Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Saving Happiness

Our world has changed.  Our world is still changing.  We, the people have been touched in ways that we do not know what is the best way(s) to respond, be, do or become.  Yet, it is what we must do.

And, the more true and real we are to ourselves and each other, the better our response and growth will be.

Happiness, perhaps in some ways, has changed.  The feeling of it...  The way to create it...  The way to experience it...  The way to be grateful for it...  The way to look at it.

Happiness is a bit less rampant and a bit louder than ever before.  I say and request for us all to keep happiness alive.   Let us save happiness.  We all like happy.  Let us not dissolve because of other things taking precedence in the overall state of affairs.

Happiness uplifts and heals.  Indubitably.  

Whatever, however, wherever you can tap into your happiness, do so.

Look for happiness.  Create happiness.  Be happiness.  

What comes to mind is 'Laughing Yoga'.   I once took a class in it.  It was all about laughing.  Laughing, just because.

When we laugh, we release hormones - feel good hormones -- happy hormones.

When we see someone laughing heartily, we are invited to our own laughter.  When we hear laughter, we are invited to laugh out loud.  

Same with happiness.  Happiness is contagious.  

Happiness is the kind of pandemic I wish to support and participate in.

We can respect our own and each other's sadness and still feel, offer and create happiness.

May you always be true to what you are feeling.

May you always keep your own happiness available to you when you want it.

Let us save happiness and keep it alive.

May you share your happiness with every cell in your body and out into other people's lives.

A smile heals and can turn into and feels like happiness; within ourselves and amongst each other.

May you offer your smile to yourself and to others; as often and as much as it feels true, and or helpful/healing/necessary.  

Your Life

Within the colors of the rainbow, the glow of the moon, the lay of the land, the depth of the ocean, the flow of the current, the everchanging horizon and You...   life is happening.    Oh my,  Life is certainly happening. !

May you color it, feel your energy in it, rest, go deep, flow and change to meet your needs now along with your current goal(s) in each moment.  Your life is happening now and you are the common denominator, the force, the representative of it.    

Breathe deep.  Be mindful.  Be with yourself.   

Love.  Be.  Become.  All that you are.  All that you want to be.   

Live.  Your.  Best.  Life.

May you live all the colors of You from a place of harmony and homeostasis.   Harmony in the flow of you being you.   Peaceful.  Calm.  Exciting. True. Beautiful.  Empowered.    

Now is the time when we are being invited and willed to learn and live what this means to us.   

I believe in You.  I believe in Us.  I wish for nothing less than a harmonious world that each of us participate in to create; here, now and forever more.       

You were born with your unique part to be ‘played out’ from within You.   You and who and what you are and do is integral.  

May you give yourself permission to be free to live the part(s) that is(are) deeply, joyfully, uniquely and harmoniously within you out.

A good place to start would, perhaps, to be aware of your experience(s).   Are you liking and enjoying your reaction(s) to them...  May you notice the you that you are living; the parts of you that are showing up to react to and create the experience(s) of your life.   Are you in the ‘zone’ of the You that you enjoy or something else.    

Perhaps, this is what matters most to creating, experiencing, entertaining and growing you and your life. May you let your experience(s) of you matter.  Be aware.  Be mindful.  Be true.

May you step outside of yourself and look at who, what, where, how, (and sometimes) why you are being and doing what you are being and doing.  

This is your life here, now.  

May you live all the colors of You from a place of harmony and homeostasis.  Balance.  Gentleness.  Tenderness.  Strength.  Warrior.  Equality.  Equilibrium.    

Sunday, November 29, 2020

United We Grow Higher

 I'd like to thank You.  Each of you from all these different countries that pop in to visit me.  It is my hope that each time that you do, you feel more connected to the truth, love, awesome and wholeness of You.  

May you be your own best friend.  May you look at your life outside of yourself.  May you feel what you feel through love for yourself.

United States



United Kingdom








As we grow in love individually, together our world grows in love too.  

Love.  It is what will build our best world.  It starts with You.  You matter and are this important.


Thank you for visiting me and for being You.  Your love and awe for yourself is what I wish for you.


We can see the moon glow and shine depending on the surroundings.  We, too, glow and shine depending on our surroundings.  Sometimes it shines and we are unable to see it.  It shines anyway. 

Shine. Glow. Be true to You.  We don’t judge harshly what phase the moon is in or if it is behind clouds or being glorious.  It just is.  

May we not judge harshly what phase we find ourselves in.  Just let yourself and your feelings be so as you open up to each moment in the best light you have to offer.  As naturally as the moon does its thing, so do we.   In acceptance, we live more free.  Free to just be, to shine, to glow, to be glorious.

As we accept, we grow, change, evolve, transform and walk forward with as much ease as possible.  When we fight what is, we are not accepting and it just may keep us stuck in this one place of fighting what is. 

"We can't fight something and change it at the same time."  From the book "Code to Joy" by George Pratt, Peter Lambrou & John David Mann

“Just Be U”.   Naturally, innately, uniquely, You.   May you respond to your surroundings with all the loving truth that is You(rs).

