Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My Tiffany

My Tiffany (mini Yorkie) survived the day yesterday.  She lost several teeth and is in great discomfort.  She is laying.  She doesn't want to be bothered and she cries every so often.  She even 'snapped' at me once when I went to softly kiss her little head.  Poor 'baby'.

The good news is that she is eating chicken so I have great hope that she will be just fine.  I guess we just have to wait for a few days to pass so her gums can heal and she can get used to having less teeth.

She is mad at me and won't look at me much and every time I come into the room, she starts to run.   I guess I lost some of her trust.  Rightly so.  And, I will gain it back. 

I think dogs are extremely smart.  If we 'listen', they will tell you what they are thinking/feeling.  My heart tells me I can connect with them, however.

May you connect with whatever your heart wants you to connect with from within the depth of yourself.

There is a fine line between what our ego wants and what we truly want. Believe and share the truest of yourself.  Feel your way.  I believe in you.

58 Degrees Fahrenheit

Yikes!  It is 58 degrees this morning.  It is July 31.  What?!!  lol

I have two weeks until I go back to Florida, USA and I have been feeling fine up here and not very excited about going south in August.  Today, upon awakening, I feel the cool air and think..  It just may be a perfect time to go!

I adore going out back and feeding my fish and being amongst the trees and the sound of the falls.  I love going out there every morning into the wide openness of the backyard.  It is so green and alive.  The birds sing.  The frogs jump and the fish, of all sizes, swim happily as if to say good morning.

I will miss my backyard.  The quiet, contemplative state that offers me refuge, beauty, and comfort.  And so it is.

I will go to the apartment that has activity, people, the supermarket at its back/front door.  I will be grateful to not have to be in the cold and the few people I have met there are kind, friendly and animal lovers.  I won't have the wide open space where I live.  I will have the warmth of the air, the beauty of palm trees and I will be close by my daughter's college and horse farm.  How lucky I am.

Life is full of trade offs, priorities, give and take.  It is supposed to be... or it wouldn't be.  Hmm.

May you trade off, prioritize and give and take representing the best balance you have in you today.  May you continue to strive, easily and acceptingly, as you create the world around you and within you as best as you are able with what you know, who you are, what you do, how you do it and with whom.  May you rock your own world which empowers others to rock theirs.  Namaste.

Monday, July 29, 2013


As I was picking up the deck of tarot cards to put them away, a lone card sat there waiting for my attention.  I just had to pick it up and check it out (of course).

'Knight of Vessels'
"The message here speaks of the attainment of emotional satisfaction.  But, when questing into emotions and the unconscious, do not go off foolishly into the depths.  Also, you may be getting a message 'out of the blue', perhaps in the form of a synchronicity.  It is an unexpected emotional satisfaction.  Maybe you have already received it and, like the knight, need to take notice.  Open your eyes to what is around you."
From the book "The Alchemical Tarot" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Robert M. Place

May you choose to really watch yourself and your world today.  May you see something that will propel you into the place you are wanting/needing/choosing to go.


I have been saving a baby frog's life from my pool every morning for the past three mornings... and this is not where I am going with this!  And, it is "Kermit the frog", not "Hermit"   lol

I just picked 'The Hermit' from The Alchemical Tarot by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Robert M. Place deck of cards.  I feel like I haven't 'played' with these cards in a while.  It seems when I want to push forward/past/through something, I remember these cards.

Anyhoo, I'd like to share what The Hermit means via this means.

"The search for truth can be a lone and solitary journey.  When the path is not clear, we may wander a bit, but we have divine light to guide us.  We have come a long way on our path, and are at the end of a segment of the journey.  Now it is time for solitude, meditation and introspection.  We must turn inwards to examine where we have been and gain perspective.  We must integrate the wisdom we have acquired during our journey."

May you stay connected to the light that burns within you and share it without as you journey on.

                                                Photo from Emmanuel Dagher, FB

Where I'm At

As much as I am resisting admitting this, I feel my body aching and irritable and if I could hear it talk, I think it would be lightly screaming.  It's this old familiar feeling of pain, discomfort, tightness,numbness and not wanting to be in my body. 

I have been stretching a lot because of this 'screaming'.  It does help.  And I seem to tighten right back up.

All day I've been wondering why now.  I thought maybe my fear of my little dog going under anesthesia and her poor little mouth having to heal after a tooth extraction and tartar removal.  Next, I thought maybe because my husband changed his schedule and I want to work around it, again.  I'm wondering if it's just this unsettled feeling of being unsettled.  Then I realized it was only 60 degrees this morning (norm was high 70's and above at this same time for the last month just about).  And, for the millionth and one time, I am in awe that lower, fastly falling temperatures can affect me so much.

So, it could be the weather; and it could be my mind.  I really do not know for sure what comes first.  Is it my mindset that hurts my body OR my hurt body that changes my mindset.  Oh, what an interesting ride this life of mine has me on. 

I saw a video on 'chronic disease' and how to deal with chronic disease.  I watched another video with nature pictures and a beautiful voice singing about it being a beautiful world.  I've talked to friends to share my truth.  I had to share with my husband for the millionth and second time that I'm not feeling up for much today.  and, yet....

I know I walk alone...  We all walk alone...  together.

I am resisting this being my truth.  I know that resistance is not helpful for me.  I want to embrace that I don't have much energy and there is something here that tells me that to not have energy, to not be strong, to not be more productive is not the way I want to go through life.  What is it that I'm holding on to as I choose to not allow, accept, and know that I'm beautiful even when I feel less than in most every one of my cells...  Yikes.

I may be being my worst enemy today.  I am not choosing to be my best friend.  This is not a good time to feel 'yucky'.  I want to know in all of who I am that whatever is going on with me, how I feel; what I think; what I do; what I know; and who I am with.... I am still 'living'.  Perhaps, getting through the day of some pain and discomfort while appreciating my life and my loved ones and the beauty of both... that this just may be as productive as I need to 

The weather outside is beautiful now as the sun is out and the temperatures warm.  I am grateful to see, connect, feel and embrace such beauty even when I, myself, resists my own.

I surely do not want to admit this as my truth.  And, my truth it is... in this moment.

I know if I wait long enough, this moment will be gone and a new moment of feeling different will be upon me.  How wondrous of a 'ride' we live.

May you know the wondrousness of your life with all of who, what, where, how and 'am' that you are. 

