Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Checking In

I had a vet come yesterday to my apartment and she says it is now Little Bear's neck area that is hurting the dog and wants xrays.  I am sad and afraid.  I feel helpless because of her previous extensive back surgery in 2009.   I don't like to see anyone or anything suffer.  I don't really like to suffer myself! 

I know suffering is part of this human experience.

I trust the process as best I can.  I feel 'sour' inside and heavy to what is.

I know that I am still okay.  I know that to feel what is is to experience life.

I'm feeling what is.  There is a big part of me that doesn't really want to.  There is a part of me that thinks I do not know how to.  There is another part of me that feels it and apparently knows how to.

I see the good in the difficult.  I experience the 'friendship' of the vet; the care of humankind.  I have a homemade 'pen' for Little Bear to stay still in.   I am giving her the medicine and the holistic alternative things in hope that this will all benefit her.  She is not comfortable at times, and other times I believe that she is.  Today, I've been rarely comfortable as I tell myself I do not what to experience a sick Little Bear.
I surely am not where I want to be on this and I surely am where I am supposed to be. 

It's a beautiful sunshiny day as I walk Tiffany.  I love the ease of shorts and t-shirt in December.  I have great gratitude for this. 

I had crab legs with my daughter.  I spend time with her.  I am fortunate and lucky to do so.  I am fulfilled.

I wait on to see where Little Bear's health is going to take her (and me).  I hope she still has many years of silly joy left to share with me.

There is much chaos in many of my relationships and situations just now.  There is much love and beauty.  I do believe we are working and living more from the inside out.  None of us know how to do this very easily or even think that we want to.

We must.  We must to create the world and be our true selves that we are here to evolve into and just be with.

If you are feeling chaotic, may you recognize the peace.  If you are peaceful, may you share this peace with others. 

Support one another to be who we truly are and trust that we know what is best for ourselves.  Even when we are 100% certain that we know what best for others, allow them to believe what they believe (as long as it is not hurting you or others).  Just what if we each have our own innate knowing to follow easily, together; to create an ultimately better and more harmonious world.  I believe.   May you.  If you are uncertain, may you connect to the one cell in your body that just, maybe, can feel there is more truth to what you feel as opposed to what you know.

Live. Feeling on.

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