Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween/Blue Moon

 Happy Halloween.  Happy Full Blue Moon.

Halloween consists of us changing, transforming, special, fun and often gory things.  

A blue moon is a full moon that is the second full moon in the same month.  It usually isn't the color blue and it does not happen frequently.  A full moon happens every month.  Two full moons is more rare.

Hence, the staying - 'Once in a blue moon'

Wherever we are in our lives; whatever we are doing; whatever we feel,

May we treat ourselves and each other with loving kindness; as much and as often as possible.  It works like magic.  !!

I am interested to see how we all feel after the energies of this weekend pass us by.  It is my hope any ugly and hurtful 'gory-ness' goes away as the moon wanes.  In it's place, peace, healing, light and love.   

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Autumn Sky

Autumn Sky!  It flows in.  It flows out.  It reflects.  It has its own unique vibe.  It is inviting.  It is beautiful.  It is colorful.  It is expansive.  It is a gift. 

May you be open to your life being this and much more.   

They sky was magical this evening.  It felt like 'promise'.  It felt like 'hope'.  It felt like a gift.  And within me, a stronger, anew, perseverance was lit.

May you live all that your life is, through all that you are.  May you connect to all that you are grateful for.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Stress Happens

When you feel yourself stressing, breathe deeply.  All the way in.  All the way out.   If you find that it is not so easy, let your autonomic body take over.  Give the wheel to your body’s innate knowing.   Let your mind shut down and your body just be.   Invite breath.  Invite your innate wisdom.  Feel the chair/floor/earth/bed underneath you supporting you.   

You can choose whatever one of your available choices you wish to.  There is always a choice.  There is always innate wisdom with(in) you.  

May you relax into the simple but brilliant functionality of your being In this kind of moment, perhaps, nothing matters more.   Give it to yourself baby!   It is always available to You — Your genuine unique life.   May you accept You as You are through love, truth, openness, relaxation and trust.  

In this and in supporting each other in this, we best rise.    

May we all be open to purposefully lift and raise one another higher through these strange, interesting, unknown, and unsettling [yet to create better] times.  

What we believe within ourselves often becomes our truth.  May you believe what you wish your truth to be.  May you be aware of what you are believing

 Aware.  Feel.  Keep/Change.

'Think’ your best You; as often and as much as possible.  

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Missing Broom Found

Did anyone lose their broom?!?   Anyone...?  

I saw this floating by this morning.  I'm sure one of you are looking for it. !! ??

Just in case, I thought I'd let you know that it was found.


May you sweep yourself deeply into and through your own jovial heart, soul and spirit.  

Friday, October 23, 2020

Fall Tree

A tree stands strong and adapts and flows with the seasons.  It grows; it lets go; it blooms and blossoms.   It sheds and grows bigger and brighter.   It stands tall in the calm.   It sways in the storms.

   May you be like a tree.   Beautiful.  Glorious.  

How simply perfect is it that it takes in our carbon dioxide and offers us oxygen.     

Every where; in most situations, there are parallel and supporting processes uplifting us and offering us valuable connections, insight and gifts in conjunction with this thing called life.

What if nothing happens 'just because'.  What if everything happens for a reason.  What if you encountering or being in the presence of someone and you open a conversation with them... would they have something valuable to share with you...  We don't know unless we open to it.

Trees give us value.  Weather provides us with lessons to adapt and experience.  People offer us lessons, love, situations and experiences to learn, to grow, to become and to respond to -- even if our response is we have no response.

May you be aware of how you respond.  You are the common denominator to everything you experience.  

Be like a tree and flow with all the seasons that you are asked to weather.  Be glorious You.  Be Beautiful You.

We are all one piece of a magical ensemble.   

You are the common denominator for your experience of connecting to life and living.  

May you let your experiences be so; freely, innately, from within yourself out. 

"Just 9Be U"   "Grow Yourself Complete"  Again and again and again..

                                                          Picture by Jess

Thursday, October 22, 2020


Here comes November.  It is just around the corner.  It holds my longest and dearest friend's birthday and it also holds my beautiful and brilliant daughter's birthday.  One day after the other.  One is the 7th; the other is the 8th!  What a blessing this has become for me.  Such a fun, blessed and celebratory time it is for me to honor the gifts of their lives in my own.  Interesting enough this friend's daughter's birthday is only 3 days away from my own.  We often joke that we are raising each other.    

