Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Dream Lake"

More from Lisa Kleypas' book "Dream Lake (Friday Harbor)"

"You know what I do when I'm facing something I dread?" Justine volunteered.  "I divide it into steps.  So, if I were going to meet with Alex at the cottage, I wouldn't let myself think about the whole three-hour ordeal--"  "It's going to take three hours?"  "More like two.  So I would start by telling myself, 'Step One.  All I'm doing is getting into the care and driving to the cottage.'  Don't worry about the rest of it, just do that.  And once you're there, say to yourself, 'Step two.  All I'm going to do is unlock the door and go inside to wait.'  And when Alex shows up:  'Step three.  I'll let him in and chitchat for a couple of minutes.'"  Justine gave her a self-satisfied smile.  "See?  None of those things are so terrible by themselves.  It's just when you view them all together that you start to feel like you're sprinting away from a rabid tiger."

May you encounter no rabid tigers today.

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