Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Tonight is the end of the year.   The end of the year is going to happen.  There is nothing we need to do.  A new year begins.

May you take the lessons of 2013 and live what you have learned in 2014.   Just live YOU.

                                             My drawing of my cell phone cover wish.

Happy New Year

This feels like a very different New Year than others.  I feel that we, as a world, are on a precipice of new heights; new beginnings; new connections; and better ways. 

While many will be 'sozzled' tonight because this has been an acceptable social norm; many will be contemplating, relaxing, and/or experiencing an adventure while saying goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014.  Many, perhaps, will be doing both. 

2014.  Amazing.  I remember the days when 1999 seemed far away.  Now, 2014 is just around the corner and our world is in many ways different; in some ways the same.

May you experience 'same' when you find comfort, joy and love in it.  May you experience 'different' so as you will experience comfort, joy and love going forward.

I wish you comfort, joy and love in 2014.  And, when you are not experiencing comfort, joy, and/or love, may you connect to the comfort, joy and love within yourself to support you through and propel you onward trusting the process of your individual life.  Right now, in this moment, this is US living.  This is you living your life.  We all have choices.  May you know yours and choose well for YOU.

I celebrate YOU as you celebrate a new beginning through kindness, love, support and inner knowing of belonging.

May you celebrate all that you've been given and allow inner peace to be with you wherever you 'walk'.


Happy New Year to all!

                                                     Sue Fitzmaurice

Monday, December 30, 2013


As I walk around the apartment complex with Tiffany, I meet many 'friends' that I have come to be acquainted with. 

There is Michele and her sister, Sara (twins) that always stop to ask how Little Bear is.  Michele is very kind and sweet.  She is an ice skater, a writer and a soccer player.  Sara is a child of a few words and is also beautiful. 

Today, I met a man who wrote script for Red Buttons, the comedian.  I have friends that own large birds; have many cats; love their vehicles and are just friendly.   There is a couple in the corner unit that has downsized dramatically in the last 3 years.

So, while this hasn't been the easiest or most comfortable of transitions for me, I have met many wonderful people doing exhilarating things. 

I know this is where I am supposed to be.  I am only passing through.  And, I am grateful that I have.

The sky is brilliant and dramatic this early evening, with clouds, sunshine and about 72 degrees.  I am noticing quite a few little spider webs with a spider right smack in the middle of each one.  I don't know if it's 'season' for them.  They are quite different looking than the spiders up north.  These seem to be 'scarier' to me.  As, they always seem to be present in their web tucked in tight to the center of it.

With the end of 2013 very near, I know gratitude for all that is in my life.  I have been blessed.  One can't make up where they find themselves from time to time.  One cannot prepare for much of it.  One can only walk on and through as we build anew and learn to speak our truest of truths from a loving position.  We walk on. 

May you speak your truest of truths from your most loving space that is right at the center of yourself.  I believe.



There is a spider (a big one) that has taken residence in the yard outside of my apartment door.  It is not present during the day, but every evening it has a beautiful web and it sits in the middle of it.  I don't know if it rebuilds it at every dusk.  I do know in the morning it is gone.  For the past four evenings, it has been sitting in 'mid air' and I stay far away from the whole area as I let the dogs out to do their business. 

With this spider, disappearing and reappearing for the past few days, I (finally) caught on and went to the "Animal Speak" book by Ted Andrews and looked up Spider.

"The spider is the master weaver.  To the Native Americans Grandmother Spider kept and taught the mysteries of the past and how they were affecting the future.  Spider reminds us to awaken our own sensibilities to be more creative in life."

"Spider teaches you to maintain a balance--between past and future, physical and spiritual, male and female.  Spider teaches you that everything you now do is weaving what you will encounter in the future."

"The spider found within the web reminds us that we are the center of our own world.  The ancient mystery schools had one precept inscribed above their portals:  "Know Thyself and Thou Shalt Know the Universe!"  We are the keepers and the writers of our own destiny, weaving it like a web by our thoughts, feelings, and actions." 

"Are you moving toward a central goal or are you scattered and going in multiple directions?  Is everything staying focused?  Are you becoming too involved and/or self-absorbed?  Are you focusing on others' accomplishments and not on your own?  Are you developing resentment because of it--for yourself or them?"

"Spider can teach how to use the written language with power and creativity so that your words weave a web around those who would read them."

Oh my...  I felt a pinch of fear that the last sentence above would not sit well with people.  I certainly do not want to create a web around people.  I want to help open the web around each of you and support your own creativity in creating the best possible life for yourself.

Now that I'm feeling all itchy thinking about spiders...  I consider the 'resentment' feeling.  This is what stands out most for me just now. 

I believe I need to move on from where I am just now ...  into a new home, a new career and enter the world with all that I have learned and all that I would be honored to share.

May you hear, know and believe in yourself from right here; right now, in this moment.  May you weave the world around you from within you.


Wow...  The house we fell for can only be purchased through an auction.  We surely are in a new age!  One puts a bid in on this house online and in three days, the auction is over.  What a hoot!  I never saw this before.

We are all being asked to go with the flow and create anew in many, many, many different aspects of our way of life.

We can do this.  We can do this best if we stay coming from love as much as possible; not from fear; and speaking our truth and open to hearing others' ways.

What works for one of us, does not work for all.  What works for me, does not work for you.  And, what works for you does not work for me; never ever 100%, most probable.   '

So, as we enter into each new day, as our world evolves as individuals and as a whole...  we must stay open to creating anew through kindness, truth, sorrow, and forgiveness.  Anger is allowed.  Anger is maybe necessary.  However, the disposition of anger is what I hope we can 'share' through love and openness.  Anger propels us if we don't get stuck in it and if we process through it lovingly and gently as possible. 