Shine your magnificent light by accepting your dark.  Shine on.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

Life is different.  Times are different.  We are different.  The way we do things can be different.  The way we feel may be different.  And,

Just because life can feel upside down, topsy turvy, different, all sorts of ways and not easy to understand just now, we can still choose to be thankful for and aware of our blessings.  

With exactly how I feel, I bring gratitude and love to current blessings along with hope for blessings yet to come; for you and for all.  

Happy Thanksgiving for all that celebrate and may we all know what it is like to give thanks.    

May you choose to be aware of what you give thanks for; as much and as often as possible.

Thank You for You.

Downright Upright.  May we see, feel and live in and through our blessings.  

Feel blessed.  Stay blessed.  Be blessed.  Bless.  Any and every which way You can.  xo

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



As I was posting this word 'positive' on social media, I found myself taken aback.  The word positive means, feels and sounds somewhat different, to me, then it has in the past.  

As I speak it 'hear', as I spell it here, I find myself adding an 's' to it.  I'm residing between possible and positive.  

Is it still possible to live positive...

Of course it is.  The choice to be positive still lives, vibrates and is present.

May you be as possibly positive in as many present moments as probable.  I wish you your own awareness of the possible positivity in every breath you take.  

May you invite it and allow it to come up from within You and let it participate with you, as much and as often as possible.   

Perhaps, a cool goal could be that whether I feel optimistic or pessimistic, both (and everything in between) could be construed as positively moving me forward.  Ha!

May we realize that everything that we are and feel could be part of the big life plan; our overall life plan.  This is the 'possitivity' of experiencing what it is like to be human from a spiritual mindset.  


"Don't worry.  Be happy."

These days it doesn't always feel possible.  It may feel less possible than ever before.  Happy, for many of us went on the back burner as we learn this new way of being.  It is said that our brains shut down some when we are experiencing trauma.  It feels like the happy part [often] to me. 

Life is colorful.  Life is spontaneous.  Life is change.  Life is flow.  Life is freedom to be who you are.  

Happiness is a choice.  No matter what is going on around us, happiness is within reach.  Sometimes, it doesn't feel so.  Sometimes, I don't even want it.  Sometimes, laughter brings me closer to myself.  Sometimes, sadness feels more important.  

Life is about being downtrodden to being in high spirits and free; and everything in between.

All of these human feelings and reactions can be a choice.  

May you be aware of what feelings and reactions you choose.

Right here, right now, together, let’s start saving happiness.  Let us, together, keep happiness alive.

May you tap into your happiness, bask in it and share. 

Let us keep happiness alive.  

It starts with you.  It starts with me.  It starts with us.

  When your time is right; when your time rings true.  And it will.  


Many of us were taught to disregard, push away, bury, numb and/or dislike feeling blue.

I am learning that we feel blue for real reason(s).  They do not show up 'just because'.  They are a sign that something is disruptive, needs attention, requests a change, has us out of our flow and is, possibly requesting just to be felt, processed and let go of.

We are being requested to honor ourselves.  By honoring ourselves and the way we feel, we open up, invite and create our most loving, natural steps forward.  From the depth of how we feel and when we openly and lovingly embrace our 'blues', magic happens.  

We clear out and no longer have to use energy to be or feel different than what we do.  We encourage and invite others to do the same.  We encourage and build a new revered destiny.

May you embrace your blues.  Sing them; dance to them; sit with them; move with them.  Feel them through your own natural and loving way(s).   

Teach yourself or relearn and be thankful for your blues.  Oh the lessons, wisdom and freedom in feeling and honoring our blues is so liberating.

May you liberate yourself through 'playing' your own blues.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


YOU are very important.  You are an ‘influencer’.   Your energy reaches far; both light and dark.   It all matters.   All of You matters.  Everything about You matters.

What you do, what you say assigns itself to the moment.  Touches the moment and every one and everything in the moment with you.  It branches off and out from there.  Its energy is felt, if not received, by external sources.  Things and people outside of you.  We truly are all connected in a way that we certainly have only begun to grasp and understand.  

Not only does what you think create what you feel, become and do, but even your thoughts can alter a part or parts of this great Oneness that is our universe, our lives, our experience and our energy.  

It is amazing what we can truly tap into.  From people and energy near us to people and energy on the other side of the Earth.  We touch.  We are touched.

We are mere specks in this huge universe we call home.  Yet, our energy ripples. Our energy vibrates.  Our energy colors and plays.  

Our energy can be heard without making a sound.  Our energy can be felt without physically being touched.  Our energy can be powerful and empowering.  Our energy can be powerful and destructing.

I find this so very cool.  I know that YOU are so very significant.

May you be aware and mindful of the energy that you are creating, possessing and sharing.  May it be the same energy that your body, mind, soul, spirit and your entire being get(s) entranced, uplifted, healed and inspired by.

May we honor ourselves and each other by offering the best energy within us [from moment to moment] into each present breath, experience, situation and connection.