And, with the thought of November coming, I am also amazed that I (and many of us) have made it to November 2020 and still have sanity; mostly.  Ha.

It has been a year of 'stuff'.  A year of great unknown.  A year that did incite fear.   A year that did invite individuality, yet the greatest universal togetherness that, perhaps, has ever been experienced.  Each one of us, throughout the world has been touched deeply in one way or another from the experiences of 2020.

Awareness has bloomed.  Truth has bloomed.  Mindfulness, trial and error has been mandated, perhaps, more than ever before.  Confusion, stillness, chaos and proof that the human race is something to be better, just maybe, defined.  

It feels to me that we are in deep, still/yet/anew.  So much is coming up through irritability, fear, love, truth, dis-ease, discomfort, and realization.  The gamut of  our feelings are often loud and 'free falling'. 

May you go with what is shown to you and what appears to be so and what comes up for you.  Be aware.  If there is not much understanding, perhaps, open to any lessons that may be knocking.  Watch your own reactions.  Feel them.  Object and confirm.  Choose which best fulfills who you are and who you want to be.   

We all bloom in different ways; different times; through different obstacles and with different beliefs.  We can all, however, choose to bloom through our own inner love and aptitude...   Let bloom what you are good at and what brings you joy.  Use your superpowers of uniqueness that uplifts our world.   

May you get joy by doing the things that make you most feel like You.   

Monday, October 19, 2020

It Had Me at 'Belonging'

 I was listening to a lecture on ‘Embodying Your Empathic Powers’ by Wendy DeRosa.   I was half awake and half asleep.  I woke up more fully just in time to feel myself  'just knowing' that what was going to be said would be about 'belonging'.  It is the one subject that Wendy decided to focus on in this very moment.  It could have been about almost anything and it was about 'belonging'.  The word was in my mind a second before she stated it.  That woke me up.  

I often have struggled with this.  Feeling different; feeling like I want to hide my true self for fear of ridicule.  I often felt that I was not like many of my loved ones and close friends.

I felt more things. Or at least ‘things’ called for my attention and I needed a feeling of connecting to things people, animals.  I was told I was too sensitive.  I was told I needed 'thicker skin'.  It felt like I was more touched by moments than others displayed.  I often made a mountain out of a mole hill some would tell me.  I got affected and responded to things and people easily and deeply.  I felt my whole being wanting to be involved and needing to connect to every one that walked my path or even crossed my path.  

I believed what I was being told so much that I created a dis-ease within myself (or one grew from within) that gave me actual thicker skin. I feel my nerve endings vibrating especially in my fingers and extremities.   

But I'm getting off track.   

As Wendy talked about belonging, I shivered and shook.  I imagined myself not from my past but in the present.  I accept myself for all of my differences.  I believe in owning my differences and building on them, loving them, knowing I belong in this body doing what I am doing, loving how I love; myself and others.  I open to all that I am, that is or feels different, just may be, my very own superpowers.

May you open to everything that you are, that is or feels different being your very own superpowers.    

I love the word 'free'.  I like the feeling of being free.  To embrace and own all that I am.  To think that who I am can be a benefit to those I love and in the way that could really matter.  Alas, just breathing gives me the right to belong.  I belong because I breathe.  Let no one's judgment of me, or inability to hear me, or my own inability to show myself  - stop me from being free.

May we all free ourselves by owning and belonging to ourselves; owning what we feel, what we want, what we need and how we mobilize and breathe the body and life within us.

Open our hearts [that belong to us and are us] and fly...

Moments in Time

There are many shades of life happening continuously and alternately. 

May you do your best to be in each moment through your most true and trusting self.   

Good news/Bad news.   It is only up to me how I want to experience each moment.  No one chooses the way I experience each moment but me.

Good news/Bad news.   It is only up to You how You want to experience each moment.  No one chooses the way You experience each moment but You.

Good luck. Give love to yourself.  Breathe. Have self compassion.  Be extra gentle with yourself.  You have this.  I believe in You.  



Peek A BOO!  

May you lighten up; give yourself some fun; lighten your load; create some joy.

Reflect out what you wish to receive.  

Imagination is a wonderful gift.

Look for the light.  Be the light.  

