All this, and take care of this house, all the animals and moving through all of this with my great health, or lack thereof.
Wowee. I'm tired and overwhelmed just thinking about it!
One at a time; be in the now; moment to moment.
I have learned that thinking about it is usually much worse then just doing it. I've spent many hours thinking and dreading about certain chores. Then I get to the chore and learn that the thinking about same was much harder on me then the actual doing of the chore.
So, I'll try to stay with this 'knowing' and breeze right on through it all. (yeah, right!)
May U breeze through the one thing that has been on Ur mind the most today and know that "U got it"!
You have it covered because that's just how YOU roll! Ha.

Post Drafted May 2011
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