As we trust ourselves and treat ourselves with love, respect, kindness and peaceful intensity, we open up to creating and offering the same inspiring energy out and into all that is.  Truly.  All that is.  Everything that is.  

Dang.  Your mind, quite possibly, would be blown if you could fathom the magnitude of awesome,  magic, ability, love and wisdom that you have access to.  There is such a simplicity to it.  There is such a complexity to it.  I believe that it is way too much for the mere human brain to hold and/or concede.

We use this divine connection through so much of what is outside of our five senses or even our six senses.

May you, if and when you are ready, explore the value and cost of what you ripple out.  

"May you 'hang' as you are, where you are, doing all kinds of 'You' stuff.  The color(s) of You.  The vastness of You.  Keep exploring, creating, honoring, learning, growing, being authentic through your own unique awesome.  Each one of us is so small alone, yet, the ripples each one of us make; the energy we share; matters and adds to our world." Just 9Be U, llp


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Let’s Go

Magic came upon the land. Everybody was touched. Love grew from deep within everyone out and uplifted and harmonized the people of the land.  They felt their blessings. They felt supported.  They rediscovered their unique gifts and strengthened and shared them with each other.  Fluent camaraderie flowed easily and jubilant living was experienced by all.  

Light; beautiful colors; the sun, the moon, the stars aligned and shed a peace over the land that washed away fear and hate.  Without fear and hate, meanness and hurt evaporated.  The birds sang.  The people celebrated.  The waters purified.  And, as in the water and on the land, debris disintegrated all through the universe and the living of the universe knew ease without the ‘dis’ in front of it.  The heartbeat of the world grew steady and strong.  The air pulsated with unity and inner knowing and outside understanding that truth, trust and happiness along with grace and honor was the only way of life.  Anything not of these combined traits was eradicated, dismantled and would not survive on this new magical land known as the ‘new earth’. 

If you are here now, alive and breathing, you were born with this new way of life within you.  It is home. Your home.  My home. Our home.  Welcome home to the new way of being.

We will still learn lessons.  Through love, togetherness and support of one another, we will process them and retain more the lesson than the pain of the lesson.   They will not hurt us with as much depth of unabated angst.  We will not cling to them for much longer than is helpful so that we not allow anything to take away from our present full-on experiences.  We can teach our human mind to be gentler, kinder; more supportive of our own being-ness.   We will better learn, process and grow as we live our experiences through our hearts and more easily accepting of ‘what is’.  Rather than fighting what is, we open to the lesson of it and add and feel our whole and true self into it and through it. 

Because of these new ways of being, we will know double the pleasure.  We will cut human mind-made angst in half (at least); the depth of what is felt and the length of time we hold onto it.

Rise--all humans experiencing this thing called ‘your life’ through your open hearts through your innate soulful ways of being.  Let the mind work in only supportive and uplifting ways.  It is time to free ourselves of any and all self-destruction that the mind has picked up and learned.  It is time to use our brilliant minds only for the greater good of ourselves and all living creatures. 

May you step into this wonderful, awesome, transforming way of being through your heart-filled mind.  Allow self discovery to be uplifting and kind.   As you feel your own true, loving, and awesome self deeply and share the divine, glorious results of living your experience of life through this manner, every thing and every one around you will be touched and uplifted too.

There will be no other outcome [being in your heart-filled mindset] than living this magical miracle of our lives this way.

Step in.  The magic and the miracle is you loving and honoring you with the most gentle strength available to you.

Welcome home to your most harmonious, loving, intelligent, caring, wise, kind, fulfilling way of living you; living your life.   

May you always be open to You loving loving You.

May you love loving yourself.    In this, perhaps, all we can know is love. 


Saturday, November 21, 2020


Harmony means 'a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity' as written in the dictionary.

Homeostasis is harmony within the body.  A state of harmony - all systems go and working congruently.

The moon, the sun, nature, man and living creatures.   Oh how I invite, wish for, dream and encourage harmony.   Harmony encourages 'beautiful' for you, me, one another and our world.

Life and living in harmony - Oh, I can so dig it.  

It starts with you.  It starts with me.  It fluently is within the stratosphere and I can see and feel it in the below picture.  

Harmony.  Let’s get it on...    

Perhaps, one of the first steps is believing it can be so.  

I do believe in harmony.  I do.  I do.  I do believe in harmony between you, me, our people, our animals, our country, our world and our universe.  

Nature responds to systems working together and it responds to systems bumping into each other.  Beautiful nature is one of life's greatest gifts.  Nature not flowing harmoniously is one of life's biggest destructions.

Let us believe in harmony.  Create it within.  Share it without.  

Learn it.  Be it.  Feel it.  Flow in it.  

Let the tranquility of harmony excite you and support each other to be the best that each one of us can be.  Bam.

Can You dig it...

Cool You

"In the middle of everything, there You are.

In the middle of nowhere, there You are.

You are the common denominator of everything that You experience.

How will you Be You in each present awareness.

