Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Where I'm At

For years previous to this, I would post a "Where I'm At" post every now and then in this blog just to be open, true and to share/be Me.

I haven't done it in what feels like forever and something within me has been telling me to do so.

So, here is... Where I'm at...

With the Corona Virus, my husband stopped all travel.  He traveled a lot.  Mostly every week.  So, him being home and not traveling was an 'eye-opener' for both of us.

Today, he starts traveling again.   It may prove interesting in many different ways.

I am open to experiencing this 'interesting' from the most open, loving place within myself.

I am alone once again.  Home alone.  It feels freeing mostly.  There is a bit of fright present.  And, I truly feel, believe and know that this is going to be an awesome week living in this freedom and this fright.

I have booked many zoom classes, sessions and 'dates' with other women starting their soul fulfilling businesses and soul calling dreams.  I have one session booked with a dearest, beautiful friend from sophomore year in high school.  We were roommates and we easily got along, worked well together, exercised, played real hard, worked just as hard and know each other deeply, openly, freely and powerfully.  She is totally awesome.  I deeply love her.  I love 'Us'.  She is a part of me. This session will be a gift to me.  I just know this.   I pray, wish, hope and want this session to be an empowering gift to her.   May it be so.  It is so.  So it is.  

I hope to gather thoughts, papers and ideas with goals of creating, growing and sharing.  No set schedule, other than the calls.  No right or wrong.  No judgment.  I plan to just feel and trust my way upward, onward and through this week of Me Time.


May you do You in the manner that feels best, easiest, fulfilling, freeing and/or whatever describes and encourages what works/plays out best for You.

Oh, what a FUN week we can create.  All we need do is believe, allow, flow and g(r)o(w).  "Just Be U" and watch your magic explode in the most beautiful and precise way.  

My whole body vibrates with anticipation of sharing awesome in and with every experience, situation, moment and relationship I find myself in.

May you let the vibration of You be open, true, loving, kind and, oh, I am so hoping we all find ourselves Wowed.  !!


Sunday, May 30, 2021

Endings are also Beginnings

The sun sets. The daylight ends. The night begins.  As things end, new things begin.  Again and again and again.  This is the process of life.  The natural process.  You are life.  

As I have had the pleasure of watching many sunsets recently, I am reminded of the flow of life; the flow of nature; the flow.

There is a peace in accepting it.  There is awesome in believing in it.  There is magnificence in flowing with it.

May you flow with the natural process of change and dance to the heartbeat of being natural, authentic, magnificent You; in trust, truth and with your ability to love always open and on.

Endings allow for new beginnings.  It is the natural process of life; of living.  I have heard it said that just before a dawning, there is often the darkest of times.  Have faith.  "This too shall pass."

It has been said "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.  It is about learning to dance in the rain."  

I'd like to say be true with every breath You take.  Be in every breath You take.  Experience what is in front of you to experience.  Bring, support and own your truth in every experience you find yourself.  Let love.  Let your love lead you through and forward.  

May you open to the natural process of You.  May it amaze, interest and ignite the best parts of You awaiting to be ignited.

Saturday, May 29, 2021


Here’s something to think about maybe...   It has been said that we think 60K to 80K thoughts per day.  And, 90% of them are the same thoughts each day...

Oh my!  Pretty interesting.  Feels something of truth to me if not complete truth.  We are habitual creatures.  We 'fall' in and out of habits.  Staying in a habit seems to be way more easily done that changing and/or transforming a habit.

Becoming aware of a habit that we want to change and doing so is not impossible.  It may take work of super proportions.  And, at times, when we are truly ready for the change/transformation, it can prove somewhat easy.  Especially through awareness, desire, knowledge, wisdom, truth, openness and support.  Oh, it can happen and does.  

And, it has even been known that the habit changes without us even knowing because we change or our life changes.

Whatever it takes, if you want to change your thinking - more to love, uplifting, joy and to meet the life that is You(rs) now and that You wish to create, it is so doable.  You are so doable.  You are so able.

May you be aware of your thoughts as much as possible.  If they don’t produce an outcome that you enjoy, release them or change them up.   If they produce a joyful feeling, yay on You.  !!

Thoughtful thinking...   Put a light on your thoughts and dig in.!.

How are your thoughts working for You?  

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Supermoon Magic

Full Supermoon Magic...  

May your challenges dissipate and your happy energy serve to create your dreams.    

