Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Which Answer Works Best for Happiness

While eating breakfast outside at a restaurant the other morning enjoying the warmth of the air and the smell of the food and watching the birds, I was pretty relaxed.

Along came a man with a lawnmower and right there next to the tables up the hill he went to cut the grass.

My initial thought was 'wow, I can't believe he can make it up that hill - that's pretty good".  The lady next to me immediately got the waiter to tell the lawnmower man to shut that thing down while she was enjoying her breakfast.

Two completely different thoughts, yes?  At first, I thought (of course), that I am right.  She is mean.  I stay happy; she stays mean.  However, I kept thinking about it and thought, what if that is what made her happy.  What if the best thing to do in this situation is to go within and ask oneself what would make them happy.

Maybe one day it's to admire the strength of the 'lawnmower man' and another day is to have your space respected.

I'd love to know how to know this.............I guess she could have gone inside to eat.  However, she is paying for her meal, so does this entitle one?

What would you have automatically thought/done?  What would be your preferred way of handling this? 

Is it possible my thought would have allowed the job to get done and alot of people to enjoy the beauty; whereas the lady's way only made herself happy (and maybe one or two other patrons)?  Is this okay though?  Very interesting in deed.  I truly am stumped! 

The lines between right and wrong can be very close and blurry at times.  However, what our minds tell us is very real, true and leading for us. In the way that what we think and believe, leads us into our world.  Our world and everything in it (or very close to everything) depends on how we think about the situation in front of us.

This is the hill and this is the one line the man did mow.  Doesn't look like much of a hill (but it is - see the steps) and the uncut grass looks greener.  Gorgeous landscaping, nonetheless.

Balance, Truth, & Feeling Good

I don't know where I am going with this.  I would like to go somewhere, however.

While waiting at the check out stand in a store, I was noticing people saying, hello and how are you and fine pretty consistently.

Of course, we all see this somewhat frequently, I believe.  Do we ever think about it though?  You can bet, I am right now! 

I noticed that just being out in the world and connecting to people makes me feel good.  Just that interaction with a person can be uplifting. 

My head then goes to how real is the encounter.  Is it possible that there is a part of us that are always fine and that's the part we show to the world.  And, it's okay and maybe productive somewhat.

Of course, if we really took the time to delve past that initial 'hello'; each and everyone of us has a story that isn't quite 'fine'.

Perhaps saying fine isn't fake.  Perhaps this is what keeps us connected to our 'fine' part of ourselves.

Is it possible then that this interaction is to help us to stay balanced?

So, maybe our game today can be when you go through this 'ritual' - see in what part of you this rings true; see if you'd like to try to do it differently; see if you want to connect to the truth of your fine self!

Would you believe, that NO,  I do not have anything better to do!  Ha!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Never Give Up

I saw this tree; I never saw a tree like this before.  It captivated me.  I wondered how old it was.  I wondered what it has seen and how much it has been through. I saw the new growth.  I was in awe.

No matter how much we go through; no matter how beaten down we feel; no matter how old we are, while we are still alive, there is always a chance for new growth; new developments; a new story.

Live like this tree.  Be in awe of yourself.

No matter what we've been through, where we've been; how old we get - we can still be anew. We can still create new 'shoots'.  Just like this tree, we find new growth and we have internal power that we can tap into.  It's okay to have a 'gardener' help you out.  The beauty that can come is awesome.  You have 'awesome' deep within you. 

Stand strong; push forward; keep on growing.

No matter what size of  your new branch(es), give it permission to grow.  Give yourself permission to flourish.  Anything really is possible.  You just have to believe.  And, if you can't believe right now, go digging for it.  I believe it's in there.  I have felt it and I have seen it in others again and again.

Ernest Hemingway Quotes

Ernest Hemingway (author) was a smart, smart man.

   "My health is the most capital I have and I want to administer it intelligently."

    "Always do sober what you said you would do drunk.  This will teach you to keep your mouth shut."