This.. This is who and what You are.

You get to decide.. Always."

You are this powerful. You are this empowering to and for your own life.

As you stay open, mindful and aware, magic happens. Change, choice -- the colors of You emerge and live on.

May you let your true colors interpret what life gives to you; offers to you and presents to you.

Hang loose. Hold on. Let go. Change it up. Begin again. Add. Subtract. Brighten. Dim. Empower and Just be.

This is your life that you are living now; right now, this moment, today. This is life that you are bringing the concept, awareness and creation of You into. This is you living you.

May it be working for you. May you be working for it. May you play when you can. May you give when you can. May you receive when something is available to receive that you really want. May you believe that you are deserving of everything that you wish for. May you act in a way that what you wish for will be a reality. If it is meant to be, nothing and no one can stop it.

May you show up with the most authentic you and the most amount of love available to you and participate as such with everything you are; everything you do and everything you experience. May you let the awareness of your thoughts and wisdom create the life that resides inside of you into reality outside of you. This is what being totally rad and cool is, perhaps.

May you give the gift of pretty cool you to pretty cool You; as often and as much as possible.

"Wherever you go, there you are." Confucius

Friday, November 20, 2020

Shine Bright

May you take notice of your thoughts.

Are your thoughts uplifting or discouraging; both or somewhere in between...

When you think a thought that creates you feeling a way that you do not enjoy, perhaps, you can rethink the thought in a more productive, loving, uplifting way.

Sometimes I can.  Sometimes I cannot.  Sometimes I can turn it completely around.  Sometimes I just do not have it in me to change a thought 'up'.  

If you hear yourself thinking a thing that puts you in a place that you are really are not enjoying, ask yourself is it 100%, without a doubt true - exactly as you are thinking it.  

If you feel overwhelmed or confused, perhaps, ask yourself what is your goal in this very moment, this very breath; just now.  Focus on just now and just what you choose your goal to be.  You can change the goal anytime you want.  You are in control of your reaction, need, choice in how you want to participate in this moment.  

This enables you, perhaps, to shine the brightest you possible in this moment; in every moment.  You are tremendous.  May you let yourself be so.

Just a reminder..  There is magic in the air.. always.  

May you take notice and tap in.. awesomely, uniquely You.   

Just like the moon, may you shine your light no matter the wane of your current strength, intensity, power and ability. 

You can be full on.  You can be 'crescent'.  You can be 'new'.  Your light can even be 'eclipsed'.  

It is this way for all of us.  

May you love, be mindful and choose the best available you to be present.  May you love yourself through all your phases.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Our world is in upheaval now.  There is worldwide unrest.  Everyone of us is living in a world like nothing we have ever seen before... In this exact way.  In this exact place.  In this exact existence.

Perhaps, we are being asked to look; to see; to feel; to do; to be... different.  Perhaps, we are being 'pushed' to open our hearts even as many are feeling like they are breaking.  Perhaps, we are being 'guided' to open our minds as many are evolving/changing; engaging and disengaging.

In this, right now, as you are - You are equipped to be here now and to be exactly as you are in the exact life you are living.  There is beauty in You.  There is tenderness, there is strength; there is love.  Your heart beats and your body breathes.  Most probably, in the way that it is exactly supposed to; right here right now. 

May you accept; shed kindness and practice gratitude.  In these practices, may we uplift, invoke, support and render each other's best of self.   

I wish You serenity.  Serenity is defined as a feeling of peace, calm; being untroubled.   

By practicing acceptance; by speaking kindly to yourself; by listing things you are grateful for, serenity grows.   

I wish you serenity.   

May we take the stance of intuitive serenity [as often and as much as possible] within our own selves.

You.   Me.   Us.    Serenity.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Reward Yourself

I am not looking to escape my darkness, I’m learning to love myself here.

~Rune Lazuli

When we find ourselves able to love ourselves through everything and all that we are, this is when we light up the brightest.

I get so besotted every day to witness the magic, miracle, power and awesome astonishment of divine nature.    

It is perfectly okay to want to deem ourselves to do better when we do not see the awesomeness of our own life in our ordinary every day, that is truly extraordinary.  There may be many things we take for granted.

Look.  See.   Cherish   what you have and get to experience that makes your life easier, better, more fulfilling and more rewarding. 

I wish you smiles.  I wish you gratitude.

There is so much in life to be grateful for.  May you go the 'grateful' route; as often and as much as possible.  Here.  Now.  Often.  Always.  

May you be besotted with life right ‘outside your window’ and within your very own dimension(s) of magic, miracles and love.  

There is a vastness of awesome in every day life and a vast awesomeness in You.

May you delve into these gifts by being open to noticing them like never before.

It is my hope that if you choose to do this, you will find yourself greatly rewarded.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Be Like Water

“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” Bruce Lee

Water flows.  Water trickles.  Water gushes.

Our adult bodies are made up of approximately more than 60% water.  It is good for the skin.  It is good for the organs.  It is good for digestion.  It is good for us.