All of us want to belong.   All of us want to be loved.   All of us want to give and be productive.  It is in our innate-ness. 

We all have strayed.  We all have known pain.  We all have known connection to the depth of oneself. 

My wish is that we get back to living from the depth of ourselves and 'auction' off what we don't want as to put good energy out in our world that will be picked up by someone that is waiting in need of it. 

As you release what no longer works for you, this energy is put into our world as positive energy that someone else will claim.  I believe.

May you let the flow of YOU reign on.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


I wake up thinking there are so many different ways of being.  I can be any one of them or all of them.   I can choose to be happy, sad, cranky, fabulous.

It is my thoughts that make it so.

We found a house that we like very much.  It feels like it was built for us.  It is a bank owned property.  I am saddened by how many empty, bank owned properties there are.  I am surprised by same as well.

And, we found a home that is exciting, comfortable, beautiful and located nicely. 

I trust that if it is meant to be ours, it will be.   If it is not, it will not work out.  I believe.

So, while my thoughts take me from scary to deliriously happy, I walk on...

I walk on.. open minded, open armed, open hearted.

May you dream.  (Perhaps, this is the way the universe understands what we want....)

May you believe in your dreams.  I do. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

6 of Clubs

I pick a card from and it is the 6 of Clubs....

Its meaning on the above website is:

"Six: Business success. Getting financial help."

Ha!  I will certainly need financial help in purchasing a home.

May you ask for what you want and may you know that you deserve to have what you want.  My wish for you.



I am very beat.   I think my poor 'holiday' diet and lack of exercise has hit me hard today.  Looking at houses was very exciting.  I saw a few that would be very lovely to reside in.  I am beat, exhausted and restless.

I can't sleep and I don't want to focus or stay awake.  I don't have energy to do too much and I'm irritable to even believe my own words here as if they do not make sense or do not have much meaning.  I'm in a 'uncomfortable' place just now.

Am I being childish because I'm not in one of these houses and I'm telling myself it's much work to get there.  Why, in the past, was it exciting and fun; and now, I'm tired and weary. 

Is it age...   Is it because I've moved into 8 houses since I've been 18 years old...  Is it because I'm just tired today....

Who knows... Apparently, not I! 

And, I walk on.   I am me as I walk on. 

I embrace my 'tired' and I am going to go sit on the couch; find a show on TV and let my mind watch an entertaining show.  I'll bring the bird in and cover her cage; I'll walk Tiffany as I'm allowing Little Bear to be as still as possible and continue healing; and I'll think about dinner later when I feel hungry again.

For right now, I'm just going to let myself be... All I really want to do is talk to the realtor, the bankers and my husband and get on with moving into a splendid and comfortably fun abode.  And, it cannot happen today... so I sit with all these thoughts, 'pictures' and 'walls' of houses swirling in my mind and I process on.

It will be very interesting and exciting to see where I end up.  And, for now, I'm ending up on the couch trying to find sanctuary in putting my brain into an entertaining story of make belief.  Ha!

May you give yourself something of what you want just now just because you can.



I am heading out to look at several houses today to, perhaps, make my home.  I love looking at homes and how other people decorate.  I love feeling and experiencing the layout of the architecture.  I have great hope in 'building' a new home for myself and my family and my loved ones. 

We, as humans, are always creating, building, rebuilding, destructing and learning better ways of doing things.

Wherever you are in the architecture of your own life....

May you always check within yourself as you 'touch' what's outside of yourself.

Your 'home' is within yourself and only YOU can tap into it; share it; ignore it; and/or embrace it....
May you know which works best for you today.

I'm wishing you a happy 'home' wherever you are.

I am learning that 'home' can be wherever I find myself.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Perhaps, the day after Christmas is recovery day.  Relax, let go of things we held onto.  Let our self-love lead us inward towards all that we are and outwards towards supporting others to do the same.

I sit here in quiet.  The TV is lightly on in the background.  It is a cloudy day, 75 degrees.  Little Bear took woke herself and came out by herself yesterday and today.  She seems to be more herself.  Today for the first time since November 20, she ate from her feeding bowl alone.  I was feeding her in the living room on a paper plate.  Today, she 'told' me she wanted to eat from her bowl next to Tiffany!  I believe I am witnessing a miracle.  God is going to save her is my hope.  I do want her with me for several more years in her full joy of life mode.  She really is a joyful dog.   Somewhat a silly, run into walls and trees dogs, but so full of happiness.  I am blessed.

We had a very nice Christmas Day.   My husband and I went to the beach alone to walk it.  We got there and it started drizzling and the wind was very high.  I took pictures and videos and we left.  Yet, just going there with him, alone, without any responsibilities or obligations in mind...  it was our gift to each other.  It felt magical.  A flock of pelicans flew above our heads and kite boarders were out in great fun and loving the extra wind.  Just the smell of salt air and a ocean breeze connects me to my happy place.

We had a great turkey dinner and my daughter and her boyfriend joined us.  We drove around looking at Christmas lights and it was a pleasurable day for me.  We celebrated Jesus' birthday and I love and honored all that was just as it was.

So, today, feels like recovery day.  Clean up some, put some things in their proper place, have the cleaners coming and perhaps, my husband and I will go for a ride and do a few errands. 

It is nice not to have any obligations and him to let go and just be.  The man works very hard; his brain is always going and I think it turned off some yesterday.   It was truly enjoyable to me.

May you recover, let go and just be...  Love what is as you create your world exactly how you feel, know and love it to be.


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

May you have a beautiful, loving, caring, blessed and open hearted Christmas holiday.  May you allow the perfect 'season' to unwind and present itself to you.

Just be you.  Take you with you wherever you go.  Breathe you.  Share you.

Perhaps, this is the best gift you can present to your loved ones.

Happy Birthday baby Jesus. 

May we all share the unconditional love of a newborn. 

Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 23, 2013


10 Things I Love About You

"You" visiting me here on my blog gives me:

a Lifeline

I wrote to many people today 10 things I love about them. 

Perhaps, you may want to offer to your loved ones 10 things that you love about them.

Above is a list of 10 things that I feel/that come to mind/that I experience when I see that people keep reading my posts from all over the world.

Together, as we change/love/become ourselves, we can change/love/create our world to be what works best for all...  I believe.

Merry Christmas I appreciate you.

Day Before the Eve

It is the day before Christmas Eve.  My daughter is heading south from Pennsylvania to Florida via car.  My Little Bear is holding her own; shaky at times and wanting to play at other times.  My husband is settling in to work and the apartment and I want to run for the hills!

I'm here with what is.  My insides are shaky and shaken.  I am not relaxed.  I know everything will play out perfectly; exactly how it is supposed to.  I know that however Christmas plays out as long as I love; am open to love and share love... beautiful things will occur.

I know that this is not a 'normal' Christmas for me.  I am not settled in my life.  I also know that with these abnormalities, I can still allow the feeling of sanity.  Hmm

The sharing of meals, the sharing of presents, the celebration of the birth of Jesus.  The serene and magical 'air' that is present on this beautiful holiday. 

I gave myself a present already and have it opened and used and my hair is curly and fluffy because of it!  Hoot.  I figure if my Christmas is 'different', I may as well allow much of this 'difference' to be enjoyed.  Hence, an early Christmas gift and a joy using it. 

I have reached out to many friends and family members.   I will not be with most of them.  However, my heart will be with them even though I am not.

I honor the holiday.   I honor how you celebrate it.   I honor you.  I honor the story of Christmas' past.  I honor the story of your Christmas just as it is.   I know you deserve the serenity, the joy, the love, the birth and the peace that this season can represent. 

May you honor you and all that you have and all that you don't have.  Feel and live the honor of you as you honor Him and every life you touch this special and, perhaps, one of a kind Christmas Holiday.  May you make sure that you are truly present in everything you do and every place you are.  This may be the best present of all.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


"Forgiveness liberates the soul.  It removes fear.  That is why it is such a powerful weapon."  From the movie "Invictus" Morgan Freeman as the character of Nelson Mandela

May you forgive what hurts you so you no longer hurt from it. 

I'm willing to take a fresh new look at things, people, places, feelings.  I'm willing to be open to forgive, let go, start fresh through my own thinking of what was, what is, what can be...for me.

This is a Christmas present from myself to myself, my world and our world.

I wish you forgiveness.
May you allow forgiveness within your whole being and allow yourself to be more at ease because of it.  May you give this gift to yourself, your world and our world.

Ifs, Ands, or Buts

"If you are worried about 'what if', you are not living in 'what is'.  Debbie Hershey McMahon

May you live in this moment with 'what is'.

May you live in this moment (feeling your truth and experiencing and sharing all of you through love) just as this moment presents itself to you; just as this moment is. 

...nothing else but this moment.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Many are 'running around' doing last minute errands, 'celebrating' the season, fulfilling their obligations and wondering what the heck they are doing....!

lol = laugh out loud; although not always are we laughing... And, this is true.

We are caught up in what has caught up to how our world is today.  We are sometimes on autopilot and just going with our 'usual' routine; the way we have always done things.

I applaud you if this works easily and joyfully for you.  I hug you if it does not.

May you enjoy what you are doing or change it up so you will allow yourself to enjoy it.  This is my Christmas wish for you.

May you enjoy what you are doing or question why and/or how you are doing it...



While I lived this way all my life and know that every other person I have become close to has as well; I am just now putting words to this.

I cannot always know strength.  I do not usually walk in fear; however I know the feeling of this.  I feel many emotions from time to time.  I shut down at times.  I rest.  I over do.  I love myself; I question my love of self.

I cannot be just one thing that I choose all the time.  I wander.  I waiver.  I emit all that I am. 

This is the human 'ride'; the human experience.

When I judge it, I put the easy breezy feelings in the 'nice' category and the harsh, hard feelings in the 'naughty'.  And, I am learning that if I want, I can choose to put them all in one category or not put them in any.

May you realize how you 'do' your human experience. 

Friday, December 20, 2013


I am going out to a leisurely lunch with a friend.  !  Look out..  the sky may fall.  Ha!

Little Bear is feeling much better and I am hopeful she will continue to grow strong and be her joyful self once again.

I will also look at some homes this afternoon.  I am hopeful.

I guess the word for today is hopeful.  It has been a big year (along with the last, previous 3 years) of great learning, letting go, change and many different ways of being.  I am hopeful.

I am hopeful we all walk forward to our best ability with our best self supporting each other to do the same. 

May you know your greatness and may you allow hope and this greatness to guide you forward.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Is it Real; or Is it the Way We Look at It

"Always recognize the dreamlike qualities of life and reduce attachment and aversion. Practice good-heartedness toward all beings. Be loving and compassionate, no matter what others do to you. What they will do will not matter so much when you see it as a dream. The trick is to have positive intention during the dream. This is the essential point. This is true spirituality."   Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

May you love, care and share kindness simply because this is what is inside of you to do....


I'm feeling childish as I 'can't control my dog' to contain her easily and quietly in a contained area.  She is circling around, barking, scratching, very hyper as she tells me she wants out.  It's very stressful on me.  Perhaps, there are just some dogs that will not tolerate this.  Yes, it is probably what I taught her.  I taught her that she can have her way and that I'll always be here for her.  And, I hear and believe that movement is not in her best interest.  I have been truly fighting what I feel and what I know about this for several weeks now. 

There has always been something with the dogs and I.  An unsettledness; an uncomfortable-ness within me if they were not happy and content as I would label it.