Trying Something New

I decided just this morning to try thinking what can I get from people, instead of thinking what I can offer people.  I have never consciously thought this way and I thought 'try something different'.  Really different.

Really cool to me was that at one of my classes (2 hours after I thought of this concept) here at the conference - here is a lady telling me about connective tissue and health.  My disease is unhealthy connective tissue.  I so related to most of what she was saying and she was offering a solution. 

Coincidence  - I don't think so.....

Anyway, before I met this woman, my blog was going to be about me thinking what I can take away from people (of course, in a healthy way) and to invite others to change their way of looking at their life in the same manner today.

If you go around wondering what you can do, what you can offer, what you can connect to to help others, then, maybe just for today - change it up.  Go around with the intention of what others can offer you, what you can allow others to do for you.  Interesting concept, right?

Or, if you are someone that doesn't always worry about what you can give others, is your balance of giving and receiving equal or close to equal.  Is it where you know it would work best at?

We are meant to give and we are meant to receive.  If you feel happy when you do something for others, why would you not give that gift to others by allowing them to do for you.   Isn't it a more balanced world if we can give and we can receive?

I also found myself last night trying to give 'tips' to these two ladies that I met; hoping to help them to find a way to not feel guilt for the wrong reasons.  I think this also helped me to find the idea of be quiet and listen' for a change.  Not everyone wants my help. 

So, what feels right to you for today?  Looking for help, giving help or a little of both?  Try to do it differently;  if only for today.  Good luck.

Kind and Loving

The last time you were really kind and loving towards someone, do you remember how you felt?  Do you remember or know how they felt?  I believe kind and loving goes a long way and it feels good.  I also believe that sometimes we are nicer to others than we are to ourselves.

What if we could be that kind and loving towards ourselves at all times (or at least strive for this)?

Were you kind and loving towards yourself today?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rest Away

I am finding how important rest is to the human body and mind.  I took a class on the subject and I have also experienced the benefits of sleep and the results of not enough.  Our bodies need to rejuvenate. They balance themselves more easily and function on a much higher level when we are well rested.   8 hours is still the recommended amount of sleep.  Science has well documented studies that we are less than we can be when we are sleep deprived.

When I am well rested, I am stronger, brighter, happier and more alert.

When I am tired, I am crankier, sluggish, less clear and just not at the top of my game. 

Are you at the top of your game because you are well rested?  What can you do if you are not?  Perhaps, just breathing and counting your breaths for a little bit is a way you can start to rest your mind, body and spirit.  I wish you full energy because you find a way to get full sleep (the amount that works for you)  tonight.
I wish you a really, really great night's sleep.

Okay, I have to admit what prompted this post was seeing this picture up on my laptop.  I couldn't resist.  However, everything I wrote I stand behind.  And, if I'm being completely honest, I need more than a good night sleep to feel good at this time of my life.  I wish for you an easier path to you being the best that you can be.

Friday, September 24, 2010

All Emotions Go

These past few days surely have been 'an all emotions go' time.  I have felt happiness and belonging and I have felt great sadness and all alone.  Fear and darkness along with love and light.

What I found myself doing differently, however, was ACCEPTING it all.  Instead (or along with) my usual thinking of 'oh I hate this' and 'I can't stand this', I found myself saying I accept it even though I don't like it and I am grateful for the information.  I just responded favorably to it.  I tried to do what felt loving to myself in all situations (emotions).  Yes, I am kind of exhausted and yes, I feel more at peace.  I like the peace.  I like it alot!

I do not really know what's going to happen from here and I do know change is happening for me.  I am choosing to think of this as positive even though, at times, it feels really hard.

Do you feel like you could accept something in your life that you have always resisted; even if just for today?  Stop fighting.   Try it on - it may feel peaceful to you also.  That is my wish for you.  I don't think we have anything to lose but frustration, anxiety, being stuck in the same story maybe...