Breathe into the light.  Breathe out the light.

Your viewpoint is what matters most.  How you react can so create your 'feels'.

Laugh.  It feels good.

I see an orange gremlin with eyes peaking out from behind the blue clouds.  The orange is reflecting on the water.

What a beautiful moment in time.  

May you notice and live in beautiful moments in time.

May you allow joy a place inside of You.

Don't miss this moment.  Live in it.  

Halloween Sky

Halloween Skies.. May we wean ourselves from things that feel monstrous to us and create an expansive life of positive, colorful, beautiful loveliness.  Look up to the sky.  It can, perhaps, teach us to allow all things to flow from within out and that what is just is. 

When we trust ourselves to experience life as we are and as it is, our best life bursts forth, through and open... wonderfully; naturally. 

I oft forget this and I am reminded again to bring my truth into each experience.  It may not be fun, it may not be joyful.  It may be wonderful, it may be exciting.  Whatever it may be, my truth is what I want to live in and share; grow and nurture; from the most loving part of myself available to me at each moment.

It may change like the sky.  In fact, it does.  And, this is living in contentment.  What is on the outside shows and shares, lovingly as possible, what is on the inside of one's self.

I wish you contentment and peace.

May you "Just Be U" in what is.  Perhaps, this is where truth, trust, productivity and accomplishment runs rampant.

Sky Kisses Back

I am going (in the picture) to [what would be] the northeast blue and yellow/orange sky!   Anyone else?!   Ha. Lol.  That is one serious cloud. !!  Spooky.  Yikes.  

The fall sky has been amazing and constantly changing.  In one day, heck, one hour, I can see dramatic blue and colorful skies to dark and stormy skies to not being able to see outside of my window because of the thick fog. 

It could, perhaps, be said about 2020 also.  This has been one heck of a year.  It started off one way and definitely, without a doubt, went a whole new way that none of us could have foreseen or imagined.  And, this is, probably, a beautiful thing.  I surely would not have wanted to know ahead of time the contrast and change and depth of it all that was to come.

I feel it's extra important to be kind to yourself and extra gentle on yourself and others.  This has been a 'traumatic', 'dramatic',   who am I now   kind of year.

There is a new world.  Perhaps, a 'smaller' world.  A united world.  A divided world.  Much is coming up individually and collectively for us to process.

May we bring our true and caring self into it and respond in your best way possible to it all.

It is okay to be exactly where you are.  Breathe.  Be in this breath.  Feel.  Feel within and outside of yourself.  Respond from the part of you that you enjoy the best.  

May you trust yourself that when it is time for you to make a move, you will be ready and know what to do. 

Send your love deep within yourself and into every cell and 'kiss back' everything into the world that you want to create and live in.  

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Everchanging Skies

These pictures were taking the same day, all within one hour of time.  I call it my 'live entertainment' and it excites me every day to watch, experience and learn/feel/live through it.  It is always magical, sometimes harmonious, sometimes stormy, sometimes quiet and peaceful, sometimes loud and boisterous.

The sky can ‘talk’ to us in so many ways in a short period of time just like our own feelings and our thoughts.   We can change our thoughts.  We can change our reactions.  We can allow and honor our feelings.  We can choose to admire and flow with the power of nature.   All these things create our lives. 

May you create the best experiences for You through as much as you can, in the ways that you can and as often as you can.  And You Can. 

If you don't like what you are seeing/experiencing, may you, perhaps, look for and at it through a different viewpoint.

My Ace Evolution

"ACE" - American Council on Exercise is an internationally acclaimed accreditation for fitness professionals.  (It is also the name of my very adorable grand-nephew, ha.)   They started in 1985 and I have been happily with them since 1989.  They are celebrating 35 years in business and are having a contest to celebrate.  One wins a free certification course.  It is not in my comfort zone to participate in contests.  But... My heart, body, being and love of same, has participated with them in Fitness and Health for so long that there was something in me that would not allow me to resist.  Below is the full content of what I shared on my Instagram page; as sharing it on Instagram was part of the submission guidelines.

"Happy 35th Anniversary ACE!  American Council on Exercise.  What a fabulous, fun, professional and class act ride!   I started with ACE in 1989 and became a Certified Personal Trainer in 1991.  The training and testing were in-depth, involved and serious!  I started my own company called “Beachin Bodies” in the Atlantic City, NJ, USA area.  “Make yourself a Beachin Body” was our ‘catchphrase’.   