Our bodies can go only a very short time (days) without it.  Even a mild case of dehydration can impair energy levels, mood, memory and brain performance.  

The rule of thumb is to [at least] drink half of your body weight in water each day.  

When I first read the Bruce Lee quote, I was wowed.  How true that flowing and staying 'liquid' can support each of us with a better, easier, more comfortable balance with less fighting what is and more flowing with the experiences that come to us through the truth, knowledge and love of what is going on inside of us as a response to it.

Be Like Water.  Be Liquid.  Drink Water.  

Some say, as you shower, to imagine any negativity flow down the drain with the water.  Some say being near water like the ocean or a body of water is healing, comforting and soothing.  

When it rains, it cleanses and feeds the land.  

Water.  It is a beautiful thing.  

You.  You are a beautiful thing.   

May you be aware of and appreciate the water that is in your life today to support, fill and cleanse you.

Below is a picture of a Koi pond that we used to have in our backyard.  It was my very favorite thing of the whole house.  It was a sanctuary.  The sound of the flow; the sight of the flow; playing and upkeeping the flow and path of the flow was such a joy to me.  I think about it.   I miss it.  I feel such great gratitude that I was able to experience it.  

May you realize what is in your life just now that uplifts and supports you in feeling sanctified and whole May you experience great gratitude for it and really feel, see, experience and enjoy it.  Feel the honor of the blessing of it.  You can tap into this blessing anytime you choose.  

May you tap, tap, tap, perhaps, especially now, as we are being asked to flow, trickle, flood, leak and keep our head above water almost every day in many ways during these very 'interesting' times.

May you grow from the depth of yourself into the best of yourself; again and again and again.

I believe in You.  

May you let your love flow within, without and in between everything and every possibility.  Your love is this valuable, needed, cherished and appreciated.   Be love.  Let love.  Love your love.  

Miracle Gro(w)

Harmony.  Calm.  Beautiful.  Excitement.  Growth.  Life.  Live.  You.

How beautiful it is to feel harmonious with what is going on inside of ourselves and with what we share with others; the outside world around us.  This just may be the strongest thing we can do when we do it gently.  It, perhaps, is the productive thing we can do when we let our vulnerabilities live out loud.  It just may be the most supportive we can be when we support each other to live in this manner.

I realized this morning that it really doesn't matter who says what or what another experiences or believes as much as how I interpret same and in my reaction to same.  

We can choose to put blame outside of our self onto another.  And, in reality, this blame could be only a way for us not to experience, and, perhaps, not to even know/learn how to experience certain things.  The blame is not really what matters.  It is the response to it or the creation of it that matters, lives and swirls inside of us.

May you know who you are and/or would be living in your own reality.  May you choose to take responsibility for everything you feel, think, share and live as.  THIS is what creates your experiences, situations, life and feels.  

May you expand open into the love within yourself. 

May you share and unite a bit of your awesome and uniqueness into every experience, situation and relationship you encounter.  Let naturally, innate, beautiful You do Your thing.  

Harmony within shared through truth, responsibility and vulnerability is, perhaps, for people what ‘Miracle Gro’ is for plants.  

You.  Your feelings, thoughts, connections, mannerisms, interactions is what create you living as you live.  Sure, the outside sources matter.  However, how I deal with, process, engage and live through these outside sources and inside dis-eases is what creates my life.  

May you become, be and stay aware of how you are habitually, automatically and unconsciously living you and your life.  You are the common denominator to everything that is you and your life.  

I wish you miraculous living.  I wish you miraculous recovery and growth whenever you find yourself opening to it.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Paradise is a Mindset

Much beauty can come through darkness.  The night can be so right.  It has been said that it is always darkest before the dawn. 

Our world is exhuming much darkness just now; as a whole and as information; through pain, uncertainty, dis-ease and to many, many, many [if not all] individuals.

The elephant in the room demands to be noticed.  No more sweeping anything under the rug.  It seems that each of our deepest fears are coming forth to be processed, deployed, challenged and written off or written anew.  

 May your loving truth shine on, through and past any and all darkness.  Your ‘night move’ can be stillness and breath.  It can be jumping and dancing.  It can be wiggling and giggling.  It can be sharing and voicing; asking for help; being vulnerable in places that vulnerability is scary.

Whatever it takes to find the beautiful and the joy within you through cloudy, dark, not so fun times... To light up your own depth of love may be a best place to start.   Now, This just very well may be paradise and it is within you.  It is a mindset. 

May you set your mind onto ‘paradise’; as often and as much as possible.   Ha!   

What we focus on grows.  May you choose something each week, each day, each hour, each breath to focus on that offers yourself to feel like you are in 'paradise' or at least on your way.  

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Today is the 9th anniversary of 11/11/11.   It has been said that we live in 9 year cycles.  9 can mean completion and 1 can mean new beginnings. 

I also want to believe that we, as a whole, are going from living less from our head/mind space and more from our heart/soul space.  

Both 'spaces' are important.  That is why we are given them.    

