I say it's time to dance and yet - my feet won't allow it.
I say it's time to live with wild abandonment, and my hands won't allow it.
Some very intelligent doctor once told me that having a disease is like living with a terrorist. This feels correct. This is where my fear comes from.
I don't know when it's going to strike. I don't know what it's going to do to me. I don't know how disformed it will make me. I don't know how it will make me feel from day to day.
On alot of medicine, this is much easier to ignore. Without much medicine, I'm staring it straight in the face.
Showdown. I'm in a freakin showdown.
I already know I'm going to win. However, I am not enjoying the fight. Maybe, today, I can choose not to fight. Maybe today I can choose to accept. (I'm back to this word, am I).
Acceptance. (dictionary.com)
1. the act of taking or receiving something offered.
2.favorable reception; approval; favor.
3.the act of assenting or believing
I do not like this word in this moment. Ha.
Instead of fight or flight, what is there....Acceptance? Ugh.
I do love myself. I do not love what I'm going through or dealt. Yet, I know I've got this. Just wished my body would respond.
May we all just LET GO some today.
May I know gratitude and may you know what you need to know for today.
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