Turkey Vulture in My Backyard
Spiritual Meaning of VULTURE by "Animal Speak" written by Ted Andrews:
"Keynote: Purification-Death and Rebirth-New Vision"
"Its medicine would restore harmony that had been broken. Its feathers were used in rituals for grounding after shapeshifting ceremonies, facilitating the return to the self."
"It can soar for hours without flapping its wings."
"This ability to use energy powerfully and efficiently is part of what vulture teaches."
"It is not unusual for those with a vulture totem to have changes in their own digestive system occur." "Foods that you eat are going to have a more noticeable effect upon your energy system. Pay attention to how you feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually after eating various foods. You will soon discover which you may need to avoid and which you may need to increase."
"The sun's rays also serve as a disinfectant for the head. Each morning it will face the sun with wings outstretched to warm its feathers and to cleanse itself of bacteria that may still remain. In this fashion the wings actually serve as mini solar collectors."
"To some it shows that vulture medicine has to do with performing rather than talking about performing."
"...considered a sign of confirmation of a new relationship between the volatile aspects of life and the fixed, the psychic energies and the cosmic forces. It was a promise that the suffering of the immediate was temporary and necessary for a higher purpose was at work, even if not understood at the time. It reflects that no matter how difficult the life conditions, rescue is as imminent in your life as was the rescue of Prometheus by Hercules."
There is also a story in this section of the book about the sun being moved further away from the earth and towards the heavens to protect the earth from burning. It was first moved by a fox, which gave him the black mouth; then the opossum which gave it the hairless tail and, lastly, the vulture volunteered to help and this is why he has a featherless head.
Who knows, right??? Not I.
May you soar while you recharge your energy level and may any suffering you have teach you quickly what it is there to teach you.
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