I have kept up with studies, renewals and guidelines which create the high standard requirement to keep said status of professionalism.  Having ACE’s support and guidance was always a prideful part of my life.  And the ‘cool’ and fun factor always was present for me too.  As I evolved, ACE curriculum seemed to also evolve (easily even) to my needs.  I realized the body also needed the mind and spirit connection to be whole.  I started a new company almost 20 years later.  This, “Just 9Be U” with the catchphrase “Grow Yourself Complete”.  I am now in the South Florida, USA region.  ACE grew accepting CECs from courses such as ‘Nutrition and Mental Health’, ‘Get Your Mind Right Now’;  Qi Gong and Tai Chi, Stretching, Drumming, Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Sleep Studies, Relaxation, Stress Management, Nia, Feldenkreis; Soulful Classes such as crystal bowls, chanting, breathwork, awareness, mindfulness, meditation, mindful eating, journaling and so much more.  

ACE grows with the needs to accommodate how life is now.  I do my best to support other’s in living their best, rounded/grounded, well, true self.  I’m not so much the professional that runs a business.  But a business that professes compassion, care and great knowledge of what has been one of my biggest passions for a long time - Living the whole, best, authentic and healthiest of self. 
I have lived with a dis-ease that has been labeled ‘scleroderma’ for most of my life and I know exercise, nutrition, awareness and peace within is what has supported me to keep going and to be the best that I can be; as much and as often as possible; welcoming and supporting homeostasis and energy production. 

Without ACE and all the classes and fun in learning and staying current, it is completely possible I would've succumbed to a lesser existence than my life is now.  

For this, I celebrate your 35 years with gratitude, joy and I am forever grateful to be a very small part; but a part, of your wonderful and life awe-inspiring company, connections and ongoing wisdom in the fitness/wellness world.

Thank You.   


Truckin’.   What a long strong trip it’s been...     individually; together, we keep on keeping on!  

There were two photos requested.  One of when I first started and one now.  Can you tell which one is which...   !?    

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Anew and You

Do you wish to be connected to more of your happiness?

Do you wish to feel more peace within yourself through any chaos that may arise?

Do you wish to live more authentic just letting who you are flow and to feel your joy that comes from your truth?  

Then, well, perhaps, may you create/do just that. !  

It is a choice, a change in how we do things; a change in the things we do; changes in our thinking; courage to look at and live in our truth; and grow our own love - with ourselves and others.    

It is this simple and, yet, many of us were taught and/or learned to live life opposite or different from this.    

We have the opportunity to learn anew.    

Our world has changed and is still changing at great speed and in great depth.   Do you know, yet, who You are in it...  or how You want to be/feel/live in it?    

Breathe.   Feel.   Stretch.   Smile.   May you be courageous and bring love to and through your truth(s).  

I believe in You.  I believe in Us.

May you believe in You.  May you believe in Us.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


Look at your reality.  See your reality.  Looksee your reality.  If it is helpful, try to step outside of yourself for a better and more clear picture of your reality.  

Trust your reality.  Own your reality.   Face your reality.  Understand your reality.  Live in your reality.

In being real, you walk through, connect, process, participate, feel, and shift and rise into what you are truly meant to experience. 

In being open, vulnerable, true and courageous, your most outstanding and prominent moments show up, stick out and just happen.   

They open you up to your true self, allow for your best self, create your best options and lead you into your fullest and most fulfilled and uniquely made for you life.  

By being real, you become free to more easily engage and live in the best life available for you. 

Through your realness, You show up; there You are. !!   There is nothing better than You being free to just be you, to just live you.  Use all your resources to encourage and build the life that feels best on you, through you and for you.   

May you get your real on.  Oh yes!   Get your real on.   

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Wild Blue Yonder

“Wild Blue Yonder”.  Your ‘answers’ are not out yonder.  Your answers are within you.  As you bravely put yourself ‘out there’, go within and follow your own GPS linked to the innate knowledge of your own body, mind, spirit and soul.   It is uniquely calibrated for your most fabulous, fulfilling and purposeful journey.   

It takes courage to cross the bridge to a new way of life.  It takes bravery to look at and see something from a different perspective.  