Live your truth and the connection, light and love of the universe is always closer to you.  I believe.

Which Road(s) to Travel

My little 5 pound Yorkshire Terrier is scheduled to have tooth surgery tomorrow.  Oh, I can feel the fear gurgling up. 

I've known one bad experience with sleep sedation and my animals.  It seems to be a huge fear of mine.  And, with little Tiffany being so tiny, I find myself frightened of her discomfort.  I know that I need to do this for her to stop her ongoing discomfort and get her mouth healthy again.  And, with it coming up on tomorrow, I find myself turning off; and I know that this is not the direction I want to go and that this will not change the outcome....hmm. 

I know that the best course for me is to believe that I am helping her and the help outweighs the negative.  I know that I have a competent doctor and I am here waiting with great love to help through her healing process.  I know it's my best choice.

Yet, I wish I had a better choice.  At this point, it seems I either do it or do not have it done. 

So, as I find myself oscillating between the fear of hurt and the certainty of helpfulness -- it is very uncomfortable.

My breathing gets shallow, my body goes numb, my ears ring louder on one side of my thinking.  The other side is that I am grateful that Tiffany can get help.  I am grateful that I am able to pay for it.  I am grateful to have this little thing with big personality in my life.

Is this a choice I make to move forward with...  Can I choose the best path with trust and some ease....

With only two weeks left before I head back down to Florida, I know unsettledness.  I know my home is within myself. 

I want to be strong within myself and not waver so much.  I want trust, love, and light circulating through my veins and not fear, darkness and stagnation.

In this minute, I choose love.  In this minute, I choose trust.  In this minute, I breathe deeply.

May you be aware of what you may or may not be choosing.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Life Celebration

I'm going to a "Life Celebration" of a family member who has passed from cancer this past winter.  I know it will be beautiful, heart warming, touching and loving.  I'm apprehensive in my body as to what to expect. 

I'm imagining what 'they', those closest to her, are feeling.  This is their goodbye as they celebrate her in their lives.  Huge.

My goal is to support them and feel my way through with an open heart.  An open heart is sometimes scary for fear of pain and discomfort.  Yet, without the pain and discomfort being allowed in; the love and beauty will also be shut out.

The 'human condition' sure is a ride.

We all have felt pain and discomfort.  We all have felt love and beauty...  in whatever capacity has shown itself to us; and, as we grow from being a child - whatever capacity we allow.

May you celebrate each other's lives now, together. 

I celebrate you, beautiful woman, today, as we all gather to share our stories of how you have touched many lives.  You are missed here. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I'm finishing up my day and just cleaned up from dinner.  I had a full day.   I'm not very used to an extremely full day.  It feels good.  There are some things I certainly would have liked to do better.  Mostly, all has to do with communication.

I'm not hearing myself speak my thoughts (hard to imagine) so I get 'stuck' in not having a say in what I am doing.  Two out of four times today, anyway.  Which means two out of four times, I did communicate well and I was able to participate in creating situations that were good for me and, I believe decent for others as well.  I hope so anyway.

Today, I learned communication.  Meaning; to ask for what I want.  To speak up if I have an opinion or idea that truly matters to me. 

The good news is I communicated after the fact.  I learned.  And, maybe, my favorite part is that the people I connected to and didn't communicate as well with that I would have liked...  lucky me.... they cared! 

I want to believe we are creating a world where we are less afraid to care about each other; less afraid to speak our truth lovingly, and really excited to create an active, non-spoken or spoken, bond from one person to the next to create a more beautiful world in which to grow, learn, love, share, thrive and prosper.  Live on!

I think our universe and it's inhabitants are begging for it.  No more hurting through fear of caring; fear of being found out and fear of lack of support and maybe even ridicule. 

We can give ourselves what we need and feel whole and share our wholeness from one to another to another. 

May you look in the mirror and tell yourself you know (and own) your magnificent miraculous self and that you deserve love.  That  you are open to being the best, most loving person that can radiate from every cell of your being to mine...  (oops,  the 'to mine' snuck in there on me!  lol)

30 degrees

Yikes!  It's now 30 degrees cooler than it has been for the past few weeks.  It dropped down overnight.  And, the discomfort in my body has risen.  Slightly screaming aches, irritability and retraction seem to be what I am waking up to. 

I want to stay open.  I want to be able to extend myself outward and give, receive and participate in life. 

When I feel this way, it is hard for me.  I need to pay attention to it and abide, honor and move through it.  For years, I had pushed on and the mind over matter way of thinking was easy, helpful, and enabled me to 'live'.  I now believe, for me, that it only makes me more sick and weak after doing this for a long period of time.  I now believe that if I honor exactly where I'm at; what my body is feeling and what my inner voice is telling me to do, I process through much quicker and stand stronger more often than not. 

As, I have a busy day planned and I'm finding myself doing exactly what is opposite of what I am saying.  Ugh.  Yikes. 

How do I let people down...  I'd rather let myself down than others.  This is so not what my mind knows is always best and, yet, it's so what I have myself programmed as. 

So, today, is another day to be aware, notice, respond and live as best as I know how in the moment.  It's a great day to be easy on myself as I ponder through all my moments and movement. 

I am here for me and I will treat myself with as much respect, love and strength that I have in me today.

May you treat yourself with as much respect, love and strength that you have available inside of yourself today.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

College Bound

My daughter is heading towards her first year of college this August and we were out getting a collection of new clothes for her.  What fun.  It was nice to spend the day with her and I am grateful for her beauty, kindness and intelligence.  I sort of remember when I was that age and I was filled with wonder, anticipation, and excitement.  I knew the whole world was at my disposal and I was ready to take it on. 

Now, at 53, I still know the world is at our disposal and anything is possible.  And, I'm ready to move into the next chapter of 'me'. 

I just watched Diesel, my daughter's boyfriend's dog swim in my pool.  He must have jumped in and out of the pool 30 times.  What energy; he seemed to be so happy.  It's a bit cool outside; much cooler than it has been and it feels comfortable and nice.  I even threw a tennis ball 15 or so times.  This dog has energy.  He is a pit bull/boxer mix.  Powerful.  It is beautiful watching him run.  It gave me energy just watching him.  Perhaps, I could watch him more often!  lol

I had a full day of living and I'm feeling lighter, more energized and happier ever since I faced 'the' (for me) huge fear and voiced the true me in writing, where I know many could find it.  The fact that nothing happened and I didn't shatter is a beautiful thing that makes me so less afraid of who, what, and how I feel.  Brava Me; Brava! 