Nothing is [as simple] as black and white.   Life is not about all or nothing.  There are many, many colors in between.  There are many, many choices, options, ways, and projections that are within us and around us.  

May you choose You(rs).   Choose what is most loving within you and offer it out.   Choose the diverse, oscillating, in the moment, as you are, what your truth is, in every experience and situation.  

In doing this, we invite others to do the same.  In doing this, we invite 'what is' to grow into, from and through the vast spectrum of opportunity, change, completion and letting go.  We open up to the intent to hold on and become what is now inside of us ready to transform and evolve.   

Completion.  Beginning.   Flow.   

Your life is your journey.  Right now, in this breath—this is you living your life.   

May you give yourself the freedom to journey and live from your most truthful, loving and open to the feelings of your whole, unique, creative self and way.    

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Before and After

I know one thing loud and clear that is getting louder daily for me.

I miss family gatherings.  I miss my friends in a casual, easy atmosphere of togetherness.  I miss hugging people easily without thought.  I miss uniting together with others that are interested in the same things or want to learn about the same topics.

I miss the energizing energy exchanging smiles with one another.  I miss cherishing each other by touching their back or shoulder or arm; holding their hand.  I miss being uplifted by easy physical energies and auras combining and intermingling simply and easily; with no thought of sickness and even death.

It is really nice to be free and easy.  It is really nice to breathe free and easy.  It is really nice for 'me' to experience an 'us'.

Gathering.  Togetherness.  Unite.  One of a kind Energy.

May togetherness never be taken for granted.  May a friendly, caring touch always be cherished. 

Being with others can and does uplift like nothing else. 

Perhaps, now, is still an opportune time to energize, care for and empower ourselves, so when we easily and freely gather and get together, the magic within all of our loving wishes and dreams burst forth, burst open and grow and become true.   

May you go deep inside your loving truth of what is living to You.  Work on it.  Play with it.  Grow it.  Become it.  Let it live through your inner knowing and out into the world.  This unique part of You is valuable and a reason for You being You.  Nurture everything you love about yourself and, perhaps, learn how to love any and all parts of you that you may have been unkind or hard to in the past.

When you grow from the love of your whole self, your whole self glows and becomes more love(d).  When you glow love, you change the world you are living in through and to love.  Love is what you have to offer.  Let love.  

Monday, November 9, 2020

Lay Low

Productivity comes in many forms.  High speed, non stop multi-tasking mania is one way that I was taught is very productive.  I was told 'get it done, so you can relax'.  I later came up with my own saying 'relax, you'll get it done'.  This felt more loving to me and more supportive.

Without a doubt, when I feel love and supported, I am my most productive.  

In a world where even the clouds lay low from time to time, may you give yourself the freedom of laying low just because you want to; just because it feels good; just because you need it.  

This recharging, and rejuvenating can be the most productive we can be at times.

Open up to the gift of giving yourself what you need most in as many situations and moments as possible.

May you offer yourself the most beautiful gift of allowing You to be You.  No judgment.  Just be.  

Stormy to Light

Perhaps, it is time to not hold on but to let go and flow with all that you believe you know.  Feel what you feel and experience what is meant for you to experience. 

May you let love, truth and compassion be what separates, evolves and transforms you and your life from your past into your present and trust for your future. 

What if we would/could believe that our past, present and future flows from a divine plan for which to grow, empower, uplift and support not only the best of which we are made of but also the best of what is yet to rise up into a world of peace, love and harmony.   

Imagine if all we need do is bring our true loving compassionate self into every experience and every relationship.     

May we all open up through loving intuition and offer and support a safe place to share our deepest of truth.

May we light the depth of ourselves up.  

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.”  Unknown 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Love Lit

Oh, there is magic going on.  Oh there is astonishing times happening.  Our minds and our lives are being blown astray.  Our minds and our lives are being challenged in ways that we would/could not have expected.  Our minds and our lives are blown open and the astounding and the un-astounding (and everything in between) are mega lit.

New labels and the way we see and do things are constantly bombarding us and forcing change within and around us.  I am in awe of what 2020 has brought about in each and every one of us.  2020 has changed patterns, guidelines, possibilities, impossibilities, ways, etc. in our personal lives, our professional lives, our every day lives and through everything and everyone we have been connected to.

We are learning better.  We are seeing truths.  We are seeing untruths.  We are experiencing each other in ways that we never imagined or ever thought possible.  Simply astounding. 

Yet, I still know beauty.  I still see beauty.  I am in awe.  I am amazed.  My blown mind and life is changed forever.  I choose to seek the beauty.  I choose to know the beautiful.  I choose to offer the loving me; as often and as much as possible.  

May you see, live and be what you deem beautiful; as often and as much as possible.  !!

There is ‘beautiful’ in this moment.  May you open your beauty within to connect to it without.  

May you blow up into and light up from the best version of You; as often and as much as possible.  

May this be life healing.  May this offer love more lit than ever.  It just feels too ugly, hard, difficult to g(r)o(w) forth any other way.    