This is a high energetic time for our world and universe; for You.  Some say there are portals open to create and recreate what we truly want in our lives; what is supposed to be ours from our innate knowing.  

Change and possibilities are high just now.  All you need do is take one step and the rest will flow, perhaps, way more easy than one could imagine.   It is often the one step that we take or don't take that can make all the difference.

May you listen to your inner wisdom - what calls to You.  May You step into it, on it, out of it, through it.   May you step away from what doesn't feel fulfilling, happy, uplifting or representing of You.

May you ‘grab on’ to the best of You and build and carry forth your life’s joy and purpose.

May you GO for You.  !!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021



Beautiful.  A new day.  A new dawn.  A new promise.  A new hope.  A new chance.  Anew.

I woke up about 4 minutes before sunrise.  Something in me told me to get up and go have some fun and beauty and witness the sunrise.  I was blessed with a calm, serene and beautiful sunrise.

There is something within each of us.  Perhaps, a lot of 'somethings' that guide us, support us and even heal us as we get out of our own way and connect to these somethings.

In the silence of our minds, we know.  In the breath that we breathe and awaken to, we know.  In the sunrises and sunsets, it is there.  It is always present if we let it be so.

May you let your internal knowing and guidance live with you and through You.  It is always there.  It is up to You to connect, believe, surrender and hear.

It's that voice from within.  The loving one.   It is the song that pops in our minds.  It is a thought of someone or something.   It is the something that catches our attention.   It is the push that requests us to do something on the sly ('playfully artful').  It is the request from deep within, throughout our whole beingness to be adventurous ('do something out of the norm') and/or suddenly or unexpectedly.

Let your inner knowing be like the sunrise.  It happens every day.

Sunrise.  May you know there is good in the day that alights and that every day alights.   

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


As you find yourself overwhelmed and/or in a state of confusion, perhaps, ask yourself what is my goal in this very moment.  

Asking for help is not only a gift for You, but a gift for the one that gets enjoyment out of helping.  As you enjoy helping others, allow these 'others' to enjoy the pleasure and 'feel good' to help/support You.  

We cannot live in the future so bring your senses and your whole being into this now.   We cannot truly live in the past, it is over and behind us.  We can really only truly live in this present moment.  It is in this moment that we can feel, smell, touch, taste and look upon it with our eyes.  

Our minds can travel many places.  Our minds are most productive when we allow them to be present to what is.  Open to what is now.  Experience what is from the best option and train of thoughts than we can.

Enjoy where you are at today.  It may not be possible tomorrow.  Live the happy/love here now, it may not be able to be replicated again.

May you live in what is good in your life; now, in this moment. If you cannot easily find, feel or touch the good, open to your love, acceptance and faith that as you bring your loving truth into this moment, your best paths and possibilities come to light.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Thyself; Now

Love thyself.  Know thyself.  Be thyself.  Bloom thyself.  

May you grow and live the beautiful life of You(rs).   The unique presence of You matters.  

Goals.  We mostly all have them.  They can be tiny goals of brushing our teeth or combing our hair.  They can be medium goals of enjoying color or one of our favorite smells.  They can be gigantic goals of change and transformation.  And, really, a goal is a goal is a goal.

If something comes up for you to do.  If, in this moment, you choose to focus on the fullness and the present of this moment...  it all matters.

We can truly only live in the now with thyself.  We can feel what we feel in the now.  We can participate in a plan in this moment.  Perhaps, they are all big goals.  They are all small goals.  

Just living thyself and your life in this moment is a beautiful gift and I wish You mastery of same.

May you be uniquely awesome, wonderful, beautiful, innately You; n o w.    

Sunday, May 23, 2021

In Every Cell

I have had this deeply touching (for me) prayer up on my mirror for months...  It comes from the book “Outrageous Openness” by Tosha Silver.   

In and to this, I breathe, feel, desire and pray.  Amen.  And so it is.   

I believe I shared this 'prayer' before and as it came up on my pictures, I feel the urge to share again.

I feel stronger this time.  More full into and filled up with a great desire to be of service; to answer my calling; to step into this next chapter of my life.  If I can help one person, I am grateful.  If I can offer You one idea/thought/way/experience of You being more true and awesome to You, I am happy dancing.

May You (for You) request to live your knowing, desire, calling and see/feel/know it to be so.  Amen.  