May you voice your biggest fear, and share it even if you are afraid of doing so.  My hope is that knowing this courage will empower you to be and live as the whole of who you are.

I think the world and our universe is ready - and we, people of the world/universe are ready to take this giant leap together into the unknown and create the greatest union of life as a whole.  I certainly wish for this.

We have been, or are being, schooled.   Now it's time to continue learning through walking as who you are wherever you go, whatever you do, whenever you can, with whoever you are with.  My hope is... with as much ease as possible. 

May you know the beauty and empowerment of walking through a fear with one of your biggest moves yet.  I believe you can do this and I believe the result will be exactly what you need.  I believe it will propel you forward and through to the EASE OF BEING YOU.  May  you feel the excitement to play one 'move' that you have been putting off in the past. 


I hear myself saying "I love you."   I hear others saying the same.   I hear many of us talking about love.  Being love.  Having love.  Knowing love.  Wanting love. Coming from love. 

I believe I haven't quite asked many what 'love' means to them.  I only recently asked myself.

Love means being there for another (and yourself); supporting them to be all that they can be in the direction that they feel is best for them.   This is what love means to me.

May you know what love means to you and those you 'love'. 

                                   My wedding celebration dress party here in New Jersey, USA
                                                        (amazing what one finds when cleaning out one's home)

If you'd like to share what love means to you here, I'd be honored and interested...  Thank you.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Since I've been thinking of jumping out of an airplane..(Not; lol), I'm feeling the desire to share some of the adventures I have known in my lifetime, thus far.

I married in Hawaii on the island of Kauai during a three week honeymoon!   I hiked the Napali Coast and snorkeled their beautiful waters.  We helicoptered over brilliant waterfalls and Haleakala, a dormant volcano.  I stood at the bottom of this volcano and realized then, that the size of myself is nothing in comparison.  I've walked the pink sands of Bermuda and fished the deep seas of the Bahamas.  I played and danced in Mexico and walked the famous Wharf of San Francisco, California.  I had a picnic at the vineyards in Napa Valley Wine Country and stayed at the shores of the Navy Seal program in San Diego.  (They, too, are 'nutz'!  lol)   I've eaten lobster in Maine and crabs with 'bay seasoning' in Maryland.  (Mmm, love those crabs!)   I've been to Washington State and New Orleans, Louisianna.  I've seen New York Broadway shows and I've been in some real 'dive bars' and had brilliant fun. 

I've lived in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Florida, USA.  I helped design and build a 6,000 sq. ft. home from scratch.  I've lived in one of the most beautiful country clubs in the United States.  I lived on a yacht for 8 days and I've camped in a few campgrounds.  For much of my life, I've lived in two places at the same time. 

I've owned my own company, Beachin Bodies and my slogan was "Make Yourself a Beachin Body!" in Margate, New Jersey. 

I had a beautiful baby girl when doctors were uncertain if my body was going to be able to.  I've watched her grow every step of the way and I will be forever honored by the miracle of her. 

I have been extremely blessed.

Where do I want to go from here?   I'm trying to connect to my truth about this.  I know anything is possible. 

I want to drive a white convertible Ferrari and see Bora Bora.  I want to belly dance again and more than anything -

I want to help others to live the life and truth of who they really are.  I want every one to believe and connect to the possibility of being all that is inside of them; that everything they need for this lifetime they already have.  I want you to connect to who you are and share your truth and honor of self and your Creator with all that you encounter. 

I want us to complete this puzzle of humankind and individually live our utmost truth, together.  I believe by choosing to live ALL of the truth of who we are, lovingly; WE WIN.

May you choose to 'WIN'. 

Perhaps, this is the greatest time on this planet to embrace the miraculousness of the Universe.  We are all in this together, during this time, in this place. May you know the importance and miracle of YOU.


Monday, July 22, 2013


My beautiful companions for the weekend just left.  My energy is vibrant and my heart is happy.  There is much to do.

Tomorrow I want to take a video of my home; my "Shambala", through my eyes and share this magical place with whoever it reaches out to.  I want to get my home in a nice state of 'flow' (as best I can) and my hope is that others will see/feel/know the comfort, peace and love that I have experienced here. 

So, as I see my company taking their bags out to the car, there is an emptiness that I feel because of their departure.  There is also an anxiousness I am allowing because of the thought to put everything in it's place. And, I know it will all get done because that's how I, and most others, roll. 

My dogs enjoyed all the attention and love from the kids.  They now have found their comfort place and are sleeping soundly.  Tiffany even went into the closet to have 'quiet alone time'.  Little Bear is here curled up in a ball.

I realized in these last several days that I so want to be ME; all of me.  This is why I created a world called "Be U".   Hmm.  Huge realization.  Interesting projection.

If you can be you, I can be me easier.  Very interesting, indeed. 

I know way back (100 years ago), in my 30's that I was not connected to 'little me'.  When a therapist asked about my relationship to my little self - I replied she is not here... I killed her off/buried her.  I am not connected to her.

I am now connected to her again.  She is right here with me.  And, I say 'Alleluia'.  I am whole.  I am me.  I am connected to all of me and all that I've been and, most likely, all that I will be.  I sit strong in who I am.  I know ME.  I want to say that I know me inside and out.  Yet, I do not know that this is truth.  I do feel that I stand strong. 

Now, what do I do with me...  Only time will tell and I am open to receive instruction, open to be me, open to live my truth. 

I am still fearful of your reaction...  I have received very little reaction to my write-up of me 'jumping out of the plane' and putting my biggest fear and my biggest hope out onto Facebook.  It's extremely interesting to me.  My biggest fear is of not having enough; being enough or able enough and my biggest hope is that I want to help other's to connect to their deepest of self.

The world didn't end!  I did not get berated.  I did not get hurt.  I did not get overwhelmed.  I did not get laughed at.   I do not know present fear.  I do feel some anticipation of where I'm going next. 

It has been quiet.  This sort of shocks me.  I was sure 'something' would have shattered.  I process this interesting result.  I honor it. 

We all have our 'stuff'.  It's interesting that what I am learning is that 'my stuff' only affects me in the way if affects me.  This gives me peace. 