I believe it's a great idea that our minds and souls are congruent. (Congruent - come together, fit in, agree)   Do not make a move until the mind and soul are together in the decision making; in everything we do.  Together as one.  I am realizing that this isn't true for me alot of the time.  I never really even thought of it like this.  I am choosing to let my mind and soul talk to each other to see what is right for me and, very hopefully, follow through.  I choose to live the rest of my life being congruent in this manner.

The praying mantis teaches us congruency of the mind and soul through stillness, calmness, intuition, patience, balance, mindful, awareness, and creativity.  She never makes a move until she is 100% certain it is the right move for her. 

Is your mind and soul congruent? 

Thursday, September 23, 2010



Is there something you'd like to reflect on today through a new thought pattern?  Is there something troubling you that you can, perhaps, choose to look at it in a new light?

Perhaps you can try to not judge, not compare, do this without fear and do it with complete love. Just play with it.  If there was nothing stopping you, what would things look like anew?

Made It

I made it to CA and all is calm(er) and I am able to let go of my east coast life for the time being.  Doing the 'work' there did enable me to be calm here; although I'd like to complete the work in a more loving to myself way!  I am anxious regarding the conference.  Anxious and excited.  My goal is to get through it knowing more than when I arrived and feeling more me as I am leaving.  (I have this concern about wanting to fit in and wanting to share happiness.  I'll see where this goes.)

Anyway, I met a woman at the airport and I got a little bit of  'enlightenment' from her words that I'd like to share.

Life, maybe, isn't so much about focusing on our circumstances.  Perhaps, the circumstances are much less important than the way we see our circumstances.  What we tell ourselves may be more important than the actual situation itself.  Can it be that if we see our current circumstances differently, this is what can alter our lives.  I believe that if we change the way we look at things; we have a much better chance at change.  (I'm betting this is where 'if we keep doing the same things; we get the same results' comes from).  I know I'm basically saying the same thing over again.  However, this is a big one for me.

Is there something that you can think differently about right now?  Poof, just look at it and decide there is a better way to look at something and think of it like that. 

i.e.  I am in control of me; I deserve this; I don't deserve this; I trust the process of life; I am safe.

Again, as much as I'm scared to admit, my head has waves of energy floating around in my brain.  I had to go lay down.  I get dizzy easily as I'm typing this. 

I truly believe my thought patterns are changing and this is the 'waves' I feel in my head as they are 'setting up shop'.  The dizziness maybe is the old patterns being broken up and not quite understanding why and wanting the status quo.

This is scary for me and not comfortable and certainly not the easiest thing I've ever done.

However, for almost 20 years, I have been saying I know exactly what I want and what makes me happy  on the inside; I do not know how to get it on the outside.  Perhaps, I am being brave enough and have had enough suffering and pain; that I am pushed to this.  Just say it and voice it and ask for it.  Perhaps, I can be vulnerable (even if not fully willing) to show the real me and ask for what I truly want.

Are you ready to try it with me and just see what happens?

For me, it's like having to say "I am safe through love" (from Healing Yourself - Louise Hay)  - and not knowing or feeling this anywhere in my person; wondering where I can get connected to this belief.   I am choosing to voice it anyway and watch what happens.

For you it may be "I deserve this change", "I am my own person", "I can trust people at my own discretion".  Make one up for yourself.   Fly high with it!

Good luck - I'm with you.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'm traveling to CA from the east coast of the United States in a few days.  My mind is pretty much traveling already, however.  I think my mind has one leg on the east and one leg on the west.  This means, to me, that I am not fully grounded either place.

I'm trying to get things situated, worked out, and 'complete' for everyone that I'm leaving behind.  I'm also trying to get prepared and charged up for everything that I want to do there.

What is a woman to do??  I'm going to a conference about Mind, Body, Spirit, Exercise and it is just what I want to do; what makes me happy; what helps to make me whole.

