Coming for the Real You.

I'm hoping to share thoughts, fun and insightful information and aha moments with all to better serve ourselves and the universe.

My background is that of Executive Secretary for the local Electric company (11 years).

Certified Personal Trainer (since 1991) and Fitness Consultant for my own company, Beachin Bodies (6 years) and certified in Reiki and Nutrition with training in Cranial Sacral work, Tai Chi, and Meditation. Certified as a Professional Life Coach (2015); Minister at Universal Life Church (2016);

and, possibly, most important,

my own journey through illness and avenues, roads and roadblocks that I have taken to find the real me. (35 plus years).

The me that I was born as. The me that is the all-knowing. I believe the search is endless and we are here to learn and to love and to share it all.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


Quotes that are currently some of my favorites.

My wish is that they touch who you are and who you want to be.

"Bloom:  Allow your thoughts to bloom with power, courage and love.  Have the Courage to Be You."   Coach Barb

"We are being pushed on every level to create an external life, matching our internal vibrations.  If we are focused, acknowledge what is working for us the universe is supporting us in all its strength.  We are being reminded that we can achieve anything and that a hard work will pay off.  We need to trust ourselves and our ability to succeed.  Take on responsibility and stay grounded."  Clara at Energy Healing - 'Full moon in Capricorn'

"It took me many years to understand the depth of self-truth and love.  Unlayering all of the voices of the world to find the one that is genuine and always true is a journey worth taking."  Janet Straightarrow

"When you have peace with those who mean the most to you, you find peace within yourself."  Linda Carden

Add.  Subtract.  Multiply.  Divide.  Whatever it takes.  Create your thoughts to support and encourage the best in/of you.  Reach deep within for your innate knowing.  Reach far out to surpass any and all learned knowledge.  Go deep to be very rooted in yourself.  Use your heart, intuition and mind.  We were given both a brain and a heart.  By using everything that grows, opens, dwells and exists as You [as it feels right to you], your best intentions are realized.

May you realize all of you.  Bloom.

Full Moon June 2018

I feel extra energy;  rampant energy; sizzling energy in the air.  I feel like my adrenaline is working at a high dose level and/or on overtime. 

There is an excitement about this energy where I feel like I do not want to turn off and all I feel like doing is to find ways to best touch and participate in the betterment of all life.

Also present is a feeling of wanting to sit internal of myself and not expend too much energy externally or outside of myself. 

So as I read what I write here, I ask myself how can I connect to the betterment of all life and not be externally stimulating or provoking.  

And what feels true to me is that the more in-depth peace, love, serenity and wholeness that I can create and live from is what best provides me the ability to better support the betterment of all that is.

I may be nutty and goofy.  I may be spot on.  All I do know for sure is that this is my truth and I choose to see it; live it; feel it; and know it as my bada*s self.  !

Whether you feel nutty and goofy or spot on, as long as you are living from your own loving truth and way, may you choose to see; live; feel; and know that you are living your bada*s self.  

And that is pretty bada*s to me!  

May you honor the life that is you and carry on, create, be and share the most awesome you available in each moment, during each experience and in each breath.   

Oh the real fun is just beginning; coming up ‘to the plate’; ‘to the table; to the forefront of everything we are and do.    


Thank you to Lisa Colburn, Conscious Healings, for reminding me that being a bada*s is fun, cool, sick, and dope and I get great joy from it.  And teaching me that a ‘spiritual bada*s’ is a real thing.  She is one.  And, here and now, I want to claim that I am too.  

May you claim your own bada*sery through the best way you wish to complement our world.   


Monday, June 25, 2018

However, Whenever, Whoever, Wherever, Whatever

Life.   Live.

Live life.

However, whenever, whoever, wherever you choose.

We get one shot at living this life that we are engaged in just now.

Past.  Present.  Future.

The past is behind us and supports the why we are who we are, how we are, when we are, and where we are.

The present is only right now and how we feel in this minute can be a choice.  We can step away of our present feelings just by being aware of them and choosing different.  When we are lucky enough to be in this present moment and enjoy the way we are feeling, then why not be aware of this too and know how awesome of a 'job' we did to make this so.