It is an adventure to explore all possibilities of one thing or one situation or one person.  It is a great adventure to walk into the depth of your self.

You are one of a kind.  Believe in yourself.  

Light up and love what you may have turned into a not so good habit. 

You are one a kind.  There is no one anywhere or ever will be anyone ever like You.

As you investigate your uniqueness.  As you fall in love with what makes you unique.  As you realize that what is unique in you is most likely your superpower, may you water, feed and love this superpower (your uniqueness) and watch it grow.

It will be your gift; perhaps, a big part of your purpose and in owning it and loving it, your freedom to bringing the wild blue yonder to your wild, colorful existence and life and living fully in your purpose now.

Oh, let it empower you.  Let it empower others.  

In you owning and empowering yourself, you invite others to own and empower themselves.

It is time for us all.

May you live through the empowerment of life that we are born with and the the disempowering way of life we are taught and/or shown/learned.  Time to get our most truthful, loving, depth of wisdom from within on.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Gentle Strength

“Gentle Strength”   From the core of who we are; from our roots of where we came; into the present moment and time, may we live in our truth through tenderness.  May we allow for vulnerability and encourage and honor it.

May we all invite it in.   May we know it.  May it come from our roots through our core out into our experience(s).  

May we stand in it, open to it and share it.   Our gentle strength.

May it uplift, empower kindness, love and each other.  May we let it be our new mindful way of living.  Oh, it sways ever so gently and stands ever so strong.  This is where I wish to live...  with You.

Thank You.


Oh the hues, the colors, the constantly changing views are much like the emotions of us; me and you.  The glow, the reflection, the water, the land.  It is all a part of a wonderful plan.  The horizon is where the sky and earth meet.  To see the horizon is always a treat.  The shapes, the lightness, the depth and the space.   Is it all about the divine?  Is it all about grace?

We humans are not here as long as forever and while we are, let it be your great endeavor to see, participate; be the beauty, the change.  Share your uniqueness, your love and your own kind of ‘strange’. 

To jump in, to dive in to what makes you You is to explore, feel, create and open up to the new.  

So enjoy who you are, enjoy what you do.   Let’s brighten and uplift one another through living and sharing the bestest of You.   

May you put your own kind of loving magic in the air.   Show the world that we all really, truly do care.

My poem is over. My poem is done.  I wish for you to open up to your true self and have lots of fun.   

I know.  I know.  Stick to my ‘day job’.  I am not a poet and I know it...   !!  Cracking myself up....    

Wild Blue

Many of us often think of ‘being blue’ as a not fun thing that we do not want to be or feel.

What if we embrace when we are blue, participate, respond lovingly and, just possibly, this will show us the awesome that is just on the other side of us feeling blue...  When we resist/ignore or try to numb ourselves from it, it is much harder and longer to get to this other side.   

May we meet on the other side of our ‘blues’.   We can also surrender and ‘just be’ with our self and each other in all of our blueness, for as long as it takes, to experience more lightness.   

May you free yourself into the wild blue ‘fonder’ of You and your feels.    Ha!   

'Being blue' never stays forever.  It can take us deep within ourselves and circumstances that can greatly allow lighter, better and a spectrum of color to walk into, on and forward.  

Bridge - Not Before It’s Time

“Be Here Now”.  “The Power of Now”.   Hang loose.  Breathe.  Relax into yourself.  See the beauty in your ‘now’ experience.  “Cross that bridge when (if) you come to it”.  Flow.  Sway.  Bend.  Grow.   Reflect.  Be the light.   

Choices.  Mantras.  Beliefs.  How are yours working for You...

Our choices become our stories; our lives.  

If what you are doing/thinking is working for you, keep thinking/doing it.

If what you are doing/thinking is not working for you, change it up.  

If what you are thinking about isn't even a reality, come back to now and live in your reality that appears with this breath that is now.

If what you are thinking about didn't happen, may not happen, nor do you know if it will, you are not living in this moment.  

May you cross that bridge only if and/or when it happens.  As you live in this moment that is now, look how awesome you are surviving and/or thriving in it.  Feel how okay you really are.  You may have to look/feel/see above (or below) some things, but deep down inside of you, right now, in this moment, you are are doing it; you are doing You.   Yay You.  Stay present.  That is why a present is called a gift.  Ha.