Dream.  Believe.  Answer the call which is for You only.  You know this.  You want to.  You will.

Your true essence.  Open to it and believe in the depth and awe of  You.

You are powerful as you open to your truth and acceptance of your truth.

What is the one thing that you can do right now as you walk away from here and answer the call to You...

May You do it...   say Yes.

I believe in You.


There is a light, a flame, inside of you; unique to You.

We all have one.  I believe it comes from the same source.  

When we allow and fuel it with our loving truth, freedom to be our authentic innate self, it expands and flourishes  It builds and shines beautifully.

When we resist, not honor, or hide our uniqueness and loving truth, it dims.  It contracts.

May you let your light flourish and expand.  May you let yourself flourish and expand.

"The circle of life."

Below is a picture of my little office space where I hope to show up in your life from in the way(s) that I can be most supportive to You.    

Whether it be a blog post, a zoom call, an email, text or some kind of cool connection.  Even if it is just my desire to hold space for any one that could use it.  I send my love, hope and belief that You being You and allowing your love its freedom to grow/shine will encourage, support and allow You to build the light/flame that is You(rs).  To shine inward.  To shine outward.

May you light yourself up in whatever light feels best on You.  Your light matters.  Let it shine. Let it shine. Let You shine.   

May you find the invisible switch within you that allows you to turn your light on to the level that is comfortable to You.  You are amazing.  

May You shine and share your light.  May we all light up the world; individually, together.


Friday, May 21, 2021


May you go where your true essence leads You.    

You know what makes You happy.   You know what brings You joy.   You know what lights You up.  The more you give yourself permission to the happy that lights You up, the more you can give to others.

Breathe.  “Just 9Be U”.   “Grow Yourself Complete”  Find your Happy and live in and through it.  

Follow your dreams. Stay true to You.  Hang loose and let You happen.  !   Go for You. 

I love seeing You happy.  !!    

In this, your love is freed and abundant to share.  Happy is happier when shared.

Oh yeah!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Sacred Quest Time

Introducing “Just 9Be U’s Sacred Quest” program for You.  !!  

“A powerful 3 month immersion adventure to support you to grow and live into and through the best version of You.  Free the essence of all that you are.  You will be supported and uplifted to live your sacred self authentically and empowered.  We (You and I together) will discover, grow awareness of and encourage the life that is within You – for You – to live your fulfilled, vital and authentic self.”

If You feel ready and inclined to free yourself to live your best, true You, my website domain name is below.   There is also a Contact page to request a free consultation with me to explore and 'feel out' if this is something for You.  

I am so excited.  It is my hope and my greatest pleasure to be the wind beneath your wings and support You on your own ‘Sacred Quest’.   


Perhaps, you are ready to turn your life into a ‘Sacred Quest’ to discover and live the awesome life just waiting inside of You to be freed. 

I am ready, willing and able to help.  The time has come.   I await your readiness... 

Lisa, True Essence Life Coach/Freedom Facilitator


The truthful power of you and acceptance of yourself attracts everything that is meant for You.  Nothing you need do but bring your loving truth into all you experience.  Let your loving truth flow into and through everything You.    

What is meant for us will always happen.  What is not meant for us never will.   As we stand in our loving truth, the flow of life - beautiful amazing life - flows the brightest and easiest. 

Being your true, authentic self in every moment, breath and experience and accepting what You are feeling is one of the very best ways of going through your life.  

May you let yourself free to be true, open, loving and trusting of You.  Just Be U.  "Just 9Be U"  "Grow Yourself Complete"...  by being true to everything You from your own loving ways.  

Oh the power and empowerment in this; just being You...

May You know it, live it, be it and follow it.   

I wish you your beautiful, bright flowing ways.   

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


When you smile, your brain releases neuropeptides to help fight off stress.  Other neurotransmitters such as dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are released too.

Endorphins act as a pain reliever.  Serotonin acts like an antidepressant.

And, all we need do is Smile.  Smiling offers happiness.  Smiling is contagious.  Smiling is good for the heart.  A smile feels good and looks so beautiful on You.

So, if you are looking for a quick, easy and beautiful stress reliever, smile.

A smile can ground us.  A smile can make us high.

May you share the love and smile.

Smiling.  May it become a beautiful epidemic.  !


Dream. Imagine. See. Create.  

Your life.  Your reaction.  Your way.

