Harmony means 'a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity' as written in the dictionary.
Homeostasis is harmony within the body. A state of harmony - all systems go and working congruently.
The moon, the sun, nature, man and living creatures. Oh how I invite, wish for, dream and encourage harmony. Harmony encourages 'beautiful' for you, me, one another and our world.
Life and living in harmony - Oh, I can so dig it.
It starts with you. It starts with me. It fluently is within the stratosphere and I can see and feel it in the below picture.
Harmony. Let’s get it on...
Perhaps, one of the first steps is believing it can be so.
I do believe in harmony. I do. I do. I do believe in harmony between you, me, our people, our animals, our country, our world and our universe.
Nature responds to systems working together and it responds to systems bumping into each other. Beautiful nature is one of life's greatest gifts. Nature not flowing harmoniously is one of life's biggest destructions.
Let us believe in harmony. Create it within. Share it without.
Learn it. Be it. Feel it. Flow in it.
Let the tranquility of harmony excite you and support each other to be the best that each one of us can be. Bam.
Can You dig it...
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