While I want to affect others positively, I do not want to create havoc or chaos in or for anyone.  This silence leads me to believe that I do not know much, I have control over no one and my best path is to just be me and share energy with others through love. 

May you just Be U and share energy with others through love.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


I've been wondering why I previously chose the words - "I stand like the tortoise"... So, I did some research, this is my favorite spiritual meaning.  There were many more.

 "Denise Linn/Secret Language of Signs:
Native Americans--the legend goes that once there was only water and there wasn't anywhere that people could live. Turtle made a very great sacrifice and let everyone live on her back. Thus she became the spirit keeper of the earth. When Native Americans enter into the darkness of a covered dome structure for the sacred purification ceremony of the sweat lodge, they believe they are entering into the turtle, into the very essence of the Mother Earth. It is a time of spiritual death and rebirth."

From ''

May you release what no longer serves you and create anew with who you are now. May you connect with how you help others and with how you allow others to help you.

Sitting Firmly

Standing strong in one's own truth can be a scary place for me.  Of course, there is much truth that I embrace, enjoy and am proud of.  And, there is some truth that I'm uncomfortable with.  And, this is being human.  We are all that.  And, its possible that we oscillate back and forth between the two frequently.

I am up in the wee hours of the morning a bit afraid to see what posting my truth to one of the biggest 'connections' we have to each other will create for me.  I can't say I'm glad it's out there.  I can't say I'm sorry it's out there.  I do know it's out there.  And, strangely, it's been here, on this blog, for almost (or more) three years and, to me, this is a bit of a hidden domain; under cover, if you will.  I'm thinking that it just may not matter near as much I think I matter.  Yikes.  lol 

My belief is that God will show me the way and this is all I need... To be true to myself and share this truth.  I believe that this is all you need.. To be true to yourself and share this truth.

We all have doubts; we all have a body part that is not our favorite and we all have fears.  We all have tribulations and we all have stories about lost love.  We all want to matter and feel that we do.  We all want connection.  Feeling cared for and caring for are two of our greatest gifts.

May what you need; you give yourself.  If you have everything you need; you won't go looking in all the wrong places for it.   Then, work from here to create anew and do wondrous things.  Sharing joy is a wondrous thing. 

Note:  Sometimes what we think we need, we really do not and sometimes what we think we have no need for is what we need the most.   Just sayin....

This is a great day to look in the mirror and tell yourself how fabulous, strong, powerful, and loving you are.  May you say "I love you" to the most important person in your life.. and our lives... Y O U.  By you being you, lovingly, this enables me to have a better chance at me being me, lovingly.  Hence, you are the most important person in my life.  Hmmm  Interesting.  I hope this makes sense in the morning and it's not one of those late night's 'what was I thinking' things!  lol

May you trust that who you are is enough and who you are is everything that matters.

This is a "Self Unite" band from a company in California, USA.  Love the name!  Love the notion!  Love what Christian Noni is all about.  May you self unite now.  All of our self united selves would be magical.   I believe

Friday, July 19, 2013

Taking the Leap

Below is the reply that I put on 'Facebook' to the InPower Sisterhood's post on FEAR.  Wowza.  I jumped!

"Where do I begin. [look out when it begins with this!] I actually began early this morning after reading this brilliant write-up about fear. I thank you for your words of wisdom, your insight, your truth from your beautiful soul.

I started responding this morning and my phone would not allow me to type after several sentences. It was giving me a hard time and I took it as a sign that I was not supposed to comment then. I have been literally shaken from this article. I felt my body vibrating on a different level after hearing and understanding, on a much deeper level, your words. I started writing about how, as a child, I did learn that what I felt, thought and needed could be ridiculed by, and upset others, greatly. I learned to choose to be the 'quiet one' as to not rock the boat and create reactions that felt very scary. As a child, I was unable to know anything other than when I think differently or try to create something other than what 'was', people were unable to respond favorably or supportively and could also get very angry with me. Anger has scared me for most of my life. I did not know how to let myself connect to anger. Just recently, I now know differently. I know that someone's anger has nothing to do with me or who I am. If a person is happy, content and stand strong in who they are, they can know anger, yet, not have to make others afraid or hurt or intimidate them by what/how they are acting/doing. If I am in a happy place within myself; usually I can handle things well. When I am struggling or hurt, I have much less patience and can find myself angry at whatever comes my way.

I am uncertain as to why I'm writing more about anger than fear. I heard you say that it's how we look at fear that can be hurtful or helpful and, best, could possibly be to embrace fear. I want to choose to embrace it now. I have to say I do think Dave is nuts! lol I say this with great respect. I don't have any desire to know that kind of fear where the possibility of death is right there on the tip of the boundary of myself. And, what he has given me through you is a gift of a lifetime.

It's the same fear over and over and over again with me. And, as much as I dislike and fight admitting this.. I really didn't want to own all of me. I didn't want to own the dis-ease that I have known for a very long time. I didn't want to own the responsibility of sharing what I have learned from 30+ years of struggle and suffering from a disease called scleroderma. I know I would not be who I am if it were not for this dis-ease. I have gained valuable insight and great empathy and compassion. I feel different and unique and until now, not in a comfortable way. I don't want to be known as the nice lady with a terrible disease. I know that I do not know how to be me out in the world. I feel many would not understand me or I could 'upset' a situation and create havoc and discontentment. I believe my path has been to prepare me to help others find their own way to connecting to the deepest part of themselves. I am so afraid of not doing this and I'm so afraid of doing just this. What a pickle I find myself in.

I knew this day would come when I would accept and admit who and what I'm all about to the possibility of very many people. I feared it with every cell in my body. And, this post by InPower Sisterhood has done something to me that I am sitting here speaking my truth. Well, this is me 'jumping out of an airplane' and placing the boundary of myself into our universe and hoping for a beautiful landing and a beautiful explosion of connectedness. I am so emotional as I write this. I feel heat surround me and the flow of life live through me.

I don't think you'll see me on the street corner shouting my truth. I will be embracing all of me and knowing that I am enough and everything I need to be for this lifetime. As I know that you are enough and that everything you need for this lifetime you already have. May the energy of the Universe hear my plea and help us all to help each other. Thank you."
May you jump out of an airplane or choose to do your own version of same.  Whatever it is, may you stand in the truth of YOU.
The Universe is strong enough to catch and support us all.
                                                            Author Unknown

InPower Sisterhood

I've connected to this beautiful 'being' on Facebook and I woke up to this wonderful, inspiring, thought-provoking, caring, helpful, EXCITING, post.  I have to share it with you because I'm shaking with everything that I am. 

