Happy October.
May we let October 2020 be about opening to ownership of our own innate knowing; our truth of how we are choosing to experience our life situations; and standing firm in our purpose and reason for being.
To, perhaps, get a better 'knowing' of what your purpose could be, answer yourself these questions: What makes you happy... What are you good at... What fulfills your soul and fills you up...
May you do and be what makes you feel most like YOUrself.
May you bring the best parts of you into October 2020 with you. Let what no longer serves you or makes you happy stay behind.
I wanted to write about being Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered as it is the month of Halloween and many of us have known about being bothered and bewildered these past several months and I just couldn't make it work easily. So, perhaps, we can let go of the bother and bewilder and have some fun with the bewitching. Ha.
I wish for You joy, enthusiasm and a general sense of wellbeing.
May we improve upon our relationships with ourselves, each other and what we each bring into our world. Keep your awareness at the forefront of everything you do, say, feel, act upon and put out there; if it feels right for you to do.
The good news is that you are the only one in control of these things. The bad news is that you are the only one that is in control of these things.
With the color orange representing Fall, Halloween and the Sacral Chakra, much of what I offer here is about and through my knowledge of same.
Also, this October there will be two full moons, making the second full moon a 'blue moon'. A full moon is happening now and the second full moon will actually be on All Hallows Eve - Halloween itself. Many of us have heard the saying 'once in a blue moon'.
So I end this post with...
Let this month’s blue moon’s powerful folklore and magic extra highlight the magic and miracles that are Yours to live and share out. Use it's power for your and our world's better good that comes from within, through and out of You.
You have the power. You have had it all along...
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