Spotting Love

Life is ‘spotty‘.  Spotty can be beautiful.  May you flow with any fluctuations; as best you can, as often as you can.   Just sayin’.. 

May you seek, know, see, be, and share the ‘beautiful’ that you are and that you do.

The magic and love of you; the awareness and imagination; the uplifting and the challenging...  just what if we chose to look at it all from a place of seeking, searching, evolving and becoming.

Life is in constant flux.  Perhaps, moreso now than many of us have had to experience before.  The way light and dark are both dabbling and being shown to us and experienced through us.  It places and offers us life as we have never lived it before.  

What if this is the reason we are all here now, at this time, together...  What if this is one of the most amazing times in history/herstory...  What if this is what our world needs now and we get to participate...  What if you choose love?  Love for yourself, love for the planet, love for all living creatures.

Are you willing to see/feel/know if your heart can offer so much love, beauty, life, awesomeness and trust...  Trust in yourself.  Trust in the process of life as it sporadically shows you everything that you are supposed to experience.  

What if you choose to let life 'wow' you through the best thought process you have available to you in every breath you take and every experience you experience...

What if you let your You-ness be your superpower from the greatest parts of your love...

Highs and Lows

We all experience highs.  We all experience lows.  Between the highs and lows, therein lies experiences of all kinds.  

Through our experiences, we live the life that we are made to live.  We best live this life that is within us out by allowing the highs and the lows and by floating ['be like water'] and accepting them.  They are best experienced when we allow the truth of who and what we are to be applied and immerse this part of ourselves in each and every experience throughout the spectrum of experiences that arise.

The tide ‘getting high’.  It is amazing that the tide’s highs and lows refreshes an entire body of water. 

May you allow your own highs and lows to flow through your wholeness of being.   

It truly is our highs and lows; our ups and downs; our challenges and ease that, as we do our best to just flow our truth into them, refreshes, grows and uplifts the exquisite, individual journey of each of us.  

There are no two alike.  You and your life experiences are uniquely created, gained, entertained, surrendered and forthcoming.   

May you feel your own power and believe in your own protection.   

May you find within you the faith that no matter what comes your way, you will be there for yourself and know what to do when there is something that needs to be done.  

 May you raise yourself up through self-love and trust.  

Friday, November 6, 2020

Who are You

It feels the right time for me to share who I am by sharing what I have learned and experienced.   

What makes me me that offers to ‘Just Be U’ to be an awesome well of support, care, knowledge, healing, and a truly awesome, uplifting and wholistic approach.   

I have been more about who are we without our titles; without our learned knowledge, without our experiences.  Who we are underneath everything that describes us is very freeing, telling and where we best, perhaps, can transform, learn, enlighten, grow and live our best life from.     

For this post, Id like to share otherwise.

I have taken, experienced and learned from; evolved, transformed and achieved:

Mind/Body/Fitness Conferences from 1989--2004

Inner IDEA Conferences from 2005-2011 (off-shoot of the above conferences to study and experience Mind/Body/Fitness through Deep Inner Work

CEC Studies and Tests Online and/or Virtual from 2012-Present

ACE Certified in Personal Training since 2001

Certified Life Coach Institute Certification since 2015

Reiki Certification since 2008

Minister through Universal Life Coach since 2016

Member of International Coach Federation since  2015

   Seminars and Classes taken which include but not limited to:

Integrative Training

Food and Nutrition

Nutrition and Supplements

Mind/Body/Spirit – Guiding Your Actions

Wellness Issues

Effects of Social Media

Mind/Body/Spirit – Breaking Mental Habits


Sleep Studies and Recommendations

Mindfulness Training

Tai Chi

Qi Gong

Connecting to the Inner Self

Shared Wisdom from the Masters

Defining Self-Sabotaging Traits

Accessing/Creating New Mental Records

Releasing Habits that no longer Serve Us

Silent Meals and the Art of Eating

Reiki Training

Cranial Sacral Training

Somato Emotional Release Training

Journaling Classes

Listening Classes

Replicating and Dissecting Past Situations to Let Go and Retrain the Brain

Inner Child Work

Landmark Forum Classes

Hospice Courses for Supporting and Helping the Dying

Dream Therapy/Color Therapy/Crystal-Stone Therapy

Cognitive Thinking Therapy--Brain Training Techniques—Feedback Training

Emotional Meaning for Physical Ailments

Feng Shui

Mirror Work

Breath Awareness Work/Breathing Exercises

   These are all professional courses.

My own personal journey of healing and lessons/interests not shown here.  

May you compile your own list of your own lessons that have you evolved, transformed, informed, and that you have achieved; if it is something that feels true for You to do.  May you let yourself be amazed.


We all have dreams.  We all have wishes.  We all have hopes...  at one time or another throughout our lives.

This year has been a year of survival, strength, coherence, questions, and non-sensical realities that often didn't feel real; for me anyway.

I still believe in miracles.  I still believe in dreaming.  I still believe in joy.  I still believe in the power of the human spirit.  I still believe in humanity and love.