I have been telling myself - 'there is nowhere to hide' anymore.  The Universe needs all of us, together.

Thank you Janelle Saar.  You have rocked my world in a great way.  (I think - lol)
"This morning I woke up and asked the Universe to give me guidance on an article topic for today. I asked to receive a topic that was needed by our sisterhood, one that would resonate with our sisters here. I love how the Universe works. When I logged into the In Power Sisterhood page this morning I found a comment from one of our sisters, Lisa. Lisa and I have had a conversation about fear. Lisa’s last comment to me in our conversation was “If you ever post about this…I’d be interested in your thinking…I need help! Thank you.” As I read Lisa’s words I got chills throughout my whole body because I knew the Universe had answered my request and Lisa was the messenger.

My conversation with Lisa started with her making this comment: “When fear knocks on the door, may you open it and see that nothing is there. Just give yourself 8 seconds. After these 8 seconds, you will be without fear again. Bigger risk, bigger payoff. No such thing as a failure. Failure is always a great lesson. If it feels like failure; most likely, it’s not your path and there is a better path for you.”

I meet a lot of people who believe fear is a bad thing. For a long time I was one of them. I believed fear was bad because I had a negative association to fear. When I began processing my own fear I began to see fear differently.

Fear is triggered when your ego wants to keep you safe. Some define fear as False Evidence Appearing Real. The human mind is incredible. It remembers everything that has ever happened to you in life that wasn’t safe physically and emotionally. If you had a bad experience when you were 3, your mind has it filed away. When your ego sensed danger it goes into the files and pulls up every data point it can find in your life to remind you of the danger so it can keep you safe. This associates fear to all the bad things that have happened in life. Now you have a negative connection between fear and bad things happening and your ego will use it every time you face fear.

One way to deal with fear is to disassociate from the negative part of fear. You can teach yourself that when your ego triggers fear, you are not going to hold onto the negative emotions of it. This is what Lisa suggests in her comment above. She says “when fear knocks on the door, may you open it and see that nothing is there.”
There is another way to deal with fear that many people overlook. That is to turn your fear into the adrenaline of life. I have a friend, Dave, who has done thousands of parachute jumps. Every time he stands in the doorway of the airplane ready to jump he faces fear. He doesn’t choose to disassociate to that fear, instead he embraces it with every ounce of his being. In that moment when his ego triggers fear telling him he’s in danger and he could die, he turns it into adrenaline. He takes what the ego is triggering as fear and he makes it the adrenaline of life. When his ego says we are not safe and we might die, Dave turns that into feeling like he has never been more alive. Dave is an adrenaline junkie. In situations where most people feel fear, Dave feels alive and vibrant.

What’s the difference between Dave’s fear and Lisa’s fear? The meaning they tie to their fear and the choice they make in how to handle the fear! What meaning do you assign to the fear you feel? When you are faced with a big decision and your ego wants to keep you safe, you get to choose what that means and how you want the fear to work for you. Here are your choices: You can believe your ego and retreat to a safe place where you play small in your comfort zone. You can disassociate from the negative aspects of fear, know its false evidence and push on. Or you can fully connect with the fear and turn it into adrenaline that makes you feel more alive than you have ever been!

How do you handle fear? Are you aware of the choices you are making when attaching meaning to your fear? Be a part of our sisterhood by sharing your comments. We all grow and learn when you share!"  InPower Sisterhood

Well,  my first comment is... Dave is nutz.  (lol) too funny  and Thank you Dave for sharing with Janelle your insight on fear.  Janelle, thank you for hearing me, caring and connecting on this. 

Huge for me.   My body is still vibrating as my mind processes this new and powerfully helpful information. 

Look out fear.  I'm coming with you! 

May you choose to allow fear to be your friend, your guide, your enabler when it pops into your life. 


Whatever is in your life today is here for a reason.

May you lovingly and gently walk through trusting yourself that you will be ok and know what to do when the time comes for you to do something.

I say this because there is a lot of "NEW" in my life just now and deep inside I know it's brilliant stuff.  Out here where I am human, it can be quite scary, overwhelming and more exciting than I knew possible.  My cells are aflutter!  lol

Thursday, July 18, 2013


May you know and honor the magnificence of yourself.


Do I 'play' with my guests.... or do I do 'stuff' that needs to be done.... This will be interesting.  Perhaps, I can find the perfect balance. 

The house is filling up and coming alive again.  How wonderful.  Oh, the parties, people, and love that I have known in this home!  I am blessed. 

May as well go out with a bang.  And, I don't want any more surprises that go BAM. 

Balance.   It's one of the most hardest things to achieve and one of the most greatest things to live through.  And, I'm thinking that most likely, most of our lives do have the balance when it is all said and done.

Balance on.

May you create and allow balance in your life through ease, harmony, inner knowing and outer fun.

Getting through our biggest obstacles may be our greatest success in getting closer to the person we are meant to be.  Be U - every step of the way.


We are having a heat wave here in the northeast quadrant of the United States.  Wow.  When I first come in from outside, the house feels like a refrigerator.  Within minutes, it feels warm-ish.  I am not complaining.  I think it is 98 deg F just now at 2:44 p.m.  Even the koi fish seem to be swimming low, perhaps, looking for cooler water.  I have well water and I'm letting the hose flow out into their area and they are swimming around and, maybe enjoying the cold water.  I know they are very adaptable and hearty fish.  I see very little teeny, tiny babies on the top of the water; how cute!

Starting today, I am going to have company from young children to teenagers to adults.  First time I've had company with my house in this transitioning/changed format.  I am looking very forward to seeing company and I'm a bit unsettled that my house is 'different' than I would be most comfortable with.  I am telling myself that love abounds here and this is what matters most.  I'll see how this works..

Life is here for us to experience.  Situations comes up for us to rise to the challenge.  People are here for us to connect with and share. 

We move on.  We connect.  We know and feel many emotions.  We emote.  When we do not emote, perhaps, this is when we get filled up to the point where we have to stop a part of ourselves from living and/or get so full that we 'pop'. 

May you emote everything inside of you as best you can (from this day forward) until you are emoting in the current situation of what is.  In other words... May you allow yourself to feel, show and live through your feelings.