I called the vet after fighting with myself not to all morning long.   I've told myself I'm a bad person and I'm the only one that cannot just do as the doctors say and keep her crated.  I am wrong because I believe that many doctors and people think it is so easy and a no brainer... when my experience is quite the opposite.

I felt very childish as I called the vet.  She was extremely helpful and was kind enough even to tell me that there are even some dogs that the owners have to come and pick them up because they just refuse or are unable to settle down where they are. 

I hung up feeling more at peace.  I hung up feeling childish.  I hung up feeling stronger within my stance.   I hung up thinking that some of the last times I easily asked for what I want or needed from my deepest truth, I was a child.  And, as this child; I was told not to feel this way; not to cry; not to create attention and to be seen and not heard.  Apparently, I believed this as fact and now, 40+ years later, I am learning that what I feel is okay, what I innately or instinctual know is correct for me and there is a very real basis for how and what I experience each situation.

So, I say, go ahead and feel childish but do not stop the feeling.  Embrace it and go with it.  Be gentle and loving toward yourself.  Allow your instinct to be the loudest part of you.  Allow all the other 'voices' to dissipate and fly off and out of you.   Keep only what is YOU. 

You really are your 'best answer'  that you have going for you.   Just what if You are the miracle you have been waiting for.

Everything we need for this lifetime we already have.

I support you in following your innate and instinctual knowledge and feelings.  I truly believe when we all do this and share who we are from this truth within - OH LA LA and FA LA LA LA LA - Then, it will indeed be a very MERRY Christmas.

How many of us are doing things we really do not want to do or we get very little joy from, if any....  Who in your life is going to be the first one to innately 'perform' and love on in the way that brings everyone that is touched by these deeply real truths the same opportunity to share what is truly inside of themselves because they experience this one person doing the same....

May it be YOU.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


What a beautiful evening here in South Florida, USA.  It is cool, 61 Deg. F, and sunny and blue skies.  It is 5:15 p.m. and Tiffany and I just went for a walk.  She was running and wanted to stay out long.  We walked past our door as we started around the block again.  Tiffany has been so good and patient allowing me to love and deal with Little Bear for the past month.  Tiffany has done this with me before when Little Bear had her first back operation in 2009.  She was down and out for over two months.  She did come back strong and they have gotten real used to playing with each other and running and just hanging with each other.  They are good buddies.

My cockatiel Sunshine wanted to come in and she squawks softly until I bring her in from the patio.  She even tells me what to do!   lol    When she doesn't want me to spray her with a light water shower she gets onto the back of her cage.  She knows this is the 'safe zone'!  lol   When she wants her 'bath', she comes close to me and opens her wings and enjoys the spritz of water!  She really enjoys the 'backyard' every day. I enjoy her daily.

I don't have my fish with me and I surely do miss watching them.  We will see what house I find if I can bring the tank down or not.  I guess the Koi fish will stay up north in their habitat in the backyard.  I hope the people that buy the house will enjoy them as much as I did every day.  They are very relaxing to me.  I loved climbing around and playing in the pond cleaning it out and seeing what new growth grew on the plants and what babies would 'materialize' regularly.  I even had a frog that would take a nighttime swim in the pool and then go back to the pond.  Hoot! 

So, as I am so grateful for this magnificent weather; as I am so grateful for my animals and being able to spend so much time with them; as I'm grateful to slowly be transitioning into a 'real' life here in Florida, I know it is not how I imagined it to be.  And, I know that it IS.  This is what is most important.

Right now in this moment, I am trusting the process of life.  I believe that I will find a happier, more fulfilled way.  Until then, I choose to be content and loving to all that I touch as much as I know how.

I choose to be me as true as I can.   I choose to think happy thoughts on each situation I find myself in.  I choose to believe that I am exactly where I need to be.  I am me.   Perhaps, this is what matters most.

May you choose to be you in every situation you find yourself.  May you realize there may be good and not so good in each situation; sometimes downright bad.   Yet, through it all, YOU ARE OKAY IN THIS VERY MOMENT.

May you walk on from this OKAY MOMENT...

This is up north.  Too cute!  


I feel too mentally and physically tired to share and write about all the 'business' going on in my life.  My very sick dog that I can't seem to get an easy answer to is the most 'in my face' today.  Perhaps, it's just because there is no easy answer.  I, perhaps, had a total of three hours of sleep because of my concern for my Little Bear.  I tell myself that I don't do well on little sleep.

I'm still looking for a new house.  I have looked at homes near the beach and homes where we used to live on a golf course.   I ordered my new car today.  My husband and I are settling into a routine and enjoying each other's company (most of the time)!   And, settling in temporary is not what comes easy to us. 

The Christmas holiday is not 'as usual' for me and it is loving and, nonetheless, I do feel serene joy in the air.  The reason for the season, for me, is to share a deeper closeness, a stronger love, and to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  And, it is a wonderful mainstream consensus, to take time out from our regular schedules to just be with others, share love and just hang with each other's energy more openly and without an agenda to move on to the next 'errand' or 'job' or 'chore'; to just be together enjoying the moments.  How lovely, peaceful and joyful the thought of this feels to me already.

Today, I feel much 'stress' inside of my body.  This stress most likely comes from my created fear of the worse possible scenarios I am allowing my mind to wander to.  I am also knowing resistance of what is.

I don't want a sick dog.  I want to be more settled.  I want more ease within and between us as a whole.  I don't want our world to be in such a quick evolution that most cannot focus or feel ease and/or completion in many areas of our lives.  And, like I tell my daughter on many occasions, "you can't always get what you want". 

So, let's accept what we have; what we don't have; what we don't know and what we know.  Let's just accept us as we are today right now in our life.  This is US living Life.  Let it be.  Let you be okay just as; just where; just who; just what; and just why.... just for this moment...