The future is ours to live; maybe.  We can plan; we can do tasks to grow into the future that we want to create.  We can dream, imagine and even become what we are dreaming and imagining.  Sometimes, what we dream and imagine doesn't quite come to fruition and it is at this point and time that we, again, can choose how we live and process through this chance of each day that we are allotted.

I've heard some say that this is life.  Nothing more and nothing less.

I've heard some say it is only life.

I've heard some say this is your life, take it seriously.

I've heard some ask what are you going to do with your life.

I've seen some 'play it out' and respond accordingly.

The things that may matter most, perhaps, is the how, the when, the who, the where and the what.

Perhaps, in each moment, these are choices that we make whether we are aware of them or not.  Maybe our consciousness is involved.  Maybe it is not.  Sometimes, the subconscious is the creator of the moment.

And, as in the book, "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, living in awareness of this present moment is, maybe, the greatest thing we can choose to do.

Blink our eyes and the moment is gone.

Choose your how you want to feel and/or do things.  Choose your when you best want to participate.  Choose with whom (or alone) you want to share with.  Choose your where you want to be preside.  Choose your what that crosses the barriers of the moments with you.

It is your life; your choice.   This way of living your life is a choice all its own.

Sometimes, choices are easy to make.  Other times, we get out of our own 'inner knowing' and stall for whatever reason.  Sometimes, we completely cannot grasp the situation and we ride it out the best we can.

It is all living.  It is all life.  It is all your life that you are living.  It is all okay.  It is all a path.

What if this is the plan that we are born with.  What if this is the way it is supposed to be.  What if exactly where you are now; what you are doing; who you are with; when it happens; and how you feel is exactly the way it is supposed to be.

What if we just accepted it all...

Just ride it out, participate with your truth through the experience of you.

I'd like to think it is enough.  I'd like to think the life inside of us is the life we are meant to live.  The life outside of us connected to the life inside of us is exactly the experience we are supposed to have.

It is supposed to be exactly as it is.  And, we can grow and become different if we don't quite love it.  We can see things differently.  We can do things differently.  We can be with different people.  We can change what we want.  We can choose our response to what is.

We have a brain and a heart.  When we incorporate them both, along with our spirit we choose from who we are, what we know, what we do; when, why, how, what and with whom.

We are all traveling through our lives.

Best we can wish for is balance, awareness of choices, comfort, fulfillment and being.  With this, comes exiting times.  With this, comes challenging times.

This is your life.  This is your now.

What are you going to do with it...

How are you going to let yourself experience your life...

Miserable and unhappy.  Happy and grateful.

And everything in between.

If you are lucky like I have been, I've experienced greatness.  I've experienced great pain.  I have lived thus far.

I stand open arms to the sky believing that life is magic and there is magic in me.

Sure, I know great fear.  I know uncertainty.  I know that I don't know.

And, I trust the process of my life.  I trust myself to know when I need to know most.  I trust that I am okay with experiencing my life the way that I do and the way that it shows up and the way that I am meant to.

I can choose to connect to peace in this moment knowing this.

May you know that you can choose whatever, wherever, whoever, whenever, however your choices show up for you to be made.  

May you do it with your arms up to the sky, open heart and mind, spirit present and choose the choice(s) that feels most right on/in you in this moment.

You are living you right now.  Notice your breath.

May you bring the present of You to each present moment and believe in the awesomeness of your life.

What if it is all really purposeful and your greatest purpose is bringing your own unique superpower (you) to the present moment; from your past into your future.

Life.  Live.  Allow.  Present.  Open and expanded.  Love on and enhanced.  Love going inward to you and outward to all that is.

Oh, the magic of you is beautiful.   You are beautiful.

I bow my head in wonder, amazement, honor and great hope of all of us connecting to the greatest peace and utility ever lived/demonstrated.

May you WOW yourself.  


Sunday, June 24, 2018

Unpain Yourself

I am ready to sit in my pain because that is where I find my true and best self.

I am ready to sit in my pain because that is where I am.

I am ready to sit in my pain because that is where my true, best and whole self resides.

I am ready to sit in my pain because that is where I find myself.

I am ready to live all of me.