There are many more helpful and caring people than there are not.  There are still beautiful things in every day.  There is still awe and wonder in the way we function and feel.  There is still trust, truth and knowledge to be had and to be learned.

Miracles happen every day.  I wish you the miracle that is best for your best self/journey.   


Layers.  So many layers.  In each of us, in our experiences, in life, in our world, in every day, in so many ways, there are layers.   

May you stop and enjoy them.  May you be mindful and aware.  May you choose your loving truth. May you trust your instinct and innate knowing.  May you process through them.  May you dispose of and/or change your thoughts about them.  May you realize the complexity.   May you invite the simplicity.   Look at one at a time.  Look at the whole.   Feel into and through them.   There will always be more.  

To be alive and human is to experience, grow, live in and through these layers.  Layers within our own self and outside of ourselves.  It is a dance between wonderful and awestruck and challenge and change; and everything in between.   

You were born with everything inside of you to live out your life every day.  May you hear, feel, know, connect to, trust and stay open hearted and open minded to every wonder and awe, challenge and change.   In this, you experience the life you are meant to experience being You.   May you let your love lead you.  

Lighten up on/in yourself.   This is you living you.  This is you living your life.  Do You.  Do this moment, each moment (each breath) in your best mode possible.   Flow on.  

Just maybe, this could be a goal for each of us.   You know you best.  You are in charge of you.  

May you bring about life; the life you wish to experience from your fulfilled, joyful and loving place(s) within You.  From the loving truth of you.  Step on.  Live and bring about the you that you know you were born to be.   Know it, be it, live it through the best qualities that you are and that you enjoy.   

May you live the layers of life through the ultimate sense of being who You are.  

Thank You.

This post came from (what felt like) a (complete and full) week of trial, challenge, fear, anger, unacceptance, feeling beaten down and uncertain where I would find myself and what would be the next step that I would take...  Do You, man/woman/ungendered; Do You.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Shine On

We are all experiencing life in a different way than ever before.  We are asked to have patience, trust and abide by many things that are uncertain that do not really create an easy space for patience, trust or to easily allow ourselves to feel safe.

Within ourselves there is patience, trust and safety.  Connecting to the place within myself that I can settle into and connect to my own patience, trust and feeling safe is, perhaps, a different roadmap/way then I have ever followed before.  I have not traveled this route before.  And, I know these are things that are still a part of me and who I am.

Most likely, there are different roadmaps, guidelines and ways that you can create and adhere to to connect to the parts of you that bring you peace.

The many facets of You. 

May you know them, make friends with them, be true to them, give them love, let them grow.  Let others dissipate so you can still choose patience, trust and your own feeling of safety within yourself.  

May you let your passion(s) radiate. May you let yourself shine.  May you create and add to the parts of you that are fabulous for today, this moment, this breath.

Take one facet of you at a time and decide what you want to do with it; what you can do with it; and what you will do with you.  Allow calm, cool, awesome, exciting you be present and walk with you through these times; as much and as often as possible.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Know Thyself and Then 'Be U' Outloud

Go deep.  Know thyself.  Experience through awareness, mindfulness, gentleness and love what is in your present life to experience.

As we learn to connect through who we truly are inside and then share our true innate self with each other, we reap, grow and create the life that we are all meant to reap, grow and create.

May you go into the vastness of yourself.  Let the inside and outside collide into a dance of oneness.   Live your life united with what and who you are with what you show to the world.  

May you let love, beauty, dignity and truth walk with you. YOUR love, beauty, dignity and truth.  Let anything else that is not truly of you, the you that you want to live now, walk away.   


Many of us are feeling the demand to pay attention and work through things that may have been around or in our lives for a long time.  How we react.  What we are comfortable with.  What we are uncomfortable with.  These things are no longer whispers; if they once were.  These things are loud and in our face.  Our tolerance level has changed and our way of doing things and responding to things are changing.  Let the light shine where it may and trust that this is exactly the situation/circumstance that is best for your life going forward.  Trust yourself to be okay and know how to handle and respond through your own love.

When light forgathers anywhere, the result is not only beautiful, it impresses beautiful and gains and multiplies wonder and awe.

May we each shine our own light on love. 

Let us enhance, promote and strengthen love for ourselves, our world, our children and each other. 

May love g(r)o(w) sky high and throughout all things, living and experienced; everywhere.  

Sunday, November 1, 2020


I saw the full 'blue' moon from my balcony last night and it was just in reach.  I could not get the full view, picture or angle.  Yet, the brightness of it called to me and I reached for it.  I reached far and changed my angle.   Ha.  

If you are not loving the way life is looking to you just now, may you be open to looking at it from a different view.   You get to decide how you see it and how you respond to it. 

May you choose the ‘angle’ that brings you into what you most wish to experience.    

It is your life you are living.  It is the only life we can truly live now.  Our own.   Now, in this moment.  

May you live it in a way that brightens everything through the innate love that is You(rs).