May you believe that how you are right now is perfect for you and perfect for our world and as we move on from this 'perfection' in all it's imperfection... we create our new world together.  Everything you do ripples out to us.   Everything we do, ripples out to you. 

May we 'ripple' with as much peace, joy, acceptance (as possible) with exactly what we are living/processing through from deep within our being. 

Ripple well.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hoot or No Hoot

I'm preparing to acquire a new leased vehicle and I'm feeling and acting like I'm signing my life away.  I hear myself struggle and I feel the fear of the completed deal.  This emotion is new to me when achieving a new car.

I've been lucky to work a good job early on and have new vehicles since I was 18 years old.  The excitement of creating something that I desire and to build and learn what each new package costs and the total amount of everything and then dealing with the sales person to acquire same at a good cost was always enjoyable to me. 

This time around is not so.  This time around feels strenuous and I'm allowing the excitement of it to be way low on my emotional ladder.

I'm thinking I am feeling this way because of the year that I have had.  Giving up my home that I had put a large part of myself completely in to building, growing, decorating and sharing; this same house was changed without my awareness and under a trusted 'deal' that nothing major would change without my knowledge while I was in Florida (they call it "staged" to sell); going from living in a huge 'resort' to a small apartment...  I really put my worth, who I was, and how I felt about myself in much of this 'human achievement' - my creation of 'Shambala'.  HUGE.

It hurts me.  I'm struggling with it.  I am learning.  I have to let go and forgive and find who I am without what was.  It is not an easy feat for me.  Hence, the fear that I am feeling while having conversations about leasing a new car.  I see and feel my lack of trust.  This is new for me.   And, I'm not liking it too much.  Even with the Vets with Little Bear - and the way the medicine that I gave her (because I was instructed to do so) may have created her getting more ill - I see my lack of trust here too. I'm not as readily trusting outside of myself as I'm learning to trust myself more. 

I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN CHANGE HOW I REACT AND FEEL.  This is surely good news/bad news to me.  Good news is that I am the only one that can mess with me and change me.  The bad news is that I am the only one that can mess with me and change me. 

No one can change me without my permission.  I no longer want to feel like I give permission of who, what, where, and/or how I am to anyone but myself.  I want to respond to each situation in my most favorable light and know the peace in each piece that presents itself to me.

While I still own the home in Pennsylvania; not for lack of trying to sell it, there is ultimate peace for me in not being in the cold.  There is peace in not having constant contractors/workers/helpers to upkeep my home the way that I like it to be kept.  There is peace that I get to be in sunny Florida which is where a part of me has wanted to call home since I was 18.  There is peace knowing I am loved and that I am love.  I have learned that my 'home' is right here inside of what I am.  I have learned who and what I am from deep within.  This loss has awakened a part of me from a young age that is now alive again.

I did not feel like the little girl that lived many, many moons ago for a long time.  I now am this little girl grown into an adult and heading towards older age.  I am all of me because of where I have been and where I am now.  This is peace deep within. 

Now, if I could just connect the outside world with my inside world and just be me through it all, through love and trust....   this, to me, would equal the peace that has eluded me for most of my life.  And, the peace I have been searching for.

I'm feeling and thinking that if You are searching for something; most likely you are not completely connected to something within and inside of yourself.  And, of course, I do not know this for certain.  It is only a feeling that I have to believe there might be some truth to this.  May I offer for you to 'play' with this possibility before discarding it.  Thank you.

I awoke thinking to tell my beautiful and brilliant daughter "Enjoy your freedom to be you.  Get YOU strongly embedded and deeply inside of you now" as you live your youth with youthful reckless abandon.  Get to know this person now and put her strongly inside of yourself so that you will always have her to fall back on in your later years when life offers you challenges, change of plans and unforeseen circumstances that may threaten to break you.  Always know who you are and know that who you are matters most in everything you do.  Always bring you to the table lovingly, openly, vulnerably trusting with informed awareness that you will be able to stand strong within yourself walking through whatever life has planned for you. 

May you trust yourself knowing who you are; that this too shall pass and that the truth of who you are matters most in everything you do.

I am learning that the down times are just as valuable as the up times and every situation in our lives is something to embrace and grow from through and with love of self and one another.  I believe.  I believe in us.

Even as I feel myself questioning how I trust, I know that all is okay and we walk on together creating ourselves through the connection of ONE. 

Hoot or No Hoot --  I have not a clue. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Little Dog

My little Pekingese, Little Bear, was at the vet today.  She was so uncomfortable, I had to take her to the emergency vet in the wee hours of the morning.

She is now on the dreaded, but hopeful, prednisone and keeping her still is my job. 

I will do almost anything for her.

So, she is still asleep from the injections that were given to her and her schedule is not the normal AND, I am hopeful and grateful to have another chance at getting her joy back.  It will not come without change, perseverance and allowing what is the truth of it to be so. 

Why, at Christmas, does it seem like irritating things are more irritating; hurtful things can feel more hurtful; joyful things may be more joyful...

We, as a mainstream society, may have created it this way.  We are celebrating the birth of Jesus and in some ways, Santa Claus and the hustle bustle and partying of the season have become more prevalent than the birth of Jesus.  I'm not seeing too many of us coming from a relaxed and joyful state of mind just now. 

I'm not shopping other than a little bit online.  I did very little decorating and I'm not baking cookies or sending cards.  I may be considered the biggest 'humbug' there is.

Yet, while I am not doing the usual Christmas 'celebrating', I am open to loving, sharing and giving what I can to those I love and to those that have less.

My life is in many states of transition and I have many challenges that I cannot do what 'was' now in the present.  I am missing out on some joy; I am certain.  I am also missing out on drama, stress, hurry and flurry.  I am NOT missing out on LOVE, gratitude or desire to share another's joys and hardships.