Every picture tells a story.  Everyone has a story.  Everybody has their ‘stuff’.    Let your love and kindness sparkle and land and be part of your story more than anything else; as much and as often as possible.

Orange you Glad there’s Choices

There is always more than one way to view/think/experience life.  

Orange represents harmony, freedom, expression, love and creativity.

One is free to express themselves if one allows themselves to be free.  The only one that stop us from being free; living true and expressing who we are is ourselves.  We have to agree to how we will think, feel, be and do.

If someone told me I had orange straggly ugly hair, I would not feel hurt by this because, for me, this is not true.  If someone told me I have fingertips that look like they were burned.  This I believe and while I'm more used to it than previously, I still own that thought.  If someone told me I had a big fat stomach; well, this is probably one of my least favorite parts of myself and I would not be feeling happy or good about this.  My reaction would, most likely, not be positive.  I totally buy into this thought, so it affects me.  When I don't buy into or believe thoughts, they do not affect me.   

We have to agree to how we will think, feel, be and do for it to be so.

May you be aware and open to choose the choice that provides for your best experience in everything you do, know, are and see.    This is in your control.    

May you use your brain to direct your thoughts through your heart and into creating your life.   

As I learn to love my fingers and my belly, I have better reactions and thoughts to same.  

This picture associated with this post is a Stinkhorn’ - ‘Lattice’ - ‘Red Cage’- Fungus/Mushroom.   They are mostly found in tropical areas, but can be found throughout North America. 

There is more than one choice to think/call the same thing a different name.  What I associate it with is how I experience it.

May you choose what is 'cool' to You...  Or groovy/sick/dope/rad...

'Send it', lovingly, through your brain out into your life!  Ha.

“Just Be U”

May you be and live your true self through your own love.  “Just Be U”  - an extraordinary masterpiece.   

Perhaps, in doing so, we master peace; individually, together.  

Below, in the picture, are real rose petals.  The roses did not open so I pulled off some of the petals individually and just laid them together.  I enjoyed their beauty for days.  If I had thrown them away, I may have let myself feel 'hurt' from not getting to enjoy them and it not working out like I expected it would.

I had a choice - to deal with it as it is through as much of my own peace as possible.  Or to deal with it from a place of frustration, anger, hurt, 'been had' attitude.

I did inform the florist that the roses did not open and they did send me a new bunch.  I am in the process of watching to see what happens.

Sometimes, we can allow ease and peace easily.  Sometimes, it can feel far from easy.  We can always choose.  It is always a choice.  

I like peace better so it is my hope always to master peace.

May you know what you enjoy and grow your best self from it.  Be open to mastering just this.  

May your extraordinary uniqueness be lit, colorful and always blooming.  

It is my hope that you bring your unique loving self into supporting and creating our world - a new world - where our kids and our kids' kids will know so much less strife and so much more beautiful, colorful, exciting, peaceful, and loving unity.  

We are all the same in the divineness of being human.  We are all the same.  Let our differences unite and teach us to bloom into the most colorful expressions of a divine human being doing the most humane things.  

Hang in da Light

Find your light.  Feel your light.   Connect to it, breathe it in, share it out, allow it, own it, dance with it and be it.  

I am reminded of the song, “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.  Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine”.  

May you let your light shine; naturally, vibrantly and easily.   Lighten up on yourself.  

Let light come from you and flow through you.  Shine your light in places where, just maybe, in the past you were hesitant to explore.  In shining your light and being true to and about your circumstances and feelings, you may almost immediately lighten your load and light up new ideas and paths. 

When we come from our truth and bring it into every thing that we do, say, are, experience and share - especially from a loving place - we open and create the best possible circumstances to arrive, arise, happen and be so. 

Let the light in you and the lightness of you happen.  Shine on. Shine in. Shine out.  Shine forth.  Shine.   

“U” are at the beginning, middle and tail end of everything in your life. !   It is all about what you tell yourself; what you shine light on...

“In a world full of hate, be the light.”  Thomas Rhett

Foundation Strong

You are the only person you spend your entire life with.  Follow your intuition, your inner knowing.  Open to the awareness of your senses to create and navigate the ‘tale’ of your journey.  Position yourself favorably.  It is your perception that creates your experience.  