As we look for the beautiful, (what is beautiful to us) we see it. !!  

Beauty is all around us; in things we do; people we connect to; and things we dream.

Beauty is in us.  From the depth of who we are; the truth of who we are; and the way we care for each other.

Beauty is caring for ourselves.  In caring for our self, our own peace, love, beauty and empowerment arises and sharing just this makes us beautiful.

May you look for what is beautiful to You.

May you be what is beautiful to You.

May you share what is beautiful to You

May you focus on what You wish to see, be and live as.

May You let your beauty rise; through it all, above it all, below it all.  Rise.

You are beautiful to me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


As I woke up this morning and found myself in an uncomfortable place of feeling a bit insecure and a lot uncertain as to the next step I wanted and could imagine myself taking, I realized that 

It is okay to be unsure.. not in the ‘know’ in this moment.  It is ok to letting your next step be a non-step.  It is okay to feel exactly how I was feeling because it is how I was feeling.

I am learning out loud and consciously, that no matter what I am feeling, I can still choose love and I can still help others.  If I wait what I'm feeling out, the way I feel changes...  always. 

So, if you don't know your next step or you don't like how you are feeling, sit with it.  Embrace it.  Love and allow.  Accept and breathe peace.  Trust that where You are and how You feel is exactly how it is supposed to be for this moment and the Universe is always for You.  

May You always be for You; loving yourself as deep and as best as You can in as many moments as You can.

Open to the You that You are in every breath, moment, experience.  There is a real and, perhaps, even a magical reason for what is showing up inside of You.

May You be open to stepping as you honor the non-step that is present from within You (whatever shows up).   As You honor ‘what is’, the 'stepping' is being created and these steps will be glorious and great; they are and will be yours.  

As we honor the non-step as it presents itself, we consciously flow through/with it.  We, perhaps, are gathering the wholeness of ourselves.  This just may be preparing us for one of our most fun and prosperous steps ever.   

Trust the process and trust yourself.   Oh, the stepping You will do.  !!  

May You trust the ‘stepping’ of your truth.   

There just may be a glorious, mind blowing transition/transformation and growth occurring during this time.  I read recently we have good days and we have days of learning and change.  Every day is a good day if we choose to look at it as so.

May you let the peace of You accepting yourself and the wholeness of You surround and encompass You.

Monday, May 17, 2021


Magic.  The magic of life.  The magic of nature.  The magic of connection.  Your love is magic.

If one looks for magic, one will certainly find it.  

Magic -- fascination; alchemy; enchantment; divination; hocus pocus; magnetism.

I wish you fascinating, enchanting, divine, wow, magnetic and beautifully transforming experiences through you honoring You.

The magic of easily being true and loving to you encourages loving truth in all your experiences and connections.   Let it happen.  !!   

Oh.  The magic that is You(rs).  !!  

May You shine in and through your free, fun, joyful and natural self.


picture by Jess

Saturday, May 15, 2021

New Dawn

If you can imagine it, you can dream it.

If you can dream it, you can create it.

If you create it, you will live it...  It all depends on You.

‘It’ being the life You live.  

I know this is very much like a popular poem/saying that has been around for a long time.  I believe it fully.

I think if something is within us, it can grow.  It can be through us and lived out.  Focus on the things and feelings that life You up.  

Choose well.  It is what we do with what we feel and say to ourselves that creates our experiences.

If you hear yourself saying something that feels ugly or hurtful to yourself, change it up immediately.  Let that feeling and saying go and create anew.

May You be your own best friend.  From this place of love and happiness, is what I wish us all to create the world to grow up and through from.  

I wish you grand imagination, awesome dreams, great creations and an exquisitely unique life built through You for You.    Rock the power of You.  !!

May You love yourself exquisitely.

Thursday, May 13, 2021


'Clean eating'.  You know it when you don't feel 'heavy' after eating.   Clean eating. You know it if you eat the colors of the rainbow.  It is the food that is not processed.  The food that is described with one or two ingredients and ingredients one can read and say.  If it comes from the ground, it is packed with vitamins more than what comes through a process of processing.

I wish you more clean eating than not.  The flavor, the fragrance, the colors.  Yummy.

‘Colorful’ eating makes for a more colorful life.

May your life always be colorful in an uplifting, self-supporting way.   

May you support and uplift your life in every way that feels best for You.