Be like Tina and roll with it!    LOL   I crack myself up!   Get it?  Tina Turner - 'Rolling on the River' from "Proud Mary".

May you be like Tina and roll with it! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


All I am connected to most today is fear.  Fear to speak, fear to move, fear to fear.  I read this morning that "Fear is the adrenaline of life" (Inpower Sisterhood).  I believe I have known and highly used adrenaline for many years.  I allowed my thinking to label adrenaline as flight or fight.  When I knew it as flight I went like the energizer bunny.  Now, that I am labeling this feeling fear (maybe fight), I stand like the tortoise. 

I have no words, no feelings, no thoughts.  I just feel still.  Still in discomfort.  Still in comfort.  I sat down at my computer fighting to not do so because of fear of how I am feeling.

My head is yelling - 'you are nuts talking this way'.  My heart is beating.  My belly is full and I am connected to my eyes seeing out of my face. (interesting way to speak, yikes)  I feel my fingers touching the keyboard (wow) I hear the whirl of the air conditioner fighting to keep up to stay cool against the almost 100 degree outside heat.  There is stillness.

My Little Bear just came in to sit with me.  I hear a TV in the background.  News is on.  As I came out here, I thought how interesting it is that the anchor woman smiles as she talks about someone suing someone else.  They talk about death and destruction.  I wonder what the depression rate and health issues are that are among news people.  It cannot be good talking about hurtful things most of the day.  I don't watch the news.  I hear what is 'big' each time by talking to others who are either in a habit of watching the news or 'enjoy' (Is enjoy the right word?) watching the news or believe it's important to be 'informed'. [I have nothing against news people; most are intelligent, caring people.]

We are all so bombarded with social media, cameras, cell phones that are like our third arm, computers that are a necessity to be connected to the human force of today and everything else that technology has provided us with for a 'better, easier life'.

Why then, is it that I'm almost certain that I do not know one person who is admitting to how relaxed, peaceful and easier their life is just now compared to what they knew and felt previously.  [Don't get me wrong, most technology is brilliant.  And, when it really works..  oh la la.]

Our world as we knew it is changing.  Some people call it a 'shift'.  I feel that so much is in our face.  Our biggest challenges may be being presented in a way that there is no where to hide.  We are up against a wall and have to face these issues head on.  We must connect to our truth and share this truth to get through this shift; to create anew. 

A world where hurt/suffering/pain is not accepted by ignorance/avoidance and, instead, togetherness, easy breathability and contentment is the norm.  No more abuse of animals, our food, our strive for beauty and big money, ourselves and each other.   No more abuse. No more hurting because this just is the way we do things.  I want us to come from love, patience and support.  I'd like us to fuel our bodies with food and move our bodies because we can and it feels good. 

I'd like money to come easily to us because we are doing something we love and it betters our world economy, environment, and/or people.  Where money is not a thing to have to feel worthy or powerful and love is the most impressive thing to have and to 'spend' on each other.  I'd like us to connect to each other on a deeper level towards spirit and not on a mental level that stays above the heart.  I'd like us to treat animals as living creatures that are connected to us and honor mountains with greenery and ice on them because they help us to breathe and to drink; and our planet to thrive.   I'd like us to connect to the flow and ebb of the ocean tides and the beauty and vastness of the salt water and fresh lakes.  May dusk and dawn be noticed and honored each day, every day, by all of us.

Everything just processes.  Everything just flows and ebbs.  Everything is energy.  Everything is everything. 

May you know that you are a part of everything.  What you put out into our world matters.  The thoughts that you think matter.  The breath that you take matters.  The smile that you share matters.  The pain that you know matters.  YOU MATTER.  You are; therefore, you are everything.  I am; therefore, I matter. 

I didn't see this information coming and it's good to know what I wish for!  I believe that every breath, every living creature's breath matters.

May you find yourself knowing what matters and may it be beautiful, loving and add/build to a much easier life here on earth.  May you live as if it is possible to breathe your beautiful truth in and out and allow others to do the same.  We are all born doing this.... what happens? 

I have no clue as to how I arrived 'here'.  I did not ask for this.  I did not go looking for this, per se.  It is deep within me... apparently.  I did go looking for the depth of who I am. 


Monday, July 15, 2013

5 of Clubs

I just finished talking to friends about coming this weekend and if this weekend is the right time to get together.  It's been a long time coming.  I have pushed people away; needing to be alone to stand strong(est) in who I am.

They are telling me their truth and being brave and powerful enough to share that they really want/need to feel that they matter to me by seeing me and spending time with me.   I know they have been patient and waited a long time supporting my endeavor to connect to the deepest part of myself through (more than less) hibernation, self reflection and much overdue alone time. 

So, Sunday it is.  They will be here.  I am excited and looking forward to it.  I am grateful that they trusted me enough to be vulnerable and speak up regarding their needs where our relationship is concerned.  HUGE HAPPINESS.

Their truth is what I need.  I am very grateful for such great, trusting and loving friends.  Everyone of you.

So, I look up a playing card and the card I pick is the 5 of Clubs.

The 5 of Clubs represents:  "New friends and a successful marriage. Help from friends." (  How beautiful it feels. 

May you be open to hearing the people in your life asking for what they need from you.  You have every right/honor/power to share your truth with them.  Here's hoping to peaceful and happy endings to all openly truthful conversations!


"At times, what seems to be an accusation, in fact is a plea for us to care, to show them that they matter to us." 

From the book "From Hurt to Happiness" by Mike Van

May you hear, feel and/or see a plea underneath an accusation from a hurting loved one.


"What often starts as a moment of unexpected feeling that startles us becomes, if leaned into, a deeper way of knowing." 

From the book "Seven Thousand Ways to Listen: Staying Close to What is Sacred" by Mark Nepo

May you lean in.



Today is Monday, the fresh start of a new work week for many.  Weekend warriors to weekend workers, Monday always comes. 

Some people have a rough time with Monday mornings because it's starting the 'habit' of the work week again after being away from it for two days.  Amazing how even this can conjure ill feelings.  Just like Friday mornings can be a relief knowing that the weekend is almost here.

I remember living for the weekends.  I'd work hard all week (when I had my office job); sometimes working a night data entry job just for the fun of it; and when the weekend arrived so did my 'alive' side.  Down the shore I went. 

It's fun to work hard and play hard.  This balance is a really good one for many.  Balance of anything:  eating, sleeping, moving, relaxing - it's all about the proper balance for you today.

