"Five of Vessels"
"Five egg-like vessels were arranged on shelves, but two have fallen. One has broken and has hatched two birds. The birds represent things that were hidden, but are now emerging from the unconscious."
"Tarot Wisdom: You are experiencing commotion, chaos or a loss, but one that is accompanied by a happy discovery of something unexpected. The message here tells you to look past the loss to what is being gained. Or, it might relate to a sacrifice made or needed to be made in order to gain something better."*
*From the book "The Alchemical Tarot" by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Robert M. Place
I am choosing to learn how to be and live 'me' in all situations that life sends my way with peace, honesty, compassion and truth.
Honesty in how I feel and am affected and truth in sharing this honesty. Ohhh, scary. I find I have no other choice at this crossroad in my life. I also know it's a beautiful gift to myself and my world.
Bring it on World. I am ready. Bring it nicely and with ease, please! lol
May you share your honesty and truth with compassion and peace with the person/situation that you least want to today. (do you dare?) I believe it's better than keeping it in. My energy is with you. ooooooo
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