I am ready to set myself free.

In this I am fulfilled.

May you sit in your own pain and allow, know and be your whole self.

May you go 'home' to you.

May you grow yourself complete; again and again and again.

May you fulfill all that you are.

May you open up to your full self.

May you let yourself free.

May you know fulfillment.

May you 'unpain' yourself.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


Love.   What does it mean to you...

We talk, hear, read, desire, etc. love and, yet, do we know what it means.  I think it may mean different things to different people.

To me, it means to support another to be the best person and live the best life that another can be and live from their own internal knowing.  This is love to me.

I am reminded today, being Father's Day, that a family doesn't always consist of a mom, dad and child or children.

It can consist of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, beloved friends and our pets/animals.

It can consist of two moms or two dads.  It can consist of a mom with her childhood family.  It can consist of an older son with his father.  It can consist of a brother and a sister.   There are so many ways a family can be built.

And, the building block of family is love.   Love is what pulls us, connects us, convinces us to gather together and call ourselves family.  I think it is a most beautiful thing.

I am thinking of love today.   What it means, what it consists of, what it does, what it feels like.  Love gives.  Love is receiving.

If I want to share anything with you today; it is this...   LOVE.

In everything you do

May you ask yourself what is the most loving thing you can do or say in this moment and may you do/say this.

Live from love.  Let love.  Be love.  Share love.   Carry love.

May you let love always be present in your thoughts and actions.  

As we all live doing, saying, and being loving, may we all open to love.

Grow love.  Grow in love.  Repeat.

Love is the answer.

May you open your beautiful heart to your own beautiful love and sprinkle it out (and in) with everything that you experience.

Experience love.  Let each experience be from love; your love.

Happy Father's Day 2018

Happy Father’s Day to all the men who give of themselves to the(ir) children.  You teach strength, work ethic, crazy fun, morals, perseverance, unselfishness and humanity.  Your strength to show vulnerability, truth, love, admiration and courage makes the wholeness of you the greatest gift you can give your children; your family.   We honor you every day and especially today.   We thank you and appreciate you for all your sacrifice and your one of a kind weight bearing shoulders.   You are amazing, creative and exciting.   Because of you, your family - your people - feel safe and empowered.   Happy Father’s Day to all the people that fulfill this role to the best of your ability.  You are true Champions.   Thank You from all of us who reap the gift of your love and wizardry (cleverness and finesse) through every day life.    We celebrate you!

May you celebrate yourself.  Be easy and loving and give the gift of you to You today.  

Thank you.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Feelings... Oh Oh Oh Feelings...

This week has been an interesting week where my own feelings are loud and it feels like they are 'uncatchable'.

I can't understand them or put reason to them.  I don't even feel like I want to.  However, they are vibrant, pulsating and present.

They travel in me, through me, around me and, again, I feel like it is impossible to grasp them all.

It is an uncomfortable feeling.  It is an unusual feeling.  It is a feeling that I really don't know how to share or write about.

I sit heavily with this.  I feel like I am being heavily weighed down and, yet, I don't feel bothered by it.  I almost feel carefree.

Nothing is harassing me.  Nothing is pushing me.  Nothing is challenging me.  It just IS.

There is a freedom here.   There is, perhaps, growth occurring.  Perhaps, I could say that I am lost in the spirit of myself and I am fine.

Not fine in a way that I am happy go lucky.   Fine in a way that I know everything is okay and everything is as it is supposed to be.

The great changes around me that I am experiencing are outside of myself; outside of my grasp; and outside of my control.  And, yet, they are also all a part of me too.

I sit in LOVE.  I send love to everything that is pretty much out of my control which is pretty much everything.

All I can control is my reaction and sometimes controlling my reaction seems uncontrollable.

We live in a world of transposing, transporting, transmitting, and transgression.  We are seeing, feeling, knowing more transparency and transference along with transformation.  We are learning more about our own and the world's transmissivity (a measure of the ability of a material or medium to transmit electromagnetic energy, as light (

This is a huge and impressionable time for all of us.

May you meet your life (and yourself) where it is at.  May you trust yourself knowing no matter what comes your way, you will live through it as you - as you with love, peace and harmony in your being as much and as often as possible.

