting them know how much I love them.  I played with my dogs daily, but to just allow them to sit on my lap and be near me is what I'm hoping to enjoy a bit more.  With the free time hanging at the barn or the show (and nothing else for me to do), I found myself with a dog or two frequently.  I want to give that me time to my dogs and cats.

I miss the comfort of my home; my bed; my stuff around me that I enjoy looking at and 'feeling'.  The feeling of being around my 'stuff' that excites me or calms me.  The sound of the running fountains in the house I miss too.

I have been exercising daily here.  I am hoping that I feel so much more me now that I will continue to do so at home.  The free time for me that was 'forced' on me here; while my daughter was doing school or riding; and without a home to take care of; I did a minimum of 1.5 hours a day moving and stretching and free weights.  It's amazing what that does for one's body, spirt, mind and heart!  Amazing. 

I'm just 'silly' or 'ridiculous' or even 'stupid' that I thought I was taking time away from my dogs if I gave time for me to exercise.  Most of my downstairs has rooms and weight equipment for just this purpose.  I hope I use them and know that I'll be a better me if I take the time for me instead of worrying about the dogs and/or doing something for the house or others instead.  I've got to live in my home instead of just reside. 

I have helpers and workers there (it seems most of the time) and I have a thing that while they are working I must be involved also.  Is this true.  NO.  I want to feel like I can be and do my own thing while they are doing theirs.  I can be there for them to answer questions, offer support and even help when I'm not involved in my own 'stuff'.  I seem to have gotten in a habit of being there more for them than for myself.  I am feeling like they are there for me and my needs; I need to reciprocate.  Perhaps I can now know better, at least, that I reciprocate by paying them.  Ha. 

I ( 'being me') get lost in my house.  I don't always let it feel like my home because of this.  Interesting.  Sad And Interesting.  Getting really real here - I never dreamed of having a big home with helpers.  I'm not very comfortable with it.  I want to be comfortable with it and enjoy it and ...  is it a 'worthy' feeling I have.... is it something about not feeling like it's my home with other people in it regularly doing the work and knowing more about where light bulbs and hammers are than I it about 'control' it about privacy.  There is something here that needs exploration because I'm not quite the me that exudes happy when I'm home.  I'm not being real and I'm not sure why I'm not or if I even know how to be. 

There is good and bad in everything.  I have a beautiful, big home.  It takes alot of work and energy.  I'm a bit dizzy.  Oh, what instant realization and letting out truth from within can do to me. Do I feel guilt associated with this.  Am I burying my pride, joy and hard work and good fortune.  Why do I get a big, beautiful home and others live on the streets or in homes with one bathroom and 7 children. 

I remember saying to one friend how I felt sorry for the homeless; how I don't like seeing it.  She said they want to be there; they could get a job anywhere at all to not be on the street.  Is this true or is it her way of dealing (not dealing) with the homeless.  Maybe both.  I have given them money and food.  Am I being foolish or loving.  Could the answer to this maybe be both also.  Mmmmm  (never thought I'd end up on this subject at 2:30 a.m.)

Anyway, it's time for me to 'think' and 'do' differently on some things when I get home.  I hope I can find the 'thinking' and the 'doing' easier than I have in the past.  Time will tell.  Be true to me and my life will be mine.  Others will be freer to be themselves.   I want and need U to be U; so to speak.   Me to be me.   Us to be Us.

One step/moment/breath at a time.  So, for now, today - I'll wake up at 5:45 and take my daughter to the show so she can ride/warm up one of her horses and then bring her back to hotel for 9 am school and I'll be out of the hotel room either exercising, sitting at the pool, doing errands, meeting and talking with a stranger and then at 3, she'll be at the barn riding horses again.  I'll be reading, playing with the dogs or doing errands.  Tough life, hey.  I certainly can make it that way if I get lost in it.  When I stay present, honest and share me in this honestness, my life seems to work out just fine.

It's when I don't own what I'm feeling; this is when things go off or awry. 

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