Instead of being on both coasts at one time in my head; I'd like to set aside time for this coast and sometime for that coast so I don't feel so scatterbrained and confused.  The Power of Now would be a really great principle to work with now. 

My old habit doesn't work this way.  I'd like a new habit to form and work this way smoothly.  I'd like it to happen with no work on my part; and I believe I have to do the work.  Also, being in between 'bases' can be very exciting; and very scary for me.

I will tell myself when I'm focusing on here 'stuff' - there is nothing I need to do right now about there - I'll get to 'there'.  Right now I will concentrate solely on what I want to do on this end.  Lists would probably be a pretty good idea for some.  I was never really a 'list' person.  Part of me thinks it takes time from getting the jobs done.  I do believe my mind would be more at peace with lists because these thoughts could be out of my head perhaps.  Maybe one day I'll be ready to try that.  Right now, I know what needs to be done; so I'll do it being fully present. Okay,  Breathe, relax my body and let go.

Ahh, that's nicer for me.  Tonight, I'll give some time to where I'm going and what I'd like to bring for that.   It's all in my control.  It will all work out.  I trust that it will all work out so I can let the shallow breathing go and the sporadic thoughts go and focus on this moment.

Wow, what a way of getting here.  However, I am so grateful I'm here.  Feels much better inside my body!

Are you giving yourself permission to do one thing at a time?  Or is your mind doing a couple of things right now?  Is your mind still on a task you have previously done?  Is your mind on a task you are going to do?  How would it feel for you to just have your mind on the task at hand?  Dare to try it?  You can always go back to multi-tasking anytime you want. 
 Day Two

I have to admit.  This is just the beginning of my work on this subject.  I am not doing very well.  My mind is including dinners, dogs, schedule for here while I'm away.  My mind is also focusing on what I need to pack, the people I want to meet up with, driving to and from the airport, even my meals.  None of this has to do with the Now really.  I have a long way to go with this one.

I can only try to keep bringing myself back to what is happening now; what needs to be done now.  However, I'm finding myself somewhat paralyzed and not smoothly making this transition.

I used to travel alot.  In the past year, this will be my third time.  I used to go monthly for many years. This is the new me learning how to travel a new, exciting, easier way.  OK, universe, help me please.  ha. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to Tell

Today is a very lazy day I am having.  A pajama day.  Haven't had a whole pajama day since I can remember and, o, does it feel fine! 

As I am having my pajama day, however, I am feeling some guilt associated with it.  Some guilt that I'm not out on this beautiful day enjoying it; that I may not be accomplishing anything worthwhile; worth the day so to speak.

When I ask myself whose voice is saying this - I immediately know it is not my own.  My voice is saying kick back, relax, enjoy it, baby yourself.  Give in to what you need and want. 

So, my question then becomes how do I know if taking downtime is beneficial to me and when it is just plain lazy and maybe even hurtful.  WOW.  Big question, right.  I immediately do not think I even know the answer.

So, I sit quietly here and say to myself -  Is this really want I want to do?  I say yes immediately.  If I could do anything at all; anything that I could imagine, what would I be doing.  My answer is - I'd be having a PJ day. 

I have to believe, therefore, that I am loving myself in giving this day to myself.  I'll be better and stronger and happier and more whole tomorrow for giving this day to myself.  And, in doing so, I'll be better for the people in my life.  Stronger, calmer, more patient tomorrow because I am giving this gift to myself today.

Now, if I ask myself what else I'd rather be doing and even need to do.  And, I come up with anything, anything at all; then I hope that I will choose to do that and follow what feels best in the moment.  I hope I can decipher when something really needs to be done.  Maybe I can ask myself if it will matter five years from now.  Maybe I can know what affect (if any) will happen if I do not do certain things and decide from that.

Sure, there is always something that I can accomplish.  There is always something that needs to be done.  I have the power and the right and responsibility to pick and choose whatever it is that gets accomplished or doesn't get accomplished that is within my world. 