Get your ‘cool’ on.  Feel the vibration of You connecting to the whole of the universe from inside of yourself and through the ground underneath you supporting you.  Foundation strong. 

Foundation strong.  Yes it is.  Yes You are.  All You.  All Yours.  

May you let the story of your foundation be what it is.. the unique, real, magnificent, and/or difficult (or somewhere in between) true story of your upbringing.  Perhaps, visit more than one perception if you are not feeling settled.  

May you find the peace in all your pieces; as often and as much as possible.    


I have been avoiding myself in regards to this blog as, while I was enjoying and grateful for this experience, it goes deep for me and I am truly feeling uncertain that I have the energy, strength and words to complete what I am feel myself wanting to share and/or being called to share. 

Magnesium.  The simple subject is magnesium.  One of my current paths, signs and experiences that feel like they are aligned run deep, are exciting and also flabbergasting.   

It is often said to start at the beginning so...

It started in my childhood   I would get huge discomfort and stomach pains immediately after sitting down at the table and eating a meal    During this discomfort and pain, I would find myself sitting still [as calmly and quietly as possible] amidst the pain and breathe and hope/pray for it to stop.     

I don't remember when this stopped but it did   Until now.   The same exact feeling and experience is coming up again for me and on a very regular basis.  

I ask others ‘What is it you can’t stomach?’ when I hear them tell me they are having discomfort and/or pain in their stomach   I know the microbiome and the health of it is a big topic of research and discussion just now by many scientists and healers   Many are saying that an unhealthy and/or unbalanced gut microbiome is what is leading most to dis-ease.  Mostly through inflammation; always inflammation.      

Recently, something inside of me told me to take magnesium.  When I started to research this, this is where it got very interesting to me    

Being interested and as thorough in investigating as Sherlock Holmes, one thing lead to another   I took snapshots of my journey.  I hope to relate them here.  Bear with me, please.  Perhaps, think of or allow young, little You to be present.

First thing I went to was 'magnesium deficiency'.  It read immediately that deficiency in magnesium leads to cold hands and feet.  Raynaud's Phenomenon is also possible.  This affects the circulation to our extremities and can create pain, numbness, tingling and less mobility.  The skin in these areas may also discolor and not return to pink until you are warm again.  Yes.  Me.

Magnesium is just as important for digestion and gut health.  Being low in magnesium can create constipation and one may even get painful stomach cramps...  Oh, I'm getting excited now..

Magnesium is involved in over 300 cellular processes including synthesizing proteins and ADP (creating energy).  Cool.

And, just to throw this information in, the deficiency in magnesium is said to cause calcium deficiency.  Magnesium and Calcium can work together to support normal blood pressure. 


So, I'm feeling pretty wowed about now and think, heck yes, try magnesium.  I have nothing to lose.  So, I started about two weeks ago.  I am interested to see where, if anywhere, this will lead me.

I have an ulcer on my finger just now from scleroderma.  It is not fun.  It hurts.  And, we all have 'our stuff', don't we...

Magnesium rich foods are dark chocolate, avocados, nuts, seeds, bananas, raisins and leafy greens.

I'd like to offer you [and your inner child] to investigate and 'play'.  If something comes up for you or you are reminded of something or feeling some sort of way, trust your instinct.  Trust your inner knowledge.  Listen to it and respond.  You have nothing to lose if it feels loving, right, true, doesn't hurt you or anyone and wows you.  You never know where it may lead you.

It is my hope that it leads you to a happier, deeper, better version of You.

May you play.  May you believe [know] that divine timing, intervention, information and 'ness' (divineness) is always working in your favor. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Mullet Fish

Mullet fish.

Sometimes what is below the surface goes deep.  Other times, there are things just below the surface offering us to open up to the experience presenting itself.  And then there are things on the surface or above it.  It is all about how we let our minds decipher these 'things' that create our experiences.  It is all about how deep, shallow or outright we choose and/or are able and ready to explore.

Are you where you want to be in how you create and experience your thoughts...  Are they working for you...  Are they working against you...

Are you being kind to yourself...  Is your thinking providing you peace, calm, certainty, courage and wholeness...

How do you feel throughout the day...  What is your go-to thought...  What lies underneath the way and reasoning for how you think and treat yourself and your experiences...

Is there one think you can change just now that is always uplifting more than not...

