All my parents from my side and my husband's side of the family are now deceased. The little kids are now in their 20s finding their own lives and their own ways.
I've been asking myself if this is my mid-life crisis for about 10 years now. I am far from being the child; I am not yet where I'm ready to admit I'm the old lady; because I am not!
I am, however, starting to find myself in the same 'freedom' stage as I was in my 20s. However, I am 30 years older. Wow, who'd have thunk that I'd not be young forever!
Freedom. I love it. I loved coming and going as I pleased; doing what I wanted when I chose; being with who I wanted; and being where I wanted to be. I think I still love this. However, it doesn't feel as easy as it did in my 20s. It will again. I believe this.
However, being a mom and focusing solely on family, home, pets and my health has somewhat dis-empowered my innate ability to know what I want to do with this freedom I find available to myself.
I know I want to be out in the world again; making money doing what I love. It used to be fitness and the beach. Man, did I have a blast! Now, it's more than just fitness. It's
being you-ness that I find so fascinating and want to encourage and enable and watch others finding their true selves and
living their all-ness lives.
I want to encourage and watch as many people as possible live from their inner-most being and knowing and create the world to encourage peace, love, empathy, compassion and connection with the same in all of us.
There are many rules; guidelines, comments and opinions out there, especially with the internet, that can tell us how to live our best lives; guide us how to do things right and show us how to create the lives we want.
I believe that each and everyone of us already has inside of us everything we need to do this our own way. All of our paths are different. Yet, most of us yearn for happiness, fulfillment, laughter and togetherness or connection.
When we go deep inside of ourselves and allow ourselves to feel and follow what we feel through love and trust, beauty happens. It just is.
This is the life change that I want for each and everyone of us.
May you start with knowing and allowing yourself to thrive and live today from your innermost level of who you are.
a place of peace and harmony for all living creatures