The world will not end and I will not die because I choose to relax and do nothing all day long.  And, maybe; just maybe, my world will be a better place because I did stay in my pajamas all day today.  I did give myself what I want and all I can say is 'oh, that was good! 

I'll get back on the horse tomorrow, so to speak and ride into the sunset then.  But, today, I'll just let myself BE.  Just be.  

Do you ever give yourself time to recharge?  What if, just maybe, if you give yourself permission to just kick back and relax and enable yourself to recharge and then, just maybe, you'd be able to accomplish more without stress/frustation and with greater clarity.  What if this would allow you to feel more powerful and love just a bit brighter?  Would it be interesting to think of down time as a job with the result of enhancing your life?

Only you know what you really need and only you can give yourself permission to accept it.

Picture taken in Saugerties, NY.

Who are You?

I have been hearing this song on the radio approx. 6 times in the last two weeks.  So, I've been asking myself ' who am I?'.

Who am I if I wasn't a mom or a wife?

Who am I if I didn't have a dis-ease?

Who am I if I didn't love animals?

I am a person who wants to be connected to the world and wants to share goodness and caring.  I am a person who wants to know peace and exude peace and love.  I want to be honest and real.  I want to dance and to 'feel' alive, not just be alive.  I want to watch other people achieve their happiness and use their power to better their world and their lives.

WHO ARE YOU without your title(s), your job position, and/or your material goals and achievements?  I know you are a human being with much depth and many layers.   WHO ARE YOU?

In her book, Honor Yourself, Patricia Spadaro says "When you have nothing left to do, who are you?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Where to Begin

What beautiful weather the northeast coast of the United States has been having.  Perfect weather.  Nice breezes, low humidity, warm sunshine, beautiful landscaping.  I see different shades of green, flowers of pink, red, orange, purple, and a beautiful blue sky.  I look outback and see the waterfall flowing into the koi pond.  I see the healthy, happy leaves blowing in the breeze.  I see the sun shining on the trees.  It is glorious.  The beauty of nature is awesome!

I think we are nature.  Our forms are nature.  We come from nature and we go back to nature.  We must be awesome too.  I had a beautiful experience today finding me.  I feel connected to me; connected to my body.  I feel free to be me.

I had my usual two hour a week massage and I gave up something today.  I gave up my darkness; I gave up my suffering; I gave up my negative thoughts and negative feelings.  I felt what came up and I let it go.  The past as many years as I can remember; I felt these things within myself but then fear would rear it's ugliness and keep me stuck.  Fear would come up when the masseuse would put (what I thought was too much)  pressure on a muscle or a body part and I'd run away in my head or shut down in my body.  I was really good at doing both.  I was very good at not feeling.  Feeling, I thought, was too hard.  Easier not to feel.

Today, even if it is just for today, I like feeling.  Feeling is good.  Without it, I can't be happy, can't be joyful, can't feel wholeness.

If I gave up 'darkness' only for today, I am grateful.  I want to let it go and just pass through me if it must.  I do not want to allow it to linger for too long.  I prefer happiness, light and joy over sadness, dark and sorrow. 

Good vs. Evil.   Good will always win if we get out of it's way!  Just let it happen.  Feel whatever it is you are feeling and know that it's real for you and it's okay that you feel this way.  Then decide how it feels on you and in you.  If it feels good, happy, wonderful - keep it.   If it feels bad, sad, horrible - let it go.  Take a baby step toward change and step into the real you. 

What are you feeling in this moment?  Do you choose to keep it or let it go?  You have the power to choose, to change, to really live.  Do it for you.  Do it for me.  Do it for the people that love and need you.  Do it to better mankind!
  (okay, maybe I went a little too far on this one? ha!)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today it is raining emotions in my world.  I am grateful and I am overwhelmed.

We all have our 'stuff'.  Each and everyone of us has our lives, our worlds, our challenges, our dreams, and our 'stuff'.