Tis the Season.... May you allow it to be what it is for you and may you Love through and choose to do it in the most loving, gentle, exciting, giving, open way that is available to you this year.

Merry Christmas. 

                                    Photo by Emmanuel Dagher, Facebook

Saturday, December 14, 2013


I'm listening to Christmas music from a TV channel.  It is so easy to feel love, joy, peace, connection, happiness and 'whole-ness' as I listen to my favorite Christmas songs.   It is a tradition, a mainstay; something many do during this holiday season. 

Christmas is a very holy holiday.  It is the day Christians and others celebrate the birth of Jesus; the gift of giving, the joy of receiving, and the 'presence' of sharing time with each other.

Just taking a break from the daily grind; the average day; the normal in and out daily routine; our world slows down for a week or so as we usher in the New Year with hope, starting over; new year's resolutions and, perhaps, the most important... sharing our full 'presence' with each other instead of being concerned, worried or obligated to 'drive' to the next responsibility, job, errand, chore, obligation... it's a beautiful gift this season can offer us.

May you allow your holiday season to be what it is, as it is.  May you enjoy the old traditions as you allow new traditions to create themselves as you accept who, what, where and how you and your life are today

My wish is by accepting and doing what works best for you today; you can allow joy, love and peace in your heart as it connects to your soul and, together, you have a lovely self to share with all those you encounter.

Merry Christmas; Happy Holidays; Happy Hanukkah...  May you accept yourself as 'whole' during this holy season. 


I sit to type this morning knowing that I have nothing to type.  Little Bear is still not going for her walks and she is eating, going outside to do her business and her tail wags.  Something is still not whole with her.  It still scares me as I work to see how she can be helped. 

This is a new day and I look forward to what it will bring.  I know it is bringing snow to my old hometown and it will make it feel like Christmas for those up there.  It will also provide beauty and a different day for them depending on how much snow they actually get.  I am glad I am not there and I think of the quiet inside the house while looking out at the snowflakes gently dancing down to the ground.  It certainly is a different feeling than any other weather system.

We create more space for my husband's 'stuff' and we awaken to a new chapter in our lives.  This is the beginning.  There has to be an end so a beginning can be so.

I am in the crawl space of these two dividing lines and I know I'm going forward and I know there is possibilities of great adventures.  I don't feel totally on the adventure train just yet.  Perhaps, I grieve what was so I can fully let it go and move on to what is.

Wherever you find yourself; whatever you are feeling; whatever brings you the most peace and joy --  May you make this your 'should'.  May you allow you, just as you, in the situation you are in to thrive as only you can.  You are unique and what works for you works for you.  Do this lovingly and we move on the best way we know how, together, as a world.

Friday, December 13, 2013


I have never experienced such raw feelings all at once before (that I can remember and put a time to).  I don't know if it's the "Christmas" season or if it's just me not accepting easily where I am in my life or if it's my Little Bear still struggling with back spasms on and off for a month now.  Or, if it's everything, together...  (it's everything together!) However..., and... I'm not feeling light, buoyant or jubilant.

I am feeling sad, raw, vulnerable and uncertain.

I say this and then other thoughts come up saying that I know this is not permanent.  I know that things could be so much worse.  I know that I am supposed to be experiencing all that I am or I wouldn't be experiencing same.  I know love. 

And, this love can bring me pain.  This 'supposed to' can make me angry.  I could be better off.

I think I stated previously in a blog post that I am fighting between what I feel and what I know.  It is a fight that I am unable to stop just now.  It is one that is hurtful and loud.  My body responds with aches and purple hands and feet; my face feels numb.

Perhaps, I am stopping myself from feeling because my mind is telling me that the pain is too great.  I'm a loser.  I 'shouldn't' be living this way in my 50's.  I 'should' be more settled.

I thought I was rid of this voice.  Apparently, not just now. 

My husband has moved much of his stuff out of our home in Pennsylvania, USA.   He is on his way here as I type to make this his home; our 'central' station.  This makes letting go of my life/home/what was in Pennsylvania so much more pungent. And, this has been a dream of mine for a while now.  I am starting my dream.

I am not done living yet.  There is much more life to live and I'm going to do so.  It is waiting for me.  I'm waiting for me!  I can't wait to see what I do!

Today, with a feeling of sadness and a heaviness (with my 'life' swirling in my head); I crawl on. 

May you accept and 'hear' what is true for you; and, may you know the positive in your life and live on from here. 

                                                  Creig Crippen 'share', FB

Thursday, December 12, 2013


I just hung up with the 'car salesman' and it's a lot of numbers and plenty of different options to consider.  While I'm doing my 'homework' before making a final decision, I decided to pick a playing card as the meaning of the cards was right in front of me.

I picked the 10 of Diamonds....

It can represent....

"Ten: Money and travel highlighted. Fortunate changes."   Hoot, ha!   lol

May you do your homework so you can feel comfortable making any decisions that are in front of you.


If I am UNcalm; does this mean that I am UnMe.....   Hmmmm

If I do what is right within my own thoughts, being, and person...  am I more calm....   I think so.

Oh, a new 'game'.   O my!

May you stay away from the UNs as much as you can today!  uninterested, unwilling, unable, unsure.   Perhaps, these UNs are in our life to help lead the way to our Best Life. 

Perhaps; go with interested, willing, able, sure....   This just may feel and be more YOU....

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I seem to have more questions just now than answers to individual and combined situations in my life.  I am gathering my thoughts; feeling the emotions that go with them; and always processing what is with an open heart and mind (as much as is possible for me in each moment/situation).

A wonderful and helpful friend sent me the below quote.

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves.  Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them.  And the point is to live everything.  Live the questions now.  Perhaps you will then gradually without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers."  From the book "A Year by the Sea: Thoughts of an Unfinished Woman" by Joan Anderson

Perhaps, if we do not have 'answers' just now, we are not supposed to have them.  We will know them if and when we need to.