Bring the true you forward and out and function from this depth of knowing who you are; what you want, what you know, and what you feel.

May you just allow you to happen.  

In this, individually, together we just may create the best world possible for us all.  Woot Woot  !

It is my greatest wish of my lifetime.   To live in synchronicity, support, through spirit via a substantial spark.  The spark that is within all of us that gives us life.   May it teach us to do life together.

Oh yes I went here...   Hmm.   Ha.  Doing it.  Doing me.

May you go 'there'.  Hmm.  Ha.  Doing it.  Doing you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Cold, Warm, Hot

We all have our moments.  Moments of joy; moments of frustration; moments of living deeply in the unknown.

When I live from moment to moment and bring my true self into each moment, life seems most grand.  I feel most fulfilled.

I went to the hair stylist today telling her I needed some spunk; some sass.  What I got was some 'pink' color added to my blonde hair.  I'm not 100% comfortable with it and I have been thinking about doing this for some time now.

It does bring forth the child in me.  It does bring a reminder of playfulness to me.   It does bring a bit of excitement.  It does help connect me to my own vibrancy.

Pink hair cannot change moments.  Pink hair can change how I perceive and 'play out' moments but only if I open up to it and allow it to be so.  One doesn't need pink hair for this.

May you allow the playfulness part of you to come forth and be playful.

All we have are these individual moments and what we choose [and how we perceive] to process them is 100% up to us.  

Do what is inside of you to do.   Play with what you wish to be playful with.  Sing.  Dance.  Run.  Be silly.  Bring everything that is sitting inside of you trying to get your attention to the forefront of your life.  It is not there just because.  Perhaps, it is there because it is calling you - it is your calling for what is possible to come next.

Give yourself freedom to be, live, share, invite, open up to the spunk and sass that is You(rs).

Get on with your sassy self.  May you have plenty moments where your spunk is prevalent and you are so dope that you can feel nothing but freeing joy that ignites your flame.

May you get to know the spirit and soulfulness of your own playful side and let it spontaneous combust; so to speak...  !

It is okay to be cold, warm and hot.  Hot as fire. Warm as a tropical ocean.  Cold as a ski slope.  It is, perhaps, in these individual 'temperatures' that we can explore our own totality and true nature.

May you let the true nature of you rise.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Weird or Exciting or...

I have been having very interesting and unusual sleep patterns.  They have been sporadic, deep, evasive and maybe a bit invasive as well.

Some interesting and/or weird; some bizzare and/or healing; some out there and/or productive...

Perhaps, there is no need to label things.  Perhaps, things are just what they are; as they are and that is that.

I am not 100%, without a doubt, certain which 'label' is correct or if any label is necessary.

I have been telling myself that I am weird for too long; just maybe.

I sleep and, yet I'm awakened and aware of thoughts and requests from my own mind.  I hear myself asking that this 'quiet time' be my 'healing time'.   I have asked for my blood circulation to work wonderfully.  I have thought that doing movement in my mind - like exercising in my mind - would possibly be productive.  I have woken up to itching on my back neck 'knowing' that my body's blood circulation was reaching there fully for the first time since my teens.

Last night I woke to myself  'pulling the mask off of my face'.  I imagined portions at a time.  Horizontally and vertically.  Absolutely taking the mask-like skin off of my face to show the real, true, authentic and 'best of me' face.  I remember peeling it away knowing that I was pulling my mask off.  I just knew then that it was really happening and such a gift and miracle was being given to myself.

I usually take my pulse when I awake.  It usually takes me the first minute that I put the effort into counting my beats per minute.  This morning it took me a whole 30 minutes to complete the counting and I didn't get bothered or frustrated as I couldn't seem to conclude the count and continued to start over and over and over again.  I know the minutes were at :38 when I started and when I stopped the minutes read :12.

Time is evasive right now.  Days are lost.  Minutes are seconds.  Hours are minutes; etc. etc.   Time sure feels different.

May you let what is happening, happen for you.  May you trust what is happening is what is best to happen.  May you not judge.  May you ask for what you want.  May you believe that you can get what you have been working towards.  May you believe that what you want is yours to have.  May you believe that what you get is for your very best growth into your very best self as life is today.