When we cross our boundaries or let others cross our boundaries - all this stuff leaks over and out and wherever there is an opening.  We may get overwhelmed, we may get confused, we may even get sick.   We can definitely get discombobulated.  Each one of us has the challenge of owning our own stuff; of making the decision of how we want to handle and be handled in each moment.  We can be there for each other with thoughts, feelings, emotions, love, even money.  When it comes down to it, however, life works best when we stay within our own worlds and live our own truth.  Share each other's worlds but not live them.

Usually, when I get confused or overwhelmed, I am ignoring my own needs. Perhaps, I don't have a goal in my mind for myself.  I may be living the moment in somebody other than my own stuff.  I am learning that when I feel uncomfortable and confused, it may be a good time to let my heart be and go in my head and ask myself what I need.  I always know what I need.  Sometimes I don't want to admit it.  Sometimes I don't want the answer to be what it is.  I always know though.  Always.

I want to stop being so serious and relax and know that I've made it this far; I'll make it all the way.  All is as it should be.  I am okay.  I will be okay.  We are all going to be okay. 

Do you need something different than what you are giving yourself right now?  What is the immediate goal for yourself that you can focus on?   Are you owning your own stuff?  Are you allowing others to own their own stuff?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What's It All About

Hey.  Not sure where I am today.  Feeling kind of okay and kind of not so okay.  Guess I'm still just letting things be.

Wanting to accept things and, probably more importantly, accept me just as I am.  Actually, feelings of wanting to accept me and not wanting to accept me are fighting with each other.  

The big 'tug of war' is on! 

I want to choose the acceptance.  I want to choose the contentment.  I want to choose the Win!

Guess I just will let it be again and see where I end up.  Kind of interesting.....

How much of yourself do you accept?  Is it possible to accept 100% of yourself?  I think it can be. 

We all know that no human is perfect. Or do we?  What if we were all perfect just as we are?  What really is perfection?  Is perfection different for everyone.  Maybe it's just a word.....

Maybe we are all just pieces of the big puzzle and together we are perfection.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just Be

I believe today is a great day to JUST BE.  No thinking, no planning, no fixing.

Just let it all be!

Let it be.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Everyone Else Has it Together..... Is this true?

I've contemplated this one for days now.  It hits real deep with me and it scares me some. 

I'm discovering that I have this belief, alot of the time, that everyone is going about doing what they want to do and they are happy and have it all together.  They are living their lives the way they want to and not having struggles and/or hardships.  Even as I type this, I know this to be false.  I do believe that deep down this is, perhaps, the way I grew up thinking.  Everyone was more together, more happier, more content than I. everyone had it right, but me.   Something was wrong with me.

I'm realizing this is a mind game of mine and I no longer want it - not even close to me or in any part of any one of my cells.  I want to get rid of it completely.  I took on this belief when I was very young and just never questioned it.  It felt so true, because I thought it was.

I know that other people have issues, problems, struggles.  Alot of times they are different from mine; sometimes they are similar.  I know this because there are alot of wonderful people that are brave enough to share them with me.  My feeling is I sometimes want to fix them and the reality is they can only fix themselves.  I can only find peace within myself.  We all have it deep within; it's all about connecting to it in our own way that works for us.

I remember walking the beach for many years many moons ago and looking at the horizon thinking 'I know my answer is out there somewhere'.  I now believe that my answer(s) is right here inside of me not outside of me.

Wouldn't it be great if we could be there for each other as we were all looking for peace and love and an honest bonding with each other and in the world. 

Instead of closing down and feeling all alone and burdens so heavy that I don't want to get out of bed in the morning;  just, what if, I knew and could feel and touch and share with others the openness of the real us. 