May you live your life being okay with not knowing, understanding or experiencing anything you do not know, understand or experience...if only to see how acceptance of same works for you.


I am processing.  I am processing my truth of who I am at the depth of myself.  I am also processing (in a different way) the truth of others as they freely, courageously and beautifully share their selves with me.  Truth, from the depth of who we are is, perhaps, what we are becoming about --  now, more than ever. 

I believe this 'ride' does not feel as the roller coaster of life does.  To me, if feels like a darkened path (at times, pitch black) that is strewn with cobwebs that, when lit, allows us a unified breath of light to guide us and clear the way to a strong, pulsing, expansive and vibrant self. 

"The Universe does not like secrets.  It conspires to reveal the truth."  Lisa Unger from the TV show "Criminal Minds" (ha)

May you process the truth of who you are from the depth of yourself.

                                     My Little Bear feeling better, slowly, every day!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I'm feeling like there is a 'force' present in many of our lives that is showing us that we must do things differently.  We must change things up.  We are becoming aware that changing our thoughts, patterns, ways and habits are essential to know peace and to live through and on with the sign of the times.

We have never been 'here' before.  We are the age of technology and the age of individual wholeness globally. 

There is no right or wrong as much as there is a desire for happy and loving.  Most everyone I encounter; and I have been 'encountering' more lately, shows or declares how what used to work for them easily no longer does and the 'answer' is still 'out' as to what does work easily and best.

If you know what I am talking about, may you believe yourself as you maneuver through your day.  If you believe me to be nutty, may you gently accept the wonder of your ways.  Or, is it may you gently wonder the acceptance of your ways...

We are in this together.

As I continue searching for a new home; a new car, a new career with a deeply evolved, stand strong in myself love of my truth..  I continue searching on.

I am open to what is; what will be; who I am and what I will encounter.  I come from love and I come with hope and light to support you to be exactly the person that you are from the depth of your inner self to the expansiveness of what is outside of yourself.  We all touch everything that is. 

"Touch" on; lovingly, openly, faithfully, truthfully with the utmost sense of self - inside of one's self and outward from one's self. 

The 'force' of this is upon us.  Either this or I may be the most crazy of all.   OR is it possible that all of you are the crazy ones (I say this respectfully (ha)) and I am the most sane 'one' there is....   LOL  Hoot...  hmmm

We walk on together supporting love, individuality and inner/outer connectedness.

May you be the total person that you are in each circumstance with awareness, peace, love, light and strength to allow vulnerability in the truth of where, what, who, how and, perhaps, why, you are uniquely you.

                                                  "InPower Sisterhood"

Walking On

I am walking on; feeling confused.  Going somewhere - not sure where.   I trust the process of life and I barrel on with an open heart, fire in my belly and all that I am.

I am choosing to 'see it through'.

May you barrel on (or breathe) when you have no clear agenda.  May you be open to what is as you create along with same.

You have you.  God has you.  The Universe has you.  We have each other.

We walk on through this 'force' that is upon us and with us.  No words - just feel who you are as you feel your way and walk on.  Intelligence allowed but not to be interfered with. 


Sunday, December 8, 2013


As I get ready for my husband to come and 'move in' and work from here at his new office; as I feel the huge challenge of our world's issues becoming more compressed; as I pray for my dog to heal and not be permanently damaged from her spine...  as I acknowledge many being forced to change habits, ways and thoughts,  I pick 3 tarot cards.  (lol)   I feel like I'm supposed to say, I put on my 'cape and become a super hero' and, instead, I say ' I pick 3 tarot cards'!  lol

The three cards I was drawn to are as follows:

Four of Staffs
"Tarot Wisdom:  Fire is energy, in this case the energy of love and passion.  Four is the number of physical manifestation.  This card depicts a structured and enduring passion.   It could refer to a marriage, a partnership or another relationship that is meant to endure."

Four of  Coins
"Tarot Wisdom:  You are being overly concerned about physical wellbeing, whether health or wealth.  the message suggests that you are holding back on spending money or energy.  If things are out of kilter in your life the card appears like a slap on the hand to remind you to regain a more balanced perspective.

"Tarot Wisdom:  .... death is necessary in order to make a fresh start.   We must allow the old to pass away so that we can usher in the new.  Initiation into the mysteries involves the death of one's old self.  We see this necessary death also in the myth of the moon god, who dies every lunar cycle in the new moon and is reborn again.  This cycle of death and rebirth is the essential theme of the alchemical process.  We go through many deaths in life every time a phase or cycle comes to an end.  Jobs, relationships, health, wealth, spiritual growth - all these involve endings and beginnings.  The trick of keeping steady on the path is knowing when it is time to let go, and allowing Death to claim what it should.  Mourn and give what is passing its due, but do not linger in the grief.  Something new is rising on the horizon.

"Tarot Wisdom" from the book "The Alchemical Tarot" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Robert M. Place

May you let go of what is holding you back; may you trust that where you are is exactly where you need to be; may you be open to creating a nice balance and may you know endurance as you walk on and, hopefully, follow your passion(s).


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Resisting Truth

Oh, is our Universe 'loud' just now for me.  It is on 'fire'.  People are fired up.  I am in awe of the power of what is going on.  People are walking in many new circumstances, many new challenges and just the newness of change because what used to work fairly easily, no longer does. 

I'm still watching my dog to see how she is going to fare.  I do not know as she is in the middle of the health scope and I'm waiting to see which way her health will go.  

I am flabbergasted by the amount of forced 'being' that seems to be on many I know.  To me, it is a 'being' that each one of us has no clue how to 'be' this.  Yet, it has been the sum of all our life that has brought us here.

