“Be Here Now”. “The Power of Now”. Hang loose. Breathe. Relax into yourself. See the beauty in your ‘now’ experience. “Cross that bridge when (if) you come to it”. Flow. Sway. Bend. Grow. Reflect. Be the light.
Choices. Mantras. Beliefs. How are yours working for You...
Our choices become our stories; our lives.
If what you are doing/thinking is working for you, keep thinking/doing it.
If what you are doing/thinking is not working for you, change it up.
If what you are thinking about isn't even a reality, come back to now and live in your reality that appears with this breath that is now.
If what you are thinking about didn't happen, may not happen, nor do you know if it will, you are not living in this moment.
May you cross that bridge only if and/or when it happens. As you live in this moment that is now, look how awesome you are surviving and/or thriving in it. Feel how okay you really are. You may have to look/feel/see above (or below) some things, but deep down inside of you, right now, in this moment, you are are doing it; you are doing You. Yay You. Stay present. That is why a present is called a gift. Ha.
Every picture tells a story. Everyone has a story. Everybody has their ‘stuff’. Let your love and kindness sparkle and land and be part of your story more than anything else; as much and as often as possible.
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