I found this show on MTV that says  If you could know the real me, this is what you would see........  I think it would be heavenly if we didn't feel we had to put our masks on before we head out into the world and were lovable and 'enough' just to be ourselves.   No, I don't want everyone walking around moping and crying and down.  We have a whole gamut of emotions as humans.  And, on occasion, I'd love to be able to just hug a person that is feeling this way and perhaps just for that moment we can each feel the connection that invigorates us as humans.  Instead of walking around  - hi how are you - okay - and how are you - fine, I think it may be nice if we could really see each other and still go about our day, but to just share that we care about each other, I think, goes a long, long way.

I'm reminded of a time that I said to a stranger that one of my dreams was that we could all just get along.  She came back, surprisingly to me, 'that will never happen'.  Wow, I was somewhat shocked.  When my shock wore off I thought - that will never happen if we all think like that!

So, even if just for today  Know that we all have struggles, we all have things that rocked our world in easy, exciting ways and in not so easy, nor exciting ways.  Know that you are lovable and worthy of your time because you are here on purpose.  If you were hurt as a child, it was not because you were unworthy or unlovable.  It's because the adults in your life were doing the best they could with what they knew.  (maybe it wasn't too much, but you were always lovable) 

You are lovable and you are worthy and you deserve peace, harmony, and whatever brings you happiness.  There is an over-abundance of this in this world and it's okay to grab it for yourself.  There will always be enough for everyone.

I believe the angry people are the ones that need our love the most.  If you can't offer them anything, it's okay.  Just know that you don't deserve their anger.

(I started off where I thought I was going; I know I didn't end anywhere near I thought I would go.  But it is what it is and I'm trusting that this is where I was supposed to end up.)

What question comes in your mind for you to ask yourself.  Perhaps, it's time to look at the reality of your question and the answer.  Time for a new way of thinking from within.  Go for it.  You are worth it and so is our world.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


When we feel stuck; unable to change or get out, is it possible that some or alot of it is what we are telling ourselves.  We always have options.  We always have other roads we can take.

When it feels like I do not have other options, it is my darkness and inability to see the light.  There are always other choices.  Sometimes, these choices may 'feel' overwhelming and instead of moving on, we stay stuck because the opposite seems way too big to handle.

What if there are tiny dirt roads or bypasses we can choose instead of looking at the freeway and feeling too fearful to move on?

Is there a dirt road or bypass right in front of you that you can choose right now just so you are no longer stuck where you don't want to be?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where are you?

Are you where you want to be today?  If so, great, you are doing something in sync with the real you!

If you are not, what thing(s)  (small or big or anywhere in between) can you do to make your life be more of the story you want to live?  What can you do right now? - quick answer - don't think if its right or wrong.  Do it and have fun!

Friday, September 3, 2010

I Ate Too Much Today.

Okay, yes, I admit it.  I ate too much today.  I am feeling uncomfortable and dissatisfied with myself.  I ate too much today.

I just chewed and tasted; tasted and chewed.  Before I knew it, my belly was full and I know I didn't stop chewing and tasting when it was in my best interest to do so.  I kept thinking the next bite was going to taste even better.  It never did.

I did not pay attention to each flavor; each texture.  My mind was elsewhere.  I'd like to do better next time.  I will do better next time.

I will pay attention and be present the next time I sit down in front of a plateful of food.  I hope to notice the smell.  I hope to taste all the flavors and textures.  I hope to eat slow enough that my stomach has a chance to tell my brain when it has had enough.  I hope I pay attention to the type of food that is on my plate and if I will feel better or feel worse if I eat the particular food(s). 

My wish is when I walk away from the meal, I will not feel satiated, but pleasantly comfortable.  I will feel proud and loving towards myself because I did what works best for me; what works best for my body.  I did not follow an old habit that wasn't comforting to me.  I did not need a shovel to eat my food.  I thoroughly enjoyed every bite and stopped before I became uncomfortable.

Food is always available to me and I hope to remember this the next time I sit down to eat a meal.

This is my wish for my next meal.  This is my wish for your next meal as well.

Have you tasted and enjoyed your food today?  Have you given your stomach a chance to tell your brain where things stand with it? 