May you think about balance and incorporate it as best you can in your everyday doing... and not doing!  lol

If you feel good, you are right on.   If you are feeling out of sorts or ill, something just may be eluding you. 

May you be open to learning and connecting to what this is.  Get your balance on!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Little Ones

My husband and I are cleaning out our garage.  There are many memories and many stored items there from our daughter's early days.  What happy memories and how sad it can feel that we don't have the option of living these days ever again. 

Today is all we have.  I can mourn and groan about what I don't have or what I am losing/giving up or I can enjoy where I'm at because where I'm at really isn't too bad.  In truth, what I have; I no longer need and I knew it wasn't what I wanted forever.  There's this wee voice inside questioning if I want to keep things as is or am I really brave enough to move and live more free. 

May I offer that if you have little ones in your life - 'eat them up' every second because they are such miracles, such joy and they help to keep us present.  A very smart wonderful friend of mine once told me to enjoy every minute because it goes so fast.   I am so grateful that I did.  I ate it up.  Having, and watching my baby grow every step of the way has been one of the greatest, encompassing joys of my life.  My daughter; I lived for her smile, as I do now.  Just in a different way.  Our relationship has changed.  She has her own life to create.  I say "create on" beautiful daughter.  Create on.

It is now time to see what my relationship of my past and my present with my husband will turn into as our future unfolds.  We are close to being 'empty nesters' and while our daughter flies; it is time for us to fly off into our wildest dreams yet.

May you embrace and know gratitude for your life as it is.  May you encounter many of your wildest dreams yet.


"The way we think and feel and sense our way into all we don't know is the art of intuition.  It is an art of discovery.  To intuit means to look upon, to instruct from within, to understand or learn by instinct.  And instinct refers to a learning we are born with.  So intuition is the very personal way we listen to the Universe in order to discover and rediscover the learnings we are born with."

From the book "Seven Thousand Ways to Listen: Staying Close to What is Sacred" by Mark Nepo

May you choose you to share with our Universe; the art of YOU.


"The Universe is a continuous web.  Touch it at any point and the whole web quivers."  Stanley Kunitz

From the book "Seven Thousand Ways to Listen:  Staying Close to What Is Sacred" by Mark Nepo

May you be aware of how you are 'touching' our Universe.


"I comprehended that much of learning was actually a process of unlearning.  Realizing how old, destructive habits caused our current pain and overcoming those behaviors can free us to see new possibilities.  Learning to see circumstances and people through another person's perspective and not our own feelings and emotions was transformative."

From the book "From Hurt to Happiness" by Mike Van

May you unlearn an old way and learn a new way if what you are doing hurts. 


"Because he was unsure if he could make her feel better, he held back.  We all put our guard up and hold back from time to time, particularly when we feel threatened or insecure.  If we can't predict what we share as being one hundred percent accepted by our partner, then more often than not, we choose to retreat.  We choose to hold back and not risk it.  In Peter's case, he felt that by sharing himself it would have made him more vulnerable to Sarah.   Not understanding this, Sarah thought of him as insensitive when, in truth, he might have been as doubtful and worried as she was. Rather than sharing her fears and/or expressing her hurts, she attacked - labeling Peter many hurtful names in an attempt at trying to force him to give in to her.  Because he worried he might be further attacked that his efforts were going unnoticed, as feeble as they were, he withdrew and gave up trying to comfort her, feeling unappreciated and seething with resentment.  Why should he try to comfort someone who didn't acknowledge his efforts?  Sarah hadn't noticed he might have been struggling with being affectionate with her.  Peter was unsure if she would see his attempts for what they were - feeling unsure that he could make a difference in her well-being, and whether his words of encouragement would be welcomed no matter how poorly he expressed himself.  Can anyone of us freely share who we are when we feel our partners may be constantly frustrated with us, their parents, themselves, others or the world?"

From the book "From Hurt to Happiness" by Mike Van

May you choose to always express yourself fully; with love (especially if you are hurting).  May you choose to stay open for others to express themselves fully; with love.   Ohhhh scary and beautiful



"You need to be happy to live.  I don't."  Keanu Reeves

May you live in all aspects of your life...fully present. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Yesterday I spent much of the day with a bright, young lady who is battling Hodgkins Disease.  She has been through much the past two years.  This past week, I've never experienced so closely the affects and effects of the medicine that is administered to cancer patients in order to kill the cancer and give people a chance at a full life going forward.

To know someone so young experiencing this and knowing all about the disease, the medicine, the work that it entails to get through such hurtful and harmful paths, motions, and minutes is not an easy thing to watch. 

She is one of the bravest; most powerful 'warriors' I have ever met.

I went into the city to the University Of Pennsylvania Hospital.  What a maze of corridors, elevators, patient rooms and nurses stations.  The words remarkable, crazy, upsetting, beautiful and wondrous come to mind. 

Medicine does have a way of helping many.  Medicine does have a way of hurting some.  Medicine is one way to go. 

I believe whatever works for the individual; whatever the individual believes in and heads towards, it must be their path.  I applaud, honor and cheer one on. 

I have not been 'fortunate' with medicine.  I have had many tests, many years, many doctors look at me and not be able to offer me much.  My path is different.  After seeing what I saw yesterday, I hope my path stays as it is.  My path seems to be.. to choose to go within to connect to and discover what is in the deepest part (that I can reach) of myself.  And, do not ever give up.  Allow the flow of who I am to work its magic through trust, hope and believing. 

I am beat up a bit from yesterday.  I am very sensitive to everything that is energy.  And, everything is energy.

So, today while I cheer this young, lively woman on, I am in awe of her as she gets stronger, connected more deeply to who she is and creates anew as well.

I feel agitated and triumphant.  I no longer want to sit with what is; or even stand.  I want to move through all that is.  I want to move with my body, my mind, my spirit, my soul, my heart.  Together, in totality of who we are, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

May you know the possibility of you is endless and may you pursue your path with vigor, truth, belief and eyes/heart wide open.   I cannot wait until you see what you do next through this brilliant light that you have in all that you are.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cycle/Habit/You Name It

My head spins as my house fills with 'helpers'.  I go there, go here, go back, go forward as we all work together to keep the house up and running beautifully.  (There's good and not so good in every one's life.)