If you think something is weird, but yet weird feels great, real and, possibly even, awesome, may you let weird happen.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


The eldest female and the eldest male in a family can be known as matriarch and patriarch, respectively.

I used to be very far away from this being me.  I'm not so far away now.  Most of my elders are deceased and if it wasn't for my sister and sister-in-law, it would be my title.

When I was young, I felt it would always be this way.  I knew that I was going to age, but to understand what that really meant did not become meaningful until I have arrived.  I am still young.  I am not young young.   Ha.  Oh my.

It was so nice to be able to pick up the phone and call my mom or my aunt.  It was wonderful talking on the telephone to my mother-in-law at 3:00 in the morning if we were both awake.  Their wisdom was so valuable.  Their love priceless.

To know that I could call and they would be there and drop everything to be willing to talk to me made me feel so loved, important and heard.  It was such a gift.  It is such a gift.

I miss this greatest of gifts.  I talk to them still, however, I cannot hear their voice.  I can only 'hear' their response in my own mind.  I can only see them in my dreams.  I can only remember what it was like to have their uncompromised attention and love.

Now I am the elder and my younger nieces, nephews, grandniece and my precious daughter are reaching out to me and telling me their stories of concern, accomplishments and ideas.  I love it.  I love it when they reach out to me.  I love it when they want to talk to me; share with me.  I love it no matter what I am doing or what time of the day, or night, it is. I love hearing about their lives.  I am so very proud of ALL of them.  I hope my elders were proud of me.

I am still getting used to skype just because I look different than I am on it...  They look exactly the same.  Bahahahaha

I remember growing up and us 'kids' saying just watch one day we will be able to talk to each other and see each other.  A lot of us thought, I hope not.  Ha.

With matriarch-ism, comes many new lessons; bending with new ways; being 'hip' or is it now called 'sick', thinking and responding as they teach me to.  Keeping up with the modern dialogs and the latest trends.  What a hoot.

I cannot imagine what life will be like when they are the elders.  I hope their challenges will be easier than some of what the elders of the past and present went/go through.

And, if not easier - because it is not supposed to be so - then it is my hope that they will have the knowledge of and the ease of acquiring every tool that is within themselves to allow gentle strength, trust and boundless love to guide them.

I want to believe - almost need to believe - that this is the direction our world [as a whole] is going.  That love wins.  That hate diminishes.  That support provides.  That living creatures' honorable connection to each other increases and prevails.

I have no idea why I got on this subject or why I went in this direction.  It is what came up so I'm honoring it by going with it.  

I like where it is ending.

That the future I see is one of honor, boundless love, deep living connection and respect for every living thing in and of this vast universe.  Harmony.  Peace.  Support.  Always being there for one another in whatever time, capacity and trial and/or tribute that arises.

Can I get a silent Amen... putting your beautiful and positive sight for the future up and out into the creative energies to be.  Perhaps, honoring same and bowing your head...  Really believing it true, possible and being created.

Spiritual Healing of our World ON...  Thank you for bringing you; the worshiper in you, into the 'mix'...

Amen.  And so it is.

From an internal hug to a family hug to a country hug to a world hug to an entire universal hug...  Yes we can.  It starts with You.  You are that amazing; important, and, as you offer from the depth of your love, your uniqueness needs to be heard.

No Words

I have no words to speak.  No words to type.  No wisdom or moments to share.  I come here as I am home alone and there is a lovely rain storm outside and I wonder what could come from me stopping in...   Ha.

Waking up.  I see people telling people to wake up.  I think what they mean by it is to become enlightened.  To see reality and live in it.

We can all see the same things and have different realities.  Let us honor each other's reality.  Perhaps, even be open to hearing it and exploring it.  

I say we are all doing the best that we can from where we are, who we are, where we have been, what we know and where we are going.  I say be true to yourself and live from this truth and it is the best one can do.  And, it's pretty wonderful.  Not easy, not always fun.  And, living in one's truth out loud is exceptional because we are living in it anyway to pretend otherwise prolongs the dis-ease of it.