Be mindful of what you feed your body, mind, soul and spirit.

If you feel good, you are doing great.  Do great beautiful You.  Do great.

Your way.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Vibrate Love

I'd like to offer for You to breathe...  Breathe deeply in filling your stomach up like a balloon.  Hold your breath...   And, as you release your breathe gently, slowly all the way to empty, relax into your body and look for any tension and let it go.  Do this as many times as you feel you want to and/or that feels best to/for You.  Connect to your breath and fill yourself up with it and release any and all tension from your toes, through your body and up to the top of your head and out.  Is your jaw relaxed...  Your shoulders... your face...

As you are breathing and letting go of any tension, imagine filling each and every cell up with your love.  Let your love enter into and fill every cell of your body.  Feel your love within and throughout your whole body.  Vibrate love.

As you breathe, let this love complete the outline and substance of your body.  Let your body feel your own love and breathe it in and out.  Feel yourself letting go and relaxing.  Feel only your love present for You.  

Let your love expand and surpass any boundary that was ever present.  Let your love pass and enter into the space around you and into the depth of You.

Love.  Just for now, this moment, feel only your love.   No judgment.  Just an easy belief that it is so.

Amaze yourself with the love that is You(rs).  Grow it.  Let it be free.  Feel the triumph of the love that you can create and do.

May you let your love take you higher.

You are more powerful than you were ever made to believe. 


As I 'shut down' for the day last night, I realized that I did some things during the day that were extra enjoyable to me.  One being the purchase of these flowers in the picture associated with this post.  They truly made me smile, feel good and had me doing a bit of a happy dance.  The colors, the bling, the shape and their own 'dance' brought me joy.

As I was thinking about the things that brought me joy yesterday, I realized I always have the power, the know how and the choice to create, invest, indulge in things, moments, experiences and relationships that bring me joy.  

The flowers, once put in water, really 'tickled my fancy'.

A few conversations; time outside on the beach; a good salsa; hugging my dog after she was groomed -- all these things catered to my senses and joy was the outcome.

Just for today, connect to everything that “tickles your fancy”.   And then, may you do it again and again and again.   

Create, allow and/or invent what You desire as often and as much as possible.   

Pop, poof, wow, pow, fun, goosebumps...

May you  let what connects You to your joy happen.

Sunday, May 9, 2021


The sky last night where the sun was setting was magical, beautiful, orange, yellow, red and deeply Wow. !  

As I was doing my thing - taking way more pictures than probably necessary, I realized that what I am seeing through my lens all depended on where my lens was shooting.  I often take a whole lot of pictures of the same thing.  I can find it difficult to pick the picture(s) I want to share out of the multitude of pictures I take..

While I was choosing, I realized that 

Very often we look at the same thing.  Very often we see it differently.  Always; we see it from/through our own experiences, moods, and perspective. 

I'd like to offer...

May You turn your lovelight on as much and as often as possible.   

May you look at life through your most loving perspective every time you realize that you have a choice to choose it.  

Life is full of lessons.  It does matter what viewpoint, mood, awareness and choices we choose to bring into and through them.  Keep your awareness of same tuned in.  

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Dark Light

Mindfulness and awareness are more conscious behaviors than not.  To be fully mindful (open) and present in every step we take can take practice.  To be aware is to be the watcher; the seer, the seeker.

What makes us who we are...  What is it that we see automatically or first...  Where does our mind go habitually...  

Am I creating struggles and hardship more often than I realize...  Do I see the good in people first...  Is my awareness trained on good things happening more than hurtful things...  Do things that hurt me really happen to me because of me...  Is it possible that I may hurt because of another's ignorance or pain.  What about my ignorance and pain...  What do I become mindful of through...

Often in the dark, we see things differently.  Some things come more to light.  Some shine together. Some stories are told and/or better understood. True colors shine.  Often in the dark, we are blessed with loving connections and divine information.

Wherever you find yourself just now, are you inviting loving thoughts of high vibration...  You know you are when you feel whole, free, light and self-kindness.

May You always choose your authentic self to bring forth with your heart open.

May you expand into and open to the full spectrum of You.  

Friday, May 7, 2021

Ready. Set.

Is it 'go time'?  Oh, it just may be.

Sacred Quest -  You.  Me.  Together.  Delving deep inside of who You are; who You want to be; and who You are becoming.  A sacred journey for You to get to know yourself, gather yourself, become yourself, create yourself and 'grow yourself complete' in each moment, breath and experience that is You(rs).