As I sit here typing, I have one woman here in my formal living room with me mopping; I have one in the kitchen area running the vacuum; one running around the house (and yard) organizing; a college kid helping with weeds; the saltwater fish tank expert cleaning the tank and a man running around getting errands accomplished to continue his work.  How lucky am I!  and,  how my head spins!  lol and true

I've been in this house for 16 years+.  This land was all trees when we first set eyes on it.  We kept as many trees possible, and how big they have gotten.  They give beautiful shade and lovely shelter for the birds, squirrels and I don't want to think about what else! 

I've gotten off track and I came here wanting to share about my habits, the cycles that go round and round until I actively and consciously break and how set in my ways I find myself.

We humans (me) find ourselves just going about and doing the same thing(s) over and over again even when we (I) know that it's no longer working and, in fact, it is even hurtful to one's self.  I'm currently so spastic just now that I forget what prompted this thought!  Yikes.

May you be aware of any repetitious behavior that may be hurting you and CHANGE IT UP!  Be the you that you are now.  All of you, yet only now.

Huge Realization

I've known for a long time that (as a child) I often didn't know the mood or disposition I would find my mother in when I walked into my home (after my dad deserted us) and the huge affect it had on me.  This, apparently was built into my habitual memory.   The uncertainty and the fear of negativity has stayed with my common approach to most of my social relationships.  I have always found myself on edge waiting for someone to get angry because of the way I acted or of something I have said.  As an adult, I know that my mother's reaction was not because of me at all.  It was her own 'stuff'.  However, most children tend to believe people's reactions/actions are because of them.  A child's brain is not developed enough to realize they have nothing to do with how people act.  It took me many years to know that other people's reactions/actions are all about them.  I am still learning that I do not have this kind of power.  Hmm

I know with almost certainty that only three times have I ever had someone say something uncomfortable or throw their anger at me while living here at this home in Pennsylvania, USA.  And, those three times stayed strongly and firmly in my brain as to scare me to not want to connect with the few neighbors close by.  Living in fear of someone blowing up at me paralyzes me and I now choose to no longer live this way.  I now have this realization and I know most people, most of the time, come from love and kindness.  When they come from anger or hurt, it's because it is all they know at that moment.  Ouch and Whew, What a relief to think this new way.  It gives me a freedom that only I took away from myself.  Another ouch and whew. 

Wow, this is huge for me.  I now tell myself (from the deepest part of who I am)  to expect that people come from love first and not to expect or even concern myself with a wrath of negativity.  I stand firmly and strongly in my truth that no matter what gets thrown (to me or at me) that I know how to better deal with it.  I will continue to be loving and see under the anger as much as I am able.  Anger is no longer scary to me.  ANGER IS NO LONGER SCARY TO ME.  Let this be true in every cell/fiber of my being.  Anger is a person's way of, perhaps, not feeling the hurt and fear themselves.  BIG!

May you know anger to be only an expression of hurt/fear.  May you not allow another's anger to affect you; especially in the moment of heat.

                                                 Picture from Robyn Nola

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I believe my body's chemistry has changed with my thoughts.  I believe I'm still me, yet, a very 'evolved' me.  I know differently than I did.  I act differently than I did.  I am different than I was.  I project differently than I did.

I am different. 

With this difference, comes a whole new set of 'LIVING' items to 'enjoy'.   My head is not settled completely in this new me.  I feel it coming and I'm not there. 

I am weaker than I want to be.  I am more confused in my head than I want to be.  I am not adding exercise and movement to my everyday routine.  I am not projecting and feeling joy outwardly like I want to be doing. (and, I'm sure this is just some of the picture that is known to me; if it, too, is even real)  

This too shall come.  Only because I want it and am working for it and I believe in every cell of my body that it is mine to claim. 

It's taken me a lifetime to get here.  It's taken you a lifetime to get where you are.  Things change in a moment's thought.  Some things stay the same.  Whatever I am feeling, knowing, being and doing -- as long as I am being true to what I know, feel, be and am; while sharing kindness, I am living me.

It's a beautiful thing.  It is not without chaos.  It is with peace.  It's a beautiful thing.

May you feel, know, do and Be YOU with every step you take.  You are a gift.  Share the gift of YOU.


I am just going with my fingers here and seeing what, if anything, interesting arrives here on this page!  Talk about walking into the unknown.  How exciting it can be!

I've been living 'as normal' and living 'in transition'.  I am stuck between the two.  I want to upkeep my home here and I want to let go and move forward.  I live in both lives just now.  It is not unstressful.

I am doing this to myself.  I am allowing myself to 'waddle' between the two lives.  What will be my past and what will be my future.  Hey!  I'm living in the present!  lol  and, it does not always feel like the 'present' (gift) that it most likely is.

I thought this striving to be complete and whole would be it.  I thought once I reached this 'connectedness of self' much would become easier.  This is not necessarily the scenario I am feeling.   I am feeling strongly confident in my thoughts, reactions and actions.  I am deep inside of my body living the me I know that I am.  What is on the inside is, for the most part, what shows on the outside.  I've reached this goal.  It took me a looooooooooooonng time AND I have reached it.

I am now realizing that I don't exactly know what to do with ME.  Yikes.

I 'feel' the direction I am going.  I feel excited about the direction.  My body needs to catch up and DO.  I guess a full fledged plan would be more comfortable.   And, if this was the case -- would I not create it?  I have a small fledged plan just now.  I believe in it -- most of the time. 

I know I'm going forward.  I know I'm okay where I'm at.  I'm hoping for more than okay going forward.  I believe.

May you believe that what you know is inside of yourself surely can find it's way out and you can and will accomplish just this; if this is what you truly want.

2nd Place

My daughter and her horse came in 2nd place, Reserved Champion; in her new division of Adult Amateurs; ages 18-35, at the horse show.  I'm very proud of her and she looked beautiful riding as one with her horse.  Her horse was shiny, black and looked happy to be 'working'.  It was a lovely time.  The weather was gorgeous for the most part and the dogs and I, along with my husband, had an interesting and fun time.  With my daughter going to off to college, it is time for he and I to learn how to be alone and with each other again.  What a hoot!  ...  It's a process!  lol

I believe that no matter what we do; if we come from joy, giving it our all and sharing our truth, lovingly - we are winners, period.

May you connect to the 'winner' in you as often as you can.  May you come from joy, giving your all to what you are doing (on most days), sharing your truth as you love yourself and others.