From the book "Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here)" by Bruce Lipton and
Steve Bhaerman
"The brain, like any governing entity, seeks harmony. Neural harmony is expressed as a measure of congruency between the mind's perceptions and the life we experience. An interesting insight into how the mind creates harmony between its perceptions and the real world is frequently illustrated in stage hypnosis shows. A volunteer from the audience is invited onstage, hypnotized, and asked to pick up a glass of water, which the volunteer is told weighs one thousand pounds. With that misinformation, the volunteer struggles unsuccessfully with straining muscles, bulging veins, and perspiration. How can that be? Obviously the glass doesn't weigh one thousand pounds even though the mind of the subject firmly believes that it does. To manifest the perceived reality of a thousand pound glass of water, something that cannot be lifted, the hypnotized subject's mind fires a signal to the muscles used to lift the glass at the same time it fires contradictory signals to the muscles used to set the glass down! This results in an isometric exercise wherein two groups of muscles work to oppose each other, which results in no net movement--but a lot of strain and sweat. Cells, tissues, and organs do not question information sent by the nervous system. Rather, they respond with equal fervor to accurate life-affirming perceptions and to self-destructive misperceptions. Consequently, the nature of our perceptions greatly influences the fate of our lives."
In my own words and how I hear this.... What/how we think is what/how our bodies respond...
May your body be happy today. May you change your thoughts if it isn't so.
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