Sacred being Divine. Spiritual. Pure. Authentic. 

                                                      Quest being a Journey. an Adventure. an Exploration. Our Mission.  

Delving into the depth of You.   Oh what FUN!

Are You Ready?  !! 

My goal for you first and foremost would be your goals for You.  

My goal in offering this "Sacred Quest" is for You to Discover You - To be true to You - for You to stand strong - to Love Yourself - to tap into and give yourself your Permission to Ignite. For You to expand your life.  

May you give yourself permission to know thyself and live all the awesome that is within You, that is meant for You and that is You.  !!

"Grow Yourself Complete".. again and again and again.   Fun is knocking!

   Ready.. Set..


We had a wonderful storm here yesterday.  It was full of wind, rain, dark skies, thunder and lightning.  It came in and stayed a while.  It sang its song.  It did its thing.  It cleared things away.  It refreshed the earth.  It lit things up.   

I so love a good storm especially when I am safe and can experience it from my feeling safe place.

May you experience life.  You will experience storms.  You will experience high winds.  You will experience thunder and lightning.  

They just may come to place you in a new and/or better direction.  It is all a part of the human journey.  Nature; for You and for me.  It can heal.  It can be exciting.  The closer you live to/through your innate wisdom, the more you free yourself.  You being free to Be U - when You rise up to meet your natural essence - your true essence - it may just be the most beautiful thing you can do, be and bring into/through any storm.

May you set yourself ablaze...  Do what You love to do.

May you do what is inside of You to do; the things that makes you feel eager and excited just thinking about.   

Oh the awesomeness that awaits and is You.!.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Past Present Future

It is said that we can't live in the past, we can't live in the future.  We can only live in the now and that is why we call it the present.

But...  many of us certainly try...  Ha.

We live in the now through our past experiences.   We may live in the future thinking of the possibilities.  Our dreams are created in the now yet can be through wishes of what could have been in the past and what is possible in our future.

"Be Here Now" has been a famous book by Ram Dass.  A very unique book that is still very popular and has a lot of interesting wisdom.

"The Power of Now" is a powerhouse book by Eckert Tolle that is such a fabulous read that I've read it three times.  Each time, the present was most aligned through me deeply as I read it.  It is often my go to book to get in touch with myself in each present moment and to open my heart and soul to my peaceful place that resides within me in this very present that I am speaking about.

When confusion sets in, I find myself asking myself  'what is my goal in this very minute'...  This brings me into the present.

When I breathe and watch, focus and 'play' with my breath, I also receive the present.

When I feel myself here at the computer with my fingers going across the keyboard and my whole body being supported by my chair, this is my present.

Whatever you are doing, if you do it fully present with awareness and mindfulness in the whole of the experience, you give yourself the present.

The present of the now.  The present of being here now.  The present in participating in your life now, fully, as it is.

If you are folding clothes that just came out of the dryer, you can feel the warmth and smell the freshness.  Present.

If you are cooking, you can notice the colors, the smells, the sounds, the combining of the meal.  Present.

As you eat, you can focus on the smell, the texture, the color, the flavor; each bite.  Present.

May You give yourself the present of living in the present; living in the now.  Try it... You just might like it.

It is said that when one lives in the past, depression can take hold.  When one lives in the future, anxiety can abound.  When one lives in the present, one can fully experience it; invite peace and calm; open to joy and experience and learn from the past and it can build one's best future.

This, I wish for You.

May You have it going on...  Now.  

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


A Mantaray.   Wow.   How graceful and beautiful they swim through the seas.  Doing what they do...  Foraging, swimming, flapping elegance and soaring.  

I was blessed to see this with my very own eyes the other day.  There is one that seems to be hanging out in this same area of water on a daily basis.  We say hello to each other.  I send it love.  I feel like it sends me an invitation to own my own grace.

Grace - 'dexterity, ease, elegance, dignity, refinement, allure, balance, consideration' from the Thesaurus.

Yesterday, I was watching it and another popped up next to it and before I knew it a third one surfaced.  Then there were three (3).

I went to look up the spiritual meaning of 3 and what showed up is that the number 3 can be about communication, adventure, inspiration, creation, self-expression, joy, optimism, enthusiasm and splendid spontaneity.