I wake up every morning - and it takes me awhile - and I hear myself saying I wonder what today will bring and I know it is going to be a good day.  I know deep within that my goal is to bring my truth into what the day shows me and flow and love as best I can.

I wake up to my fingers ever so gently contracting and expanding.  I've been doing this for a couple of months now and it came on its own.  I tell myself it is my hands wanting their part of my circulation system and this is their way of asking for it.  I don't know what will come of it.  I will honor it and think it is a good thing...  because this is how I am choosing to roll just now.

May you meet yourself where you are at.  Honor yourself and your situation.  Be open to its lessons.  Know your immediate goal and remind yourself of it if confusion threatens.  Reset your potential to reach this goal.  Reset your goal anytime you wish.  

No words are necessary sometimes.  You may choose to participate by just being; just allowing; just honoring.

May you flow with what is and bring your truth to this flow.  In this, you are living in fulfillment.  You are fulfilling your present by being present to the situation as you.

How you choose to see it, think about it, be in it and live through it is a choice.  May you choose your own peace as often and as much as possible.

Peace in.  Peace out.


Monday, June 4, 2018


Something is telling me to do a post on 'light'.  I don't know if it is about being the opposite of heavy or if it means a light bulb or fixture or about one's own light from within.

I just keep hearing the word 'lite' in my mind.

I sit at the computer and start typing.  I have no idea or clue as to where this is going to lead.  I know the last post I did had the word 'heavy' in the title.  I know it has felt heavy talking to people about life.  The rain has been heavy for over two weeks in a row.  I want to lighten up.  I have been thinking about getting a light pink added to my hair color.

As I sit here I see nite lights, fountain lights, landscaping lights.  There is a light above my head in the middle of the ceiling fan.

I hear the light trickle of the fountain water making its way through the cycle that the pump creates to keep it flowing.

I'm thinking about eating some delicious and juicy cherries when I am done here.  They are what I could consider a light food.   Ha.   lol

My phone sits next to me here on the desk.  The screen is dark as the phone is quiet.

I want to offer some enlightening words to help support you in lightening up your own world.

I believe as we individually, together do better; create better; live more fulfilled and share the best of ourselves, our whole world will light up so bright and its vibration will rock us all into a peaceful state of being -- like a mother rocking her baby to slumber.

As we lighten up on ourselves, we lighten up on each other.  There is no other way but to individually, together create a oneness of being supportive, helpful, fulfilled and empower one another through love.  No more war, putting another down, hate, or ugliness.

I wish to live in a world where the brightest thing we share is our own loving/lovable soul.

As we live through our souls, we light up our own lives and light up each other's lives.  This would be da bomb.  The type of bomb I would like to see explode; exploding with loving light.

So, as you do you today, may you think of the light inside of you.  The light you wish to surround you.  The light that shows you your best path forward.  The lightness of you.

May you own your own light and empower it to shine as it is meant to.  Own who you are.  Let you be free.  Let what makes you joyful burst forth.  No holding back.  Let who you are, from the depth of yourself and where you connect with your higher power, shine out.

Imagine if you were only light, what color would you be...  what color would you want to be.  Aim for this.

Light up your light.  Lighten up.  Just for this moment, feel the lightness of being free to live the life that inside of you to live.

What is one thing that you can do right now to support the best and happiest part of you that makes you lighter and brighter...

May you give yourself permission to lighten up and do one thing that you have been wanting to do that comes from connecting to your own heart and soul.  You are free to do it.  What would it be...  Be this light for yourself.

How admirable.  How inspiring.  How lovely.  How awesome.

Travel in the light of you.   "You know you got it if it makes you feel good."

Lovingly get it.  My wish for You.

Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Relax your shoulders.  Feel the ground underneath you supporting you.  Relax into you.  Do something outrageously fun.  Do you.   Do it honorably, lovingly and, hopefully, with much belly laughter.

May you enjoy your own joy.  You are the creator of everything that is you.  May you create yourself alight.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

It Is Heavy

Heavy.   There is a lot of what feels like heaviness upon many of us just now.

There is change happening all around us, within us and between us.

