Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Little More

I have a little more than a week here in Pennsylvania before going down to warm, sunny Florida for a couple of months.  My heart is happy.  I'm a bit apprehensive because of the comfort of my home that I will be giving up.  We built this home with my needs in mind.  We have all easy to grab door handles; easy to use light switches, easy to use water spigots.  The heat is in the floor.  I do not have to go into the cold garage to throw recycle away.  We have a built-in recycle bin that I just open the door and the plastic, newspaper, or aluminum drops into the garage bin.  I have lots of space and it's a beautiful home.  I am very blessed to live in it.

It is a lot of work to upkeep because it is quite large.  Hence, my help.  How lucky I am to have help.

So, now I enter an apartment lease for one year in a land where I know I belong.   I've known ever since I was 18 and had never been to Florida yet - that West Palm Beach was where I belonged.  I remember calling Andrews and Pinkstone Realtor inquiring about apartments in West Palm Beach.  I picked West Palm Beach because I loved the way it sounded.  Ha.  So, here I am at 52, and I'm going to have this apartment.  Crazy, right?   I did buy my first home in FL when I was 40, then sold that and purchased a second home in Florida when I was 44.  We sold this home when I was 49.  I have been in one place, Pennsylvania, for these almost 4 years.  Before this, when I had a home in Florida - we would more or less spend 6 months in PA and 6 months in FL.

Of course, there was good and bad to this; just like everything in life.  It was wonderful when I got tired of living one life to be able to start anew in the other area.  It was hard to put strong roots down anywhere.  It was wonderful not having to 'fight' the cold and it was wonderful to be in the sun all the time.  I thought of myself as a  'sunchaser'.  I always felt better in the warm air.

Lately, I have been feeling even keel more so whether in the freezing cold (because I stay in) or the warm weather (because I've stayed in).  These last three years of going inside myself and pretty much stopped living as to my way of what living was, has been remarkable.  I truly believe I changed my chemistry.  I know I changed my mind and body and I feel much closer to my soul.   It truly is easier for me to do this when I do not have outside 'noise' or interruptions or even just FUN being with people because, for me; it pulled me away from my inner person; my true self.  AND, I needed to know this person badly.

I really had to get to know AND BE OKAY WITH my true self.  How lucky I am that I was able to do this.  I am beyond grateful for all who allowed, helped, cheered me on.  I'm wowed by and blessed to have a husband that, very grandly, supported me to do this. 

I feel I have done this as much as I can; for now. 

It's funny how life plays out and when it's time; it's time.  So, next week, I drive down to Florida with my dogs and my husband.  It is about 1,200 miles.  So, my next chapter/journey begins.

While I wait for the day to do this to come....  it is Christmastime here at my home.  I love the peace, the spirit, the sound and feel of Christmas.  It is a time to be together and a time to celebrate Jesus' birth and a time to not work and to just be.  This is how I know to celebrate it. 

May you experience what makes you happiest this coming week and lead with open heart and a joyous spirit whether you celebrate Christmas or not.

Note:  I feel there are many suffering; may you feel a spark of light within yourself and know that you are loved and there is a reason for you to be here.  Someone, somewhere needs your spark (Joel Osteen).  I hope you give yourself permission to focus on your spark; your light, with an open heart.  My wish is for you to stop suffering by allowing yourself to feel it and process it (alone or with help); and when you are ready, let go and move on and let your loving light lead you. 

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