I wish for You the blending of grace, flow, peace, harmony and trust while maneuvering and adjusting to and through your life like this ‘bird of the ocean’.  Be spontaneous if you want to.  Open to your joy.  It is okay to be optimistic and enthused for reasons only you may understand.  

This is your life. You get to maneuver, adapt and flow in a way that living You is so right on and beautiful to You.  !

May you open up and soar into the true freedom and love that is You(rs).

Monday, May 3, 2021


Life.  We connect to things that make us feel happy.  We connect to things that make us feel scared.  We connect to things that make us feel challenged.  We connect to things that make us feel empowered and wonderful.  We connect to things that connect us to certain feelings, experiences and thoughts within who we are and our beingness.

At times, we disconnect.  We disconnect when our minds or bodies do not want to participate in what is.  We disconnect to things that do not feel supportive or happy with.

Sometimes, we (or I do at least) connect and run.  

How interesting, just maybe, that the truth is that what you connect to with an outcome of love and excitement, I may connect to the same thing through discomfort and dismay.

Each one of us connects to feel different feelings; different outcomes.  What one of us connects to another may disconnect.  What one of us runs towards, others may run away from.

This is our uniqueness.  This is our authentic growth and beingness.  This is the child within us.  This is the experiences we have experienced.  This is us in the now experiencing who we are and what we tell to ourselves.  

Neither of us is right or wrong.  We are both true to what we know from and through our experiences and our human truth.

What uplifts me doesn't mean it has to uplift You.   What challenges me, you may find comfort or ease in.

The magic of this truth is that we both own our truth in the moment.  It just happens.

Be aware of what is true for ourselves.  Be mindful.  Allow.  Own.   Feel.  Process.  Then guide and decide on the outcome we prefer now and know that it is very possible to keep or change the outcome of how something affects us.  

We are this powerful.  We have the magic in us to choose, create and live keeping these feelings and relationships to what is as it is or changing our feelings and relationships to what we want to experience now and going forward.

May you look around and see (and feel) what brightens your being...  See and feel what darkens your feels.  

Have these feelings been learned...   Do you wish to keep them...  Do you wish to alter them...

The power of You is empowered through mindfulness, awareness, ownership and transformation; evolving, doing and thinking differently.  

Look around.  There is always something to light up our soul. 

There is always something that when we put our attention, mind, thoughts and behavior towards it, in a way that empowers us in each moment and/or situation, the magic is right there within us waiting to be called on.

You matter.   You choose.  The choice is yours.  I believe in You.   May You believe in yourself.

Case in point.. what comes to my mind just now is that most of my life I have chosen to take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Elevators always scared me.  Then I purchased a condo on the 21st floor knowing this big fear of mine.  I wanted that condo more.  Guess who takes the elevator now and was able to open to the magic of transforming my thinking -- 'magic'.  

Is there something You prefer to live through a different 'lens' with... Create, feel and transform in and through the magic of You.

Saturday, May 1, 2021


I was watching and hearing about my classmates using 'Canva' and having a lot of fun with it.  I decided to check it out as I was feeling the 'FOMO'.  

Below is the picture of what I created for my Facebook 'Just 9Be U' page.  It was fun.  

When I did take it to FB, it did not fit in so well.   I left something like this there as I had a dragonfly on a beautiful flower in a pond for several years as my cover picture.  

I'm taking baby steps forward and into growing the real professional business that is inside of me out.  

My new titles are:  "True Essence Life Coach & Freedom Facilitator".  I will keep "Owner/Founder" as well because it is Fun for me. !

In her book, "Outrageous Openness" Tosha Silver writes:

"I'm now available to receive anyone who can benefit from my teaching.  Let all who need me find me.  Let me help relieve suffering.  The Divine is my complete Source for all prosperity and will provide."

"Yeh, but no one else is YOU."  (the clouds open up)

I have this hanging near my desk.  I so love these words.  I could eat them up.  (what;-; I don't say things like this!?!?).  Ha.

And, the words are extremely potent and inviting to me.

May You hear, see, feel, know what is extremely potent and inviting to You and open yourself up to it completely.  Just maybe, it is time for You to jump too...  Even if it is in baby steps.  

You do You.   I wish you the awesome truth and genius of You.  We all have something unique... And, there is so much joy there in your uniqueness.  In You being You.

May you envision, color, create, build and become IT.  Whatever, 'it' is for You.