Do you care to?

Is it best if we think of our bodies as engines and food as fuel? 

Queries You May Want to Ask Yourself in Regard to Happily Ever After

I have been thinking about marriages.  I believe we (who are married) all have done this at one time or another and I'm wondering if there are some of us (if not most of us) that, just maybe, have only been thinking about it.  For instance, contemplating it without any changes and/or decisions made to make it the best marriage possible for the two people involved.  This is not a judgement; I wish it only to be an observation.

When I awoke this morning, these questions were on my mind in response to my thoughts.

Do you lead your life making yourself happy and content?  Do you know that it is your right and responsibility to?

Are you, perhaps, holding on to your dream(s) and/or illusion(s) of your partner?   What is the reality of  today/yesterday(s)?

Are you able to look in the mirror and tell the person looking back at you how much they are loved?  (How, if at all, does this change if you do this with your children's faces in mind )

I really believe that the only way we can give others happiness is if we truly have it ourselves.

What can you do for yourself right now that will give you a taste of happiness today? Baby steps are always welcomed.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

NeverEnding Life Lessons

Wow. What a morning I chose to have!  Not fun.  My head and thoughts were all over the place.  My breathing was labored and shallow.  I had a 'freak out'!  Ha!

By this I mean, I felt like I had way too much on my plate.  I had filled my plate so full, that all I wanted to do was shut down and hide from it, run far from myself.  Not face the reality of what I was living; what I created.

My mind wouldn't think calmly or rational even.  I saw myself doing things that really meant nothing to me at all. That even made me want to swear.  Some silly things like trying to raise up the tomatoes from the ground that were very heavy and annoying to me.  (I didn't plant a tomato plant; it just showed up - I don't even eat tomatoes)  Yet, here I was trying to keep them healthy and beautiful.  Why.  In case someone else would enjoy them.  How did I know anyone would.  Assumptions are not the clearest way to go!  I hope to ask before I assume from now on.  Outcome may just work out much easier and better.

I saw myself walking in circles wanting to stop and turn off and yet pushing through and getting jobs done that were on my mind.  I was sporadic at best.

I felt like I couldn't cope and yet I knew deep down that it was just my old way of feeling and dealing with life.  It felt so powerful, so out of my control, BUT this time I knew it wasn't.  This time I knew I didn't have to be like this.

I decided to be really brave and look at the reality of everything that was either on my mind or bothering me (which probably is one and the same at this point).  I realized it was my mind telling me my reality.  It was not the facts.  Okay, some of the facts I was looking at were not too pretty.  But, when I truly looked at everything in front of me (while fighting through the dizziness and the stomachaches and my heart pumping), what I realized was it was time for me to re-evaluate my life, my goals, my past decisions that I'm still living even though they do not give me peace today.

So, it's time for me to re-evaluate my life!  How exciting (I think).  Time to change my story.  I'll try taking one thing at a time, looking at it, being honest about it and looking at the options and other possibilities that WILL bring me peace and put smiles back on my face.  I will ask for help from the people that are involved in this old decisions.  I will ask for help from the people that are on the same ride as me to seek new and better ways and decisions.  Hopefully, they are going to be with me a long time, so why not ask them to create a new and better way for all of us.

Very interesting to me indeed.  I had a freak out this morning.  But, quite possibly, for the first  time in my life, I also watched myself having the freak out.  I watched myself maneuvering around somewhat blindly and believing in falsehoods that pulled me into places I didn't enjoy for a second.  Places I no longer wish to go.

I seek peace and happiness and togetherness.  I will try to live my life seeking these things.  Possibly, the most mind-boggling thing for me to do.   I want to say   'If it IS broke, fix it!'

" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain."

How would you like to go through your next freak out or storm?  Do you participate fully and let it run you?  Or is it possible to also watch yourself and see what is really going on?    Good luck.  I'm cheering for you!

If you don't have a freak out this week - good for you - you are way ahead of me.