The weather is not as predictable as it used to be.  We are seeing extremes.  Perhaps, we are being taught to feel safe in unpredictability; change; with the unknown, the uncommon and the new.

The computer has so much information in it that even if we lived forever, we would never be able to take it all in, adjust, adhere and/or understand it all.  Never ever.

Millenials were taught to speak up, be seen, be heard, you matter.  A lot of this generation were the first that were not taught that children should be seen and not heard.  Quite the contrary even.

While, apparently, there were same sex people having relations and wanting to marry; there were unwedded pregnancies; there was abuse going on between ‘loved ones’; drug use has been around a long time; universe supporters were called voodoo or wacky (people that connect to the unproven or not seen; just by their own experiences); society was not always vocal about it.

Family does not just consist of  a mom and dad and children.  'Family' is becoming [even] more about love, support and having our own unique goals that are not questioned but supported.  Society; especially the millenials, are less afraid to speak and live their truth and this is creating new norms in relation to how we see and accept the world.  Brilliant, perhaps.   Life changing.  Life altering.   Heavy and in fabulous propensity.

So, if you feel yourself being weighed down by something just know that it may be supporting you to change and or adapt; it is just your time to live in this cycle of life; it is here to teach you a better way; and/or it is the best time ever urging you forward to delve into and live from your truth as truth does set us free.

To speak it is to lessen its power.  To hide it [under the rug] is to request it to 'knock' harder.

These 'heavy' things will not quickly and easily go away by themselves.  As we ignore what we don't want to deal with, it becomes louder until we do not have a choice.  As we deal with what weighs on us, we open new doors, windows and/or paths and the marvelousness of this is quite shattering to the heaviness.

May you shatter what is heavy in your life by paying attention; responding in your best possible and current way; walking through it and dealing with it head on.  

Truth is truth whether we acknowledge it or not.  Truth doesn't change because we bury or ignore it.  Truth remains truth until we walk in it and let the change of it happen.

Baby steps allowed.  One step at a time in whatever order is allowed.  A complete revision is allowed.  A new look at the same old thing is allowed.

Whatever gets you through the heavy times, it is alright.  When we live from love, kindness and gentleness, life feels more loving, kind and gentle.

What you put out is what you create.  Get your gusto on.  Let your gutso be full of your own stamina, joy, experiences, hope and resolve to let go and/or recreate the heavy to light. Your light.  Let ease and trust be yours as you live through what is yours to live and experience.  Know your current goal and focus on that.

You know best. You do it best.  Your truth lived is best.  Your love present is best.  Your optimism is best.  Your 'lack' will show up and not denying this lack will bring you your unique path presently, currently and in favor of You.

May you live your life in favor of what you know with openness into the experience of everything within you and around you.

It is not always what shows up as the journey that is heavy - it is our resistance to what shows up as our journey that can really weigh us down.

May you accept what shows up and invite your own light(ness) to help you through it.

Friday, June 1, 2018

From Here to There

We are certainly not where we are going.   We are certainly not where we have been.  We are where we are now and in this now is the only true place that we can live in; be present to; be in existence with.

With this, we can choose to let go of the past and know that we are better when we live from this current place of being and of what we are feeling.  When we allow 'what is' to present itself and we bring our true and whole self into it, we create the best path(s) forward.

With this, we can be honest with ourselves, and others, and from this honest and out loud place, we become free to create from the truth of who we are.   We are living it anyway.  So to acknowledge, participate and be mindful of what is within us, around us and showing itself to us, we have the best opportunity to live our fullest, truest, and greatest of self possible.

We can be fulfilled.

May you be fulfilled.

May you allow fulfillment.

May you fill yourself up with the life that is currently available to you.  Make the best, create some joy and share your love with yourself and others.  

From here to there.   We live from here to there and there to here.   This is the stable journey.  Always coming home to the self.  Always venture out from this self and let the adventure of life live through you; as who, what, and where you are.

I wish you fulfilled adventures by just being who you are...

See, easy peasy...

May you let the joy of You fill you up.  When you can't easily connect to your joy, connect to your fulfillment by living the truth of you through whatever it is life is offering and showing up as.

I  believe in you.