There are many waters that are uncharted just now and many of us are floating and waiting and we have our sails up and our motors on and we know we are going somewhere; we feel it in the wind.

What I shared on Facebook/Twitter is that I believe by each of us being our authentic inner self we will create an authentic outer 'us'.  By supporting each other to do this; helping each other to do this; sharing how we are doing this and the failure we know in learning to do this -  we are creating a new way; a new world.  We are creating the peace and harmony that as a whole will benefit all.  Allowing it to start from within will insure that we have a chance to stand strong individually united.

I am resisting this hardship and misunderstanding of our world as it is.  I am resisting the pain that I feel with the pronounced new normal.  I am overwhelmed by all the new normals.  I do not easily embrace or know how to embrace all the new technology, the new awareness, the new greatness, the new problems that come from far away because far away is not so far away anymore.

So, as we settle into the strength and love of self; whether by desire or by desperation - we are all a part of a new day dawning. 

How exciting and how scary.  How wonderful and how challenging.  How open and how colossal the impact of this openness can be.

Whether I resist the truth or not, the truth is still the truth.

May you face your truth head on and hold onto your head as you create a new truth that works for you today.  You are not crazy, you are evolving.  While this is going to be great 'stuff', there is challenge here as well.  Perhaps, some of the biggest challenges of our lives.

Hear the story you are telling yourself.  If the story hurts you, may you change it to one that brings you joy.  It is time.  You deserve it. 

And as you claim joy, others will too.  As others claim it, we all claim it.  And once claimed in unison, individually...  what else can there be but more joy...

Our world needs more joy.

Perfect time of year to claim the story of our life, as it totally is today, that makes us joyful.  Joy on.


Friday, December 6, 2013

Checking In

I had a vet come yesterday to my apartment and she says it is now Little Bear's neck area that is hurting the dog and wants xrays.  I am sad and afraid.  I feel helpless because of her previous extensive back surgery in 2009.   I don't like to see anyone or anything suffer.  I don't really like to suffer myself! 

I know suffering is part of this human experience.

I trust the process as best I can.  I feel 'sour' inside and heavy to what is.

I know that I am still okay.  I know that to feel what is is to experience life.

I'm feeling what is.  There is a big part of me that doesn't really want to.  There is a part of me that thinks I do not know how to.  There is another part of me that feels it and apparently knows how to.

I see the good in the difficult.  I experience the 'friendship' of the vet; the care of humankind.  I have a homemade 'pen' for Little Bear to stay still in.   I am giving her the medicine and the holistic alternative things in hope that this will all benefit her.  She is not comfortable at times, and other times I believe that she is.  Today, I've been rarely comfortable as I tell myself I do not what to experience a sick Little Bear.
I surely am not where I want to be on this and I surely am where I am supposed to be. 

It's a beautiful sunshiny day as I walk Tiffany.  I love the ease of shorts and t-shirt in December.  I have great gratitude for this. 

I had crab legs with my daughter.  I spend time with her.  I am fortunate and lucky to do so.  I am fulfilled.

I wait on to see where Little Bear's health is going to take her (and me).  I hope she still has many years of silly joy left to share with me.

There is much chaos in many of my relationships and situations just now.  There is much love and beauty.  I do believe we are working and living more from the inside out.  None of us know how to do this very easily or even think that we want to.

We must.  We must to create the world and be our true selves that we are here to evolve into and just be with.

If you are feeling chaotic, may you recognize the peace.  If you are peaceful, may you share this peace with others. 

Support one another to be who we truly are and trust that we know what is best for ourselves.  Even when we are 100% certain that we know what best for others, allow them to believe what they believe (as long as it is not hurting you or others).  Just what if we each have our own innate knowing to follow easily, together; to create an ultimately better and more harmonious world.  I believe.   May you.  If you are uncertain, may you connect to the one cell in your body that just, maybe, can feel there is more truth to what you feel as opposed to what you know.

Live. Feeling on.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


"If you invite me to an anti-war rally, I won't go.  Invite me to a pro-peace rally, and I'll be there."  Mother Teresa

This is how I feel.  'Anti-war' scares me.   'Pro-peace' invigorates me.

May you know what scares you and what invigorates you.   May you be invigorated. 


Breathe - May you be aware that you are.   'just sayin'

"He let the moment breathe."  From the book "Fifteen Minutes:  A Novel" by Karen Kingsbury

Let the moment breathe.  Oh, how I like this sentence.  It feels peaceful, freeing and open. 

May you let your moments breathe. 

A Lot A Lot

There is a lot of moving; changing; discovering; awakening going on up here in our world.  There are many new paths being presented to many of us.  They can feel very scary and be very hard to understand within the realm that we live.

And, I heard it said that sometimes when our life feels like it's falling apart; it is actually being put into a better place.  I feel, see and hear much of this going on within and without my own boundaries.

There is so much that my brain cannot comprehend; fit into a nice neat folder; know how it can or cannot be true or why.  And, yet, I see, feel, hear and witness much of the same just now.

My other little dog, Tiffany threw up this morning.  There is definitely something present that is messing with my dogs.  I have the vet coming today and I pray that she has answers for me discover.  I would like to be able to see my dogs healthy and vibrant again.

And, when my dogs or my people are messed with, I am messed with.  When our world is messed with, I am messed with.

No more mess.

May we allow this change, discovery, awakening to grant us inner and outer peace.  May we know more harmony and acceptance.  May we hear the 'stories' we tell ourselves.  And, if the 'story' is not making us feel peaceful, harmonious or accepting, may we choose to tell the story in another way.  One's person's truth can be untrue for another.   I'm thinking that most of us have experienced that there are at least two sides to every story.

May you choose the side that sits easily, well, lovingly, harmoniously within you.  Choose this.

                                                       A winter gone past