May you be aware of the the way and things you think.  How do your thoughts encourage yourself in experiencing your life...  To what extent are you open to, aware of and jumping into your chosen way of  living...

How amazing are these fish?!?!   In South Florida, USA.  A 'mullet run'.  I have never seen anything like it.  When they jump out of the water to get away from the bigger fish that want them for dinner, it is an eruption that can resemble a stadium wave.  It looks like an orchestrated dance.  

May you create and use thoughts and thinking in a way that encourages and erupts the You that You wish to be, live, experience and grow as and into.    

I can't help myself.  I just cannot let it be about the fish only.  Ha!



 Many of us are living from, through, in and even around a state of shock.   Fear presents itself.  Uncertainty is present.  Questions show up with not many answers maybe now more than ever.  

What I do know is that new and very creative ways are being born.  Awareness is growing.  We are evolving individually and collectively.  

We are breathing differently.  Wearing masks perhaps give us a keener awareness, knowledge and gratitude for our breath.

It is because of our breath that we are alive and living.  It is in our calm breath that we can hear, feel and embrace our truth more clearly. Our truth inside of ourselves. It is in an uncalm and/or sporadic breath that we can feel anxious and/or excited.  We may experience heightened alertness of what is going on inside and outside of our self.   Awareness of our truth that we accept as 'normal' or 'acceptable' as our every day way of living.

I was once taught to change one thing up.  Just one thing if I wanted to explore and participate more in my every day life.  Like get up on the opposite side of the bed.  Use my non dominant hand to do things that I use my dominant hand for naturally.  Dry myself or brush my teeth in a different way or format.  Any little thing that you choose to change up has a rippling effect to change, of change.

Right here, right now this is life; your life.  This is you living your life.  There is nothing more to expect, there is no magic feat that changes the way that human life is lived.  We all experience happy, sad, wonderful, not so wonderful,  hard, easy, alone, and together moments.  

We are supposed to.  This is the human way.  More your way than a right or wrong way.  

Let life be what it is and bring your true human spirit, soul, mind and energy into it.  

Do your best to be kind, compassionate, loving, caring, open, truthful, trusting and with and open mind and heart.  With yourself and your life and with every one and every situation you encounter; as much and as often as possible.   

This is you living your life.  So live it.  Give yourself permission to live the truest of true in everything that lives through you and in everything you live through.

Namaste.  Honor the depth of your own beingness through honoring the same possibility of depth in another.   This is where the best of us resides.  

Live within the best of - well, everything; as much and as often as possible.

You choose.  

May you choose flow, happy, free, true, your wild heart and your soulful existence.


Happy October

Happy October.  

May we let October 2020 be about opening to ownership of our own innate knowing; our truth of how we are choosing to experience our life situations; and standing firm in our purpose and reason for being.      

To, perhaps, get a better 'knowing' of what your purpose could be, answer yourself these questions:  What makes you happy...  What are you good at...  What fulfills your soul and fills you up...  

May you do and be what makes you feel most like YOUrself.

May you bring the best parts of you into October 2020 with you.  Let what no longer serves you or makes you happy stay behind.     

I wanted to write about being Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered as it is the month of Halloween and many of us have known about being bothered and bewildered these past several months and I just couldn't make it work easily.  So, perhaps, we can let go of the bother and bewilder and have some fun with the bewitching.   Ha.  

I wish for You joy, enthusiasm and a general sense of wellbeing.   

May we improve upon our relationships with ourselves, each other and what we each bring into our world.  Keep your awareness at the forefront of everything you do, say, feel, act upon and put out there; if it feels right for you to do.

The good news is that you are the only one in control of these things.  The bad news is that you are the only one that is in control of these things.    

With the color orange representing Fall, Halloween and the Sacral Chakra, much of what I offer here is about and through my knowledge of same.  

Also, this October there will be two full moons, making the second full moon a 'blue moon'.  A full moon is happening now and the second full moon will actually be on All Hallows Eve - Halloween itself.  Many of us have heard the saying 'once in a blue moon'. 

So I end this post with...

Let this month’s blue moon’s powerful folklore and magic extra highlight the magic and miracles that are Yours to live and share out.   Use it's power for your and our world's better good that comes from within, through and out of You.  

You have the power.  You have had it all along...